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The Battle Book

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The Battle Book

A genealogy of the Battle family in America, with chapters illustrating certain phases of its history, planned and in great part executed by Herbert Bemerton Battle

Available online at these locations:

Table of Contents

Chapter I. Westward Ho!
Chapter II. Historical Sketch of the Battle Family to 1820
by William Sumner Battle
Chapter III. Memoirs of the Battle Family to 1820
by Dr. Jeremiah Battle
Chapter IV. The Battle Arms and Crest
by William James Battle
Chapter V. Some Old Public Records; Land Grants; Deeds; Wills. 22
Chapter VI. Pioneering Memories
1. Reminiscences of a Pioneer in Louisiana by Mrs. Martha Philips Martin
2. Early Days in Bowie County, Texas, by Mrs. Miriam Fort Gill
3. Pioneer Days in Texas by Josiah Battle Fort
Chapter VII. Some Old Letters
Chapter VIII. Cool Spring
by George Gordon Battle
Chapter IX. Senlac
by William James Battle
Chapter X. Songs of Senlac
Chapter XI. President Kemp Plummer Battle
by William James Battle
Chapter XII. Matters of Various Interest
1. Records of Colonial and Revolutionary Service
2. A Short History of the Church at the Falls of Tar River by Elder Joshua Lawrence
3. A History of the Rocky Mount Mills by Kemp Davis Battle
4. The Hymn Book of the Rev. Elisha Battle
5. Mrs. Charles Phillips by Mrs. Lucy Phillips Russell
6. A Southern Hero of a Northern University
7. Three Colored Friends
Allen Battle by Thomas H. Battle
Margaret Selby by Ivey F. Lewis
Maria Syme by Mrs. Nell Battle Booker
8. Agencies for Maintaining Family Interest
9. Battles at the University of North Carolina, 1798-1930
Chapter XIII. Genealogical Tables
Index of Illustrations
Index of Names


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WikiTree Syntax

  • <span id='Battle'></span>Battle, Herbert B ''[[Space: The Battle Book| The Battle Book]]'' (University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1930), [ Page ].
  • <ref>[[#Battle|Battle]]</ref>

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