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Sweden Categorisation

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Swedenmap
Surnames/tags: Sweden Categories
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This page contains an explanation of the structure for the Categories associated with Project Sweden as well as some instructions.
Denna sidan innehåller förklaring till strukturen för kategorierna i Project Sweden samt några instruktioner.

Also see the category for Category: Sweden, Geographical Regions


Category Instructions

These are some "ground rules" for categories (at least since 2020).

  • No categories should use ref tags (<ref> </ref> or <references/>)
  • No categories should use headings of any level (== Level 1 Heading == or === Level 2 Heading === etc.)
  • No categories should have a divider/horisontal line at the beginning or end of text.
  • All categories should have a brief description and/or state the purpose of the category so the user can be sure it would be the correct category to add to a profile. This text should be at least 50 characters long.
However, please do not add to much info! If there is much info about the topic of the category, create a free-space profile with the information and add a link to the free-space profile in the category text.

All of the above will generate an error for the Categorisation Project.

Correct location category to add Swedish profiles

Profiles should always be placed in the lowest location category possible. That usually means the parish category where the person was born, married, lived for a long time, or died. It should never be the country, province, county or hundred.

Sometimes even a smaller category within the parish can be used. This could be the farm, croft or village. It should not be a specific street address and number, that info belongs in the biography of the profile.

Swedish Place Categories

Provinces (in Swedish: landskap)

The provinces in Sweden are very old geographical areas, older than the counties. They no longer serve any administrative or juridical function.

The parent category for provinces are Category: Provinces, Sweden and the geographical region (landsdel) to which they belong.

See Provinces, Sweden
Se Landskap, Sverige

Hundreds (in Swedish: härad)

Hundreds are also a very old term, used even before the counties came to be. They were judicial districts (before 1866), and each hundred comprised a number of parishes. The hundred served as a military division, the court of the first instance as well as electoral constituency (1436-1866).

The hundreds should have both the province and county as parent category (the county used before the merges of counties in the 21st Century).

See Hundreds, Sweden
Se Härader, Sverige

Counties (in Swedish: län)

The counties began to be used in the 1600's. The number and borders of the counties have more or less been the same since 1810, but three major changes have been made since the 1960's. In 1968 the city of Stockholm and the county of Stockholm were merged into Stockholm County. In 1997 the counties of Kristianstad and Malmöhus were merged into Skåne County, and in 1998 Göteborg and Bohus County, Älvsborg County and Skaraborg County were merged into Västra Götaland County.

The counties all have the parent category Category: Counties, Sweden. They could also have a parent category for the province they are located in.

See Counties, Sweden for more info on Counties.
Se Län, Sverige för mer information om län.

Parish Categories

Parish categories consist of parish names and the country letter within parenthesis. Example: Category:Kila (D)

These categories should have a parish county category as parent category, example Category: Parishes, Södermanland as well as Category:Parishes, Sweden which lists all Swedish parishes A-Ö.

Other examples of parent categories for the parishes can be the hundreds they belonged to as well as the municipalities they have been part of.

Farms, crofts and villages

Name of farm, croft or village + name of parish + county letter within parenthesis. Example: Gårdstenstorp, Kila (D)

These categories have the parish category as the parent category.

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  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

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Hej Lena!

Om detta skall vara en "officiell" sida för Sverigeprojektet bör projektet vara manager för sidan och vara de som gör ändringar. Kan du lägga till projektet som manager?

posted by Maggie Andersson
Stort tack för hjälpen!


posted by Maggie Andersson