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The Church at Oaks Corners - 1804-1887

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Date: 1804 to 1887
Location: Phelps, Ontario County, New Yorkmap
Profile manager: Ward Hindman private message [send private message]
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The Church at Oaks Corners Transcribed by Charlotte Grabowski, August 29, 2010. May not be copied for commercial use.


Oaks Corners, Ontario, New York

Early history of the Church at Oaks Corners, Town of Phelps, Ontario County, New York. Many names and dates are given for when people joined or left the church. Also a few baptisms. After 1843 only Pastors names are given.

The Phelps Citizen. [Phelps, Ontario County, New York. Authors name not given.]

Thursday, May 9, 1889

Sessional Records of the Church at Oaks Corners

A synopsis of the same will only be attempted. I have been unable to obtain any sessional records, as such, till April 1st. 1814, at which time the Society was transformed into a Presbyterian Church. Therefore, the records, printed In the business records from 1804-1814, must suffice.

The record in question opens with a written confession of faith and covenant, as held by the Presbyterian Church. The first recorded meeting, was held at the house of Thaddeus Collins, April 1813.

Resolved, That the church adopt the Presbyterian standards and form of government. Dr, Peter Woodward was appointed delegate to Presbytery of Geneva, to present the notion of the church.

Said action was presented at a meeting of Presbytery, April 23d, 1813, at Housoye, and the church was made a constituent member of Geneva Presbytery.

Rev. Mr. Powell , as far as I know, was the only officiating pastor from 1805 up to this time, 1813.

Lackey Morrow, Peter Woodward, Mathew Denniston and John Burnham were the first board of ruling elders.

A meeting was held at the union school house in Phelps to consider a call to the Rev. Mr. Barritt. Committee: John Burnham, Moses Youngs, Joseph Griffith, M. Denulaton, Thaddeus Collins, Caleb Case, John Griffith, Joseph Hall and Thadeus Oaks.

This committee did not meet with sufficient success, resulting in a failure to call Mr. Barritt.

At the next meeting, August 14th, 1814, the Rev. Ambrose Porter presided, and undoubtedly was the officiating minister, as his name appears as moderator of the session for some length of time.

Peter Woodward was dismissed to join the church at Gorham. George VanAuken was admitted membership, on profession, October 2d, 1814.

During this period John Burham was clerk of session.

At a church meeting, May 14th, 1815, Joshua King and Caleb Case were chosen elders. Charity Humphrey and Betsey Burnett were received into the church. Anthony VanAuken and wife dismissed to join the church in Lyons. September 12th, 1816, Rev. Charles Mosher was Installed as pastor.

December 11th, 1816, Cephas Field, Ruth Hodson and Lydia Hindman were admitted.

January 26th, 1817, Simeon VanAuken was dismissed to join a church in Wolcott.

May 4th, 1817, Lucinda Richards, Louisa Baker and Mercey Humphrey were admitted to the church.

May 9th, 1817, Maria Prescott, and Salmira Webster. Reuben Bardwell and Robert J. Griffith, were received January 16th, 1818.

A number were dismissed to join a new church in the north-west part of the town, Brewer, Post, Sears, VanBlarnacom and others.

May 17th, 1818, James VanAuken, Mary Shattuck and Mr. Rogers were admitted to the chrch.

August 1st, 1819, received Theodore Partridge and Summit Brown.

Theodore Partridge was a school teacher in Phelps, and became a ruling elder, and prominent in church affairs many years. He was clerk of the session many years. His fine work is still to be seen on the books.

The resignation of Rev. Charles Mosher was accepted September 20th, 1819.

Rev. Samuel Brace was ordained and installed December 29th, 1819. Present, Rev, Axtell, Clark, Stephen Porter, Townsend, Pomeroy, Merrill, Bacon.

January 16th, 1820, received into the church Lucena VanAuken, Loa Wells, Jane and Susan Rees, Mrs. Clark, Charles W. Glover, and Erastus Lonett, William Frisbie and wife, Elias W. Frisbie, Sally C. Deming, and Abigail Glover.

March 23d, 1820, Doctor William Frisbie was chosen Deacon, and Enoch Wing, Daniel Trowbridge, Theodore Partridge, Elders.

Jabez Joslyn, Nancy Young, Minerva Wait, Lucy Phillips, Eliza Wing, Abgail Baldwin, Vinera Glover, were admitted. The names of Charity Stephens, Mary and Elizabeth Bedell appear. Cases of discipline occurred which were conducted in a straight forwrd manly manner, to positive results.

November 24th, 1820, Rev. Mr Brace baptized Christopher, Augustus, Caleb, Lorenzo, and Sophia Dickenson, children of Fanny Bannister, also Samuel B. an infant of Robert J. and Elizabeth Griffith

March 23d, 1821, Elder Nathan Dennisten and wife were dismissed to join the church at Sodus.

April 22d, 1821, Charity Stevens, Robert Harris, Polly Glover, Miller Eddy, Louisa Glover, Milan Glover, Samuel Glover, Conway D. Crosby, were admitted to the church.

August 25th, 1821 Charles Yale was elected elder.

November 13th, 1821, received into the church, Mehitable Sumner, Rebecca Phillips, Elizabeth Humphrey, Robert Cross, George Glover.

February 4d, 1822, Enoch Eddy, Benoni Grover, Harriet Hall, and others.

May 12th, 1822, received into the church, Olive Burnett, Susannah Lansing.

August 11th, 1822, received on profession, Jacob Cooper and Elizabeth Simons.

November 7th, 1822, by S. W. Brace, baptized Willard, child of Henry Farbush; also Nathan, son of Thaddeus and Fanny Oaks.

April 27th, 1823, received into the church, Asahel Bannister, Polly Banister, William Butler, Esther Butler, Benjamin Heartwell, Eli Dickinson, Abigal Parks, Mrs. Harriet Stewart, Jacob and Diantha Lewis.

The Rev. Samuel W. Brace closed his labors with the church February 8th, 1824.

November 10th, 1834, the Rev. Henry P. Strong was installed pastor of the church. Present, Rev's Stockton, Larndsbury, Lansing, Axtell, Pomroy, Wm. Eddy.

October 12th, 1826, Samuel Wright and Charles W. Glover, were chosen Elders, and Doctor Winens Bush, Deacon. Presbytery, Seneca Falls, February 4th, 1830


May 10th, 1831, the relation existing between the Union Religious of Phelps, and Presbyterian Society of Vienna, and the Rev. H. P. Strong, is dissolved.

The persons named as follows, constitnted [sic] a new church at Vienna: Lackey Morrow, (Elder,) Richard Van Vranken. Esther his wife, John, Lucy, and Mary Wright, Ann Frazier, Enoch Wing, (Elder,) Elizabeth Bulkley, Rufus Goodale, Samuel Wright, Daniel Peer, David G. Monett, Francis M. Lansing, A. D. Crosby, Ann Johnson, Sally Beman, Robert J. Griffith, E. Willard Frisbie, Minerva Wait, Jane McCormac, Anny Merry, Nancy Gates, Rhoda Crosby, Elizabeth Frisbis, Walter Laidlow, Loa Wells, Orres Frazer, David Sherrill, Wynan Bush, Robert Allen, Elizabeth Hibbard, Julia A. Bush, Mary J. Morrow, Margaret Morrow, Elizabeth Sherrill, Elizabeth Griffith, Polly Woodward, Darius Seager, Eunice Seager, Eunice Wilson, Sarah Deming, Maria Flynn, Wm. H. Thomson, Catherine and Sally Crumb, Andrew Robison, Sophia Schutt, Joseph Bronson, Sarah, Catherine and Mary Brower, Ellen Poe, Joseph Griffith, Peter and John Brower, Cyntha Brower, Lydia Taylor, Julia Hindman, Charlotte and Lydia Hindman, Mary Harmon, Jane Laidlow, Nancy Moody.

The above persons were constituted into a church at Vienna. In addition the following persons were dismissed June 4th, 1831:

George, Betsey, Phoebe, John and Frederick Brown, Betsey, Charlotte and Abigal Brown, Lucretia Bruzee, Elizabeth Goodale, Anna Morse, Anna Hubbard, Wm. and Mary Hutchinson, Mrs. Guilford, Enoch Crosby, Tobias Mercy, Mary Sarah Stoutenburg, and Catherine Loomis, to the Vienna church. Eighty four in all.

The wholesale emigration to Phelps nearly stranded the old church. We may well imagine their feelings, with Minister and some Elders, and a large membership gone. But with courage undaunted, the remnant proceeded to hold up the banner.

June 22d, 1831, Asahel Bannister and Enoch Eddy were chosen Elders. Cha's Glover and Daniel Trowbridge, Deacons.

July 31, received into the church, Othniel Hall, Peter Brizee, Sally Brizee, Eliza Bigelow, Dudley L VanAuken, Reuben Worthy Stevens, Mary Doty, Elwin Thompson, Elizabeth Brown, Lucinda Crittenden, Chloe Humphrey.

April 8th, 1832, Eli Dickenson was chosen Elder, Osee Crittenden and Reuben Stevens, Deacons.

September 1832, Rev. Wm. R. Betts was ordained and installed pastor.

John Whipple elected Elder January 20th, 1833.

Osee Crittenden and George VanAuken elected Elders July 25d, 1833.

The pastoral labors of Wm. R. Betts closed April 14th, 1834.

Rev. Isaac Crabbe appears on the record, July 13th, 1834. At this point the records are missing from page 70 to 93. 1836, Isaac Crabbe is still pastor, but closed his labors in the autumn.

November 27th, 1836, Hiram Armstrong was received by profession into the church.

Wm. Young chosen Elder February 16th, 1837.

August 27th, 1837, were received into the church, Sylvanus Burtis, Oscar Heartwell, Victoria Bannister and others.

Rev. Ezra Scoville installed pastor Febraury 20th, 1838.

March 11th, 1838, Cotton Dickenson, I. Clinton Stevens, Catlin Webster, ordained Ruling Elders.

September 7th, 1840, Rev. Mr. Scoville closed his labors.

February 15th, 1842, Rev. Mr. Everett installed.

I. C. Stevens, November 17th, 1842, was dismissed, at his request, to join the church at Vienna.

May 26th, 1843, Hiram Armstrong was ordained Elder.

Twenty years elapsed without any more additions to the Eldership.

Rev. Mr. Everett was succeed by Rev. J. R. Moser in 1843, he by John R. Young in 1847, A. G. Moore in 1849, Rev. Ira Ingram 1853, Chester 1857, Stoutenburg 1860, A. T. Young 1864, twelve years, Rev. Mr. Werner 1876, Rev. Mr. Salmon 1880, Mr Richardson 1884, Rev Samuel Murdock 1887.

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