Location: WikiTree
Surnames/tags: Virginia Kentucky West Virginia
Contents |
Virginia Connectors
Amended Sticker Template
{{Recognition Sticker|category=Virginia Challenge Teams |image=US_State_Flag_Images-49.png|imagetext=Connectors |text={{#profile:RealName}} is a member of the Virginia Connectors Team for the [[Project:Connectors|Connect-a-Thon]] Challenge, Summer 2021}}
Welcome to the 2021 "Summer Connect-a-Thon"!
The Leaders for the 2021 Virginia Summer Connectors Team are:
- Captain: Mindy Silva
- Captain: Sandy Patak
We're your head cheerleaders, but I encourage everyone to play cheerleader to fellow members of Team Virginia! You can chat and cheer on our Google Chat Group.
The purpose of the Connect-a-Thon is to connect all the loose branches around WikiTree to our main Global Family Tree, which is what the Connectors Project does all the time.
Team Members | 33 |
Team Members Actively Participating | 31 |
Team Virginia Profiles Added | 6,601 |
Last update Monday 8am EDT / 12pm UTC
- {{Recognition Sticker|category=Virginia Challenge Teams |image=US_State_Flag_Images-49.png|imagetext=Connectors |text={{#profile:RealName}} is a member of the Virginia Connectors Team for the [[Project:Connectors|Connect-a-Thon]] Challenge, Summer 2021}}
- produces this: (just copy and paste to your profile)
The "official" Connect-a-Thon sticker is out now also:
- {{Connect-a-Thon|team=The Virginia Connectors|year=2021|profiles=123}} will create this sticker:
Are you working on West Virginia or Kentucky? Use this flag image instead:
Connect-a-Thon Links
- Team Virginia Google Chat Group.
- Team Virginia in Discord (Contact your captains if you need access)
- Main Team Virginia Summer Connect-a-Thon page. (This has information about the Connect-a-Thon in general)
- Team Virginia's Summer Connectors 2021 page (Book mark this page you are on to see updates during the Thon)
- WikiTree Video Chat Hangouts schedule
- Mindy Silva, Captain: registration post
- Sandy Patak, Captain: registration post
- Bill Vincent registration post
- Karen Stewart registration post
- Nancy Thomas registration post
- Ellen Steger registration post
- William Foster registration post
- Gurney Thompson registration post
- Mary Hatcher registration post
- Sam Scott registration post
- Amanda Torrey registration post
- John Graham registration post
- Crystal Dodd registration post
- Sherrie Mitchell registration post
- Cheryl Hess registration post
- Chris Brady registration post
- Deena Cross registration post
- Pam Dale registration post
- Allen (Woodard) Jensen registration post
- Billie (Bright) Keaffaber registration post
- Mike Patak registration post
- Ashley Jones JD registration post
- Mary (Gulish) Gi registration post
- Helen Rice registration post
- Anne Guglik registration post
- Robin Baker registration post
- Crystal Boylen registration post
- Noma Eddings registration post
- Traci Hill registration post
- Sydney McGurn registration post
- Kristi Hancock registration post
- Ann Phillips registration post
- Kris Shepherd registration post
Our goal is to decrease the number of profiles that are not connected to our big tree by adding relatives to existing profiles.
Plan of Action
The cut-off date for registering is midnight on Wednesday, July 23, 2021. This means there is plenty of time to tell a friend and grow our team (wink, wink). It's going to be a fun weekend adding profiles to the existing ones. Check out the tutorial!!
- To talk to "just us", post a comment to this page or, use our Google Group where we can chat. You can post questions to the G2G for a wider audience: tag your question with virginia and connectors at least. For questions about the Connect-a-Thon, use the tag connect-a-thon.
How Does this Work?
- Try the tutorial: Click HERE (This isn't a "walk-through." It's various help sections to make adding profiles easier)
- Check your own Unconnected Profiles
- Work from your Watchlist (My WikiTree menu in upper right then Watchlist). Click on "Edit Date" to move the oldest to the top and start looking for profiles that need parents, siblings or children!
- Work from the Virginia Unconnected list. You don't need to connect anything here but it is a good place to find Virginia ancestors. These aren't connected to our Global Tree so they most likely don't have children and siblings attached. (Also: West Virginia, and Kentucky)
- Work from an Unsourced List:
- for Virginia
- for West Virginia
- or for Kentucky.
- Hey - this way you get to help two things at once!
- Help out other states with DBE 611 (Birth location in lower case)
- However you do it just add, add, add! As long as you are connecting a relative to any existing profile on WikiTree you get a point for each one.
- Check out the main Virginia Connect-a-Thon page for ideas, scoring, prizes and winners.
- Additional pointers in the Participation Instructions section of the WikiTree Connect-a-Thon help page.
2021 Connect-a-thon Team Virginia MEMBERS & STATS
If you are new and come up with a nickname of your own you want to use let Mindy or Sandy know. If you are returning and want a new nickname for this Thon, let us know as well. If you have a picture you want used and it isn't on the chart let us know. It doesn't have to be your profile picture, it just needs to be on WikiTree somewhere. Let's have fun again!
- Note: These totals are updated manually by me, as I can (if I'm awake and at home). On the hours there are Video Chats I may not update these. They are not automatically updated, see the Tracking Page if you want your current total. Thank you for your patience! And Rock On Team Virginia!!!
- Last updated: Monday 8am EDT / 12pm UTC was post-Thon
- Congrats Team Virginia! 2nd place with 6,601 profiles connected!
- (If the main tracker isn't updating: As long as you are adding profiles they will count - and will show up when Aleš restarts the main tracker.)
Memories: 1
- Team Virginia 2021 Connect-a-Thon Chat Jul 5, 2021.
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Jack Graham, Nancy Thomas, Gurney Thompson, Sandy Patak, Mindy Silva, Crystal Dodd, Mary Gulish, Helen Rice, Cheryl Hess, Bill Vincent, Deena Cross, Pam Fraley, Sherrie Mitchell, Chris Brady, Mary Hatcher, Ashley Jones, Ellen Steger, Mike Patak, Karen Stewart, Sam Scott, Allen Jensen, Amanda Torrey, and Billie Keaffaber. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
Great news, the 2021 Source-A-Thon is NOW open for registration.
Please "Answer" the main G2G question and clearly state that you wish to be on "Team Virginia".
(As a note, you can source ANY needy Profile, not just those in VA/WV/KY. We will provide a list of Unsourced Profiles.)
A lot of us will be on Discord. Come join us! For full details: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Discord
I was thinking this exact thought at about 8:01am yesterday. :) Thank you for mentioning this. For those that were not online yesterday morning, we BATTLED for 2nd place and it was a continuous flip flop the last 2 hours of the Thon. Great effort by Team VA & Tree Nuts.
This AMAZING 2nd place finish was absolutely the result of each and every single person that signed up and contribtuted. The amount each contributed was gracious of their time and gave us this amazing finish. :)
And for those that hung out on Discord, thank you for all the laughs, research, recipes, photos and silly times. It made this Thon so much more fun!!
P.S. SAVE THE DATE: October 1 - 4 = Source-A-Thon
Team Flying Dutchmen!
Mighty Oaks |
What an amazing Connect A Thon it's been! Thanks for all the profiles you have added and the work you have done on the tree, from the Mighty Oaks roots, branches and leaves.
Legacy Heirs
Team Virginia is making the move towards 2nd place!!! Go Team VA Go!!
Just want to mention to make sure to Connect (create) a new Profile off of a Profile that has existed BEFORE this Thon started.
A few are creating Profiles from newly created ones and then new ones off of those and so on. Points are only given if you create a new Profile off of an old one.
Jane Smith's Profile was created in 2019.
- Yesterday, you added Thomas Miller, her husband. THAT counts as 1 point.
- Then you added their children off of his newly created Profile..... THAT does NOT count for points (because his Profile did not exist prior to the THON). You should go back to Jane's pre-existing Profile to add all the children so that they would count. :)
Happy Sunday and Happy Connecting!!!
- Add new profile as sibling to existing profile
- Deselect one parent when adding
- Go back and add the parent not selected in 2.
2 Points!
Just make sure it's a preexisting sibling. Does not work if you add profile as a child. Yes, loophole - is it cheating? Well, if the system let's you do it....
How do the names end up in the various categories? I see one for 1918 flu pandemic for my county and have a great uncle who died in that - could add him to it.
Categories can be added to Profiles (above the =Biography= line) as a way to group like items together. Very popular with Profiles that served in the military.
I try to add a Cemetery Category and Location category to Profiles I add. So many categories have already been created for us that it is easy to find them... or request to have a new one added.
Always always always use the lowest category possible: Instead of US Civil War, use a specific unit instead like 25th West Virginia Infantry, Confederate Yada Yada Yada. (Can't remember off hand exact text). Or Elkins, West Virginia and not West Virginia.
The Categorization group is very particular about usage. Full details are here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Categorization
Hope this helps!
West Virginia did not become a State until June 20, 1863.
I am seeing A LOT of "West Virginia" in the birth/death locations on Family Search when it it technically Virginia. It will show up in your database error report if you put WV. I have had to go back and correct myself a few times. Drats. :(
For those new to WikiTree, to find the Error Report connected to your Profiles, select My WikiTree" (top right side of screen) and select "Suggestions" from the drop down menu.
1. Try to add a "linked" Census, Birth or Death Record as your main source. Linking the source to a website is super helpful for fellow researchers.
2. Try to avoid only adding Ancestry/Geni Trees as a source since many people do not have subscriptions to those services and can not view them.
3. Try to add another source in addition to Find A Grave (see #1) since Find A Grave's are usually not sourced and can tend to be somewhat inaccurate. (Add Find A Grave + Another Source to the Profile.)
4. FamilySearch is a great place to find all kinds of fantastic sources. FamilySearch.org is user friendly and free to all.
Members are already chatting on Discord. Come join Team Virginia for Live Chat throughout the Day:
Read this information to get you to the WikiTree Discord Servers.
I just checked my discord and I need invite to group. Please !!!! Here my ID sorry it my game ID but it my account.
Your Discord name has to match your WikiTree ID. Read this information to get you to the WikiTree Discord Servers. To be verified, make sure your nickname includes your WikiTree ID. (Verification is not instant.)
Son will have to help me make new discord account
There are a lot of ways to find new Profiles to Connect with. This page will give you ideas on where to start. You are not limited to VA/WVA/KY or to your own Ancestors.
Remember: Each time you add a new profile to an existing one, you will earn a point. New profiles must have at least one valid source. Tracking and scoring for the challenge is done automatically. Whew!!!
Here are a few ways to communicate with the entire Virginia Team:
- Leave a Comment on this page.
- DISCORD: Live Chat with Team Virginia during the Thon and Beyond. Read this information to get you to the WikiTree Discord Servers. To be verified, make sure your nickname includes your WikiTree ID. This is the easiest and quickest way to ask questions. (Verification is not instant.)
- Google Email Chat. Emails with updates on Team Competition Status.
The main goal is to have FUN while adding more Profiles to existing Profiles. Well, there, too, is also that competitive spirit for Team Virginia to get tons of points. :)
One of the WikiTree people on Discord has to actually add you to Team Virginia. It is not instant but fairly quick. :)
Also, read this information to get you to the WikiTree Discord Servers. To be verified, make sure your nickname includes your WikiTree ID.
My profile photo was taken at a restaurant party after a few glasses of wine. I recommend those preconditions for all photos.
It's going to be a blast!!! Mindy
Also, read this information to get you to the WikiTree Discord Servers. To be verified, make sure your nickname includes your WikiTree ID.
> All: Read this information to get you to the WikiTree Discord Servers. To be verified, make sure your nickname includes your WikiTree ID.
Thanks for joining Team Virginia.
Thanks , here my email for google groups. [email address removed] Billie