Location: Ewhurst, Sussex, England

Surnames/tags: Crisford Sussex
Thomas was known as Thomas the Elder of Ewhurst.
He was the husband of Joane widow who died in 1621, see her will.
The following is my transcription of his last will and testament. It is a literal transcription and any unknown words are in square brackets.
The surname Chrisford is interchangeable with Crisford, Kersforde and Kyrsforth.
Last Will and Testament of Thomas Chrisford the Elder of Ewhurst
In the name of god amen the first day of March in the year of the lord god one thousand six
hundred and nineteen I Thomas Chrisford the elder of Ewhurst in the County of Sussex of good
and perfect memory god be praised for it do ordain and make this my last will and testament
in manner and forme following first and principle (sic) I bequeath my soul into the hands of the
almighty god my maker and redeemer & my bodye buried in a decent place of [exprand?]
burial Item I give to the poore of the parish of Ewhurst vi iiij d to be distributed by my executrix
at the time of my burial Item I give and bequeath to John Chrisford my son the some (sum) of
Thirtye pounds of lawful money to be paid within one year next after my decease Item I give
more to the said John one bedstead one feather bed one bolster two blankets one covlett one
payer of sheets Ien I give to Thomas my son the some (sum) of five pounds of lawful money of
England to be paid to him when he shall accomplish the age of twentye years Item my will is
that there shall remayne [and stundrns?] to the [Eowft?] I now divide in the format now sett up
and the two tables and the frames standing in the halle and plor (parlor?) Item I give to Mary
Wibley my daughter the some of ten pounds of lawful mony to be paid [recind?] one year after
my decease Item I give more to the said Mary the life some of t [?] pounds to be paid to her
heirs and assigns [wtfind?] one quarter of a year after the decease of my wife Joane my wife
Item I give to Elizabeth my daughter the [---missing text---] Item I give to Bridgett my daughter
the some of five pounds of lawful money to be paid to her [resend?] she shall accomplish her
age of sixteen years or age of marriage which shall first happen Item I give to Alice my daughter
the some of fortye shillings to be paid to her at age of sixteene years or day of her marriage
whichever first happen It(em) I give to Thomas Wibley son of my daughter Mary the some of
three pounds of lawful mony to be paid within two years after my decease which mony my
minde it shall be paid be paid to John Wibley father of the said Thomas and by him to be put
out to and for the benefit of the said Thomas until his age of xxi years & then to be paid [noy]
ye [xsitt] years all the rest of my goods & chattel not before given nor given after otherwise
bequeathed m(y) debts & funeral expenses discharged I give to Joane my wife [nohome] I
make S(ole) Executrix of this my last will and testament I have given to sett my hande and seale.
Signed Thomas Kersford
Witnessed by
William Muddle
Stephen Iden
Thomas Pooke
Transcribed by Colin Hewitt November 2021
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