Table - Queensland State Archives, Land orders 1861-1874 (G)
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Immigration | Land orders 1861-1874 (G)
'G' surnames of Queensland State Archives, Land orders 1861-1874
The Queensland State Archives describes this search, Category: Immigration, Index: Land orders 1861-1874, as listing "the names of immigrants or companies for whom land order claims were made in relation to passage to Queensland for the period 1861 to 1874. Information includes the land order number, year and Queensland State Archives' catalogue details."
This category page, Queensland State Archives, Land orders 1861-1874 is part of Category: Queensland State Archives and is used as an aid to the study of early Queensland inhabitants, allowing for a clearer connection of early Queensland wikitree profiles and the sources from which they reference their facts. When sourcing profiles with records from Queensland State Archives always visit the source for complete record information. NOTE - This page is only an index to whether or not there are matching wikitree profiles to people mentioned in the index search and records in the source and does not contain the full information available about any record in the source. Visit the source via the QSA Index search.
An example citation for details sourced from this Queensland State Archives Index search would be <ref>State Archives Index Search; © The State of Queensland 1995-2013; Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government; [ Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0 AU)] ; Online Repository Accessed (today's date); Category: Immigration | Index: Land orders 1861-1874</ref>
Year | Last name/Company name, Given name/s
1865 | GADD, George
1862 | GAFF, B
1862 | GAFF, Eliza
1862 | GAFF, J
1862 | GAFF, T
1863 | GAFFNEY, Ann
1866 | GAFFNEY, Bridget
1863 | GAFFNEY, E
1866 | GAFFNEY, Michael
1863 | GAFFREY, Cathn
1863 | GAFFREY, John
1863 | GAFNEY, Patk
1863 | GAHAGAN, Michl
1864 | GAHAGAN, Thomas
1863 | GAHOGAN, Michael
1862 | GAILSDORFER, Frederick
1865 | GAISFORD, Eliza
1865 | GAISFORD, William
1861 | GALDWYN, Charles
1862 | GALL, Cath
1862 | GALL, David
1862 | GALL, James
1862 | GALL, Jane
1862 | GALL, Thos
1862 | GALLAGHAN, Margt
1862 | GALLAGHAN, Peter
1863 | GALLAGHER, Agnes
1862 | GALLAGHER, Ann
1863 | GALLAGHER, Ann
1863 | GALLAGHER, Cathe
1863 | GALLAGHER, Daniel
1863 | GALLAGHER, David
1862 | GALLAGHER, Ellen
1863 | GALLAGHER, Ellen
1863 | GALLAGHER, Eugene
1863 | GALLAGHER, Jas
1862 | GALLAGHER, Joseph
1862 | GALLAGHER, Mary
1863 | GALLAGHER, Mary
1862 | GALLAGHER, Patk
1863 | GALLAGHER, Rebecca
1863 | GALLAGHER, Wm
1864 | GALLAM, James
1864 | GALLAND, James
1862 | GALLAVAN, Ed
1862 | GALLAVIN, Daniel
1863 | GALLINGEN, Saml
1862 | GALLIVAN, Daniel
1863 | GALLIVAN, Danl
1863 | GALLOHER, Christopher
1869 | GALLOWAY, Alexander
1862 | GALLOWAY, J J
1869 | GALLOWAY, Jane
1863 | GALLOWAY, Wm
1863 | GALVIN, James
1871 | GALVIN, Mary
1867 | GAMBLE, Ann J
1867 | GAMBLE, Eliza W
1863 | GAMBLE, Robt
1864 | GAMMON, Willm A
1866 | GANAS, Julius
1864 | GANDALL, Henry
1863 | GANDY, Joseph
1866 | GANETT, Sarah
1861 | GANETTE, F
1863 | GANIDE, Eliza
1863 | GANNON, Michael
1863 | GANT, Jas
1862 | GARAGHY, Mary
1863 | GARBRITT, Arthur
1863 | GARBRITT, Chas
1863 | GARBRITT, Jane
1863 | GARBRITT, John
1866 | GARDE, Horace
1866 | GARDE, William
1866 | GARDINER, Edith E
1862 | GARDINER, Henry
1863 | GARDINER, James Jnr
1861 | GARDINER, John
1862 | GARDINER, John
1863 | GARDINER, John
1869 | GARDINER, John
1866 | GARDINER, John J H
1863 | GARDINER, Robert
1862 | GARDINER, William
1873 | GARDINER, William
1863 | GARDNER, Ann
1863 | GARDNER, David
1863 | GARDNER, George
1866 | GARDNER, George R
1863 | GARDNER, Isabella
1867 | GARDNER, Maria
1863 | GARDNER, Marion
1863 | GARDNER, Robt
1865 | GARDNER, Samuel
1863 | GARDNER, Thos
1863 | GARDNER, Wm
1862 | GARGETT, Wm
1862 | GARLAND, Anne
1863 | GARLICK, Edd
1863 | GARLICK, Elisth
1865 | GARNAULT, Fredk
1863 | GARNER, Elizth
1866 | GARNER, Mary Anne
1866 | GARNER, William
1863 | GARNER, Wm
1863 | GARRETT, Elizth
1863 | GARRETT, Margt
1863 | GARRETT, Mary
1863 | GARRETT, Robt
1866 | GARRETT, Sarah
1863 | GARSIDE, Anne
1871 | GARSIDE, J
1874 | GARSIDE, Joseph
1863 | GARSIDE, Thos
1868 | GARTHE, Elizth
1861 | GARTHE, Frederic
1868 | GARTHE, Maria
1863 | GARTSIDE, Benjim
1863 | GARTSIDE, Emma
1863 | GARTSIDE, James
1864 | GARTSIDE, John
1863 | GARTSIDE, Sarah
1864 | GARTSIDE, Sarah
1863 | GARVEN, James
1863 | GARVEY, Bridget
1863 | GARVEY, Cathn
1863 | GARVEY, Danl
1863 | GARVEY, Honora
1863 | GARVEY, John
1869 | GARVEY, Lucy
1863 | GARVEY, Margt
1863 | GARVEY, Mary
1863 | GARVEY, Michl
1863 | GARVEY, Patk
1869 | GARVEY, William Charles
1867 | GARVIE, John
1863 | GARWOOD, S D
1863 | GASKILL, Laurence
1863 | GASKILL, Margt
1863 | GASTEEN, James
1866 | GATE, Emanuel
1864 | GATE, Isaac
1863 | GATES, Abraham
1861 | GATES, Elizabeth
1863 | GATES, Geo
1868 | GATES, George
1863 | GATES, Isabella
1863 | GATES, Mary A
1863 | GATFIELD, Amelia
1863 | GATFIELD, Henry
1863 | GATFIELD, Sophia
1862 | GATH, Wm
1864 | GAULEY, Sarah
1866 | GAWLS, Julius
1864 | GAY, Margaret
1863 | GAYFORD, Fredk G
1863 | GAYLOR, Charles
1863 | GAYMER, William
1862 | GAYNER, Christopher
1865 | GAZE, Isaac
1865 | GAZE, Matilda
1863 | GAZE, Thomas
1863 | GEARON, Jas
1863 | GEARY, Hannah
1863 | GEARY, Jeremiah
1863 | GEARY, John
1863 | GEARY, Mary
1863 | GEARY, Michl
1865 | GEBBIE, John
1863 | GEBHARDT, Christian
1863 | GECK, Lorenz
1864 | GEDDES, Alice
1864 | GEDDES, Rachall
1864 | GEDDES, Sarah
1862 | GEDDES, Thomas
1864 | GEDDES, William J
1863 | GEDDIS, Andrew
1863 | GEDDIS, Mary
1863 | GEE, George
1863 | GEE, Hannah
1861 | GEE, James
1863 | GEE, Jerram
1864 | GEHRINGER, Gudolph
1863 | GEIBEL, Claus
1865 | GEIGER, George
1863 | GEIGER, H
1863 | GEIKE, Friederich
1861 | GEITZ, Justus
1863 | GELL, Jas
1863 | GELL, Joshua
1863 | GELL, Kate
1863 | GENGE, Henry
1867 | GENTLEMAN, Francis
1870 | GENTLES, Adam
1864 | GEOGHAN, Eliza
1863 | GEOGHAN, Jane
1863 | GEOMAN, Mary
1875 | GEORGE, E R
1862 | GEORGE, Elizabeth
1865 | GEORGE, Henry
1872 | GEORGE, Henry
1875 | GEORGE, J
1875 | GEORGE, James
1868 | GEORGE, John
1867 | GEORGE, John W
1862 | GEORGE, Mary
1875 | GEORGE, S
1862 | GEORGE, Vincent
1862 | GEOTNER, Barb
1862 | GEOTNER, Elise
1862 | GEOTNER, Margt
1862 | GERAGHTY, Digby
1863 | GERAGHTY, Francis
1863 | GERAGHTY, Martin
1867 | GERAHTY, Digby
1862 | GERHARD, Johanna
1863 | GERLACH, August
1864 | GERNER, Phillipp
1866 | GERRICKE, Ernest C H
1865 | GERRING, William
1863 | GERSTENKORN, Heinh
1862 | GESANG, Johannes
1864 | GETHIN, Richard P
1863 | GETSCH, August
1863 | GETSCH, Carl
1863 | GETSCH, Ernestine
1863 | GETSCH, Johannes
1863 | GETSCH, Wilhelm
1863 | GETSCH, Wilhelmine
1866 | GETTER, Jane
1864 | GETTEY, Edward
1864 | GETTIN, Richard P
1871 | GETTING, S T G
1863 | GIBB, Agnes
1863 | GIBB, Davd
1864 | GIBB, David
1867 | GIBB, David
1864 | GIBB, Mary
1870 | GIBBON, E H
1865 | GIBBONS, James
1863 | GIBBS, Albertina
1862 | GIBBS, Augustin
1863 | GIBBS, G
1862 | GIBBS, Thomas E
1863 | GIBBS, Willm
1871 | GIBSON, A
1863 | GIBSON, Agnes
1863 | GIBSON, Angus
1863 | GIBSON, Anne
1863 | GIBSON, Bernard
1867 | GIBSON, Carew
1863 | GIBSON, Catherine
1863 | GIBSON, Chas
1863 | GIBSON, Elizth
1870 | GIBSON, Emily
1872 | GIBSON, Emily
1872 | GIBSON, Frances
1870 | GIBSON, Francis
1865 | GIBSON, Frederick
1870 | GIBSON, G H
1872 | GIBSON, G H
1868 | GIBSON, George M A
1863 | GIBSON, Honora
1862 | GIBSON, James
1863 | GIBSON, Jane
1870 | GIBSON, John
1872 | GIBSON, John
1871 | GIBSON, Leonard
1865 | GIBSON, Margaret
1863 | GIBSON, Martin
1863 | GIBSON, Mary
1863 | GIBSON, Mary A
1863 | GIBSON, Pat
1863 | GIBSON, Patrick
1863 | GIBSON, Samuel J
1862 | GIBSON, Thomas
1863 | GIBSON, Thos
1863 | GIBSON, Willm
1866 | GIBSON, Willm L J
1863 | GIDDINGS, Edwin
1864 | GIDDINGS, Job
1863 | GIDDINGS, W R
1863 | GIESS, Godfried
1863 | GIESSEMANN, Friederich
1864 | GIEZINGACK, Conrad
1864 | GIEZLER, Carl
1864 | GIEZLER, Emilie
1862 | GIFFEN, Adam Hamilton
1865 | GIGIE, John
1866 | GILB, William
1872 | GILBERT, George
1866 | GILBERT, Thos
1863 | GILBRIDE, John
1864 | GILCHRIST, Ann
1865 | GILCHRIST, Daniel
1863 | GILCHRIST, Robt
1863 | GILES, J
1864 | GILES, John Thomas
1872 | GILES, W
1863 | GILL, Chas
1866 | GILL, Edwin
1863 | GILL, Eliza M
1863 | GILL, Elizb
1863 | GILL, Ellen
1863 | GILL, Emma
1863 | GILL, Fanny
1865 | GILL, Francis
1863 | GILL, Mary A
1863 | GILL, Michael
1863 | GILL, Michl
1863 | GILL, Richard
1866 | GILL, Selina
1872 | GILLAM, Chs
1872 | GILLAM, family of Chs
1863 | GILLAN, Andrew
1864 | GILLAN, Anne
1863 | GILLAN, Arthur
1863 | GILLAN, Chas
1863 | GILLAN, Elizth
1863 | GILLAN, Jemima
1863 | GILLAN, John
1862 | GILLAN, Margt
1863 | GILLAN, Willm
1865 | GILLANDER, Alexander
1862 | GILLANDER, Margt
1863 | GILLARD, Jane
1863 | GILLBANKS, John
1864 | GILLEN, Anna
1863 | GILLEN, Henry
1862 | GILLEN, John
1864 | GILLEN, John
1863 | GILLER, Johannes
1863 | GILLESPIE, Andrew
1863 | GILLESPIE, Anne
1863 | GILLESPIE, Cathn
1863 | GILLESPIE, Elizth
1862 | GILLESPIE, Francis Wm
1863 | GILLESPIE, Jas
1863 | GILLESPIE, John
1863 | GILLESPIE, Joseph
1863 | GILLESPIE, Leonard
1863 | GILLESPIE, Maria
1863 | GILLESPIE, Sarah
1863 | GILLESPIE, Willm
1867 | GILLETHE, Charles
1867 | GILLETTIE, Charles
1862 | GILLIES, Donald
1862 | GILLIES, James
1863 | GILLIES, Jane
1865 | GILLIES, Josephine
1863 | GILLIES, Mary
1864 | GILLIES, Mary
1865 | GILLIES, Peter
1864 | GILLIES, Thos
1863 | GILLIES, Willm
1863 | GILLIGAN, Eliza
1862 | GILLIGAN, J
1863 | GILLILAND, Jane
1863 | GILLILAND, John
1863 | GILLILAND, Josh
1863 | GILLILAND, Wm Hy
1863 | GILLIS, Jane
1868 | GILLMAN, Hy W
1863 | GILLMORE, Alex
1867 | GILMAN, James C
1862 | GILMARTIN, Anne
1863 | GILMORE, Eliza
1863 | GILMORE, John
1864 | GILMORE, Jonathan
1862 | GILMORE, Patrick
1864 | GILMORE, Sarah
1866 | GILMOUR, Alexr G
1866 | GILMOUR, Allan
1866 | GILMOUR, Elizabeth
1866 | GILMOUR, James
1866 | GILMOUR, Jessie
1864 | GILMOUR, Peter
1862 | GILSENDEN, Susan
1864 | GILSHEND, Patrick
1863 | GILTROW, Richd
1863 | GIMPEL, Philipp
1863 | GINGLE, Mata
1863 | GIRLING, Willm B
1867 | GITTINS, Edward
1862 | GITTINS, Thomas
1862 | GIVEN, Martha
1862 | GIVEN, Martha
1863 | GLACKEN, Peter
1870 | GLADSTONE, Douglas
1870 | GLADSTONE, Francis L
1863 | GLANVILLE, Geo W
1863 | GLASGOW, Saml
1863 | GLASS, Daniel
1863 | GLAVEEN, John
1863 | GLEENIE, Timothy
1863 | GLEESON, Bridget
1863 | GLEESON, Danl
1863 | GLEESON, James
1863 | GLEESON, Jas
1863 | GLEESON, Johanna
1863 | GLEESON, John
1862 | GLEESON, Patk
1863 | GLEESON, Thos
1866 | GLEN, Archibald
1861 | GLENMON, B
1861 | GLENMON, J
1863 | GLENNIE, Eliza
1863 | GLENNY, Michl
1866 | GLIDDEN, Arthur
1863 | GLINDEMANN, Andrew
1863 | GLINDEMANN, Conrad
1863 | GLINDEMANN, Heinrich
1866 | GLODE, Dorothea
1863 | GLOE, Anna
1863 | GLOE, Peter
1862 | GLOVER, James
1863 | GLOVER, Pendrill B
1870 | GLOVER, W H
1863 | GLYNN, Jas
1863 | GLYNN, Mary
1862 | GOAN, James
1863 | GOAR, Michael
1863 | GOBEL, Ludwig
1862 | GODBER, Jas
1862 | GODBER, Joseph
1862 | GODBER, Josh
1862 | GODBER, Mary Jane
1862 | GODBER, Robt
1863 | GODDARD, George
1861 | GODDARD, Robert Wybrants
1862 | GODE, Herman
1863 | GODEFFROY, Messrs J & C
1866 | GODFREY, Alfred
1864 | GODKIN, Anthony
1863 | GODSELL, Richard
1863 | GODSON, Anne
1863 | GODSON, Theophilus
1863 | GOEBEL, Cathn
1863 | GOEBEL, Elisth
1863 | GOEBEL, Heinrich
1863 | GOEBEL, Herrmann
1862 | GOEBEL, Jacob John
1863 | GOEBEL, Johann
1863 | GOEBEL, Katherina
1863 | GOEBEL, Michl
1863 | GOEPPNER, Johanna
1863 | GOGGIN, David
1863 | GOGIN, Thomas
1863 | GOHERY, Cathn
1869 | GOLD, William
1863 | GOLDEN, Ellen
1864 | GOLDIE, Alexander
1863 | GOLDIE, Jane
1866 | GOLDSMITH, Edward
1863 | GOLDSMITH, Eliza
1867 | GOLDSMITH, Fanny
1865 | GOLDSMITH, John A
1866 | GOLDSMITH, William
1862 | GOLDSTONE, Martha
1872 | GOLDSWORTH, Mary
1864 | GOLL, Caspar
1864 | GOLL, Elizabeth
1864 | GOLL, Johannes
1864 | GOLL, Philippine
1863 | GOLOGY, Mary A
1868 | GOMERSALL, Adeline
1865 | GOMERSALL, Ann
1868 | GOMERSALL, Anne
1868 | GOMERSALL, George
1868 | GOMERSALL, Jane
1868 | GOMERSALL, Joseph
1868 | GOMERSALL, Martha
1868 | GOMERSALL, Mary
1868 | GOMERSALL, Robert H
1868 | GOMERSALL, Seymour
1862 | GONDOLF, Johannes
1863 | GOOD, Abigail
1863 | GOOD, Emma
1863 | GOOD, Geo
1863 | GOOD, Josephine
1863 | GOOD, Wallace
1874 | GOODACRE, E J
1862 | GOODACRE, Hampden N
1870 | GOODALL, Albert
1870 | GOODALL, Alexander
1870 | GOODALL, Annie
1870 | GOODALL, David
1870 | GOODALL, David McLean
1863 | GOODALL, Flora L
1870 | GOODALL, Henry
1870 | GOODALL, Thomas
1863 | GOODALL, Wm R
1863 | GOODARD, Caroline
1869 | GOODBODY, William
1865 | GOODEY, Elizb M
1865 | GOODEY, Emma
1870 | GOODFELLOW, Jessie
1870 | GOODFELLOW, John
1863 | GOODFELLOW, Richard
1865 | GOODING, Francis
1869 | GOODISON, Mary J
1862 | GOODMAN, G W
1869 | GOODSIR, Sibley
1865 | GOODSON, Robert J
1864 | GOODWIN, Charles
1865 | GOODWIN, Edwd H
1863 | GOODWIN, Fred
1862 | GOODWIN, George
1869 | GOODWIN, George
1862 | GOODWIN, Isabella
1863 | GOODWIN, John
1866 | GOODWIN, John
1869 | GOODWIN, Joseph
1865 | GOODWIN, Josiah
1869 | GOODWIN, Mark
1866 | GOODWIN, Samuel
1864 | GOODWIN, William Hy
1866 | GOODY, George
1863 | GOOHEEN, Thos
1863 | GOOLD, Hubert
1861 | GOOS, George
1863 | GOOS, Hermann
1863 | GOOS, Maria
1863 | GOOS, Michl
1863 | GORDAN, John
1864 | GORDEN, Catherine
1864 | GORDEN, Jane
1871 | GORDON, Alexr
1866 | GORDON, Catherine
1863 | GORDON, David
1862 | GORDON, Duncan
1862 | GORDON, Elizb
1863 | GORDON, Elizth
1868 | GORDON, George
1871 | GORDON, George
1867 | GORDON, Grace
1871 | GORDON, Isabella
1862 | GORDON, James
1871 | GORDON, James
1866 | GORDON, James
1862 | GORDON, Jane
1863 | GORDON, Jane
1867 | GORDON, Jane
1871 | GORDON, Jane
1868 | GORDON, Janet
1862 | GORDON, John
1866 | GORDON, Joseph
1868 | GORDON, Julia
1866 | GORDON, Mary
1863 | GORDON, Peter
1868 | GORDON, Robert
1863 | GORDON, Robt
1864 | GORDON, Thos
1863 | GORDON, Willm
1862 | GORDON, Wm
1863 | GORKE, Bernard
1863 | GORKE, Catherine
1862 | GORMAN, Eliza
1863 | GORMAN, Eliza
1864 | GORMAN, Elizabeth
1862 | GORMAN, John
1864 | GORMAN, John
1863 | GORMAN, Mary
1862 | GORMAN, Thomas
1863 | GORMAN, Timy J
1874 | GORMLEY, Rose
1864 | GORRIE, George
1862 | GORRIN, Elizabeth M
1862 | GORRIN, Thomas
1861 | GORRY, Christopher
1861 | GORRY, Christopher
1865 | GORTON, Richard J
1863 | GOSCH, Carl
1863 | GOSCH, Cathn
1863 | GOSCH, Johann
1863 | GOSCH, Marie
1863 | GOSLAND, Thomas
1863 | GOSLING, Walter
1871 | GOSS, Edwin
1871 | GOSS, Mary I
1873 | GOSSEWESCH, Otto
1864 | GOTTSCHALK, Dorothea
1864 | GOTTSCHALK, Heinrich
1866 | GOTTSCHALK, Johan
1864 | GOTTSCHALK, Wilhelimine
1873 | GOTTSCHLICH, Edward
1862 | GOUDIE, Isabella
1862 | GOUDIE, Margt
1862 | GOUDIE, Mary
1862 | GOUDIE, Thomas
1862 | GOUDIE, Thos
1866 | GOUGH, Benjamin B
1864 | GOUGH, Henry B
1864 | GOUGH, James
1864 | GOUGH, Sarah
1863 | GOUGH, Tim J
1864 | GOULD, Geo C J
1873 | GOULE, Arthur
1873 | GOULE, Henry
1863 | GOURLAY, Peter
1862 | GOURLAY, Robert
1862 | GOWAN, Alexander
1865 | GOWAN, Elizabeth
1863 | GOWAN, Michl
1872 | GOWAN, Simon
1868 | GOWANS, William
1863 | GRAALFS, Ono
1871 | GRACE, C C
1863 | GRACE, Ellen
1863 | GRACE, John
1864 | GRACE, Margaret
1863 | GRACE, Martin
1862 | GRACE, Patrick
1862 | GRACE, William
1863 | GRACEY, Mary
1863 | GRACEY, Robt
1863 | GRADY, James
1865 | GRADY, John
1863 | GRADY, Margt
1863 | GRADY, Mary
1863 | GRAEWICH, Carl
1863 | GRAEWICH, Wilhelmine
1862 | GRAHAM, Alexr
1863 | GRAHAM, Andr
1863 | GRAHAM, Andrew
1863 | GRAHAM, Annie
1863 | GRAHAM, Berry
1864 | GRAHAM, Catherine
1865 | GRAHAM, Catherine
1862 | GRAHAM, Charles
1861 | GRAHAM, Charles J
1862 | GRAHAM, D
1863 | GRAHAM, Daniel
1864 | GRAHAM, Edward
1863 | GRAHAM, Elizabeth
1864 | GRAHAM, Esther
1863 | GRAHAM, Fras
1862 | GRAHAM, Geo
1863 | GRAHAM, Geo
1862 | GRAHAM, Henry
1867 | GRAHAM, Hugh
1863 | GRAHAM, James
1863 | GRAHAM, James McPherson
1862 | GRAHAM, Jane
1869 | GRAHAM, Jane
1862 | GRAHAM, Jas
1863 | GRAHAM, John
1864 | GRAHAM, John
1865 | GRAHAM, John
1870 | GRAHAM, John
1866 | GRAHAM, John
1863 | GRAHAM, John A
1869 | GRAHAM, June
1862 | GRAHAM, Margaret
1862 | GRAHAM, Mary
1863 | GRAHAM, Mary
1864 | GRAHAM, Mary
1863 | GRAHAM, Mary A
1862 | GRAHAM, Robert
1862 | GRAHAM, Robert Jnr
1863 | GRAHAM, Sarah
1862 | GRAHAM, William
1863 | GRAHAM, William
1864 | GRAHAM, William
1863 | GRAHAM, Willm
1862 | GRAKZY, Henry
1863 | GRAMBANER, August
1863 | GRAMBANER, Frederich
1863 | GRAMBANER, Justine
1863 | GRAMBANER, Wilhelm
1863 | GRAMBANER, Wilhelmine
1862 | GRAMMER, Alfred
1862 | GRAMMER, Thomas
1863 | GRANNY, Bridget
1870 | GRANT, Andrew
1863 | GRANT, Henry
1864 | GRANT, Henry
1866 | GRANT, Isabella
1863 | GRANT, Jane
1866 | GRANT, Janet
1866 | GRANT, Janet Jnr
1863 | GRANT, Jas
1866 | GRANT, Jas M
1862 | GRANT, John
1863 | GRANT, John
1866 | GRANT, John
1866 | GRANT, John
1863 | GRANT, Joseph
1863 | GRANT, Lewis
1866 | GRANT, Mary
1863 | GRANT, Pat
1863 | GRANT, Peter
1866 | GRANT, Robert
1866 | GRANT, Robert
1862 | GRANT, Thomas
1866 | GRANT, Thomas
1863 | GRANT, Wm
1865 | GRANVILLE, Ann A
1865 | GRANVILLE, Fredk
1866 | GRANVILLE, Howard
1866 | GRANVILLE, Louisa
1865 | GRANVILLE, Reginald
1865 | GRANVILLE, William H
1863 | GRAUF, Johann
1863 | GRAY, A
1875 | GRAY, Alice
1862 | GRAY, Allan
1871 | GRAY, Ch Hastings
1868 | GRAY, Chas John
1868 | GRAY, Emily
1862 | GRAY, Frederick
1863 | GRAY, Geo
1865 | GRAY, Grace
1863 | GRAY, Hannah
1869 | GRAY, Hannah
1863 | GRAY, Jane
1863 | GRAY, Janet
1863 | GRAY, Jas
1862 | GRAY, John
1869 | GRAY, John Saml
1863 | GRAY, M
1863 | GRAY, Margt
1863 | GRAY, Mary
1863 | GRAY, Mary A
1875 | GRAY, Robert
1867 | GRAY, Robt
1868 | GRAY, Sarah Milson
1863 | GRAY, Thomas
1865 | GRAY, Thomas
1862 | GRAY, Thomas G
1863 | GRAY, Thos
1868 | GRAY, Thos T
1872 | GRAY, W
1862 | GRAY, William
1865 | GRAY, William
1864 | GRAY, William W
1863 | GRAY, Willm
1862 | GRAYSON, David
1862 | GREACEM, Grace
1862 | GREACEM, Margt
1862 | GREACEM, Mary A
1862 | GREACEM, Matilda
1863 | GREADY, James
1863 | GREADY, Jas
1863 | GREATHEAD, George
1864 | GREAVES, Charles
1863 | GREAVES, Edwin
1865 | GREAVES, John
1865 | GREAVES, Leycester
1863 | GREAVES, Thos
1865 | GREAVES, William H
1863 | GREAVES, Wm
1863 | GREEHY, Jas
1871 | GREEN, Alfred Sowman
1861 | GREEN, Charles
1862 | GREEN, Charles
1864 | GREEN, David
1863 | GREEN, Edward
1863 | GREEN, Edwd W
1863 | GREEN, Ellen
1864 | GREEN, Ellen
1864 | GREEN, Francis J
1866 | GREEN, Geo H
1861 | GREEN, H
1863 | GREEN, Henry B
1862 | GREEN, J
1867 | GREEN, James B
1861 | GREEN, John
1862 | GREEN, John
1863 | GREEN, John
1864 | GREEN, John
1863 | GREEN, John Knox
1870 | GREEN, Martin
1864 | GREEN, Mary
1862 | GREEN, Michael
1863 | GREEN, Morgan
1863 | GREEN, Percy C
1871 | GREEN, Robert
1863 | GREEN, Thomas
1869 | GREEN, Thomas
1863 | GREEN, Thos
1861 | GREEN, William
1865 | GREEN, William
1871 | GREEN, William
1865 | GREEN, Samuel
1863 | GREENAGH, Jas
1863 | GREENBY, A J
1863 | GREENE, Fredk
1863 | GREENE, John Knox
1863 | GREENE, Olivia
1865 | GREENFIELD, Joseph
1863 | GREENHALGH, Ann
1863 | GREENHALGH, Anne
1863 | GREENHALGH, Jas
1863 | GREENHALGH, Maria
1863 | GREENHALGH, Noah
1863 | GREENHALGH, Saml
1863 | GREENHALGH, Sarah A
1862 | GREENHALGH, Thos
1862 | GREENHAM, John
1863 | GREENLADE, Hannah
1864 | GREENSELL, Frederick
1864 | GREENSELL, Matilda
1870 | GREENSIDE, Agnes H
1864 | GREENSILL, Robert
1874 | GREENSLADE, George
1862 | GREENWAY, Ann
1866 | GREENWOOD, Amelia
1866 | GREENWOOD, Elizabeth
1866 | GREENWOOD, John
1863 | GREENWOOD, Mary
1866 | GREENWOOD, Mary
1866 | GREENWOOD, Smith B
1863 | GREENWOOD, Willm
1864 | GREER, Ann
1864 | GREER, Elizabeth
1862 | GREER, Ellen
1871 | GREER, Isaac
1862 | GREER, James
1862 | GREER, Peter
1864 | GREER, William
1867 | GREETHAM, Henry
1872 | GREGG, brother of George
1872 | GREGG, George
1873 | GREGG, George
1863 | GREGG, Richard
1863 | GREGORY, Ellen
1872 | GREGORY, F
1868 | GREGORY, F P
1872 | GREGORY, F T
1863 | GREGORY, Geo
1863 | GREGORY, George
1866 | GREGORY, George
1862 | GREGORY, H C
1862 | GREGORY, Jno
1865 | GREGORY, John
1863 | GREGORY, Jos
1875 | GREGORY, M
1864 | GREGORY, Nathaniel
1863 | GREGORY, Sarah A
1875 | GREGORY, T
1863 | GREGORY, Wm John
1866 | GREIG, Alex F
1862 | GREIG, Geo
1874 | GREIG, Thomas
1866 | GREIVES, Carey
1866 | GREIVES, Isaac
1866 | GREIVES, Maria
1866 | GREIVES, Thomas
1863 | GRELL, Carolina
1863 | GRELL, Christina
1863 | GRELL, Ernestine
1863 | GRELL, Herrmann
1868 | GRENCIDE, Herbert
1863 | GRENDON, John
1863 | GRETTEN, Ann
1863 | GRETTEN, Margt
1863 | GRETTEN, Peter
1863 | GRETTEN, S
1863 | GRETTEN, Samuel
1869 | GREVILLE, Grosvenor
1865 | GREW, Patrick W
1862 | GREY, Alfred
1863 | GREY, James
1863 | GREY, John
1870 | GREY, John
1864 | GREY, Robert
1861 | GREY, William
1861 | GRIBBIN, James
1862 | GRICE, James H
1862 | GRICE, Thomas
1865 | GRIERSON, Alexander
1865 | GRIERSON, Chas
1864 | GRIEVE, Archibald
1863 | GRIEVE, Robert
1862 | GRIFFEN, Edward
1863 | GRIFFIN, Ellen
1863 | GRIFFIN, Honora
1866 | GRIFFIN, Honoria
1863 | GRIFFIN, John
1863 | GRIFFIN, Margt
1863 | GRIFFIN, Mary
1864 | GRIFFIN, Nicholas
1862 | GRIFFIN, Thos
1863 | GRIFFIN, Thos
1866 | GRIFFIN, William H
1863 | GRIFFITH, Adam
1862 | GRIFFITH, Crofton
1863 | GRIFFITH, Eliza
1863 | GRIFFITH, Francis
1871 | GRIFFITH, G
1865 | GRIFFITH, Herbert
1871 | GRIFFITH, Isabella
1862 | GRIFFITH, James
1867 | GRIFFITH, John
1863 | GRIFFITH, Letitia
1871 | GRIFFITH, Margaret
1863 | GRIFFITH, Mary A
1862 | GRIFFITH, Richard
1864 | GRIFFITH, Richard
1867 | GRIFFITH, Sydney
1871 | GRIFFITH, William Atherton
1869 | GRIFFITH, Wm
1865 | GRIFFITHS, E Revd
1862 | GRIFFITHS, Emily
1865 | GRIFFITHS, Evelyn
1865 | GRIFFITHS, Isabella
1863 | GRIFFITHS, John
1865 | GRIFFITHS, Mary
1871 | GRIFFITHS, Mos
1862 | GRIFFITHS, Walter
1868 | GRIGGS, Harriet
1868 | GRIGGS, Wm H F
1868 | GRIGGS, Wm Hy
1864 | GRIM, Adam
1863 | GRIMALDI, Charles B
1863 | GRIMALDI, Wynford B
1867 | GRIMDEL, Augusta
1866 | GRIMES, Carey
1865 | GRIMES, Henry
1866 | GRIMES, Isaac
1866 | GRIMES, Maria
1865 | GRIMES, Thomas
1866 | GRIMES, Thomas
1866 | GRIMLEY, Edward
1866 | GRIMLEY, Emma
1863 | GRIMLEY, Margt
1863 | GRIMLEY, Mary
1866 | GRIMLEY, Mary
1865 | GRIMM, George
1865 | GRIMM, Mary
1868 | GRINSON, Hy C
1863 | GRIPP, Catharina
1867 | GRIPP, F
1863 | GRIPP, Hardo
1867 | GRIPP, J
1863 | GRIPP, Johannes
1863 | GRIPP, Wilhelm
1868 | GRIPP, J
1863 | GRISBROOK, Joyce
1871 | GRITTON, G B
1863 | GROGAN, Bernard
1863 | GROGAN, Bridget
1863 | GROGAN, Cathn
1863 | GROGAN, Dennis
1863 | GROGAN, Jas
1862 | GROGAN, M
1863 | GROGAN, Mary
1863 | GROGAN, Patrick
1863 | GROGAN, Susan
1863 | GRONER, Fredk
1874 | GRONWALD, Hans
1874 | GRONWALD, Hilza
1874 | GRONWALD, Julius
1874 | GRONWALD, Keren
1874 | GRONWALD, Peter
1874 | GRONWALD, Sarah
1863 | GROOM, Geo
1869 | GROOVES, Emma
1863 | GROS, Adam
1863 | GROS, Joseph
1864 | GROSE, Edwin G
1869 | GROSE, Joel
1863 | GROSS, Christian
1863 | GROSS, Ferdd
1865 | GROSSMANN, Ernst
1865 | GROSSMANN, Louise
1862 | GROSVENOR, F J Rev
1862 | GROUNDWATER, George
1864 | GROVE, William H
1869 | GROVES, Emma
1863 | GROVES, Mathias
1864 | GRUNDEL, Maritz
1862 | GRUNDY, William
1863 | GRUNEISEN, Gervis
1872 | GRUSSHENNING, Heinrich
1863 | GUARIN, Jas
1870 | GUILD, Mary
1866 | GULER, William
1863 | GULTZOW, Friedrich
1861 | GUMM, A
1862 | GUNN, Michl
1861 | GUNN, William
1865 | GUNNING, Thomas
1862 | GUNOGER, Emma
1863 | GUNTER, William
1863 | GUNTHER, Heinrich
1863 | GUNZLER, Ludwig
1863 | GURKE, Johann
1863 | GURKE, Wilhelmine
1865 | GURNEY, Edward
1866 | GURNEY, Frank W
1867 | GURNEY, Samuel
1862 | GUSCOTT, Silvanus
1862 | GUSKETT, Sylvannus
1863 | GUTMANN, Ubald
1862 | GUTTERIDGE, John
1868 | GUY, Thos Belgene
1865 | GUYER, George
1865 | GUZTHER, Wm
1862 | GWYNNE, Ann
1862 | GWYNNE, Robert
1865 | GWYTHER, George
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