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Table of Contents for Walker County, Georgia Property Tax Digests

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Walker County, Georgia, United Statesmap
Profile manager: Katie Goodwin private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 66 times.


About the Table of Contents

The property tax digest books for Walker County, Georgia are divided into 5 year volumes: 1873-1878, 1878-1882, 1883-1887. Digitized copies are available on Ancestry, but they have not broken the volumes down by year. Additionally, many pages are out of order.

I (Katie Goodwin) needed to know the year an ancestor moved to Walker County - property taxes would be a good clue - so I began this table of contents to hopefully benefit myself and others.

Pages listed refer to the page number in film, not in the physical copy of the book.

Table of Contents

1873 - 1878

1873: p. 1

Page 1 to 137

Militia District # District Name Surnames Pages in film
944 Peavine A-B 139-151
Peavine F-Z
869 Chestnutflat
953 East Armuchee

DIST. # DIST. NAME PAGE (in film)

971 Boiling Spring 2 - 6 /47/91 - 104 881 Pond Spring 83 - 90 / 113 - 118 956 Chattanooga Val. 105 - 106 / 127 - 137 1161 Lookout Mtn. 107 - 112 1257 Dry Valley ??? 826 Crayfish 119 - 126 869 Chestnutflat 50 - 60 953 East Armuchee 61 - 74 1053 West Armuchee 75 - 81 960 Cane Creek 27 943 Wilsons 35 871 LaFayette 6 / 45 944 Peavine ???

Lafayette seems out of order? Tally sheet on p 22 seems to be from 1873. Then p. 24 is seemingly the right side without the left, and it starts into West Armuchee randomly.

1874: p. 138

Page 138 to 315?

District # District name Page in film
944 Peavine 139 - 151 / 164 - 175 / 199 - 200
869 Chestnutflat 251 - 260
953 East Armuchee 159 - 160 / 221 - 234
1053 West Armuchee 161/163? / 201 - 202 / 235 - 242
960 Cane Creek 203 - 210
971 Boiling Spring 152 / 301 - 315
1161 Lookout Mtn. 155 - 156 / 261 - 262 / 297 - 300
956 Chatt. Valley 287 - 296
1257 Dry Valley 263 - 268
826 Crayfish 157 - 158 / 243 - 250 / 269 - 270
881 Pond Spring 153 - ? / 271 - 286
943 Wilsons Dist. 211 - 220
871 LaFayette 179 - 198

Freedmen?? tally sheet on p. 162 1874 tally sheet on p. 177 - 178

1878 - 1882

1883 - 1887


White Citizens

District # District name Page in film
960 Cane Creek 4 - 13
1053 West Armuchee 14 - 23
953 East Armuchee 24 - 39
869 Chestnut Flat 40 - 47
944 Pea Vine 48 - 61
881 Pond Spring 62 - 71, 74 - 79
826 Crawfish Spring 80 - 93
1257 Dry Valley 94 - 103
956 Chattanooga Valley 104 - 115
1161 Lookout Mountain 116 - 121
971 Upper Cove 122 - 139
871 LaFayette 140 - 161
943 Wilson 162 - 175

List of White Defaulters: pages 178 - 181

Black Citizens

District # District name Page in film
960 Cane Creek 182
1053 West Armuchee 183
953 East Armuchee 184
869 Chestnut Flat 185
944 Pea Vine 186
881 Pond Spring 187
826 Crawfish Spring 188
1257 Dry Valley 189
971 Upper Cove 190
871 LaFayette 191 - 192
943 Wilson 193

About the Property Tax Digests

The [property tax digest] books list names of taxpayers and assessments of value for various types of property and assets, as well as indicating who owed the poll tax. As such, the records should include all men 21 and over and women who owned property. Another important feature of the digests is their inclusion of African-American freemen by name.

Digests were compiled by militia district. This allows researchers to locate an ancestor by county, where other important records may be located (though these digests list taxes according to where property was owned rather than where the payee necessarily lived). The digests don’t often indicate family relationships, but they do offer details about a taxpayer and his (or her) estate. Details on white taxpayers were recorded on a two-page form:

  • name
  • number of polls
  • taxable profession
  • number of employees
  • acres owned (and location)
  • value of land
  • value of city or town property
  • shares held in banks and corporations
  • stocks and securities
  • investments in cotton, foundries, shipping, mining
  • personal possessions (jewelry, agricultural products, animals, tools, etc.)

Freemen were logged separately on a different, one-page form that recorded

  • name of freeman
  • name of employer
  • polls
  • acres (and location)
  • value of land
  • value of city or town property
  • personal property: household items, stock, tools, merchandise


Agents, sometimes abbreviated Agt, represented the person who owed the tax. Women property holders often had men represent them on tax lists. The agent might be a family member, or he might represent a group who had sent one person to pay their taxes rather than all of them making the trip.

(Description taken from Ancestry.com)

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