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Tasman, Immigrant Voyage to Victoria 1849

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The ship Tasman arrived in Geelong, Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia, on 28 October 1849, from London and Plymouth (sailed 12 July 1849) direct (108 days).

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1847 - 1851) Sat 3 Nov 1849 Page 2 LIST OF IMMIGRANTS PER TASMAN [1]

Aitken, Peter, Jane, and 4 children—Fife.
Anderson, James, Agnes, and 3 children—Stirling.:
Band, Robert—Edinburgh.
Batten, Charles—Middlesex.
Bageley, Frances,—Hants.
Blows, William, Charlotte, I child—Cambridge.
Bown, John, Sarah, I child—Hants.
Bennett, John, Caroline, 2 children—Herts.
Bouchier, Ann—Herts.
Bradford, William, (widower) and 2 children—Kent.
Brooks, Robert, Mary Ann—Middlesex.
Bett, David, Elizabeth—Fife.
Carmichael, Elizabeth—Essex.
Cart, John, Emily—Kent.
Carty, Edward, Mary —Wexford.
Chappell, Alfred, Caroline, and 7 children —Gloucester.
Chisley, Harkless, Sarah, and 2 children—Surry,
Cook, George—Gloucester.
Corbett, William, Eliza, 1 child—Oxon.
Collins, Phillip, Sarah, and 3 children—Kent.
Costain, William, Eliza, and 2 children—Lancaster.
Couling, William, Mary—Oxon.
Coulson, George, Mary, and 3 children—Derby.
Cozens, William, Ann, and 3 children—Oxford,
Cutting, William—Middlesex.
Darby, Richard, Susan—Cambridge.
Davis, Edward, Andrew, Ellen, and 2children — Middlesex.
Doyle, Catherine—Wexford.
Downard, George, Sarah—Essex.
Elwood, Ephraim, Mary, and 1 child—Hants.
Falla, Robert, Elizabeth, and 6 children—Edinburgh.
Farr, James—Surry.
Fletcher, Sarah Ann—Dublin.
Gathercole, Robert, Eliza, and 3 children—Surrey.
Glasher, John, Bridget, and 3 children—Tipperary.
Goode, John, Lucy, and 6 children—Cambridge.
Gunn, Jemima, Elizabeth, and George—Essex.
Hawkins, Jane, and Ann—Wexford.
Heath, John, Ann, and 2 children—Middlesex.
Higgs, Thomas, Hannah, and 3 children—Berks.
Hoey, Patrick, Bridget, ant 8 children—Derby.
Hughes, John, Sarah, and 2 children—Lancaster.
Haghan, Laura—Essex.
Kehoe, Jane—Wexford.
Kelly, Ann, (widow) and 3 children—Tyrone.
Kerr, John—Ayr.
King, John, Sarah, and 1 child—Herts.
Kirk, Frederick, M'Adam—Ayr.
Laird, Isabella—Edinburgh.
Lyons, Jacob, Susanna, and 1 child—Herts;
Miles, William, Sarah—Hants.
Michell, Alexander, Margaret, and 4 children—Fife.
Neal, William, (widower) and 6 children—Derby.
Parker, Anthony, Hary—Tipperary.
Penfold, Joseph Henry—Surrey.
Pike, Alfred, Augusta, and 2 children— Hants.
Pike, Henry, Emily, and 1 child—Hants.
Poole, George, Louisa—Gloucester.
Ramsey, John, Sarah—Essex.
Read, Charles, Anne, and 2 children—Middlesex.
Robins, Winm. P., Joanna—Middlesex.
Smith, John, Christina—Aberdeen.
Smith, Joseph—Essex.
Timms, William, Susan—Oxford.
Treadwell, Thomas, Martha, and 2 children—Berks.
Trotman, Sanders, Mary, and 1 child—Middlesex.
Williams, William—London.
Viney, William, Elizabeth, 2 children—Middlesex.
Ward, James, Sophia, and 4 children—Surry.
Wall, Mary—Wexford.
Wells, William—Kent.
White, Henry—Surry.
Whitaker, John, Jane—York.
Willis, John G.—Surry,
Wright, Theodore—Kent.


  1. Trove, National Library Of Australia, Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1847 - 1851) Sat 3 Nov 1849 Page 2 LIST OF IMMIGRANTS PER TASMAN., https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/93133465

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