Location: Prince Edward Island

Surnames/tags: Brehaut Machon Pullem
The Descendants of Henry Brehaut and Elizabeth Pullem.
- by Kathie Sencabaugh.
- published on The Island Register website, 1998.
Description: Details four generations of a group of families, already somewhat related, from St. Peter Port, Guernsey, who arrived in Prince Edward Island in 1806. Elizabeth Pullem, the wife of Henry Brehaut, and Frances (Francoise) Pullem, the wife of Daniel Machon were sisters. A third sister, Marguerite Pullem, was the widow of Jean Nicolle; her son John Thomas Nicolle seems to have been part of the immigrant group.
Sencabaugh, Kathie. "The Descendants of Henry Brehaut and Elizabeth Pullem." The Island Register. February 14, 1998. Accessed August 10, 2018. http://www.islandregister.com/brehaut.html. Prince Edward Island's Premier Genealogy site. (Chicago Manual Style, 16th ed.)
- Citation Example:
- <span id='Sencabaugh'></span>Sencabaugh, Kathie. ''[[Space:The Descendants of Henry Brehaut and Elizabeth Pullem|The Descendants of Henry Brehaut and Elizabeth Pullem]]'' The Island Register. February 14, 1998. Accessed August 10, 2018. http://www.islandregister.com/brehaut.html. Prince Edward Island's Premier Genealogy site.
- Inline Citation Example:
- <ref>[[#Sencabaugh|Sencabaugh]]: 5. Elizabeth Brehaut.</ref>
Note: The web page does not contain pagination nor any page anchors so use the format of # firstname surname to ease locating specific references.
Available online at these locations:
- Entry for 15. Charles Thorne. Marriage date to Charlotte Machon listed as 02 Apr 1858. The marriage record lists a celebration date of 18 March 1858 and a recorded date of 30 March 1858.
- Entry for 4. Thomas Smith Brehaut. iv Charlotte M. Brehaut m. 09-APR-1881(L), James N. Brooks. This is the daughter of 4. Thomas Smith Brehaut and Sara Noble. This Charlotte was born ca. 1851 and married Charles T. Stronach in 04 Aug 1888. A different Charlotte M(achon) Brehaut was born in 1861 and she was the daughter of 15. Charles Thorne Smith and Henrietta Bears. This is the Charlotte who married James Henry Brooks on 09 April 1881.
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