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Szuniewicz roots

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Surname/tag: Ukraine
Profile manager: Betsy Smith private message [send private message]
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Right now this project just has one member, me. I am Betsy Smith.

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.

  • I can find absolutely no information specific to my gf Michalko(Michael) Szuniewicz (Suniewick). Where do I start?

I'm trying to switch to Wikitree from ancestry.com but not sure how to upload everything I have.

  • Thanks, Betsy

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Hello Betsy! I have just updated the profile on Michael to include him in the category for the village where he was from. Holoskowice is found presently in the Lviv Oblast of Ukraine. Prior to WWI it was considered Holoskowice, Brody District, Galicia, Austria.

If he was Polish you would look to Ponikwa for Roman Catholic records, if he was Ukrainian you would look to Holoskowice for records, and if he was Jewish you would look to Brody for records. The free space page for Galicia has several links to online archives. You will want to enter in the village name for which church he was affiliated when doing your search. I also recommend finding all churches surrounding the area of Holoskowice and researching them as well. Everything you need to know is here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Galicia.

posted by Skye Sonczalla
He came to the USA in 1906 via Hamburg. DOB 1887 from Holoskowice, which is either Ukrane or Austria. We think he had a brother. Went to West Virginia to be a coal miner, then to New Jersey.
posted by Betsy (Revell) Smith