Location: Granville, North Carolina, United States
Surname/tag: Duncan
Our thanks to Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson for her tireless research. The information on this page was originally published at: Duncans in Granville County, North Carolina The purposes of this page is to organize the information in chronological order for research purposes.
Formed 1746 from Edgecombe
Glasgow formed 1791 (from Granville?), discontinued 1799
Orange formed 1752 from Bladen, Granville, Johnston
Bute formed 1764 from Granville
Greene formed 1799 from Dobbs or Glasgow
Vance formed 1881 from Franklin, Granville, Warren
Granville Co. NC Minutes, Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
- 1741-1789, by date, loose pages - skips 1746 to 1786 (FHL film 302,606)
- Dec., 1746 - mention Philemon Bradford, David Bradford
- 1786, Benj. Bradford and Edmd. Taylor to take taxable list on Fort Creek No Duncan
- 1754-1764, indexed (FHL film 306,210)
- 6 Dec. 1758, pg. 45, suit by John Dunkin against the estate of William Moss.
Granville Co. NC document (from Charles O. Duncan 3/1987)
- June Court 1759, petition of John Dunkin, being under prosecution for debt is now confined to the said County Goal at the instance of William Moss and prays benefit of the act for relief of poor debtors, ... (schedule of effects). Order that the sheriff sell the effects. **(CD: A William Moss listed in Caswell Co. in 1790)
1770 to 1779
Granville Co. NC road jury summons and reply
(from Charles O. Duncan 3/1985)
- May, 1771: Ordered that Charles Edwards, John Owen, Richardson Owen, David Wilkerson, John Wilkerson, Francis Howard, James Bridges, Daniel Grant, Joseph Roberts, John Davis, Isham Malone, Daniel Malone, Richard Roberts, John Roe, James Walker, James Dorsey?, Solomon Howard, John Howard Senr, David Knott, George Brassfield, and Thomas Boen? or any 12 of them lay out a road leading from the head of Howards or Willinghams road at Bearskin Creek to Hico Road, near the head of Person's Racepath, and that Thomas Owens be appointed overseer of the said road, and that he the said Thomas Owens with the hands of Charles Edwards, John Owen, Francis Howard, David Wilkerson, Ambrose Harrison Duncan, John Wilkerson, Daniel Grant, James Bridges open? & keep the same in repair. (back of document) ... The above jury acknowledges themselves to be all agreed ... 28 July 1771.
- (CD: John and Thomas Owen, Thomas Willington (Willington Road), George Brasfield, and David Wilkerson lived on Grassy Creek; Richard Roberts on Mountain Creek, branch of Grassy Creek. John Davis from Lunenburg Co. VA bought land in 1760 from Robert Butler; Robert Butler sold land in 1763 to John Hardy on Cypress Creek; Hugh Hardy sold land to Rice Duncan.)
"The State Records of North Carolina, 1776-1790"
- 13:834: Wed. 20 Oct. 1779, read the recommendation of the court of Granville Co. in favor of John Duncan, James Stanley and James Head, and of the court of Pasquotank Co. in favor of Christopher Nicholson, recommending the said persons as fit subjects to be exempted from the payment of poll taxes.
- Resolved that the said John Duncan, James Stanley, James Head and Christopher Nicholson be henceforth exempted from the payment of Poll Taxes.
1780 to 1789
OTHER RECORDS MAD: Many early Granville Co. NC court minutes, deeds, guardian accounts, probate records, and other documents have been published by Zae Hargett Gwynn.
"The Colonial and State Records of NC" pub. 1886 by William L. Saunders, Secretary of State, index by Stephen B. Weeks (FHL books 975.6 N2n, fiche 6,078,231 and film 874,168, NC Archives, and other libraries) Volumes 1-10 are titled "The Colonial Records of North Carolina, 1662-1776" and volumes 11-26 are titled
"The State Records of North Carolina, 1776-1790"
- 16:137-44: 11 May 1782, Dennis O'Bryan, George Duncan & Jos. Pittman with others in Granville Co. were drafted in the militia in 1778, did promise the memorialist that if they would furnish their own horses and ammunition and serve two months, they should be considered as having served tour of duty. Since, they have been taken up by designing men as delinquents. Gen. Assembly should pass resolution requiring the immediate discharge of these men.
- Vol.16, pg.1045: 10th Regt. Duncan, William, Pvt; Hogg's Co., 20 Apr. 76, 2-1/2 yrs, dis. 19 Oct. 1781.
- (next name) Duncan, George, Pvt., Hogg's Co., 20 Apr. 76, 2-1/2 yrs. (MAD: See Person Co. NC)
- 19:95: 10 May 1782, on motion resolved that whereas it appears to the Gen. Assem. that Dennis O'Bryan, George Duncan and Joseph Pitman of Granville Co. were taken up and turned over into the Continental service for a supposed delinquency in the militia service, unjustly and unlawfully, therefore the persons who took up the said men have no right to exemption from any militia duty for such imaginary service and the commanding officers of said county is directed to take due notice hereof.
- 22:163: List of Granville Co. Malitia (sic) 1771: Capt. James Yancey's Company of Foot belonging to the Regiment Commanded by Colo. Rich'd Henderson, 1771. Soldiers included Ambrose Harris Dunkin, Richard Duty, William Dunkin, David Wilkerson, Pleasant Hart.
- 22:168: 22 May 1778, an account of persons who took the State Oath 1778: Ambour Harrison Duncan.
- 22:177-8: An account of persons who took oath to State, 1778:
- John Dunkin, Thomas More took oath in County Line Dist., Granville Co.
- John Duncan, John Wilkerson, Thomas Owen, took oath in Goshen Dist., Granville Co.
- 22:372/8: Muster Roll, Granville Co. Regiment, 8 Oct. 1754 (starts pg.370) Capt. Benjamin Simm's Co.: ... Charles Ivey, Daniel Carrol, John Duncan, Thos. Hunt of Little Creek, Robert Smith, Richard Crutchfield, Thos. Hunt up the River, William Pace Jr., Joseph & James Brantley, Lodowick Alford, William Hobbs, John Claiborn, Benjamin Rice, Francis Strother, ... (FHL film 599,260)
Payment Vouchers (from Charles O. Duncan 3/1985 and later)
- No. 620. 10 June 1783, to Harrison Duncan, ?? pounds 2 shillings specie. /s/ John Nichols, John Taylor, Alexr. Melrose?
- No. 940. State of NC, June 10, 1783, Hillsborough Auditors Office. This is to certifie that John Dunken exibited his claim th---- & was allowed 20 pounds 14 shillings ? pence. /s/ John Taylor, John Nichols, Alexr. McCane?. (MAD: holes punched through center of stub)
- No. 971. State of NC, June 10, 1783, Hillsborough Auditors Office. This is to certifie that William Duncan exibited his claim to us and was allowed four pounds six shllings specie. /s/ ??, John Nichols, Alexr. McCane?. (MAD: holes punched through center of stub)
- No. 6954. 11 Oct. 1784, to George Duncan, 6 pounds specie, /s/ Alexr. Hubard, John Nichols.
- (CD: also Henry Duncan, #185, June 11, 1783)
1790 to 1799
1800 to 1810
1800 Granville Co. NC Census
- Pg.514
- John Duncan 31001 - 11010
- (MAD: wife Lucy Clardy)
- (near Benj. Clardy; semi alphabetic section)
- John Duncan 31001 - 11010
- pg 536
- John Duncan 00101 - 00111
- (MAD: wife Chloe Moore)
- (Isham Parham, Nathan Whitlam, John Dement)
- Seamore Duncun 10010 - 30100
- (neighbors also Harret Duke, other Parham families, Samuel Hays, John Parish, Daniel & Jonathan & William Sr. & Thomas Johnson, Roland Bryant, Mirail Woods, Noel Johnson, Avery Parham, George Harrison, Jonathan Higgs)
- John Duncan 00101 - 00111
- Pg 540
- William Duncan 11101 - 11010
- (neighbors: John Stovall, Francis Royster, Frances Hester, Robert Puryear, David Chandler, Zachariah Penson, Duncan, Aron Penson, Rebecah Edwards, Juhomas & Lewis Yancy, Young families)
- William Duncan 11101 - 11010
- pg 582
- Andrew H. Dunkin 21001 - 32210
- (MAD: as given but should be Ambrose H. Dunkin) (neighbors Barnett Frazer, William Brinkley, James Rabey?, John Matthews, James Brewer, William Badget, John Woods, Dunkin, Thomas Terry, Barbara Washington)
- Andrew H. Dunkin 21001 - 32210
GEORGE DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application S-41513, NC (from Alice Duncan 1978-79 and FHL film 970,863, National Archives Roll 863)
- Applied 13 Sept. 1819, age 61, in Person Co. NC; enlisted spring 1776 for 2-1/2 years, in Capt. William Glover's Co. of Continental Line, 6th NC Battalion under Alexander Lillington; transferred to 3rd NC Reg. under Col. Hogan, Capt. Hogg; poor, wife & three of his own ch. & 4 grandch. to support, small tract poor land; supporting statements 9/7/1819 by John Washington in Granville Co. NC court re War service, 9/13/1819 by Jsh. Edwards a near neighbor that George was poor and honest, 9/13/1819 by J?.M. Glover that George is poor. Statement 9/7?/1820 Person Co. P&Q Court, George Duncan age ca 63 years, res. of county, served at Wilmington [New Hanover Co.] NC 1776 under Capt. Glover, Reg. under Col. Taylor, then under Col Hogan; schedule of property incl. 125a valued at $125, farm animals, all conveyed by trust deed to William Williams to secure debt due from George Duncan; George has Alfred Duncan age ca 33, Benjamin Duncan age ca 15 and orphaned grandch. without parents Lorenzo Duncan ca 14, Sally Duncan ca 12, Saml. Dixon ca 7, Washington Dixon ca 5. Statement 9/25/1821 Person Co. P&Q, George Duncan, age 64 years, (service & schedule of property 9/7/1820), living with him (Alfred Duncan crossed out), Benjamin Duncan ca 16, & grandch. orphans Lorenzo Duncan ca 15, Sally Duncan ca 12, Samuel Duncan ca 7, Washington (blank) ca 5. Letter 2/12/1824 mentions his children all free, has one dau. with 2 grandch. to maintain; if Isham Edwards should sell the property under deed of trust ... Letters and statements 1825-1829 that pension papers were misdirected to [the wrong] George Duncan in Halifax Co. NC who obtained payments 9/13/1819 to 3/4/1820, and returns 4/30/1823.
Click here for more from the pension application file.
1820 to 1829
WILLIAM DUNCAN, widow Sarah, W-21015, NC, SC (from Alice Duncan 11/1983 and from FHL film 970,864, National Archives Roll 864)
- Applied 22 June 1824, age ca 76, in Greenville Dist. SC; enlisted winter or spring 1776 in Granville Co. NC for 2-1/2 years, in Capt. William Glover's Co. of Continental Line, 6th NC Reg. under Col. William Taylor, until 1778 discharged at West Point NY by Col. Hogan; again enlisted for 18 months; supporting statements of John Lock, George Duncan, John Washington (not in file); schedule of property incl. no land, 2 beds, etc., and debts due Capt. Isaac Green, Maj. Jno. Brown, Dr. Richd. Harrison; has wife age ca 50 and 5 ch. living, dau. Sarah age 23 living with him, others Mary 33, Thomas 22, Turner 21, Elizabeth 18 all married and not living with him.
- Appl. 8/19/1841 of Sarah Duncan in Greenville Dist. SC', age ca 75, the widow of William Duncan who was citizen of Granville Co. NC' when he enlisted bef. 1780 under John Hart and served 4 years down to 80 or 81 in company under Capt. William Glover at least part of the time; after his 1st term and their marriage, he was drafted & served 8 months till peace made, under Capt. Charles Yancey, in SC; they married 8/23 1780 or 81 in Granville Co. NC, after he left service the first time but before the 2nd term when he was drafted; William died 10/2/1835.
- Statement 8/28/1841 of Sion Turner of Greenville Dist. SC, acquainted with William & Sarah Duncan over 60 years, was present at their marriage in 1780 or 81, remembers William's service, Sarah Duncan his sister now age 75 years and in 76th, his elder by about 18 months. Statement 8/28/1841 by Mary Turner (wife of Sion Turner) of Greenville Dist. SC, dau. of John Hart who was 1st Lt., remembers William's service, was at the marriage of William Duncan to Sarah Turner; after mar. William was drafted and served tour in SC, they moved to SC ca 35 years ago, he died ca 6 years ago of Greenville Co. SC. Statement 8/30/1841 by John J. Ligon, acquainted with Sarah Duncan, widow of William, for over 30 years, and with Sion Turner & his wife Mary Turner. Statement 10/15/1841 by Sarah Duncan of Greenville Dist. SC, age 75 years ... William Duncan d. 10/2/1835. Statement 10/15/1841 by Stephen Neal of Greenville Dist., knew Sarah Duncan widow of William for over 25 years. Declaration by Sarah Duncan 4/19/1845 aged 76 years, that she had obtained a 5-year pension, and is still a widow; declaration 6/16/1848, age 79 years, still a widow. Letters in file that there were two applications for a widow's pension, one for 5 years and one for life.
Click here for more from the pension application file.
Original Will of Ambrose Harrison Duncan (from Charles O. Duncan 3/1985; MAD's extract)
Ambrose Harrison Duncan (abt.1745-abt.1824)
- Ambrose Harrison (X his mark) Duncan, of Granville Co. NC, 13 Feb. 1828. To my beloved wife Patsey Duncan during her natural life all my estate both real & personal, to be kept together for her support & maintainance, not knowing of any debts to be paid. After the death of my wife, my executors shall proceed to sell my whole estate for the family and to collect the money, out of which money I wish them to pay to each of my children the sum of $100 except my son John, for whom I have heretofore paid this sum as security which has not been repaid. I further will that they pay to my son Sterling H. Duncan the further sum of $150 in consideration of his care and attention to me & my family. After the above payments are made by my executors, if there should still remain a cirplus (sic) of money in their hands, that they distribute the same equally among all my children, and if the fund to be raised from the sale of my estate should prove insufficient, for the reduction to be in equal proportion from each legatee according to their respective amounts. Appoint my two sons Isaac & Charles and my friend David I Young my executors. Witness Solomon (+) G. Ascue. (note on bottom of page: Isaac & Charles Duncan qualified.)
Amelia Co. VA Lists of Tithables, 1736-1771 (FHL film 1,902,616; SLC 5/3/2013; MAD: commas frequently not given between names, I have sometimes guessed, and had difficulty reading the names) Indexed in "Amelia County, Virginia, Tax Lists, 1736-1764: An Every-Name Index" copyright 1993 by T.L.C. Genealogy. Microfilmed 6 June 94, G.S. Call # 1,750,744. (TN-649921.pdf in FHL catalog for tax record indexes, Amelia Co. VA, 3/25/2013) (also FHL book 975.5634 R42t and film 1,750,744 item 5) (from information from Janet Martin 3/25/2013) Janet Martin comments 3/25/2013: her family story is that John Gibson, who lived with Edward Nix in Amelia Co. VA in 1744 below Flat Creek, had married a Mary Ann Duncan; and Edward Nix and John Gibson were also on the Granville Co. NC tax list on Dan River in 1751 along with Marshall Duncan. FHL catalog: Microfilm of original records and photostat copies at the Amelia County Courthouse in Amelia, Virginia. A listing of what is in the boxes is found at the beginning of each film. Tithables contain lists of persons paying tithes (or taxes) and are divided into two to five districts in the county for each year.
Mecklenburg Co. VA Wills (FHL film 32,518)
- 2-227: Will of George Duncan of Mecklenburg Co., 9 June 1787, low state of health; to my two sons William and John each of them one feather bed and furniture and each of them a cow and calf whenever they chose to take them; my wife Mary Duncan shall have all the rest of my estate during her life both real and personal, and at her death to my son John Duncan the tract of land I now live on, likewise 5 pounds from my estate; the rest of my estate besides the land be equally divided between my 3 children William, John and Elisabeth. Appoint wife Mary Duncan and son William Duncan executors. Wit. Thomas Cardwell, David Adkins, Thomas (+) Fleman. Proved 10 April 1788 on oaths of Thomas Cardwell and Thomas Fleman; executors Mary Duncan and William Duncan who gave bond together with George Tarry/Tamy?.
- 3-338: Will of William Duncan, 4? August 1795, of Mecklenburg Co., low state of health; to my sister Elizabeth Robinson 8 lbs 15 shillings, it being the money that Benjamin Robinson is owing me; to my brother John Duncan one tract of land laying in Granville Co. NC with all the rest of my estate. Wit. Thomas Cardwell, William Pound?, Matthew (+) Caviness? (no signature shown) Proved 11 April 1796 on oath of William Pound and Matthew Caviness; John Duncan appointed executor, posted bond with William Hendrick security.
Wake Co. NC Deed (FHL film 20,022; and from Charles O. Duncan 3/1985)
- H-403: 20 Aug. 1789, John Gregory of Wake Co. NC and Thomas Payton of Granville Co. NC to John Dunkin of Granville Co., £300, 500 acres in Wake Co. on both sides of Walnut Creek, bounded by ... David Dorniel's line, Reuben Hunter, part of grant to Isaac Hill 11 April 1780. Wit. Shadrack Cole, Phil. Jones, Henry (X) Dunkin, Seamore Dunkin. Reg. on oath of Phil. Jones.
Warren Co. NC deed (FHL film 20,063)
- A-113: 22 Sept. 1764, Peter Duncan and Alice his wife of Bute Co. NC, to Philip Burford of same, for £40 VA money fully paid, tract of land in the Co. of Bute late Granville and on waters of Cabbin Branch, adj. Colliers line, Abernathys corner, Mayfields line, Hawkins line, containing 200 acres more or less, being part of a deed surveyed for Wm. Moss. /s/ Peter Dunkin. Wit. John Hawkins, Nathaniel Bullock, Will Johnson. Receipt for money, same witnesses. Bute Co. Court Jan. 1765, proved by oath of Nathaniel Bullock and ordered recorded. Reg. April 1, 1765. (MAD: from Orange Co. NC?)
Washington Co. TN Deed (FHL film 825,523)
- 4-52: 19 January 1789, Joseph Duncan of Granville (sic) County, South (sic) Carolina, to James Melvin of Washington Co., North Carolina (sic), £300, 320 acres on south branch of Boone's Creek. /s/ Joseph Duncan, Susana Duncan. Wit. John Carr Jurat, James Rice. (MAD: no Power of attorney on file, nor power of attorney John Callahan to Charles Duncan; see Greenville Co. SC).
Person Co. NC document (from Charles O. Duncan 3/1987)
- 23 Nov. 1795, William (X) Duncan of Person Co. NC for £30, to Sion Turner of Granville Co. NC, 12 barrels corn, 2 horses, ... 15 head hogs, etc. Wit. Thomas Owen Senr, Robert (X) Davies. Court Dec. 1795, execution of bill of sale was ack. and ordered recorded, Book A, pg.221.
- (CD: This was brother of Ambrose Harrison Duncan; Judgment by Jacob Slaughter against William Duncan on 21 May 1796 forced William to sell 200a land.)
Person Co. NC Deeds
B-176: 28 Oct. 1795, Robert Jordon of Orange Co. NC to Ambrose Harison Duncan of Granville Co. NC, £60, 100 acres on Jinto Creek, the waters of Hires in Person Co., Robert Walkers line. Wit. William McKissack, Peggy? Pinkerton. (FHL film 551,477)
C-270: 11 March 1801?, Ambrose Harrison (D) Duncan of Granville Co. NC to Jacob Slaughter of same, $40, 100 cresa both sides of Jinto Creek adj. lands of William Sergent and the lands whereon George Duncan lives. Wit. Isaac Slaughter. (FHL film 551,478)
C-527: (blank) July 1805, Jacob Slaughter of Granville Co. for love of my grandson John Duncan son of Ambrose Harrison Duncan, and five shillings, 100 acres in Person Co., corner John Chambers line. Wit. Thomas Scott, Ambrose H. (D) Duncan. (FHL film 551,478)
D-437: 24 June 1815, John Duncan of Granville Co. NC to Garrit Tingen of same, $200, 100 acres in Person Co. on Gents Creek, John Chambors line. Wit. Howell L. Ridley, Charles Dunkin. (FHL film 551,479; book labeled "E" on film, actual book is D)
R-216: 21 Dec. 1848, Ezekiel Duncan of Person Co. to John A. Downey of Granville Co., $12, his interest in lands (119 acres) on which his father George Duncan decd lived and died seized on Gents Creek; also interest in two slaves and in money. Wit. G. Williams. (FHL film 551,482)
R-217: 11 May 1852, John A. Downey of Granville Co. to Georgianna Duncan of Person Co., for 60 (does not say dollars), the place on which George Duncan decd lived and died, 119 acres, the said interest being of Alfred Duncan, Ezekiel Duncan, John B. Duncan, and Richard Harris and wife Polly. Wit. William Brook, J.D. Lunsford. (FHL film 551,482)
Franklin Co. TN Chancery Court Minutes 1834- (FHL film 576,294)
Pg.475-7: Ex part Petitioners filed in office 24 Aug. 1843 ... Petitioners Anderson B. Duncan of Franklin Co. TN for himself and also as guardian for William N. Duncan, infant orphan of Charles N. Duncan, John H. Duncan of Coffee Co. TN, William M. Runnels and wife Martha M. late Martha Duncan, of Franklin Co. TN, John K. Embry guardian of Sarah E. Embry daughter of Cleopatria Embry formerly Cleopatria Duncan of sd. county, Mark White & wife Elizabeth late Elizabeth Duncan, Thomas Woods & wife Fanny late Fanny Duncan of Sumner Co. TN, and William Duncan of Chatham Co. NC; represent that one John Lambert of Franklin Co. TN for the consideration therein mentioned, executed his deed of gift 12 October 1842 to a certain negro girl Milly, to the brothers and sisters and heirs of his late wife, Lucy Lambert formerly Lucy Duncan; represent that the said Lucy Lambert dec'd left as 'her brothers & sisters & their heirs' your petitioners & the two infants aforesaid with the exception of John K. Embry who is only guardian as aforesaid ... petition to sell slave. Petition granted; slave sold to A.B. Duncan for $451.
HISTORIES before 1923
1886 "History of Montgomery, Robertson, Humphreys, Stewart, Dickson, Cheatham, Houston Cos. TN" by Goodspeed (FHL book 976.8 H2ha, Vol.7)
Pg.1063, Montgomery Co.: J.D. Kendrick, an extensive farmer and stock-raiser of the 4th Dist., is the son of Dennis L. and Nancy H. (Duncan) Kendrick. D.L. Kendrick was a native of [Granville Co.] NC and died there. Mrs. Kendrick immigrated to TN in 1826, and settled in the 4th Dist., where she died Dec. 3, 1868, and where her body was laid to rest in the Kendrick burying-ground. She was the mother of 3 children: Lucy A., J.H. and J.D. J.H. Kendrick died in 1885 and was buried beside his mother. J.D. Kendrick was born January 17, 1822, in NC and came to TN with his mother. In the year 1864 he was married to Miss Frances J. Johnson, who was a native of NC. ... (MAD: Nancy H. Duncan, mar. Dennis L. Kendrick in Granville Co. NC on 10/13/1819; Nancy 45 NC on 1850 Montgomery Co. TN census)
"Jacob Slaughter of Granville Co. NC" by N.L. Longmire (DAR 11493) (date not given; from Charles O. Duncan 3/1985)
Pg.36-37: Mary Slaughter - George Duncan Family.
Pg.41-46: Martha Slaughter - Ambrose Harrison Duncan Family.
MAD: this book has a lot of Duncan descendants of Jacob Slaughter.
"The Duncan-Johnson Family Tree" by Grace Saunders Kimrey, 1974 (FHL film 924,652 item 1) MAD: This book has information on the Seymore Duncan family in Granville & Orange Co. NC; William Seymore in Chatham Co. NC 1850.
"John Hawkins Duncan, Son of Seamore Duncan" by W.A. Duncan and James Harvey Duncan, 1992 (FHL book 929.273 D912dwa and FHL film 1,697,825 Item 7) MAD: This book has more information on the descendants of Seamore Duncan of Granville and Orange Co. NC.
Granville Co. NC Wills
MAD: Abstract of will 10-443, 13 Feb. 1828, of Ambrose Harrison Duncan was published in "Granville Co. NC Abstract of Wills and Estate Records 1808-1833" Vol.II, by Zae Hargett Gwynn; FHL book 975.6535 S2g . MAD: Abstract of estate record 7-173 and 7-219, 1811, Estate of John Dunkin (Dunnkin), widow Cloe or Chloe Dunkin, was published in "Granville Co. NC Abstract of Wills and Estate Records 1808-1833" Vol.II, by Zae Hargett Gwynn; FHL book 975.6535 S2g. (MAD: See more in Orange Co. NC)
15-108: 30 June 1841, will of Anderson J?. Duncan of Granville Co. NC, weak in body; to wife Elizabeth Duncan whole estate for life or widowhood; then equally divided between her and all my living children or the representatives of their body; to my son-in-law George H. Dixon $1; appoint brother-in-law William Slater exec.; if cannot sell enough personal estate, then he can sell a part or the whole of the land I bought of Daniel Dean for that purpose. Wit. Porteus Moore, Abraham Slaughter. Proved Aug. 1841. (FHL film 18,982)
16-129 to 130, Will of Isaac Duncan of Granville Co., 5 Oct. 1840; to my wife Affa Dunkin during her natural life or widowhood and no longer, all my estate both real and personal for the comfortable support and maintenance of herself & family during her said life or widowhood. She may at her discretion during her life give off to any of the children such share of the estate as she may choose, not exceeding their rateable part thereof. At the death or marriage of my widow, the whole of my estate both real and personal be sold and the proceeds equally divided among my children, taking into account any advancements which my widow may make, and if any of my children should die before the final division leaving issue, the issue of such child to inherit the share of their ancestor and divide it equally. Appoint my wife Affa Dunkin my exec. /s/ Isaac Duncan. Wit. G.F?. Young, J.H. Young. Produced at Feb. Court 1845 by Affa Duncan, proven on oath of James H. Young, ordered recorded, Affa Duncan qualified as exec. (FHL film 18,983)
20-54: 1 Dec. 1849, will of Rebecca (+) Duncan of Granville Co. NC; to Rebecca J. Tingen, Margarett A. Tingen and Isaac H. Tingen, children of Ambrose H. Tingen, all my estate, both real estate and personal, to be equally divided. Appoint Ambrose H. Tingen exec. Wit. Jelunn? Thorp, Benjamin P. Thorp. Proved Feb. 1856. Inventory incl. bed and bedstead and furniture, etc.; receipt of William Thorp for $100 recd? of Rebecca Duncan to loan out at interest for the benefit of Rebecca Duncan; doubtful debt one bond on Martin Slaughter for $1.57; filed Feb. 1856. (FHL film 18,987)
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