
Team Virginia - 2017 Source-a-Thon

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Virginia - West Virginia - Kentuckymap
Surnames/tags: Virginia West_Virginia source-a-thon
This page has been accessed 3,625 times.
  • Looking for unsourced profiles? Click one of the Unsourced categories above [no longer above & this page no longer in those categories ... click the state categories from Category: United States, Unsourced Profiles] or
  • for lists with way more details, click here to jump down to the links for the tables prepared for us (for VA, WV, & KY).


Source-a-Thon Information

See this page for information about prizes - it has the schedule too.

For information about joining or creating a team, check out this page. (Hint - for the Source-a-Thon, you need to say you want to join Team Virginia when you post an answer to register.)

The Tables Are Ready!

Click one of the following links to reach a table of Unsourced profiles prepared from the database for Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky. You can also use the Unsourced categories to find profiles that need sources, but the tables reached through the links below have a lot more information than the Category pages show.
Whether you source a profile you found through the table or a category page, when you save the profile, there will be a button for "Challenge Tracker" at the top of the page. Click that, complete the form (add your WikiTree ID if needed, check the appropriate challenge, and describe your action), then click the "Add" button & the profile will automatically be counted toward your total in the challenge you selected.[1]


Unsourced profiles for Virginia.

34010 Unsourced Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 New
Category:Virginia, Unsourced Profiles 12214 40 2864 8414 837 59 13
Location: Virginia, Category:Unsourced Profiles 20698 44 3613 15449 1218 374 49
Location: Virginia, Suggestion 802 & 803 219 3 13 61 84 58 5
Location: Virginia, Suggestion 131-134 879 50 80 649 97 3

Table prepared at 11.02.2025 18:28:14 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (Location is Virginia,VA). Profiles: 1290394

West Virginia

Unsourced profiles for West Virginia.

1141 Unsourced Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 New
Category:West Virginia, Unsourced Profiles 123 2 68 39 14 7
Location: West Virginia, Category:Unsourced Profiles 912 3 597 153 159 9
Location: West Virginia, Suggestion 802 & 803 105 1 53 51
Location: West Virginia, Suggestion 131-134 1 1

Table prepared at 11.02.2025 18:28:34 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (Location is West Virginia,WV). Profiles: 351296


Unsourced profiles for Kentucky.

9755 Unsourced Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 New
Category:Kentucky, Unsourced Profiles 2390 14 4 879 1418 75 6
Location: Kentucky, Category:Unsourced Profiles 6598 25 20 4161 2140 252 11
Location: Kentucky, Suggestion 802 & 803 89 15 45 29
Location: Kentucky, Suggestion 131-134 678 54 201 422 1

Table prepared at 11.02.2025 18:29:59 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (Location is Kentucky,KY). Profiles: 869635

  1. See this page for other states and other countries. See this G2G post for more information about the tables.

Team Virginia Information

See the Team Virginia page from last year. Info and links are still good.

See also last year's Virginia Sources Quick Reference page - a cheat sheet, if you will. Post a copy of your citation(s) on that page for easy reference during the Source-a-Thon and a great resource after!

Other "Team Virginia" pages:

How Are We Doing?

During the Source-a-Thon, every time you source a profile and record it through the "Challenge Tracker" (don't forget to check the 2017 Source-a-Thon box!) it will record automatically in the following tables:

2017 Team Virginia Members

No.Team VA
Name, Bib #TrackersMonday Totals
Midnight (ET)
1VALiz Shifflett, #34G2G/Tracking
2VAWilliam Foster, #43Tracking
3VAAmy Kelly, #94Tracking
218 !!!
4VARobin Kabrich, #131Tracking
5VAElizabeth Coltrane, #149Tracking
109 !!
6VA / WVMel Lambert, #160G2G/Tracking
146 !!
7VA / WVTerri Haddox, #175 Tracking
8VATerri Jerkes, #176Tracking
495 !!!!!
9VAPatricia Hickin, #188Tracking
10VAE Compton, #220Tracking
11VAM Silva, #229G2G/Tracking
609 !!!!!!!
12VAAmy Garber, #249Tracking
16VA / KYBill Vincent, #292Tracking
457 !!!!!
17VA / WVHeather Colley, #299Tracking
121 !!
13VAWilliam Caracofe, #302Tracking
14VA / WVAndrea Pack, #329Tracking
477 !!!!!
15VAKris Shearer, #334Tracking
141 !!
18VAMelissa Dyniec, #374Tracking
144 !!
19VATim Boyer, #377Tracking
20VASP Estes, #425Tracking
339 !!!!
21VADoug Lockwood, #477 Tracking
505 !!!!!!
22VAJoseph T. Cash, #444Tracking


Comments: 322

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Hi to Team Virginia's 2017 members - hope everyone who participated (again with Team Virginia or this year with another team) had a WONDERFUL time during the 2018 Source-a-Thon. I was working on my post-Source-a-Thon "to-do list" for this year and will go back to working on my 2017 list... all the profiles I added to Category:Sourced by Team Virginia - 2017.

Just wanted to remind everyone that if you added profiles to that category to stop by and do the followup for them you had in mind (if you haven't already).

There's still more than 350 profiles in that category & I only sourced 91 during last year's Source-a-Thon!

Cheers, Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
From: Team Southern Super Sweepers, Good luck with the upcoming Source a Thon.
posted by Loretta (Leger) Corbin
Liz, sorry I'm going with Team Nor'Easterners this year - the majority of my profiles (sourced or unsourced) hail from New England!
posted by Robin Kabrich
Registration is open for the 2018 Source-a-Thon! Post an answer to (already on the 2nd G2G posting) & mention Team Virginia to join us this year - 28 September to 1 October.

Cheers, Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Of course, Terri, please join us, any help is appreciated!
posted by William Foster Jr
How about a part-time member for the Clean-a-thon? Unfortunately, I don't seem to have even 1 full day available for cleaning, but am willing to clean part-time if that would help.
posted by Terri Jerkes
Hi! If you're interested in joining Team Virginia for the 2018 Clean-a-Thon, please mention Virginia when you post an answer to the G2G registration thread... currently on the second posting:

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
@ Terri (and anyone else looking for Category:Sourced by Team Virginia - 2017): it's the first category listed for this page - you can click it there.

It's also a Virginia Maintenance Category - click Virginia Maintenance Categories in the list at Category:Virginia.

And it's under Category:Virginia Challenge Teams (which this page is also in, so there's a link for it at the top of the page too).

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Yep, that was me :-)

Minnesotians need sourced, too.

posted by Terri Jerkes
Now I know why all those non-Virginians are in the followup category!
posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett