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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: TV Landmap
Profile manager: David Randall private message [send private message]
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This month, in honor of Father's Day, the Notables Project is celebrating 40 of our most beloved TV dads!

Our goal is to make each of these profiles a shining star of WikiTree. Some are already pretty close, others not so much.

For ideas on what an ideal profile entails, please see the Completed Profile Checklist.

For those who prefer research over profile building, we also want to increase each of our notables' CC7s, and of course, we want to make sure each is connected to the Big Tree. We'll be updating CC7 numbers on a semi-regular basis in the table below.

Remember, no contribution is too small, so jump in wherever you think you'll have the most fun. Just remember to keep us posted on your accomplishments on the G2G thread.

Note: An "N/C" in the final column indicates that this person is currently NOT CONNECTED to the Main WikiTree. A "C" means they have recently been CONNECTED by a team member. Those with empty boxes came into the project already connected.

Notable Character TV Show Air Dates Photograph Starting CC7 Current CC7 Additions C
Desi ArnazRicky RicardoI Love Lucy1951-1957489493+4
Ozzie NelsonOzzie NelsonOzzie and Harriet1952-1966767770+3
William BendixChester A. RileyThe Life of Riley1953-1958126-+0
Danny ThomasDanny WilliamsMake Room for Daddy1953-195710132+122Connected
Robert YoungJim AndersonFather Knows Best1954-1960107-+0
Hugh BeaumontWard CleaverLeave it to Beaver1957-196310491065+16
Carl BetzAlex StoneThe Donna Reed Show1958-1966467589+122Connected
Chuck ConnorsLucas McCainThe Rifleman1958-196338-+0
Lorne GreeneBen CartwrightBonanza1959-19733859+21
Herbert AndersonHenry MitchellDennis the Meance1959-1963028+28Connected
Alan ReedFred FlintstoneThe Flintstones1960-1966153-+0
Fred MacMurraySteve DouglasMy Three Sons1960-197257-+0
Andy GriffithAndy TaylorThe Andy Griffith Show1960-1968828829+1
George O'HanlonGeorge JetsonThe Jetsons1962-19630127+127Connected
Buddy EbsenJed ClampettThe Beverly Hillbillies1962-197125-+0Connected
William SchallertMartin LaneThe Patty Duke Show1963-1966244+42Connected
Fred GwynneHerman MunsterThe Munsters1964-1966533609+76
Dick YorkDarren Stevens #1Bewitched1964-197242-+0
Dick SargentDarren Stevens #2Bewitched1964-1972307-+0
Guy WilliamsJohn RobinsonLost in Space1965-196810-+0N/C
Bill BixbyTom CorbettThe Courtship of Eddie's Father1969-1972320332+12
Robert ReedMike BradyThe Brady Bunch1969-1974270276+6
Carroll O'ConnorArchie BunkerAll in the Family1971-19791112+1Connected
Redd FoxxFred SanfordSanford and Son1972-197780-+0
Ralph WaiteJohn WaltonThe Waltons1972-1981235-+0
Tom BosleyHoward CunninghamHappy Days1974-198446-+0
Michael LandonCharles IngallsLittle House on the Prairie1974-198320-+0Connected
Sherman HemsleyGeorge JeffersonThe Jeffersons1975-1985110+9N/C
James BroderickDoug LawrenceFamily1976-1980534536+2
Dick Van PattenTom BradfordEight is Enough1977-198179-+0
Jim DavisJock EwingDallas1978-1991651-+0
Alan ThickeJason SeaverGrowing Pains1985-1992100-+0
Max WrightWillie TannerALF1986-2019037+37Connected
Bob SagetDanny TannerFull House1987-199548-+0
Jerry StillerFrank CostanzaSeinfeld1989-199828-+0
James AveryPhilip AveryFresh Prince of Bel Air1990-19961011+1N/C
John MahoneyMartin CraneFrasier1993-2004255+53Connected
Peter BoyleFrank BaroneEverybody Loves Raymond1996-20050389+389Connected
James GandolfiniTony SopranoThe Sopranos1999-200715-+0N/C
Bernie MacBernie McCulloughThe Bernie Mac Show2001-200625+3N/C

Images: 1
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day



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