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- m. Sarah (N), lived in Annimessex, Somerset Co., MD.
- Thomas Davis came from Wales and settled in Worchester and died at age of one hundred and twelve years. {Autobiography of Judge Isaac Davis}
- Thomas Davis of Annimessex., Somerset Co., MD d. leaving a will made 23 Oct 1715, proved 23 Mar 1715/6, mentioning heirs: son Thomas, upper part of Unduce, on Davis Inlet, and 150 a., Long Town; son John, lower part of Unduce, and 100 a., -, bought of Jno. Carter; wife Sarah, extx., Waterford, in Marrumscoe, and personalty. Witnessed by Thos. Stockwell, Jno. Cullin, Abraham Trice, Rich'd Barnes, Sarah Martin. {MWB[1] 14:137}
- Thomas Davis Sr. and Sarah were the parents of THOMAS; JOHN.
- possible son of Thomas (1) Davis.
- Thomas Davis lived and died in Worcester Co., MD. He has eight sons and two daughters, the eldest of which was Saul Davis, died on the Mississippi, age ninety years, Thomas Davis, Jr. died at about eighty years of age. {Autobiography of Judge Isaac Davis}
- Thomas Davis was the father of SAUL; JEHU; probably MOSES.
- son of Thomas (2) Davis, m. Rhoda Laws.
- Jehu Davis (1738-1801), son of Thomas Davis, was born in Somerset County, MD., moved to Sussex Co., then to Kent Co., DE. {Autobiography of Judge Isaac Davis Hart: 12, The Laws Family}
- Jehu Davis b. 1738 in Worcester Co., MD, d. 1801, buried in Savannah (Christ's Church near Milford, DE. (Cemetery has been paved over.) {Delaware Governors 1777-1801; Russell S. Pickett}[2]
- In a deed dated 30 Oct 1765, John Cox of Mispillion Hundred Kent Co. yeoman for 167 pounds 10 shillings sold to John Davis late of Worcester Co. MD but now of Mispillion Hundred Kent Co. taylor ... a tract of land in Mispillion Hundred part of a larger tract called Wheatfield ... 225 a. {KEDELR[3] R:83}
- On 23 Nov 1772, an indenture was made between Jehu Davis of Kent on Delaware, taylor, and Rhoda, his wife and Archibbald McSparran, same place, yeoman. Consideration of two pounds five shillings convey a parcel of cripple on small branch falling into Clark's Brook ... part of land purchased by Davis of John Cox. Beginning by an old dam made by James Lacey, dec d .. .laid off for two acres thirty five perches. {KEDELR[3] V: 37}
- Jehu Davis, Speaker of the House, served as Governor from 29 March 1789 to 2 June 1789 upon the death of Governor Thomas Collins. {Delaware Governors 1777-1801; Russell S. Pickett}[2]
- Jehu Davis of Kent Co. d leaving a will dated 1 Jan 1800, proved 17 Jun 1801. Heirs: Wife, one Negro boy named Lige; one Negro girl named Kitty; son Isaac; dau Sarah Clark; one Negro woman named Peg; son John lands called McSparrans together with 6 1/2 a. on the ne side of the co. road adj 9 1/2 a. bought of Elias Mason & lands of Cox, one Negro boy named Adam; son Henry my home place together with four Negroes namely Bob, George, Stephen & Peter; dau Rhoda Hill one Negro boy named Dick, one Negro boy named Dave, one Negro girl named Mint; dau Nancy Hazzard one Negro man named Jacob, one Negro boy named Charles. Executor: Son Henry with this injunction on my son Henry that if a certain Negro man Jim & a Negro woman Sal, whom I desire should be free at my death or either of them should through infirmity of old age, sickness or any unavoidable providence of God be disabled from supporting themselves that in such case the said Henry shall contribute to the necessity & relief of said Negroes. Witnessed by Elias Shockley, John Williams, Benjamin Yoe. On 16 Jun 1801 Isaac Davis the legate mentioned renounce the said legacy. Prob: by Isaac Davis register of wills. Letters of Testamentary granted unto Henry Davis who being sworn gave bond with John Davis his surety. {Reg of Wills (Kent Co) O:28}
- Jehu Davis and Rhoda Laws was the father of ISAAC b. 1765. d. 1856; JOHN b. 1775, m. Betsy Hill; HENRY, m. Lallie Hill; SARAH b. 1769, d. 1790, m. John Clark ; RHODA ; NANCY, m. (N) Hazzard; JOSHUA d. young; WILLIAM d. young. {Delaware Governors 1777-1801 ; Russell S. Pickett}[2]
- probable son of Thomas (2) Davis, Jr., m. Elizabeth (N). Elizabeth later m. Caleb Tucker.
- On 13th day, 11th mo., 1770, John Tucker of Kent on Delaware, yeoman, and his wife Margaret conveyed to Moses Daviss late of Worcester Co., MD, blacksmith. Rachel Wharton, John Warder and William Hudson, by deed 21st day, 10th mo., 1740, to Nathaniel Tumbling a parcel of land in Mispillion Hundred, part of a tract called Fairfield and so seized devised tract equally to two daus.: Mary and above Margaret who became legally seized of one moiety. 153 .34 a, fir £300. {KEDELR[3] T:26}
- Moses Davis d. leaving a will dated 13 May 1772, proved 29 June 1772. Heir: son Abisha. Admx, wife Elizabeth. Witnessed by Jehu Davis, Caleb Davis, Caleb Tucker. {KCP[4] Arch. A13: 42-45; Reg. of Wills (Kent Co.) L: 115} Note: Will mentions wife and other children unnamed. {KCP[4] Arch. A13:43} shows that Elizabeth Davis married Caleb Tucker; {page 44} shows this acct. later administered by Jehu Davis; also mentions heirs, minor children Ann & Elizabeth Davis; {page 45} mentions heirs, Abisha, Mary, Leah & Thomas Davis.
- In the petition dated Feb 1773, Jehu Daviss guardian to Abishai Daviss minor son of Moses Daviss dec' d. sheweth that your petitioner prays the Court to lay off unto Elizabeth the relict of the said Moses Daviss (now intermarried with Caleb Tucker) her dower in the land of the said Moses Daviss. The freeholders laid off the land adj John Tucker, Wm Beauchamp & Joseph Nickolds dec'd. He also prays the Court to appoint some proper person to be guardian to Mary Davis who is one of the daus of the afsd Moses Davis dec'd. and who is under the age of 14. Guardianship given to Saul Davis. Your petitioner prays the Court to appoint some proper person guardian to said minors Elizabeth and Ann Davis who are both under the age of 14. {Kent Co. Guardian Acc'ts C-E}
- In the petition dated 26 Nov 1773, Jehu Davis sheweth that Moses Davis late of Kent Co. was seized in land in Mispillion Hundred and being so seized died intestate leaving a widow and sundry children, viz, Elizabeth the widow who is since intermarried with Caleb Tucker, Abisha, Noble, Mary, Elizabeth, Leah and Ann Davis children of the intestate. All the children hath had guardians appointed for them except the said Leath Davis. He prays the Court to appoint some proper person her guardian. {Kent Co. Guardian Acc'ts C-E}
- Moses Davis and Elizabeth (N) were the parents of ABISHA (ABISHAL); NOBLE; MARY; ELIZABETH; LEAH (LEATH); ANN; THOMAS.
- b. 20 Feb 1765, d. 30 March 1856, son of Jehu (3) Davis and Rhoda Laws, m. Mary J. Killen (b 16 Oct 1768, d. 9 June 1812), dau. of Adam Killen and Mary (Polly) (N), m. 2nd Sally (Salley) Sorden widow and relict of William Sorden. Mary (Polly) Killen, widow of Adam Killen, m. 2nd Joshua Laws. {See Killen Family, Vol. 7, this series}
- Isaac Davis, b. 20 Feb 1765, son of Jehu Davis and Rhoda. {Autobiography of Judge Isaac Davis}
- Adam Killen d. by 30 May 1771 when the admin. of his estate was granted to Polly Killen, widow. {KCP[4] Arch. A28: 175-177; Reg. of Wills (Kent Co.) L: 97} Note (KCP[4] Arch. A28: 175} shows that Mary Killen married Joshua Laws; {page 177} mentions heirs, Abel & Mary Killen. . . [Judge] Isaac Davis was born near Milford, Kent County, in 1765. He was elected member of Assembly in 1793, of the Senate in 1794, and Speaker of that body and register of wills in 1799. After he retired from this office he removed to Smyrna, where he passed the remainder of his days, and died 30 March 1856. He was appointed justice 7 Jan 1814, and served until the reorganization of the court under the revised Constitution of 1831. {Scharf XXV}[5]
- Joshua Laws m. 1st Mary (Polly) Killen [widow of Adam Killen] 1 Jan 1772 Kent Co., DE. {Dodd}.
- In the petition dated 25 Aug 1774, Joshua Laws & Mary his wife adminrs of the estate of Adam Killan late of Mispillion Hundred dec' d. sheweth that the said Adam Killen in his life time was possessed of some land & died intestate leaving two children Abel & Mary. He prays the Court to appoint him guardian to Abel age 10 years old 6 July last past & Mary will be 6 years old 16 Oct next. {Kent Co. Guardian Acc'ts H-M}
- Joshua Laws of Mispillion Hundred, Kent Co. d. leaving a will dated 9 Dec 1803, proved 28 Nov 1806. Heirs: Wife Rachel Laws, one Negro boy named Stephen; brother Outen Laws; all that parcel of land in the forrest of the hundred afsd whereon George Adkins dwells adj the heirs of Levy Riggs, John Collins and others on the whole 430 a. subject to Rachel Laws as afsd; 100 pounds to Matilda Laws; 100 pounds to Leah Laws, if either of them should die under age or without issue, then the whole 200 pounds to the survivor, and if both Matilda and Leah die under age and without issue then the 200 pounds to my nephew John L. Lewis son of my sister Leah Lewis; Sarah Anderson dau of Ezekiel Anderson 100 pounds; four sisters Elizabeth Grayham, Leah Lewis, Hepy [Hester (Esther} Laws m. William Davis, Unplaced] Davis and Charlotty McDaniel 25 pounds each; aged mother Leah Laws 15 pounds annually during her natural life; Joshua Davis son of Isaac Davis a 150 a. tract of land whereon I now dwell adj Sorden Lister, heirs of William Frazer and others, which was formerly the property of Elijah Berry & Grace his wife; Joshua McGonigal and George McGonigal 30 pounds each when they arrive to the age of 21; William Killen son of Abel Killen dec'd. 50 pounds when he arrives to the age of 21; my Negro woman Tamer to be free and her children to be free at the age of 21 and they to be at her disposal until then, also to said Tamer one cow and calf and one spinning wheel; Negro man Mess which I lately set free one cow and calf; Negroes Jerry, Charles, Sebby and Peter their freedom and intire liberty when they arrive to age of 21 , and I order that all the said Negroes that is under the age of 21 at my death shall serve Isaac Davis until they severally arrive to age; Joshua Davis, Rhoda Davis, James Davis, Henry Davis and Mary L. Davis children of Isaac Davis all the residue of my estate. Executor: Isaac Davis (now of the Town of Dover). Witnessed by Joseph Hale, Thomas Clayton. Prob: by Nathaniel Smithers register of wills. On 1 Dec 1806 Letters of Testamentary granted to Isaac Davis who being sworn gave bond with David Lockwood esqr his surety. {Reg of Wills (Kent Co) O: 139}
- In the petition (undated), Sally (Salley) Sorden, widow and relict of William Sorden dec'd, represents that the said William Sorden in his life time and at the time of his death, was seized in personal estate of $30,000 Leaving a widow your petitioner and four children, Mary now wife of Outten Davis, Eliza, Christianna and Clement Sorden that your petitioner is appointed the testamentary of the said Eliza and Christianna, that Peter Caverly esqr who was appointed testamentary guardian of Clement Sorden having renounced his guardianship of said minor. {Kent Co. Guardian Acc'ts: S-T}
- On 15 Apr 1806-6 Oct 1814, lsaac Davis who intermarried with Sally Sorden guardian to Catharine E. Sorden, minor dau of Wm Sorden esqr dec'd. presents account of the guardianship up to 6 Oct 1814 that being the time of the intermarriage of the said Sally with this accountant. {Kent Co. Guardian Acc'ts S-T}
- "In Oct 1814 I was married to Sally Sorden, with whom I now live, she was the intimate friend of my first wife, the widow of her own cousin, the sister of my dec'd. brother's wife, whose brother was married to my sister. She was about my age, a fine house wife, a professor of religion and had retained an unblemished reputation. We have lived happy I trust in all good conscience." {Budd}
- Isaac Davis,[6] b. 20 Feb 1765, d. 30 Mar 1856, and Mary J. Killen Davis,[7] b. 16 Oct 1768, d. 9 Jun 1812, buried in Asbury M. E. Church Cemetery. {Find a Grave}
- Mary J. Killen Davis, b. 16 Oct 1768, d. 9 June 1812, wife of lsaac Davis, dau. of Adam and Mary Killen, buried in Asbury M. E. Church Cemetery, Smyrna, Kent Co., DE. {Dill:72}
- Mary L. Davis Budd,[8] b. 20 Feb 1803, d. 2 Aug 1833, buried in Asbury M. E. Church Cemetery, Smyrna, Kent Co., DE. {Dill:71}
- Isaac Davis and Mary J. Killen were the parents of JOSHUA; RHODA, m. William F. Corbit; JAMES; HENRY, m. Sarah Elizabeth Caldwell, 8 Feb 1840 New Castle Co., DE. {Dodd}; MARY LAWS, b. 20 Feb 1803, m. William A. Budd {Runk; Dill:71}; GEORGE, b. 1 Jan 1806 {Autobiography of Judge Isaac Davis; Dill:10}; ISAAC; m. Sophia H. Lyons 24 Sep 1828 {Dodd}; ANN ELIZA; m. Thomas A. Budd, 9 Jun 1829 Kent Co., DE. {Dodd}
- son of Jehu (3) Davis and Rhoda Laws, m. Elizabeth (Betty/Betsey) Hill. Elizabeth (Betsey) Later m. (N) Starr.
- Elizabeth Hill Davis Starr,[9] b. 1773, d. 13 Sep 1856, buried in Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery, Milford, Kent Co., DE. {Find a Grave}
- John Davis of Kent Co. d. leaving a will dated 7 Oct 1815, proved 25 Oct 1815. Heirs: Wife Betsy all my estate real & personal during her widowhood on condition that she raise and educate my children under age, if she should marry, the whole of my estate should be sold and the money divided between my said wife and six children with the exception of a charge against my son Jehu of the amount of a bond given by my said son Jehu and myself to Isaac Davis which bond is to be paid and deducted out of his share. Executors: Wife Betsey and Robert Hill of Sussex Co, DE. Witnessed by Elias Shockley, James Millechop esqr, William Burton. The bond has been fully paid. [signed] Isaac Davis. Attest: J. O. Yolk. Prob: by James Harper register of Wills. Letters Testamentary granted unto Betsy Davis and Robert Hill who being sworn gave bond with Elias Shockley their surety. {Reg of Wills (Kent Co) P1: 80}
- Between Nov 1819-Jan 1824, Betsey Starr (late Davis) admin. of John Davis sadler presents account of her administration. Paid Isaac Davis bond. {Kent Co. Guardian Acc'ts C-E}
- John Davis and Elizabeth (Betsey) Hill were the parents of JEHU; (5 OTHER CHILDREN)
- dau. of Jehu (3) Davis, m. Robert Hill.
- Governor Burton was born 16 Oct 1789, and died 5 Aug 1866. His father John Burton, an enterprising farmer of Sussex County, married Mary Vaughan. who, after the death of her first husband, became the wife of Robert Frame; and their son Robert Frame, the half-brother of Governor Burton, was one of the ablest law Governor Burton was a warm supporter of the creed and claims of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and was for many years senior warden of Christ Church, Milford. He was twice married- first to Mrs. Eliza Walcott, daughter of William Sorden, of Kent County, who died early. In 1830 he was married to Ann C. Hill, daughter of Robert and Rhoda (Davis) Hill, who lived, after her widowhood, until 14 Oct 1885. They had one child, Rhoda, who married Alfred R. Wootten, Esq., who was attorney-general of Delaware at the time of his death, in 1864, also leaving but one child, Mary Robinson Wootten, now the wife of David T. Marvel, Esq., of Georgetown. {Scharf XVII}[5]
- William Burton, b 16 Oct 1789, Sussex Co., DE, d. 5 Aug 1866, Milford DE was Governor of Delaware from 18 Jan 1859 unti1 20 Jan 1863.
- Ann C . Burton, b. 12 Mar 1812, d. 14 Oct 1885. {Delaware Governors 1777-1801; Russell S. Pickett}[2]
- Rhoda Davis Corbit,[10] b. 19 May 1793, d. 21 May 1821 , buried in Asbury M. E. Church Cemetery, Smyrna, Kent Co., DE. {Find a Grave}
- Note: this is the dau of ISAAC DAVIS, not JEHU DAVIS.
- Rhoda Davis and Robert Hill were the parents of ANN C. HILL, m. Governor William Burton [and they had a child Rhoda m. Alfred Wooten who were parents of Mary Robinson Wooten].
- son of Moses (4) Davis and Elizabeth (N).
- In the Sussex Co. Orphans Court dated 1816, Ebenezar B. was shown as the child of Abishal Davis, Baltimore Hundred. The place formerly belonging to Jacob Rogers, and a farm formerly belonging to Thomas Dale mentioned. {Sussex Co. Orphans Court L: 354}
- Abishal Davis was the father of EBENEZAR B.
- son of Isaac (5) Davis and Mary J. Killen, m. Hannah Marim.
- Hannah Marim Davis,[11] b. 13 Nov 1813, d. 23 Mar 1901 , wife of Joshua Davis,[12] buried in Lakeside Cemetery, Dover, Kent Co., DE. {Find a Grave}
- In the petition dated 23 Jun 1807, Joshua Davis legatee & devisee of Joshua Laws [husband of his grandmother] late of Mispillion Hundred represents that the said Joshua Laws in his life time and at the time of his death was seized in a 150 a. tract of land in the afsd hundred which will yield an annual rent of about £45 (subject to the widow's dower) and personal estate of about £200. Your petitioner is above the age of 14 and has no guardian. He prays the Court to appoint his father Isaac Davis his guardian. {Kent Co. Guardian Acc'ts C-E}
- dau. of Isaac (5) Davis and Mary J. Killen, m. William Fisher (Corbit) Corbitt 3 Dec 1812 New Castle Co., DE. {Dodd}.
- Joshua Fisher, Town of Dover, Attorney at law, d. leaving a will dated 16 July 1791, proved 8 Aug 1791 Heirs: mother unnamed; father Fenwic Fisher; bro. James Fisher; sister Susannah Fisher; nephew William Fisher Corbit; Nicholas Ridgely; Elizabeth Garnet, the younger; Richard Bassett. Extrs., father Fenwic Fisher, friends George Wilson & Nicholas Ridgely. Witnessed by George McCall, William Guy. {KCP[4] Arch. A17: 137; Reg. of Wills (Kent Co.) M: 278}
- The petition of lsaac Davis grandfather of James Fisher Corbit minor son of William F. Corbit dec' d. sheweth that the said minor is entitled to 1/2 of a house and lot in Dover now in the tenure of Dr. John Adams and is under the age of 14 and has no guardian. He prays the Court to appoint him guardian. {Kent Co. Guardian Acc'ts C-E}
- Rhoda Davis Corbit,[10] b. 19 May 1793, d. 21 May 1821 wife of William F. Corbit,[13] buried in Asbury M. E. Church Cemetery, Smyrna, Kent Co., DE. {Find a Grave}
- Rhoda Davis and William Fisher Corbit were the parents of JAMES FISHER CORBIT.
- son of Isaac (5) Davis and Mary J. Killen m. Mary Jane Perkins.
- George Davis m. Mary Jane Perkins 6 Feb 1832 DE. {Dodd}.
- George Davis,[14] b. 1 Jan 1806, d. 12 April 1877; Mary Jane Davis[15] b. 5 Jan 1814, d. 30 Dec 1889, wife of George Davis, buried in Saint Peter's Cemetery. {Find a Grave}
- Isaac Davis,[16] b. 20 Apr 1838, d. 2 Feb 1839, Inscription: son of Mary Jane and George Davis, buried in Saint Peter's Cemetery, Smyrna, Kent Co., DE. {Find a Grave}
- George Davis, farmer, age 44; Mary J. 37; Mary H. 17; Emma F. 15; John P. 10; Anne 7; Lizzie B. 3. {1850 Kent Co., DE. Federal Census, Duck Creek Hundred}[17]
- George Davis, farmer, age 54, b. DE; Mary J. 45, b. Md; Mary H. 26, b. Md; J. Perkins 20, b. Md; Anne 17, b. Md; Elizabeth 13, b. DE; Ella 9, b. DE; Georgia 6, b. DE; George 2, b. DE. {1860 Kent Co., DE. Federal Census, Smyrna, Duck Creek Hundred}[18]
- Emma F. Davis Lofland,[19] b. 1835, d. 1860, buried in Saint Peter's Cemetery, Smyrna, Kent Co., DE. {Find a Grave}
- George Davis and Mary Jane Perkins were the parents of MARY H.; EMMA F., m. (N) Lofland; ISAAC; JOHN PERKINS; ANNE; ELISABETH; ELLA; GEORGIA; GEORGE.
- son of Isaac (5) Davis and Mary J. Killen, m. Sophia H. Lyons.
- Isaac Davis m. Sophia H. Lyons 24 Sep 1838. {Dodd}
- m. 27 Sep 1828 in Delaware, USA[20]
- Isaac Davis, merchant, age 41, b. DE; Sophia 38, b. PA; Matilda 15; Virginia 13; Augusta 11; Hetty 8; Clementine 6; Annie 4; Charles 9/12, all children born in PA. {1850 Kent Co., DE. Federal Census, Dover Hundred}[21]
- Isaac Davis and Sophia H. Lyons were the parents of MATILTA; VIRGlNIA; AUGUSTA; HETTY; CLEMENTINE; ANNIE; CHARLES.
THOMAS DAVIS, SR. m. Sarah (N)
- JEHU m. Rhoda Laws
- ISAAC m. Mary J. Killen
- JOSHUA m. Hannah Marim[11]
- RHODA m. William Fisher (Corbit) Corbitt[13] on 03 Dec 1812 in New Castle, DE
- HENRY, m. Sarah Elizabeth Caldwell on 08 Feb 1840 in New Castle, DE
- MARY LAWS m. William A. Budd
- GEORGE m. Mary Jane Perkins[15] on 06 Feb 1832 in DE
- ISAAC m. Sophia H. Lyons on 24 Sep 1828
- ANN ELIZA m. Thomas A. Budd[27] on 9 Jun 1829 in Kent, DE
- JOHN m. Elizabeth Betsy Hill[9]
- HENRY m. Lallie Hill
- SARAH m. John Clark
- RHODA m. Robert Hill
- NANCY m. (N) Hazzard
- ISAAC m. Mary J. Killen
- MOSES m. Elizabeth (N)
- ↑ Maryland Will Book as abstracted in the Maryland Calendar of Wills (16 vols.).
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Delaware Governors 1777-1801 ; Russell S. Pickett
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Kent County, Delaware, Land Records
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 De Valinger, Leon,. Calendar of Kent County, Delaware probate records, 1680-1800. Dover, Del.: Public Archives Commission, State of Delaware, 1944.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 History of Delaware, 1609-1888, by J. Thomas Scharf, A.M., LL.D.
- ↑ Isaac Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #8599672 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ Mary J Killen Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #8599679 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ Mary L Davis Budd on Find A Grave: Memorial #8602340 accessed on 31 Aug 2018
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Elizabeth Hill Davis Starr on Find A Grave: Memorial #12131316 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Rhoda Davis Corbit on Find A Grave: Memorial #8591344 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Hannah Marim Bateman Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #7598846 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ Joshua Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #7529110 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 William F Corbit on Find A Grave: Memorial #79923988 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ George Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #7855527 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Mary Jane Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #7855533 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Isaac Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #7855530 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 April 2016), George Davis, Duck Creek Hundred, Kent, Delaware, United States; citing family 157, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
- ↑ "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2017), George Davis, 1860.
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Emma F. Davis Lofland on Find A Grave: Memorial #11121804 accessed on 29 Aug 2018
- ↑ "Delaware, Marriage Records, 1744-1912,"
- ↑ "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 April 2016), Isaac Davis, Dover Hundred, Kent, Delaware, United States; citing family 1085, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
- ↑ Dr James Corbit on Find A Grave: Memorial #79925678 accessed on 31 Aug 2018
- ↑ J. Perkins Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #7855531 accessed on 28 Aug 2018
- ↑ Annie E. Davis Johns on Find A Grave: Memorial #74918013 accessed on 28 Aug 2018
- ↑ "Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 March 2018), George Davis in entry for Georgia Davis Thomas, 04 Apr 1914; citing 9190, Philadelphia City Archives and Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; FHL microfilm 1,429,028.
- ↑ George Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #7855528 accessed on 28 Aug 2018
- ↑ Thomas Allibone Budd on Find A Grave: Memorial #42400414 accessed on 15 Oct 2018
For more information on the sources listed in curly braces, see Space:SOURCES_from_CFoD_V11
See also:
- Wright, F. E., R. Beverly, and C. Beverly. Colonial families of Delaware. Lewes, DE: Colonial Roots, 2006. pp. 72-79
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