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The Chisholms and the Clearances

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History of the Chisholms by Alexander MacKenzie Text provided by Hugh Niven

"In 1832, a number of Chisholms who had settled in Canada, many of them in high and responsible positions, transmitted an address to their chief through Dr. Stewart Chisholm of the Royal Artillery, who had for many years resided and rendered distinguished service in the Dominion. This address was presented by Dr. Chisholm to Alexander Chisholm MP, on behalf of his Canadian countrymen, at the St. James Hotel, Jermyn Street, London, in presence of his mother and several members of the clan. There is nothing in the document itself which would justify its reproduction here, but the names attached to it, many of them historical, and the positions occupied even then by so many of the clan Chisholm in Canada, make the completed document, with the signatures as we now have it, particularly interesting.

The version which we give is from a lithographed copy, apparently published in or soon after 1845. This difference of dates between the address itself and the published copy, by the carelessness of those who prepared it for the press, introduces a good deal of confusion. Some of the facts and incidents recorded regarding the signatories are computed from the date of the address, while others, it is quite apparent, are calculated from the date upon which it was lithographed, thirteen years later. Thus, it is now impossible to say whether some of the gentlemen whose names are adhibited to the address occupied the positions ascribed to them in 1832 or in 1845, or whether the number of years given as elapsed since they or their predecessors emigrated are to be reckoned from the first or last mentioned year. The document, with the names attached, is as follows:-

Glengarry, Upper Canada September, 1832

Dear Chief,- It is with great pleasure that we embrace the present opportunity of transmitting to you through our respected clansman, Dr. Stewart Chisholm of the Royal Artillery, who is now on his route to Scotland, our warmest expressions of regard and attachment to you, Chief of our clan.

It is true that a wide sea rolls between us, our native glens, and heathclad hills, the land of our forefathers, but divided as we are we have still hearts to appreciate the value of the institutions of our country.

At a time like the present, when Britain seems to be insulted by a Democracy that would destroy all order, and when her ancient and perhaps noblest enemy * has made order a song, we, clansmen of yours inhabiting the wilds of Upper Canada, declare that whatever the rest of governors or governed may do, we at least shall still be proud to act upon the old principle. It may not be irrelevant perhaps to say that, while all other institutions are on the wane, our patriarchal ones remain firm.

The King can mak' a belted knight, A marquis, duke an' a' that, A Highland chief's aboon his might, Gude faith he mauna fa' that.

The Highland chief of a thousand years is still the father of his family, and we are proud to acknowledge him. Dear chief, that you may long live to enjoy health and prosperity is the ardent and sincere wish of your clansmen.


George Chisholm, of Burlington Bay, head of Lake Ontario, now in his eighty-seventh year. Sixty years ago he emigrated from Springton on the Leys, near Inverness, N.B.(He died in the year 1843, aged 98.)

John Chisholm, of East Flamboro, Gore District, J,P. Colonel Commanding 4th Regiment of Gore Militia, and Collector of Customs and Tolls. William Chisholm, of Oakville, Member of Parliament for the county of Halton, Colonel Commanding 2nd Regiment Gore Militia. George Chisholm, Lieutenant-Colonel 2nd Regiment Gore Militia. The three above are sons to Mr. George Chisholm of Burlington Bay. A.M. Chisholm, W.D. Chisholm, John B. Chisholm, James B. Chisholm, sons of the above Colonel John Chisholm. (1) George R. Chisholm. John A. Chisholm, Robert K. Chisholm, William MacKenzie Chisholm, sons of the above William Chisholm, Esq. of Oakville, M.P.(2) Alexander M. Chisholm. Duncan Chisholm, George B. Chisholm, William K. Chisholm, sons of above Lieutenant-Colonel G. Chisholm. (3) George Chisholm of Queenstown Heights, Niagara.

Angus Allan Chisholm, Archibald Charles Chisholm, James Halking Chisholm, sons to the late Mr. Alexander Chisholm, (below) who emigrated 47 years ago from Middle Knockfin, Strathglass. Charles Alexander Chisholm, James Allan Chisholm, sons to the above Mr. Angus Chisholm.

Alexander Chisholm, Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Regiment Hastings Militia, emigrated 47 years ago from Middle Knockfin, Strathglass, named after the Chief Alexander, grandfather to the present chief. Colin Chisholm, James Chisholm, John Chisholm, Stephen Gilbert Chisholm, Allan Taylor Chisholm, William Fraser Chisholm, sons to the above Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Chisholm. Archibald Chisholm, Captain 1st Regiment Hastings Militia, brother to the above Alexander, and emigrated at the same time. John Chisholm, William Henry Chisholm, Murcheson Chisholm, sons to the above Colin Chisholm.

Donald Chisholm, from Achlian in Glenmoriston, and emigrated from thence about ten years ago. He is grandson to the celebrated and noble minded Highlander, Hugh (Macphail) Chisholm, who spurned at the reward of 30,000 pounds offered for betraying Prince Charles Edward Stuart, and who never gave his right hand to a man after having bid farewell to his Royal Master. Mr. Donald Chisholm is the son of Alexander, eldest son to the hero of Corrigho, and now lives near Lochiel, County of Glengarry, Upper Canada. The sword of his grandfather is in possession of Dr. Stewart Chisholm, Royal Artillery, with affidavits attached to it from Isabella, his daughter and others (The following foot-note is added-" London, 21st March, 1845. The above sword was this day placed in possession of the Chisholm, where it ought to be. Signed, Stewart Chisholm, Senior Surgeon, Royal Artillery." On the death of The Chisholm the sword was returned by his housekeeper to Dr. Chisholm. When Dr. Chisholm died, on 30th September, 1862, the sword came into the possession of his son, Captain Archibald MacRa Chisholm(late of the Black Watch, Royal Highlanders), Hartfield House, Applecross, now (1890) residing at Glassburn, Strathglass.) John Chisholm; Alexander Chisholm; Peter Chisholm, sons to the above Mr. Donald Chisholm. William Chisholm, son of John Chisholm, from Strathglass, now in Lochiel, Glengarry, Upper Canada. Valentine Chisholm, from Strathglass, now in Lochiel, Glengarry, Upper Canada.

John Chisholm, from Strathglass, now living at Roxburough, Eastern Division, Upper Canada. John Chisholm; Alexander Chisholm, sons of the above Mr. John Chisholm.

Donald Chisholm; Charles Chisholm, grandsons to the celebrated Hugh Chisholm, by his daughter Katherine, and sons to John Chisholm from Strathglass, now in Glengarry, Upper Canada. Duncan Chisholm, son of Donald (MacPhail) Chisholm, brother to the hero of Corrigho, emigrated from Blairie, Glenmoriston, in the year 1769. Hugh Chisholm; Donald Chisholm; Alexander Chisholm; William Chisholm, sons to the above Mr. Donald Chisholm, residing near Bishop MacDonell's in Glengarry. Archibald Chisholm, son of Hugh, son to said Donald (Macphail) Chisholm. Alexander Chisholm, son to the above Archibald Chisholm. both living on the Black River, Glengarry. Lewis Chisholm, Captain 1st Regiment Glengarry Militia, son to the above Donald (MacPhail) Chisholm, residing on the Black River, Glengarry; emigrated with his father and brother from Blairie, Glenmoriston, in 1769. Alexander Chisholm; Donald Chisholm; John Chisholm, sons of the above Captain Lewis Chisholm.

William Chisholm, son of John Chisholm, and grandson to Alexander, brother to the hero of Corrigho, living in Glenmore, Glengarry; emigrated years ago from Glenmoriston. John Chisholm; Alexander Chisholm; Donald Chisholm; Peter Chisholm; Duncan Chisholm; William Chisholm; sons to the above William Chisholm.

John Chisholm from Strathglass, emigrated previous to the American Revolutionary War, and was the first settler on the Indian Reserve, north branch of the Black River, Glengarry. David Chisholm, eldest son of the above John, being the first European christened in that part of the Country. John Chisholm; Hugh Chisholm; Donald Chisholm; Ronald Chisholm; Alexander Chisholm; James Chisholm; Roderick chisholm; sons to the above John Chisholm, who emigrated from Strathglass previous to the Revolutionary War. Alexander Chisholm; John Chisholm; duncan Chisholm; sons to the above Mr. David Chisholm (the first christened). William Chisholm, son of John Chisholm, and grandson to the above John Chisholm from Strathglass. Archibald Chisholm; John Chisholm; two sons of Donald Chisholm, and grandsons to J. Chisholm, from Strathglass.

Kenneth Chisholm, from Strathglass years ago.

John Chisholm, St Andrew's, Knoydart, near Glengarry, Upper Canada. Colin Chisholm, brother of the above.

Alexander Chisholm, emigrated with the Honourable and Right Rev. Bishop MacDonell from Strathglass, gardener to the Bishop at his Palace, St. Raphaels.

Archibald Chisholm. emigrated from Craskie, Glenmoriston, in 1830.

Archibald Chisholm, from Strathglass in 1828, residing near Bishop MacDonell's Glengarry, Upper Canada, brother to Dr. A.B. Chisholm, Portland Place, London.

Duncan Chisholm, from Invercannich in 1828.

Alexander Chisholm, student of Divinity, son to Colin Chisholm, Strathglass, carrier.

James Sutherland Chisholm, son to Roderick Chisholm (who died at Montreal during the cholera of 1832), and nephew to Captain Donald Chisholm, H.P., Royal Highlanders He is heir of entail to the Chisholm Estates, failing issue to the present chief, Duncan MacDonell Chisholm, Captain and Adjutant of the Coldstream Guards. His sister Jemima Chisholm, was married at Kingston, Upper Canada, on the 8th January, 1840, to Mr Milner, a government contractor.

Alexander Chisholm, J.P., late a Lieutenant of the Royal African Corps, emigrated from Kerrow in 1817. He is now Member of Parliament for Glengarry, and Colonel-Commandant of the 2nd Battalion Glengarry Militia. Duncan Chisholm, father of the above, emigrated in 1822; resides on his farm, which he has called Achagiad. Duncan Chisholm, Colin Chisholm, Roderick Chisholm, Theodore Chisholm, sons to the above Achagiad, all living in his neighbourhood.

Christopher Chisholm, brother to Roderick and Duncan Chisholm, of Middle Crochel, lives on south side of Lake St. Frances, at a place called Kintail; has twelve sons. With reference to Duncan Chisholm above, Achagiad Farm.

Duncan Chisholm, farmer, Kerrow, who married Janet, daughter of Theodore Chisholm, tacksman of Comar, with issue: Alexander, a Captain in the Royal Africa Corps, afterwards M.P. for Glengarry County Canada, and Colonel-Commandant of the 2nd Battalion Glengarry Militia. Alexander emigrated in 1817 and there married a Miss MacDonald with issue- Colin Duncan Chisholm, now clerk to the district Court of Alexandria, Glengarry, Canada and several other sons and daughters. His father Duncan followed him to Glengarry in 1822.

Alexander Chisholm (1803-1854); M.L.A. for Glengarry 1836-1841. Married Janet MacDonell, d/o Alexander, the youngest son of John MacDonell of Leek. Near relative of the chieftan and was important in establishing the right of James Sutherland Chisholm of Montreal to succeed to the title and estate. Died at Alexandria October 19, 1854.

Mary Chisholm d/o Col. Alexander Chisholm died May 23, 1865 in Alexandria, Ontario.

Colin Chisholm s/o Duncan and Jennet of Lochiel on October 17, 1837 married at St. Raphaels to Mary MacDonell d/o John and Jennet McLeod.

Theodore Chisholm s/o Duncan Chisholm and Janet Chisholm at St. Raphaels November 25, 1840 to Catherine MacDonell d/o Ewen & Catherine Stewart of Ramsay.

John Chisholm s/o Duncan Chisholm and Janet Chisholm died August 27, 1848, brother of Col. Alexander Chisholm.

Duncan Chisholm (Achagiad Farm) was the son of Colin Chisholm, Cailean na Craige, Colin the Rock and his wife Mary MacDonell d/o Allan MacDonell, Farmer, Ach-na-h'eaglais, Guisachan Strathglass.

History of The Chisholms Alexander MacKenzie 1891

Theodore Chisholm's family and The Chisholms of Muckerach Pages 165-171

P 165 I. Theodore Chisholm was the second son of Alexander Chisholm, XIX. pf Chisholm, by his wife, the eldest daughter of Roderick MacKenzie, I. of Applecross. He lived and died at Balmore, Invercannich. He married Margaret, daughter of Fraser of Culbokie, with issue- one son, II. John Chisholm, who lived and died at Wester Knockfin. He married, Isabella, daughter of John II. of Knockfin, with issue-one son,

III. Theodore Chisholm, who lived and died at Comar. He married Mary, daughter of Alexander, second son of Archibald Chisholm, Fasnakyle, with issue-

1. John, who succeeded him in Comar. 2. Eliza, who married Alexander MacDonell, farmer, Invercannich, with issue- 2A) Angus MacDonell who married Anne, daughter of Colin Chisholm, Lietry, with issue. 2B) John MacDonell, who died unmarried 2C) Theodore MacDonell who married Madeline, daughter of Hugh Fraser, farmer Boblanie, with issue-three sons and two daughters 2D) Hugh MacDonell, who married a daughter of Alexander MacRae, a native of Dornie, who, like himself, had emigrated to Canada, with issue 2E) Christopher MacDonell, who married Anne, daughter of Hugh Fraser, farmer, Deanny, Glenstrathfarrar, brother of the late Robert Fraser of Aigas, with issue two sons and two daughters. 2F) Mary who married Colin Chisholm, Lietry, with issue 2G) Isabell, who married Colin Chisholm, Clachan, Strathglass, with issue, Archibald, Duncan, Hugh,Alexander and Mary, who married John Bissett, Fanellan, with isssue, among others, the Rev. Alexander Bissett, a priest, now at Stratherrick. 2H) Margaret, who married Valentine MacRae, Carnach, with issue. 3. Margaret, who married John MacRae, farmer, Invercannich, with issue- 3A) Christopher MacRae, a Captain in the Royal Africa Corps. He died, unmarried, on the West Coast of Africa. 3B) Alexander Macrae, farmer, Invercannich, who married Margaret, daughter of Hugh Fraser, of Deanny, with issue- several sons and daughters. All the sons went abroad. 3C) Finlay MacRae, an Ensign in the Royal African Corps. He died in that service, unmarried. 3D) Theodore, a Captain in the same Corps. He married Christina, daughter of Allan MacDonald, Lochans, Moidart, with issue, among others, the Rev.. Allan MacRae, now priest at Eskadale. Theodore died at Struy. 3E) William MacRae an Ensign in the Royal African Corps, who died, unmarried at Inverness. 3F) Angus MacRae, who emigrated to Australia, and died there unmarried. 3G) Isabell, who married William Chisholm, Inchully, with issue- several sons and daughters. 3H) Mary, who married John Chisholm, farmer, Mid Crochell, with issue- three sons and five daughters. 4. Janet, who married Duncan Chisholm, farmer, Kerrow, Third son of Cailean na Craige, Colin of the Rock, son of Alexander Chisholm of Buntait, with issue, for which see the family of Knockfin. 5. Mary, who married first David Fraser, farmer, Crasky, of the family of Struy, with issue- 5A) William Fraser, a priest in Glengarry Canada. 5B) Alexander Fraser, who died unmarried, in Strathglass Mary married secondly Roderick MacDonell, the hereditary standard-bearer of the Chisholms, with issue 5C) Mary MacDonell who married Duncan MacPherson, shoolmaster, Glencannich The whole family, along with the mother and her husband in their old age, emigrated to Glengarry Canada 6. Isabell, who married Duncan Macdonell, farmer, Carrie, Glencannich, with issue- 6A) Hugh MacDonell, who emigrated to Cape Breton, where he married Helen Cameron, with issue several sons and daughters. 6B) Colin MacDonell, who went to the same place, where he married miss Chisholm, whose father, William Chisholm, was originally from Knockfin, Strathglass, with issue. 6C) Theodore MacDonell, who died unmarried, at Judique, Cape Breton 6D) Mary, who married a Chisholm in Cape Breton, with issue; 6E) Anne, who married another Chisholm, also in Cape Breton. Theodore III Chisholm was succeeded, as representative of the family, by his only son. IV.John Chisholm, who resided most of his time at Comar, and died at Struy. He married Margaret, daughter of Kenneth, eldest son of Archibald Chisholm, Fasnakyle, with issue- 1. Kenneth, who married Anne, daughter of John Fraser, farmer, Achblair, Guisachan, and died without issue. 2. Theodore, now heir male of the Chisholms of Strathglass, residing at Struy. 3. John, who emigrated to Australia, where he still lives unmarried. 4. Alexander, who also emigrated to Australia, where he also resides unmarried. 5. Catherine, who married John Chisholm, farmer, Lietry, with issue. 6 Mary who died unmarried 7. Margaret, who married John MacLaren, farmer, Comar, with issue- several sons and daughters, all of whom emigrated to Australia. 8. Eliza, who married Roderick, son of John Chisholm, farmer Breackachy. They emigrated to Australia, where they had a family of sons and daughters. 9. Lilias, who died unmarried. John IV Chisholm is succceeded as representative of the family by his eldest surviving son V. Theodore Chisholm, residing at Struy. Since the death of Roderick Donald Matheson Chisholm, XXVIII. of Chisholm, in 1887, Theodore, possessing not an inch of land, and without any visable means of subsistance, is heir male and chief of the Ancient house of Chisholm. He is now about eighty one years of age and unmarried. The Chisholms of Muckerach, now of Strathglass. page 168 The first of this family, the representative of which suceeded to the Strathglass estates and the Chiefship of the clan in 1858, was,

I. Alexander Chisholm, of Mucherach, of whom so much has already been said in connection with the forfeiture and restoration of the estates after Sheriffmuir. He was second son of John Chisholm, XX of Strathglass, commonly called "an Siosal Ruadh" and immediate younger brother of Roderick, the twenty first chief, in whose person the estates had, after 1715, been forfeited to the Crown. He married his cousin, a daughter of Archibald Chisholm, of Fasnakyle, and grand daughter of Colin I. of Knockfin, with issue- 1. Archibald, his heir 2. Captain John Chisholm, of Fasnakyle, mentioned in the entail of 1777. He married a daughter of Patrick Fraser of Fingask, with issue- one son, Patrick, who died in India, unmarried, and two daughters, one of whom married Fraser of Kinmylies, and Mary, who married Colonel James Chisholm of the Royal African Corps without issue. He was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son, II. Archibald Chisholm, of Muckerach, upon whom Alexander, the twenty-third chief, in 1777, entailed the estates, failing heirs male of his own body, and of his five sons and two brothers. He married Catherine, third daughter of John Matheson, V. of Fernaig and Attadale, with issue. 1. Roderick, his heir 2. Captain Donald Chisholm, of the 42nd Highlanders (BlacK Watch), and afterwards of the H.P. Royal Highlanders of Canada. He was twice married, with issue- two sons, the eldest of whom died unmarried in China while in the service of the well known house of Matheson, Jardine, &Co. The other died while a student at Blairs College, Aberdeenshire. 3. Alexander, who married Janet, daughter of one of the Grants of Glenmorriston, and emigrated to Nova Scotia, where he settled, in the County of Antigonish. He had issue- one son, Duncan, who was a claimant to the Chisholm estates in 1858, and died unmarried; also two daughters. 4. Catherine, who married Alexander Chisholm, farmer, Craskie, with issue- 4A) Roderick, who married Anne, daughter of John Chisholm, farmer Balnahaun, with issue- one son and several daughters. 4B) Peter, who married Helen, daughter of Colin Chisholm, farmer, Lietry, with issue. Alexander also had three daughters 4C) Anne 4D) Mary 4E) Catherine who married William Chisholm farmer, Craskie, with issue- several sons and daughters. One of whom is Rev. Archibald Chisholm, priest at Nairn. Archibald was succeeded, as representative of the family, by his eldest son, III. Roderick Chisholm , who emigrated to Canada and settled in the North West Territory, where he was engaged on the staff of the Hudson Bay Company. There he married Miss Sutherland, with issue- 1. James Sutherland Chisholm, his heir. 2. Jemima, who, on the 8th of January, 1840, married Mr Milner, a government contractor, in Kingston, Ontario. Roderick died of cholera in Montreal, in 1832, when he was succeeded, as representative of the family by his son, IV. James Sutherland Chisholm, who , on the death of Duncan Macdonell Chisholm, XXVI. of Strathglass, unmarried, in 1858, succeeded to the estates of the family and chiefship of the clan. He was at that time employed in a mercantile house in Montreal. having secured possession of the Chisholm estates, he returned to Canada, and there, on the 13th of November, 1861, married a relative of his own, Annie Cecilia, a daughter of Angus MacDonell, a cadet of Glengarry, by whom he had issue- 1. Roderick Donald Matheson Chisholm, his Heir. 2. Mary Isabella, who died young. 3.Louisa Jane. 4. Annie Margaret. James Sutherland Chisholm died at Erchless Castle, Strathglass, on the 28th of May, 1885, in his eightieth year, when he was succeeded in the estates and chiefship of the clan by his only son, V. Roderick Donald Matheson Chisholm, who was born on the 20th of September, 1862, and was thus only in his twenty third year when he entered into possession. he died unmarried at March hall, near Edinburgh, on the 24th of April, 1887, and was interrred in the family burying ground, near Erchless Castle. His father, who was the last heir male mentioned in it, having barred the entail, Roderick was able to leave the estates, with a rental of 10, 000 pounds a year, by trust disposition to his mother, who is now in possession. Annie Cecilia MacDonell. On the death of Roderick Donald Matheson Chisholm, un married, in 1887, the last male heir of the Muckerach family and the last male representative of all those mentioned in the entail of 1777 died in his person, when Theodore Chisholm, now residing, near Struy, on Lord Lovat's estate, became male heir and chief of the ancient Clan Chisholm. Theodore's family, and those of Knockfin and Kinneries, were excluded from the entail, but even if they had not, any rights they might have inherited would have been barred by the action of the late James Sutherland Chisholm when he disentailed the estates. It is however, doubtful if any rights of succession remained in these families as heirs male, even in the absence of the provision that the estates were to revert to the entailers nearest heirs female when all the male heirs of the others mentioned in the deed had become extinct; for they all broke off from the main stem prior to the forfeiture in the person of Roderick, the twenty first chief, for the part he took in the rising of 1715. It has therefore been maintained that any rights of succession which,in thee absence of the forfeiture and the entail, would have accrued to Theodore or to any of the other remaining male representatives of the family are entirely barred, quite independently of the provision in favour of heirs female in the deed of 1777, and of the disentail by the late James Sutherland Chisholm. This is however, a question more for the lawyer than the historian. Bishop Alexander MacDonell in his own words states that he attended school not far from his fathers house in Strathglass.

His early training came as a result of the relationship between his father, Angus, and Margaret MacDonell, widow of William Fraser 3rd, of Culbokie. Culbokie Frasers own Guisachan, Strathglass.

A reluctant friendship seems to have been formed between Angus (Aeneas) Chisholm and MacDonell, although there was a distance between them of about three years in age and at least four in scholarity. In fact Chisholm would be a master in charge of the humanities classes during the last four years of MacDonell's residence in Valladolid. Yet they both came from the same district, Strathglass, and were related as Cousins. In 1788 they would be serving neighboring missions in the Highlands

In the Autumn of 1793, MacDonell left Glasgow once again, this time to assist his cousin Culbokie who was dying and" whose estate had not been settled... and who would not let him leave until it had been arranged to his satisfaction" He took the opportunity of his visit to the Highlands to renew acquaintances with his cousin and superior, Bishop John Chisholm, the young Chief of Glengarry, Alexander Ranaldson MacDonell and Colonel Cameron of Erracht.



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