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Tax Records - Lancaster County, Virginia Colony

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Lancaster, Virginiamap
Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies Virginia Lancaster_County
This page has been accessed 508 times.
This profile is part of the Lancaster County, Virginia One Place Study.



This page identifies colonists appearing in the tax records of Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, by date, between the county's founding in 1651 and the American Revolution in 1776.

Taxes By Year


Lancaster County assessed its colonists for taxes, based on their tithables (male labor force), 25 Oct 1653.[1] Among those listed (in alphabetical order): Mr. [James] Bagnall 5 tithables, Ja[mes] Bonner 3, Tho[mas] Bourn 3, Ca[pt] [William] Brocas 14, Fra[ncis] Browne 2, Mr. [Rowland] Burnham 11, Mr. [Edward] Boswell 4, Mr. [Thomas] Brice 6, Maj. Jo[hn] Carter 12, Mr. Thomas Carter 5, Sir Hen[ry] Chicheley 17, W[illia]m Clapham Sen'r 5, W[illia]m Clapham Jun'r 6, Mr. [Francis] Cole 5, Mr. [Edwin] Conaway 5, Mr. John Cox 3, John Edgecomb 2, Mr. John Edwards 4, Cap. [Moore] Fantleroy 4, Cap. Hen[ry] Fleet 12, Mr. David Fox 10, Mr. Andrew Gilson 4, John Gregory 2, Mr. Tho[mas] Griffen 5, Tho[mas] Griffen 2, Row[land] Haddaway 2, Will[iam] Harper 2, Toby Horton 3, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 16, Thomas Kidd 3, Mr. Lambert 12, Mr. Row[land] Lawson (unspecified), Col. [_____] Loes 12, Mr. Richard Loes 3, Jo[hn] Merriman 3, Mr. [Lambert] Moore 5, W[illia]m Neesam 5, Jo[hn] Nichols 2, Mr. [John] Paine 5, Mr. Richard Parrott 4, Mr. [Thomas] Powell 3, Thomas Powell 2, Jo[hn] Sharpe 6, Mr. [William] Smart 10, Mr. Toby Smyth 3, Mr. Geo[rge] Taylor 6, W[illia]m Thatcher 1, Dominik [Therriott] 4, Clem[ent] Thrush 3, Mr. [Robert] Tomlyn 6, Mr. W[illia]m Underwood 5, Abr[aham] Weekes 3, W[illia]m White 2, Mr. Tho[mas] W[illia]ms 2, Mr. Ja[mes] Williamson 9.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1653, in terms of tithables:

  1. Henry Chicheley, 17 tithables
  2. Edmund Kempe, 16 tithables
  3. William Brocas, 14 tithables
  4. John Carter, 12 tithables
  5. Henry Fleet, 12 tithables
  6. [_____] Loes, 12 tithables
  7. Rowland Burnham, 11 tithables
  8. David Fox, 10 tithables
  9. William Smart, 10 tithables
  10. James Williamson, 9 tithables

Colonists by grouping in 1653:

James Bagnall Group (alphabetically): Mr. [James] Bagnall 5 tithables, Mr. John Cox 3, Tho[mas] Griffen 2, Mr. Richard Loes 3, Mr. [John] Paine 5 (also appears in Thomas Brice Group).
Thomas Bourne Group (alphabetically): Tho[mas] Bourn 3, Row[land] Haddaway 2.
Thomas Brice Group (alphabetically): Mr. [Thomas] Brice 6, Mr. John Edwards 4, Jo[hn] Merriman 3, W[illia]m Neesam 5, Mr. [John] Paine 5 (also appears in James Bagnall Group), Thomas Powell 2, Dominik [Therriott] 4.
John Cox Group (alphabetically): Ja[mes] Bonner 3, Ca[pt] [William] Brocas 14, Sir Hen[ry] Chicheley 17, Mr. John Cox 3, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 16, Mr. [Lambert] Moore 5, Col. [_____] Loes 12.
David Fox Group (alphabetically): Mr. David Fox 10, Mr. Lambert 12, Mr. [Thomas] Powell 3, Jo[hn] Sharpe 6.
Andrew Gilson Group (alphabetically): Mr. Andrew Gilson 4, Clem[ent] Thrush 3, Mr. [Robert] Tomlyn 6.
Rowland Lawson Group (alphabetically): Maj. Jo[hn] Carter 12, Mr. Thomas Carter 5, W[illia]m Clapham Sen'r 5, W[illia]m Clapham Jun'r 6, Mr. [Edwin] Conaway 5, Cap. Hen[ry] Fleet 12, Will[iam] Harper 2, Toby Horton 3, Jo[hn] Nichols 2, W[illia]m Thatcher 1.
Richard Perrott Group (alphabetically): Mr. [Edward] Boswell 4, Fra[ncis] Browne 2, Mr. [Rowland] Burnham 11, Mr. [Francis] Cole 5, Thomas Kidd 3, Mr. Richard Parrott 4, Abr[aham] Weekes 3.
Toby Smith Group (alphabetically): John Edgecomb 2, Cap. [Moore] Fantleroy 4, Mr. Tho[mas] Griffen 5, Mr. Toby Smyth 3, Mr. W[illia]m Underwood 5, Mr. Tho[mas] W[illia]ms 2, Mr. Ja[mes] Williamson 9.
George Taylor Group (alphabetically): Mr. [William] Smart 10, Mr. Geo[rge] Taylor 6.


Lancaster County assessed its colonists for taxes, again based on tithables (male labor force), twice in 1655. The first assessment was 6 Feb 1655.[2] Among those listed (in alphabetical order): Robert Armstrong 3 tithables, Mr. Ja[mes] Bagnall 4, Jo[hn] Bell 1, Cyprian Bishop 2, James Bonner 3, Mr. [Edward] Boswell 4, Thomas Bourne 5, Mr. Robert Bradshaw 6, Mr. Thomas Brice 9, Ca[pt] [William] Brocas 12, Fra[ncis] Browne 3, Rob[er]t Bryan 1, Mr. [Rowland] Burnham 12, Maj. J[oh]n Carter 12, Mr. Thomas Carter 4, Mr. Jo[hn] Catlet 5, Sir Henry Chicheley 24, W[illia]m Clapham Sen'r 5, W[illia]m Clapham Jun'r 7, Francis Cole 5, [Edwin] Conaway 4, Mr. John Cox 4, Evan Davis 3, Walter Dickenson 6, John Edgecomb 2, John Edwards 4, Cap. [Moore] Fauntleroy 7, Cap. Henry Fleet 11, Mr. David Fox 16, Mr. [Andrew] Gilson 4, Mr. [Thomas] Griffin 5, Tho[mas] Griffith 1, Widd[ow] [Margaret] Grimes 4, W[illia]m Harper 3, Tho[mas] Hopkins 4, Toby Horton 3, George Kible 3, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 5, Thomas Kidd 3, Charles King 1, Richard Lawson 6, Mr. Row[land] Lawson 3, Richard Lewis 3, William Leech 12, Mr. [Richard] Loes 3, La[dy] Lunsford 12, Thomas Marsh 3, John Meredith 5, J[oh]n Merriman 2, Rob[er]t Moss 4, John Needles 2, W[illia]m Neesham 6, J[oh]n Nichols 1, J[oh]n Paine 7, Tho[mas] Paine 6, Mr. Richard Porrott 5, Thomas Powell 2, Mr. [Thomas] Powell 3, Thomas Robinson 2, Oliver Segar 2, Mr. John Sharpe 14, Mr. Toby Smyth 6, Tho[mas] Staines 6, Mr. Geo[rge] Taylor 3, Silvester Thatcher 3, Dominic [Therriott] 4, William Thompson 3, Cle[men]t Thrush 6, Rob[ert] Tomlin 4, Mr. Raleigh Travers 7, Abr[aham] Weekes 3, Dan[iell] Welsh 2, Tho[mas] Whitlock 5, Tho[mas] W[illia]ms 2, Mr. [James] Williamson 7, Mr. [Thomas] Willis 2, Robert Young 2.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1655 (Feb), in terms of tithables:

  1. Henry Chicheley, 24 tithables
  2. David Fox, 16 tithables
  3. John Sharpe, 14 tithables
  4. William Brocas, 12 tithables
  5. John Carter, 12 tithables
  6. Rowland Burnham, 12 tithables
  7. William Leech, 12 tithables
  8. Lady Lunsford, 12 tithables
  9. Henry Fleet, 11 tithables
  10. Thomas Brice, 9 tithables

The county assessed again, 7 Dec 1655.[3] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Mr. Ja[mes] Bagnall 6, Jo[hn] Bell 1, Cyprian Bishop 1, Ja[mes] Bonner 5, Ebby Bonnison 5, Mr. [Humphrey] Booth 7, Mr. [Thomas] Bourne 6, George Bryer 2, Mr. [Thomas] Brice 7, Fran[cis] Browne 3, Mr. Rowland Burnham 12, Maj. John Carter 21 (“both sides”), Mr. Thomas Carter 4, Sir Henry Chicheley 29, [William] Clapham Sen 5, Mr. [William Clappam [Jr] 4, Mr. [Francis] Cole 3, Mr. [Edwin] Connaway 4, Mr. [John] Cox 3, Mr. [John] Curtis 6, Evan Davis 6, Hen[ry] Davys 2, Mr. [Walter] Dikeson 4, John Edgecomb 2, Capt. [Moore] Fauntleroy 5, Cap. Henry Flete 19 (includes his upper plantation), Mr. David Fox 14, Mr. [Andrew] Gelson 4, Mr. [John] Gellett 6, Mr. Jo[hn] Gregory 3, Mr. [Thomas] Griffin 7, Mr. [Thomas] Griffin 2, Rowland Hadway 3, Will[iam] Harper 2, Tho[mas] Hopkins 3, Toby Horton 6, Toby Hurst 2, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 5, Thomas Kidd 3, Charles King 1, Mr. Rich[ar]d Lawson 5, Mr. Row[land] Lawson 4, William Leech 10, Mr. [Richard] Loe 3, Mr. [Thomas] Lucas 5, "the Lady Lunsford" 14, Sam'l Man 4, Mr. George Marsh 4, John Meredith 3, Mr. John Merryman 3, Rob[er]t Moss 3, Jo[hn] Needles 3, Will[ia]m Neesham 7, John Nichols 3, John Paine 1, Tho[mas] Payne 4, Mr. [Richard] Perrott 6, Mr. [Thomas] Powell 6, Thomas Powell 2, Mr. [____] Rigby] 3, John Robbinson 1, Thomas Robinson 2, Mr. [Ralph] Rowsey 6, Tho[mas] Rowsey 1, Oliver Segar 1, John Sharpe 13, Jo[hn] Sherlock 2, Mr. [Toby] Smith 7, Mr. [Thomas] Staines 6, Vincent Stanford (unspecified), John Taylor 3, Mr. Geo[rge] Taylor 6, Mons’r [Dominic] Therryott 3, Silvester Thatcher 3, Clement Thrush 4, Mr. [William] Tignoll [Tignor] 8, Mr. [Robert] Tomlyn 4, Mr. Raleigh Travers 6, Mr. William Underwood 6, Abraham Weekes 3, Daniell Welsh 2, John Welsh 2, William White 4, Thomas Whitlock 7, Tho[mas] Williams 3, Mr. [James] Williamson 4, Mr. [Thomas] Willis 1, Will[iam] Wroughton 2, Rob[er]t Young 2.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1655 (Dec), in terms of tithables:

  1. Henry Chicheley 29
  2. John Carter 21
  3. Henry Fleet 19
  4. David Fox 14
  5. "the Lady Lunsford" 14
  6. John Sharpe 13
  7. Rowland Burnham 12
  8. William Leech 10
  9. Mr. [William?] Tignoll [Tignor?] 8
  10. [Humphrey] Booth 7
  11. Thomas Griffin 7
  12. Will[ia]m Neesham 7
  13. Tobias Smith 7
  14. Thomas Whitlock 7


Lancaster County assessed its colonists for taxes, again based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 5 Nov 1656.[4] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Mr. Ja[mes] Bagnall 5, Jo[hn] Bell 4, Cyprian Bishop 2, William Bluford 6, Ja[mes] Bonner 5, Ebby Bonnison 5, Mr. [Humphrey] Booth 7, Mr. [Edward] Boswell 5, Mr. [Thomas] Bourne 6, Andrew Bowyer 4, Hugh Brent 1, Mr. [Thomas] Brice 7, Fran[cis] Browne 2, Mr. [______] Browning 2, Geo[rge] Bryer 3, Mr. [Rowland] Burnham 14, Col. [John] Carter 23, Mr. [Thomas] Carter 9, Sir Henry Chicheley 34, Mr. [Robert] Chowning 3, [William] Clapham Sen 3, Mr. [William Clapham Jun] 6, Mr. [_______] Cobb 5, Mr. [Francis] Cole 5, Mr. [Edwin] Connoway 4, Mr. [[[John] Curtys 3, Mr. Edward Dale (unspecified), Evan Davys 5, Hen[ry] Davys 3, Rich[ar]d Davys 3, Mr. [Walter] Dickenson 4, John Edgecomb 3, Capt. [Moore] Fauntleroy 9, Cap. Henry Fleet 14, Richard Forman [sp?] 4, Mr. David Fox 13, Mr. [Andrew] Gellson 8, Major [Thomas] Goodrich 9, Mr. [Thomas] Griffin 7, Tho[mas] Griffin 2, Widd[ow] [Margaret] Grymes 4, Rowland Haddaway 2, Nich[olas] Hayle 2, Mr. [________] Hawkins 4, Rob[er]t Hopkins 4, Tho[mas] Hopkins 3, Toby Horton 6, W[illia]m Hutchins 2, Mr. [____] Jackman 3, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 6, George Kibble 5, Thomas Kidd 4, Charles King 2, Mr. Rich[ar]d Lawson 6, Mr. Row[land] Lawson 3, W[illia]m Leech 5, Mr. [Richard] Loe 3, Col. [_______] Loe 10, Mr. [Thomas] Lucas 5, "Lady Lunsford" 14, Thomas Maidstone 2, Mr. George Marsh 5, Jo[hn] Meredith 1, Mr. Jo[hn] Merryman 2, Mr. [Peter] Montague 5, Rob[er]t Moss3, John Needles 5, Will[ia]m Neesham 6, Jo[hn] Newman 3, Hen[ry] Nichols 2, Ja[mes] Nichols 2, Mr. Jo[hn] Nichols Sen 9, Jo[hn] Nichols 3, Mr. John Paine 5, Mr. Tho[mas] Payne 7, Mr. [Richard] Parrott 4, Mr. Cuthbert Potter (unspecified), Mr. [Thomas] Powell 6, Thomas Powell 3, Mr. [____] Rigby] 4, Jo[hn] Robinson 3, Tho[mas] Robinson 2, Mr. [Ralph] Rowsey 8, John Sharpe 3, Jo[hn] Sherlock 2, Mr. [Toby] Smith 5, Mr. [Thomas] Staines 6, Capt. [Edward] Streater 9, Mr. Geo[rge] Taylor 4, Jo[hn] Taylor 3, John Taylor 2, Silvester Thatcher 5, Dominic Therryott 3, Clem[en]t Thrush 6, Mr. [William] Tignor 8, Nathan? Tomlyn 3, Mr. [Robert] Tomlyn 6, Rich[ard] Tomlinson 1, Mr. [Raleigh] Travers 7, Mr. W[illia]m Underwood 6, Abraham Weekes 3, Dan[iel] Welsh 4, John Welsh 4, Tho[mas] Williams 5, Mr. [James] Williamson 17, Mr. [Thomas] Willys.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1656, in terms of tithables:

  1. Henry Chicheley 34
  2. John Carter 23
  3. James Williamson 17.
  4. Rowland Burnham 14
  5. Henry Fleet 14
  6. "Lady Lunsford" 14
  7. David Fox 13,
  8. Col. [_______] Loe 10
  9. Thomas Carter 9
  10. Moore Fauntleroy, 9
  11. Thomas Goodrich, 9
  12. John Nichols Sen, 9
  13. Edward Streater, 9


Lancaster County assessed its colonists for taxes, again based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 16 Dec 1657.[5] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Ja[mes] Allison 3, Jo[hn] Bell 1, Ja[mes] Bonner 8, Ebby Bonnison 8, Mr. [Edward] Boswell 3, Mr. [Thomas] Bourne 5, Andrew Bowyer 2, Hugh Brent 2, Mr. Tho[mas] Carter 5, Sir Henry Chicheley 24, Mr. [Robert] Chowning 4, Mr. [William] Clapham Sen 3, Mr. [William Clapham Jun] 6, Mr. [_______] Cobb 5, Mr. [Francis] Cole 5, Mr. [Edwin] Connaway 4, Mr. [Henry] Corbyn 12, Mr. [John] Curtys 5, Mr. Edward Dale 2, Walter Dickenson 5, Mr. [Thomas] Duncombe 4, Jo[hn] Edwards 4, Col. Henry Fleet 9, Mr. David Fox 11, Nich[olas] George 1, Widd[ow] [Margaret] Grymes 2, Rowland Haddaway 4, Nich[olas] Hale 3, Mr. [Thomas?] Harwood 9, Charles Hill 2, Tho[mas] Hopkins 4, Toby Horton 6, W[illia]m Hutchins 1, Jo[hn] Jackson 2, George Kebble 5, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 6, Tho[mas] Kidd 5, Charles King 1, Mr. [Rowland] Lawson 4, [William] Leech 7, Col. [_______] Loe 9, Will[ia]m Lucas 2, "Lady Lunsford" 12, Ja[mes] Markham 4, Mr. [George] Marsh 15, Jo[hn] Meredith 3, Jo[hn] Merryman 2, Mr. [Peter] Montague 5, Jo[hn] Needles 3, Will[ia]m Neesham 3, Hen[ry] Nicholls 3, Ja[mes] Nicholls (unspecified), Jo[hn] Nicholls 2, Jo[hn] Pines 3, Mr. [Richard] Parrott 7, Cuthbert Potter (unspecified), Mr. [Thomas] Powell 5, Roger Radford 2, Jo[hn] Robinson 3, Mr. [Thomas] Robinson 4, Oliver Segar 2, Jo[hn] Simpson 1, Vinc[ent] Stanford (unspecified), Bryan Stott 2, John Stott 3, Capt. [Edward] Streater 6, Mr. [George] Taylor (obscured), Jo[hn] Taylor 3, Dom[inic] Therryott 4, Mr. [Raleigh] Travers 8, Edward Webb 2, Abra[ham] Weekes (obsured), Dan[iel] Welsh (obscured), Mr. [William] White 8, William White (Jr?) 1, Tho[mas] Williams 3, Mr. [Thomas] Willys 5, Will[iam] Wroughton 4.


Lancaster County assessed its colonists for taxes, again based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 31 Oct 1658.[6] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Ja[mes] Allison 3, Mr. [William] Ball 3, Jo[hn] Bell 2, James Bonner 5, Mr. [Thomas] Bourne 5, Edward Boswell 4, Andrew Bowyer 2, Hugh Brent 2, Rich[ard] Bridger 3, Mr. Edward Carter 4, Col. John Carter 21, Mr. Tho[mas] Carter 4, Randolph Chamblett 3, Thomas Chetwood(mentioned, no number), Sir Henry Chicheley 35, Mr. [Robert] Chowning 2, Will[iam] Clapham Sen 4, Will[iam] Clapham Jun] 7, Mr. [Edwin] Connaway 3, W[illia]m Copeland 1, Mr. Henry Corbyn 20, Mr. [John] Curtys 6, Mr. [Edward] Dale 3, Hen[ry] Davys 4, Walter Dickenson 4, Mr. [Thomas] Duncombe 9, Mr. [John] Edwards 7, Lt. Col. [Henry] Fleet 8, Mr. [David] Fox 18, Nicholas George 3, Rowland Haddaway) 3, Nich[olas] Hale 3, Will[iam] Harper 2, Toby Horton 3, Jo[hn] Jackson 2, John Jadwyn 2, Geo[rge] Kebble 4, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 5, Rob[er]t Kempe 1, Tho[mas] Kidd (obscured), Charles King 1, Edward King 5, Mr. [Rowland] Lawson 5, W[illia]m Leech 8, Lady Lunsford 14, Edward Lunsford 1, Mr. [Thomas] Madestard 2, Sam[uel] Man[n] 6, Ja[mes] Markham 3, Jo[hn] Meredith 2, Jo[hn] Merryman 3, Patrick Millar 4, Mr. [Peter] Montague 4, Jo[hn] Needles 5, W[illia]m Neesham 4, Hen[ry] Nicholls 4, Jo[hn] Nichols 2, Rob[er]t Osborne 2, Mr. Rich[ar]d Perrott 6, Jo[hn] Pines 5, Mr. Cuth[bert] Potter (unspecified), Mr. [Thomas] Powell 5, Tho[mas] Powell Jun 4, John Sharp 4, John Simpson 7, Capt. [______] St_____ 6, Vin[cen]t Stanford 5, Brian Stott 2, John Stott 3, Capt. [Edward] Streater 6, Robert Taylor 3, Mr. Taylor 5, Mr. [Dominic] Therryott 3, Will[iam] Thompson 2, Mr. [Raleigh] Travers 9, Geo[rge] Vezey 3, Abraham Weekes 5, John Wells 2, Dan[iel] Welsh 4, Jo[hn] Welsh 3, Mr. [William] White 7, Tho[mas] Williams 6, Tho[mas] Williams 4, Mr. [Thomas] Willys (obscured).

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1658, in terms of tithables (among those legible):

  1. Henry Chicheley, 35
  2. John Carter, 21
  3. Henry Corbyn, 20
  4. David Fox, 18
  5. Lady Lunsford, 14
  6. Raleigh Travers, 9
  7. Thomas Duncombe, 9
  8. Henry Fleet, 8
  9. William Leech, 8
  10. William Clapham] Jr., 7
  11. John Edwards, 7
  12. John Simpson, 7
  13. William White, 7


Lancaster County assessed its colonists for taxes, again based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 30 Nov 1659.[7] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Mr. [William] Ball 4, Jo[hn] Bell 2, James Bonner 5, Mr. [Thomas] Bourne 4, Hugh Brent 1, Nath[aniel] Browne (unspecified), Col. John Carter 30, Thomas Chatwyn 2, Thomas Chetwood(unspecified), Sir Henry Chicheley 37, Stephen Chilton (unspecified), Mr. [Robert] Chowning 3, Will[iam] Clapham Sen 4, Will[iam] Clapham Jun] 6, Arth[ur] Clarke 2, Mr. [Edwin] Connoway 2, W[illia]m Copeland 1, Mr. [Henry] Corbyn 22, Mr. [John] Curtys 7, Mr. [Edward] Dale 4, Hen[ry] Davys 4, Walter Dickenson 5, Mr. [Thomas] Duncombe 5, Mr. [John] Edwards 5, Mr. [______] Edwards 2, Lt. Col. [Thomas] Ellyott 14, Col. [Henry] Flete 10, Mr. [____] Flower 2, Mr. [David] Fox 14, Nicholas George (unspecified), Nich[olas] Hale 3, Will[iam] Harper 2, Jo[hn] Hashwood 5, Toby Horton 4, Will[iam] Hutchins 3, Jo[hn] Jackson 4, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 5, Mr. Matt[hew] Kempe 10, Rob[er]t Kempe 2, Tho[mas] Kidd 2, Charles King 2, Mr. [Rowland] Lawson 3, Mr. [William] Leech 8, Will[iam] Ludford 1, Edward Lunsford 1, Thomas Maidstone 1, James Markham 2, Mr. [George] Marsh 8, Jo[hn] Meredith 3, Jo[hn] Merryman 2, Patrick Miller 3, Mr. [Peter] Montague Jr. 4, Lambert Moore 2, Jo[hn] Needles 5, Mr. [William] Neesham 5, Robert Neesum 5, Hen[ry] Nichols 4, Jo[hn] Nichols 1, Mr. [_____] Patteson 5, Mr. [Richard] Perrott 8, Tho[mas] Philips 1, Jo[hn] Pines 6, Rob[er]t Pollard 4, Mr. Cuth[bert] Potter 8, Thomas Powell 2, Howell Powell 1, Mr. [Thomas] Powell 5, Jo[hn] Sharp 3, Sir Gray Skipwith 5, Col. Robert Smith 25, Brian Stott 1, Tho[mas] Stott 2, Jo[hn] Taylor 2, Robert Taylor 3, Hen[ry] Thatcher (obscured), Mr. [Dominic] Therriott 2, Will[iam] Thompson 2, Will[iam] Thompson 1, Mr. [Raleigh] Travers 8, Sam[uel] Tucker 2, Geo[rge] Vezey 3, Abr[aham] Weekes 3, Jo[hn] Wells 3, Dan[iel] Welsh 4, Jo[hn] Welsh 5, Tho[mas] Williams 2, Tho[mas] Williams 2, Mr. [Thomas] Willys 2, Will[iam] Wroughton 4.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1659, in terms of tithables (among those legible and specified):

  1. Henry Chicheley, 37
  2. John Carter, 30
  3. Robert Smith, 25
  4. Henry Corbyn, 22
  5. Thomas Elliott, 14
  6. David Fox, 14
  7. Henry Fleet, 10
  8. Matthew Kempe, 10
  9. William Leech, 8
  10. George Marsh, 8
  11. Richard Perrott, 8
  12. Cuthbert Potter, 8
  13. Raleigh Travers, 8
John Carter Group (alphabetically): Mr. [William] Ball 4, Col. John Carter 30, Will[iam] Clapham Sen 4, Will[iam] Clapham Jun] 6, Arth[ur] Clarke 2, Mr. [Edwin] Connoway 2, Walter Dickenson 5, Mr. [John] Edwards 5, Mr. [____] Flowers 2, Will[iam] Hutchins 3, Mr. Matt[hew] Kempe 10, Edward Lunsford 1, Jo[hn] Meredith 3, Tho[mas] Philips 1, Howell Powell 1, Thomas Powell 2, Jo[hn] Taylor 2, Sam[uel] Tucker 2, Will[iam] Wroughton 4.
Henry Fleet Group (alphabetically): Hugh Brent 1, Col. [Henry] Flete 10, Toby Horton 4, Mr. [Rowland] Lawson 3, Thomas Maidstone 1.
Cuthbert Potter Group (alphabetically): Sir Henry Chicheley 37, Mr. [John] Curtys 7, Mr. [Thomas] Duncombe 5, Jo[hn] Jackson 4, Lambert Moore 2, Mr. Cuth[bert] Potter 8, Sir Gray Skipwith 5, Col. Robert Smith 25.
William Leach Group (alphabetically): Lt. Col. [Thomas] Ellyott 14, Mr. [William] Leech 8.
Edmund Kempe Group (alphabetically): Jo[hn] Bell 2, James Bonner 5, Mr. [Thomas] Bourne 4, Will[iam] Harper 2, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 5, Patrick Miller 3, Jo[hn] Needles 5.
Henry Corbin Group (alphabetically): Thomas Chatwyn 2, Mr. [Robert] Chowning 3, W[illia]m Copeland 1, Mr. [Henry] Corbyn 22, Rob[er]t Kempe 2, Tho[mas] Kidd 2, Will[iam] Ludford 1, James Markham 2, Mr. [George] Marsh 8, Mr. [Peter] Montague Jr. 4, Hen[ry] Nichols 4, Mr. [_____] Patteson 5, Mr. [Richard] Perrott 8, Robert Taylor 3, Hen[ry] Thatcher (obscured), Will[iam] Thompson 2, Abr[aham] Weekes 3, Dan[iel] Welsh 4, Jo[hn] Welsh 5, Tho[mas] Williams 2, Mr. [Thomas] Willys 2.


Lancaster County assessed its colonists for taxes, again based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 15 Nov 1660.[8] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Mr. [William] Ball (obscured), Mr. Band__ 6, Jo[hn] Bell 2, Jo[hn] Bell 2, James Bonner 3, Epp___ Bonnison 5, [Thomas] Bourne 6, Hugh Brent 1, Col. John Carter 30, Lt. Col. [Edward] Carter 6, Thomas Chatwyn 2, Sir Henry Chicheley 39, Mr. [Robert] Chowning 3, Widdow [Elizabeth] Clapham 7, Will[iam] Clapham Sen 3, Mr. [Edwin] Connoway 3, W[illia]m Copeland 1, Mr. [Henry] Corbyn 21, Mr. Jo[hn] Curtys 12, [Edward] Dale 3, Hen[ry] Davys 5, Minor Doodes 5, Mr. John Edwards 7, John Edwards 2, Lt. Col. [Thomas] Ellyott 21, Col. [Henry] Flete 10, Mr. [____] Flowers 2, Mr. [David] Fox 14, Nich[olas] Geo[rge] Sen 2, Rowland Haddaway 4, Nich[olas] Hale 4, Jo[hn] Haselwood 5, Tho[mas] Hill 4, Widdow Hill, 4, Toby Horton 4, Tho[mas] Humphreys (unclear), Will[iam] Hutchins 3, Jo[hn] Jackson 3, Dan[iel] Johnson 3, Mr. [Edmund] Kempe 5, Mr. Matt[hew] Kempe (named as gentleman and high sheriff but tithables unspecified), Rob[er]t Kempe 2, Tho[mas] Kidd 2, Charles King 2, Mr. [Rowland] Lawson2, Mr. [William] Leech 9, Mr. [Thomas] Madestard 1, James Markmun 2, Mr. [George] Marsh 6, Jo[hn] Meredith 2, Jo[hn] Merryman 2, Patrick Miller 4, Mr. [Peter] Montague Jr. 4, Lambert Moore 2, Arthur Nash 4, John Needles 7, W[illia]m Neesham 4, Hen[ry] Nichols 4, Jo[hn] Nichols 2, Rob[er]t Osborne 3, Hum[phre]y Owen 5, John Paine 5, Mr. [Richard] Perritt 12, Jo[hn] Pines 5, Rob[er]t Pollard 5, Mr. Cuth[bert] Potter 7, Mr. [Thomas] Powell 6, John Rayney 2, Jo[hn] Sharp 4, Jo[hn] Simpson 4, Sir Gray Skipwith 6, Col. Robert Smith 30, Bryan Stott 1, Tho[mas] Stott 2, Jo[hn] Taylor 2, Rob[er]t Taylor 4, Mr. [Dominic] Therryott 7, Will[iam] Thompson 4, Mr. [Raleigh] Travers 10, John Vause 10, Geo[rge] Vezey 4, Geo[rge] Wadding 8, Mr. [Abraham] Weekes 5, Jo[hn] Wells 1, Dan[iel] Welsh 5, Rich[ard] White 3, Will[iam] White 2, Tho[mas] Williams Sen 2, Tho[mas] Willys 3, Will[iam] Wroughton 4.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1660, in terms of tithables (among those legible and specified):

  1. Henry Chicheley, 39
  2. John Carter, 30
  3. Robert Smith 30
  4. Henry Corbyn, 21
  5. Thomas Ellyott, 21
  6. [David] Fox, 14
  7. John Curtys, 12
  8. Richard Perrott, 12
  9. Henry Fleet, 10
  10. Raleigh Travers, 10
  11. John Vause 10


Lancaster County continued to assess its colonists for taxes based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 23 Oct 1661.[9] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Will[iam] Abby 1, Mr. Will[iam] Ball 10, Mr. [William] Bawd 4, Jo[hn] Bell 2, Ja[mes] Bonner 3, Abyd Bonnyson 6, Edward Boswell 5, Mr. [Thomas] Bourne 8, Hugh Brent 2, Col. John Carter 22, Lt. Col. [Edward] Carter 6, Tho[mas] Chatwyn 3, Sir Hen[ry] Chicheley 39, Mr. Rob[er]t Chowning 3, W[illia]m Copeland 2, Mr. [Henry] Corbyn 21, Mr. [John] Curtys 8, Tho[mas] Daniel 3, Hen[ry] Davys 8, Minor Doodes 4, Mr. [William] Dudley 7, Mr. John Edwards 7, John Edwards 3, Mr. [Thomas] Ellyott 22, Mrs. [Henry] Flete 9, Mr. [____] Flower 3, Mr. [David] Fox 18, W[illia]m Frissell 6, Richard George 1, Row[land] Haddaway 4, Nich[olas] Hale 5, Jo[hn] Haselwood 4, Tho[mas] Hill 3, Toby Horton 4, Jo[hn] Jackson 3, Dan[iel] Johnson 3, Jo[hn] Jadwyn 3, Mr. [George] Keeble 6, Rob[er]t Kempe 2, Tho[mas] Kidd 2, Charles King 2, Mrs. [Rowland] Lawson 2, Mr. [William] Leech 12, Edward Lunsford 1, Tho[mas] Madestard 2, James Markmun 2, Mr. [George] Marsh 6, Jo[hn] Meredith 3, Jo[hn] Merryman 3, Patrick Miller 3, Mr. [Peter] Montague Jr. 4, Lamb[er]t Moore 1, Arthur Nash 5, Jo[hn] Needles 6, W[illia]m Neesham 4, Hen[ry] Nichols 5, Jo[hn] Nichols 5, Rob[er]t Osborne 4, Hum[phrey] Owen 4, Mr. [Richard] Perritt 14, John Pines 6, Rob[er]t Pollard 5, Mr. [Cuthbert] Potter 13, Mr. Tho[mas] Powell 10, Rob[er]t Pritchard 4, Jo[hn] Rayney 2, Edw[ard] Roe 6, Jo[hn] Sharp 5, Jo[hn] Simpson 3, Sir Gray Skipwith 4, Alex[ander] Smith 5, Col. Rob[er]t Smith 34, Bryan Stott 2, Tho[mas] Stott 1, Carter? Taylor 1, Rob[er]t Taylor 4, Philip Thatcher 5, Mr. D[ominic] Therryott 4, Will[iam] Thompson 3, Mr. Raw[leigh] Travers 11, Tho[mas] Tuggle 2, John Vause 10, Geo[rge] Vezey 4, Geo[rge] Wadding 5, Will[iam] Watson 4, Mr. Abra[ham] Weekes 7, Jo[hn] Wells 2, Dan[iel] Welsh 4, Will[iam] White 2, Tho[mas] Williams 2, Tho[mas] Willys 4, Mr. Woolerton 2, Will[iam] Wroughton 3

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1661, in terms of tithables (among those legible and specified):

  1. Henry Chicheley 39
  2. Robert Smith 34
  3. John Carter 22
  4. Thomas Ellyott 22
  5. Henry Corbyn 21
  6. [David] Fox 18
  7. [Richard] Perritt 14
  8. Cuthbert Potter 13
  9. William Leech 12
  10. Rawleigh Travers 11


Lancaster County continued to assess its colonists for taxes based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 20 Nov 1662.[10] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Will[iam] Abby 1, Mr. Will[iam] Ball 18, Mr. [William] Bawd 3, Joseph Bailey 3, Jo[hn] Bell 2, Ja[mes] Bonner 5, Abyd Bonnyson 7, Edward Boswell 7, Mr. Tho[mas] Bourne 5, Will[iam] Bourne 2, Hugh Brent 3, Nath[aniel] Browne 3, Jo[hn] Bruton? 7, Col. Jo[hn] Carter 35, Lt. Col. Edw[ard] Carter 10, Tho[mas] Chatwyn 6, Sir Hen[ry] Chicheley 40, Mr. Rob[er]t Chowning 6, Will[iam] Clapham 5, Mr. [Edwin] Connoway 3, W[illia]m Copeland 3, Mr. Henry Corbyn 25, Nich[olas] Cor[bin?] 7, Mr. Jo[hn] Curtys 13, Hen[ry] Davys 4, Minor Doodes 6, Mr. [William] Dudley 8, Mr. John Edwards 9, John Edwards 4, Mr. Anth[ony] Ellyott 28, Mr. [George?] Flower 3, Mr. [David] Fox 19, W[illia]m Frizle 3, Nich[olas] Geo[rge] 3, Widd[ow] George 3, Richard George 1, Geo[rge] Gillum 1, W[illia]m Haddaway 2, Nich[olas] Hale 6, Jo[hn] Haselwood 8, Ralph Horton 2, Tobyas Horton 5, Jo[hn] Humphrey 1, Will[iam] Hutchins 4, John Jadwyn 2, Mr. Math[ew] Kempe 10, Tho[mas] Kidd 3, Charles King 2, Edward King 2, Mrs. [Rowland Lawson 4, Mr. [William] Leech 11, Richard Lewys 6, W[illia]m Lucas? 1, Edw[ard] Lunsford 2, Tho[mas] Madestard 2, James Markmun 4, Jo[hn] Meredith 5, Jo[hn] Merryman 5, Rich[ar]d Merryman 4, Patrick Millar 4, Mr. [Peter] Montague [Jr] 5, Lamb[er]t Moore 3, Arthur Nash 5, Jo[hn] Needles 10, Will[iam] Neesham 5, Hen[ry] Nichols 8, John Nichols 1, Rob[er]t Osborne 5, Hum[phrey] Owen 6, Mr. [____] Peeble? 7, Mr. [Richard] Pirrott 15, Mr. [_____] Parrett 10, John Pines 6, Rob[er]t Pollard 5, Fran[cis] Porter 2, Mr. [Cuthbert] Potter 16, Mr. Tho[mas] Powell 6, Rob[er]t Pritchard 2, Jo[hn] Rayney 1, Giles Robbinson 1, Edw[ard] Roe 5, Jo[hn] Sharp 4, Jo[hn] Simpson 3, Sir Gray Skipwith 7, Alex[ander] Smyth 6, Jo[hn] Smyth 2, Col. Rob[er]t Smyth 39, Bryan Stott 4, Tho[mas] Stott 3, Rob[er]t Taylor 10, Hen[ry] Thacker 4, Mr. D[ominic] Therryott 6, Rob[er]t Thompson 4, Will[iam] Thompson 6, Will[iam] Tho[mpson] 1, Mr. Raw[leigh] Travers 13, Tho[mas] Tuggle 2, John Vause 10, Geo[rge] Vezey 4, Geo[rge] Wadding 6, Mr. Geo[rge] Wale 7, Will[iam] Watson 3, Edward Webb 1, Mr. Abrah[a]m Weekes 10, Jo[hn] Wells 1, Will[iam] White 2, Tho[mas] Williams 3, Tho[mas] Willys 5, Robert Woolerton 3, Jo[hn] Woortham 7, W[illia]m Wroughton 8.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1662, in terms of tithables (among those legible and specified):

  1. Henry Chicheley 40
  2. Robert Smith 39
  3. John Carter 35
  4. Anthony Elliott 28
  5. Henry Corbyn 25
  6. David Fox 19
  7. William Ball 18
  8. Cuthbert Potter 16
  9. Richard Perrott 15
  10. John Curtis 13
  11. Rawleigh Travers 13


Lancaster County continued to assess its colonists for taxes based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 21 Oct 1663.[11] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Davyd Allison 3, Mr. Jo[hn] Appleton 9, Mr. Will[iam] Ball 12, Jo[hn] Bell 2, Ja[mes] Bonner 4, Edward Boswell 7, Tho[mas] Bourne 4, Will[iam] Bourne 2, Hugh Brent 2, Mr. [John] Bristow 8, Gabriell Browne 1, Nath[aniel] Browne 8, Jo[hn] Bruton? 5, Charles Carpenter 4, Col. Jo[hn] Carter 59, Capt. [_____] Carter 20, Thomas Chatwyn 8, Sir Hen[ry] Chicheley Family 57, Stephen Chilton 2, Mr. Rob[er]t Chowning 8, Jo[hn] Chynn 3, Will[iam] Clapham 5, W[illia]m Copeland 3, Will[iam] Copeland 3, Mr. Henry Corbyn 28, Nich[olas] Cor[bin?] 5, Mr. John Curtys 19, Hen[ry] Davys 4, Minor Doodes 6, Mr. [William] Dudley 9, Will[iam] Eddington 3, Mr. [John] Edwards 8, Mr. Anth[ony] Ellyott 26, Mr. [George] Flower 5, Mr. [David] Fox 22, W[illia]m Frizle 5, Davyd George 1, Widd[ow] George 2, Nich[olas] Geo[rge] 3, Richard George 1, Geo[rge] Gillum 1, W[illia]m Haddaway 2, Nich[olas] Hale 10, Nich[olas] Hale 5, Dan[iel] Harrison 6, Jo[hn] Haselwood 9, Rich[ar]d Hayward 7, Tho[mas] Hill 7, Ralph Horton 3, Tobyas Horton 4, Jo[hn] Humphrey 2, Will[iam] Hutchins 4, John Jadwyn 3, Mr. Math[ew] Kempe 9, Rob[er]t Kempe 3, Tho[mas] Kidd 4, Charles King 3, Edw[ard] King 1, Mrs. [Rowland] Lawson 4, Mr. [William] Leech 9, Richard Lewys 7, Edw[ard] Lunsford 2, Mr. [Thomas] Madestard 3, Ja[mes] Markmun 6, Tho[mas] Marshall 3, Jo[hn] Meredith 9, Jo[hn] Merryman 5, Mr. Francis Millar 1, Patrick Millar 5, Mr. [Peter] Montague [Jr] 7, Lamb[er]t Moore 3, Arthur Nash 5, W[illia]m Neesham 9, Jo[hn] Needles 8, Hen[ry] Nichols 10, Jo[hn] Nichols 2, Rob[er]t Osborne 5, Widd[ow] Owen 8, John Paine 7, Mr. Geo[rge] Peeble? 6, Mr. [Richard] Perrott 15, John Pines 7, Rob[er]t Pollard 7, Fran[cis] Porter 3, Mr. [Cuthbert] Potter 19, Mr. Tho[mas] Powell 10, Rob[er]t Pritchard 6, Jo[hn] Rayney 2, Jo[hn] Scarborough 4, Mrs. [John] Sharp 6, Jo[hn] Simpson 6, Sir Gray Skipwith 6, Alex[ander] Smith 5, Jo[hn] Smith 5, Col. Rob[er]t Smith 36, Bryan Stott 4, Tho[mas] Stott 5, Hen[ry] Thacker 4, Mr. D[ominic] Therriott 6, Rob[er]t Thompson 3, Will[iam] Thompson 5, Will[iam] Tho[mpson] 2, Mr. Raw[leigh] Travers 15, Tho[mas] Tuggle 1, John Vause 8, Geo[rge] Vezey 4, Geo[rge] Wadding 5, Mr. [George] Wale 3, Tho[mas] Warwick 5, Will[iam] Watson 3, Mr. Abrah[a]m Weekes 8, Jo[hn] Wells 1, Will[iam] White 2, Tho[mas] Willyams 1, Tho[mas] Willys 6, Tho[mas] Wilson 10, Robert Woolerton 4, W[illia]m Wroughton 6.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1663, in terms of tithables (among those legible and specified):

  1. John Carter 59
  2. Henry Chicheley Family 57
  3. Robert Smith 36
  4. Henry Corbyn 28
  5. Anthony Ellyott 26
  6. David Fox 22
  7. [_____] Carter 20
  8. John Curtys 19
  9. Cuthbert Potter 19
  10. Richard Perrott 15
  11. Rawleigh Travers 15


Lancaster County continued to assess its colonists for taxes based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 27 Oct 1664.[12] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Rob[er]t __ Alexander 9, Davyd Allison 2, Mr. Jo[hn] Appleton 8, Mr. [William] Ball 11, Jo[hn] Bell 3, Eppy Bonnison 6, Edward Boswell 6, Mr. [Thomas] Bourne 5, Hugh Brent 6, Mr. [John] Bristow 12, Fra[ncis] Broughton 7, Nath[aniel] Browne 6, Charles Carpenter 6, Col. John Carter 56, Capt. [_____] Carter 18, Tho[mas] Chatwyn 9, Mr. Thomas Chetwood 2, Sir Hen[ry] Chicheley 60, Stephen Chilton 3, Rob[er]t Chowning 6, Jo[hn] Chynn 4, W[illia]m Clapham 5, W[illia]m Copeland 7, Hen[ry] Corbyn 19, Mr. Jo[hn] Curtys 20, Edward Dale 4, Hen[ry] Davys 6, Minor Doodes 5, W[illia]m Dudley 6, Will[iam] Eddington 3, Mr. [John] Edwards 7, Mr. [Anthony] Ellyott 31, Mr. [George] Flower 4, Mr. [David] Fox 26, W[illia]m Frizle 6, Mr. Rob[er]t Griggs 7, Will[iam] Haddaway 2, Nich[olas] Hale 8, Nich[olas] Hale 3, Dan[iel] Harrison 5, Jo[hn] Haselwood 9, Richard Hayward 8, Thomas Hill 6, Ralph Horton 3, Tobyas Horton 7, Jo[hn] Humphrey 2, W[illia]m Hutchins 6, Hum[phrey] Jones 9, Tho[mas] Kidd 2, Mrs. [Rowland] Lawson 6, Mr. [William] Leech 8, Rich[ar]d Lewys 8, Edw[ard] Lunsford 2, Mr. [Thomas] Madestard 3, Ja[mes] Markmun 6, Tho[mas] Marshall 3, Jo[hn] Meredith 6, Jo[hn] Merryman 5, Rich[ard] Merriman 3, Patrick Millar 7, Mr. [Peter] Montague [Jr] 4, Mrs? Montague 4, Lamb[er]t Moore 4, Alex[ander] Murray 5, Arthur Nash 5, Jo[hn] Needles 6, W[illia]m Neesham 7, Hen[ry] Nicols 6, Jo[hn] Nicols 2, Rob[er]t Osborne 8, Mr. Geo[rge] Peeble? 7, Mr. [Richard] Parrott 15, Jo[hn] Pines 7, Rob[er]t Pollard 6, Fran[cis] Porter 6, Mr. [Cuthbert] Potter 23, Mr. Tho[mas] Powell 10, Rob[er]t Pritchard 3, Jo[hn] Rayney 2, Jo[hn] Simpson 5, Sir Gray Skipwith 6, Alix[ander] Smith 5, Jo[hn] Smith 3, Col. Rob[er]t Smith 31, Bryan Stott 5, Tho[mas] Stott 6, Hen[ry] Thacker 5, Mr. D[ominic] Therryott 5, Will[iam] Thomas 2, Rob[er]t Thompson 2, Will[iam] Thompson 4, Mr. Raw[leigh] Travers 14, Tho[mas] Tuggle 1, Jo[hn] Vause 8, Geo[rge] Vezey 5, Geo[rge] Wadding 7, Mr. [George] Wale 8, Tho[mas] Warwick 4, Will[iam] Watson 4, Mr. [Abraham] Weekes 9,Will[iam] White 2, Tho[mas] Williams 4, Tho[mas] Willys 3, Tho[mas] Wilson 9, Robert Woolerton 2, W[illia]m Wroughton 4, Tho[mas] Younger 3.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1664, in terms of tithables (among those legible and specified):

  1. Henry Chicheley 60
  2. John Carter 56
  3. Anthony Ellyott 31
  4. Robert Smith 31
  5. [David] Fox 26
  6. Cuthbert Potter 23
  7. John Curtys 20
  8. Henry Corbyn 19
  9. [_____] Carter 18
  10. Richard Parrott 15


Lancaster County continued to assess its colonists for taxes based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 8 Nov 1665.[13] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Rob[er]t __ Alexander 8, Davyd Allison 2, Mr. Jo[hn] Appleton 10, Mr. [William] Ball 9, Jos[eph] Bayley 5, Jo[hn] Bell 3, Edward Boswell 7, Hugh Brent 5, Mr. [John] Bristow 11, Nath[aniel] Browne 7, Will[iam] Butcher 4, Jo[hn] Carpenter 2, Col. John Carter 55, Capt. [_____] Carter 15, Tho[mas] Chatwyn 5, Mr. [Thomas] Chetwood 4, Sir Hen[ry] Chicheley 56, Stephen Chilton 3, Jo[hn] Chynn 5, Rob[er]t Chowning 6, W[illia]m Clapham 4, W[illia]m Copeland 2, Hen[ry] Corbyn 19, Nich[olas] Corbin 8, Mr. Jo[hn] Curtys 8, Tho[mas] Curtys 2, Jo[hn] Davenport 6, Hen[ry] Davys 7, Minor Doodes 5, W[illia]m Dudley 9, Will[iam] Eddington 3, Mr. [John] Edwards 8, Col. [Anthony] Ellyott 33, Mr. [David] Fox 27, W[illia]m Frizle 4, Nich[olas] George 3, Widd[ow] George 3, Mr. Rob[er]t Griggs 7, Will[iam] Haddaway 2, Nich[olas] Hale 8, Dan[iel] Harrison 5, Jo[hn] Haselwood 13, Tho[mas] Haynes 6 [here], Rich[ard] Hayward 5, Tho[mas] Hill 5, Ja[mes] Horton 4, Tobyas Horton 7, Jo[hn] Humphrey 1, W[illia]m Hutchins 5, Hum[phrey] Jones 4, Tho[mas] Kidd 4, Row[land] Lawson 3, Rich[ar]d Lewys 7, Edw[ard] Lunsford 1, Mr. [Thomas] Madestard 3, Ja[mes] Markmun 4, Tho[mas] Marshall 4, Jo[hn] Meredith 5, Jo[hn] Merryman 3, Rich[ard] Merriman 4, Patrick Millar 7, Mr. [Peter] Montague [Jr] 4, Mrs? Montague 4, Lamb[er]t Moore 3, Alex[ander] Murray 5, Arthur Nash 5, W[illia]m Neasham 8, Jo[hn] Newman 2, Hen[ry] Nicols 7, Jo[hn] Nicols 2, Mr. Geo[rge] Peeble? 7, Mark Pensax 13, Jo[hn] Pine 7, Mr. [Richard] Pirrott 14, Rob[er]t Pollard 7, Fran[cis] Porter 4, Mr. [Cuthbert] Potter 20, Mr. Tho[mas] Powell 6, Rob[er]t Pritchard 5, Jo[hn] Rayney 2, Jo[hn] Scarborow 7, Jo[hn] Simpson 3, Sir Gray Skipwith 5, Alix[ander] Smith 5, Jo[hn] Smith 3, Col. Rob[er]t Smith 29, Tho[mas] Steede 6, Bryan Stott 5, Tho[mas] Stott 6, Hen[ry] Thacker 5, Mr. D[ominic] Therryott 5, Step[hen] Tomlyn 3, Will[iam] Thompson 4, Mr. [Rawleigh] Travers 12, Tho[mas] Tuggle 1, Jo[hn] Vause 5, Geo[rge] Vezey 7, Geo[rge] Wadding 7, Mr. [George] Wale 5, Tho[mas] Warwick 6, Will[iam] Watson 4, Mr. [Abraham] Weekes 9,Will[iam] White 2, Tho[mas] Williams 4, Tho[mas] Willys 3, Rob[er]t Woolerton 6, W[illia]m Wroughton 4, Tho[mas] Young 3.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1665, in terms of tithables (among those legible and specified):

  1. Henry Chicheley 56
  2. John Carter 55
  3. Anthony Ellyott 33
  4. Robert Smith 29
  5. David Fox 27
  6. Cuthbert Potter 20
  7. Henry Corbyn 19
  8. Capt. [_____] Carter 15
  9. [Richard] Perrott 14
  10. Jo[hn] Haselwood 13
  11. Mark Pensax 13


Lancaster County continued to assess its colonists for taxes based on their tithables (i.e. their male labor force), 11 Nov 1666.[14] Among those assessed (in alphabetical order): Dav[yd] Allison 2, Mr. [John] Appleton 18, Maj. W[illia]m Ball 7, Jos[eph] Bayley 7, Mish. Bayley 1, Abby Bonnison 4, Edw[ard] Boswell 6, Hugh Brent 5, Mr. [John] Bristow 12, Nath[aniel] Browne 6, Jo[hn] Carpenter 3, Col. John Carter 52, Edward Carter 2, Col. Edward Carter 12, Tho[mas] Chatwyn 6, Mr. [Thomas] Chetwood 4, Sir Hen[ry] Chicheley 52, Stephen Chilton 4, Jo[hn] Chynn 5, W[illia]m Clapham 3, Hen[ry] Corbyn 19, Nich[olas] Corbin 6, Giles Crouch 6, Mr. Jo[hn] Curtys 8, Jo[hn] Davenport 5, Hen[ry] Davys 7, Minor Doodes 4, Will[iam] Eddington 3, Mr. [John] Edwards 4, Mr. [Anthony] Ellyott 28, Mr. [David] Fox 22, W[illia]m Frizle 6, Nich[olas] George 3, Jo[hn] Gore 4, Mark Graine 4, Mr. Rob[er]t Griggs 2, Nich[olas] Hale 10, Tho[mas] Harper 7, Dan[iel] Harrison 5, Jo[hn] Haselwood 11, Tho[mas] Haynes 5, Ra[lph] Horton 4, Tobyas Horton 7, Jo[hn] Humphreys 2, W[illia]m Hutchins 5, Jeremy Jadwyn 3, Hum[phrey] Jones 10, Tho[mas] Kidd 4, Row[land] Lawson 2, Thomas Lee 5, Absolon Leech 1, Mr. [William] Leach 13, Rich[ar]d Lewys 4, Ja[mes] Markmun 4, Rich[ar]d Marshall 3, Tho[mas] Marshall 3, Jo[hn] Meredith 6, Jo[hn] Merryman 4, Rich[ard] Merriman 4, Patrick Millar 5, Mr. [Peter] Montague [Jr] 4, Lamb[er]t Moore 3, John Morgan 2, Alex[ander] Murray 3, Arthur Nash 4, Jo[hn] Needles 5, Hen[ry] Nicols 5, Jo[hn] Nicols 2, Mr. [Richard] Perratt 11, Mark Pensax 8, Fran[cis] Pine 1, Jo[hn] Pine 7, Rob[er]t Pollard 5, Fran[cis] Porter 3, Mr. [Cuthbert] Potter 20, Rob[er]t Pritchard 7, Jo[hn] Simpson 7, Sir Gray Skipwith 4, Jo[hn] Smith 3, Maj. Gen. Rob[er]t Smith 23, Jo[hn] Stanford 3, Bryan Stott 5, Tho[mas] Stott 6, Hen[ry] Thacker 4, Mr. D[ominic] Therryott 5, William Thomas 1, Step[hen] Tomlyn 3, Mr. Ra[leigh] Travers 9, Tho[mas] Tuggle 2, Jo[hn] Vause 6, Geo[rge] Wadding 6, Mr. [George] Wale 5, Mr. [Abraham] Weekes 6, Jo[hn] Wells 2, Andrew Williams 3, Tho[mas] Willys 5, W[illia]m Wroughton 2, Tho[mas] Young 3.

Ten wealthiest colonists in 1666, in terms of tithables (among those legible and specified):

  1. John Carter 52
  2. Henry Chicheley 52
  3. Anthony Ellyott 28
  4. Robert Smith 23
  5. David Fox 22
  6. Cuthbert Potter 20
  7. Henry Corbyn 19
  8. John Appleton 18
  9. William Leach 13
  10. John Bristow 12
  11. Edward Carter 12

Taxes By Name, Years, Alphabetically



  1. 1653 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 24 Oct 1653. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Deed & Will Book 1, 1652-1657, pp. 90-94. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 4 Feb 2024.
  2. 1655 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 6 Feb 1655. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Deed & Will Book 1, 1652-1657, pp. 174-178. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 8 Feb 2024.
  3. 1655 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 7 Dec 1655. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Deed & Will Book 1, 1652-1657, pp. 234-239. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here, as transcribed in 1961 Transcription. Fleet, Beverley. 1961. Virginia Colonial Abstracts: Vol. XXII, Lancaster County 1652-1655. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. Pages 106-109. Available online without restriction courtesy of HathiTrust here. Accessed 29 Jan 2024.
  4. 1656 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 5 Nov 1656. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Deed & Will Book 1, 1652-1657, pp. 302-307. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 23 Mar 2024.
  5. 1657 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 16 Dec 1657. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book, 1655-1666, pp. 40-44. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 30 Mar 2024.
  6. 1658 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 31 Oct 1658. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1655-1666, pp. 60-64. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 24 Jan 2024.
  7. 1659 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 30 Nov 1659. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1655-1666, pp. 100-105. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 25 Jan 2024.
  8. 1660 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 15 Nov 1660. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1655-1666, pp. 131-132. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 10 Apr 2024.
  9. 1661 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 23 Oct 1661. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1655-1666, pp. 161-162. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 10 Jun 2024.
  10. 1662 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 20 Nov 1662. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1655-1666, pp. 196-201. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 11 Jun 2024.
  11. 1663 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 21 Oct 1663. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1655-1666, pp. 236-238. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 18 Jun 2024.
  12. 1664 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 27 Oct 1664. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1655-1666, pp. 302-304. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 21 Jun 2024.
  13. 1665 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 8 Nov 1665. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1655-1666, pp. 361-363. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.
  14. 1666 Tax Assessment. Tax Assessment Record, 11 Nov 1666. Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, pp. 17-20. Available online without restriction courtesy of FamilySearch here. Accessed 11 Jul 2024.

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