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The Early Duncans of Lincoln County, Missouri

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Date: 1818 to 1860
Location: Lincoln, Missouri, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Duncan
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Duncan research files of Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson, the Genealogy Bug
Last revised October 28, 2014
Formed 1818 from St. Charles


Duncans that lived in this County

William James Duncan (1773-1842)

  • From Clark County, KY >>Lincoln Co, MO

1830 Lincoln Co. MO Census

(from Vivian Biddle 1982)
Pg. 4 Louis Duncan 1000,1 - 1000,1
6 Cary R. Duncan 0000,01 - 1000,1
(MAD: Cary K. Duncan mar. Ann Margaret Dozier 9/12/1827)
7 James Duncan 0000,0001 - 0010,0001 William James Duncan (1773-1842)
(MAD: James Duncan mar. Joyce Quisenberry 12/29/1794 Clark Co. KY; son of Joseph Duncan)
20 John Duncan 1020,01 - 2100,1

1840 Lincoln Co. MO Census

(from Vivian Biddle 1982)
Pg.217 Lewis Duncan 2230,02 - 0110,0100,1
(MAD: Female 60-70 was Dorcas Butler, widow of James Duncan, of 1830 Culpeper Co. VA census)
235 Cry K. Duncan 0000,001 - 2010,01
John Duncan 2111,001 - 0021,001

1850 Lincoln Co. MO Census

(also from Vivian Biddle 1982)
District #49
Pg.395, #79, John S?. DUNCAN 54 KY farmer $6400

Susan 50 MD Nancy 27 MO John L. 18, Geo. 14 MO Henry C. 12, Susan A. 9 MO James M. DUKE 3 MO (MAD: perhaps John Stevens Duncan and wife Susan (Collier) from Clark Co. KY; Susan Duncan 3/21/1800 - 12/21/1853, wife of John S. Duncan, said to be buried in Bryant's Creek Cemetery)

Pg.409, #267, Lewis DUNCAN 44 VA farmer $2562

Harriett 43 VA Robert S. 18, Sarah C. 16 MO William E. 14, David J. 12 MO Joseph L. 10, Benjamin 8 MO Mary E. 6, Geo. W. 3 MO Richard M. 10/12 MO John H. DUNCAN 46 VA (blank) $0 (MAD: obit in "Religious Herald" 4/8/1852 for Harriet Duncan, wife of Elder Louis Duncan, from "Inventory of the Church Archives of VA" by VA Conservation Commission 1940, from Evelyn Sigler 1/1986)

Pg.412, #308, Francis DUNCAN (m) 22 VA farmer $320

Frances (f) 24 VA

Pg.412, #310, John LOGAN 47 KY farmer $640

Francis C. (f) 37 KY Lucy A. 19 MO William DUNCAN 12 MO

Pg.413, #315, Thomas GREYSON 57 VA farmer $1225

Rhody (f) 50 VA Rosana 23, Elizabeth 20 VA James DUNCAN 14 MO

Pg.417, #379, Hiram DUNCAN 42 VA farmer $1200

Jane 52 MD Martha MOURNING 16 MO Elizabeth JENKINS 15 VA James W. 13 MO Matilda GLOVER 77 MD (MAD: 1840 Warren Co. MO census; Hieram Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO mar. Mrs. Jane Hancock 3/8/1840 Warren Co. MO)

Pg.443, #728, John PITTS 46 ENG farmer $1650

Martha M. 33 KY Lilburn NETHERLAND (m) 14 TN William DUNCAN 12 MO Ann E. 6 MO

Pg.445, #770, William DUNCAN 26 MO physician $1000

Mary A. 24 MO Reuben P. ZIMMERMAN 26 MO physician $0 (MAD: Wm. C. Duncan mar. Zuliana E. Zimmerman 4/8/1847, Wm. C. Duncan mar. Mary Ann Zimmerman 10/3/1849; son of John Stevens Duncan & Susan Collier; 1870 Pike Co. MO census)

1860 Lincoln Co. MO Census

Clark Twp.
Pg.321, #167-152, Jas. L. DUNCAN 23 MO farmer $1000-$660

M. Elizabeth 21 MO Sarah M. 1 MO John M. DYKE "14" MO (blank) $2000-$380

Pg.321, #168-153, Henry C. DUNCAN 22 MO farmer $2500-$600 (alone)
Pg.321, #169-154, Brettania E. DYKE (f) 30 MO farmer $600-$300

Wm. H. 5, Jas. H. 2 MO Waverly Twp.

Pg.539, #1779-1632, Lewis DUNCAN 53 VA U.Bapt. Minister $3775-1700

David J. 22 MO teacher of common school $1680-$165 Benjamin M. 18, Mary E. 15 MO George W. 13, Richard H. 10 MO (MAD: Richard M. Duncan 21 MO in 1870 Randolph Co. MO census)

Pg.544, #1814-1666, Francis H. DUNCAN (m) 32 VA farmer $1000-$1085

Frances A. (f) 35 VA Margaret A. 10, Lewis E. 8 MO Alice J. 5, Adea (f) 3 MO Eva (f) 1 MO Millwood Twp.

Pg.552, #1873-1721, Robert S. DUNCAN 28 MO U.Bapt. Minister $1300-$1650

Sarah L?. 25 MO Anna B. 2 MO Joseph L. DUNCAN 20 MO farmer $0-$300 (MAD: Robert S. Duncan mar. Sarah Jane Irvin 10/18/1853) Prairie Twp., Truxton (town)

Pg.595, #2169-2008, Z.D. HANCOCK (m) 27 MO milling $8470-$3000

Jane DUNCAN 65 MD (blank) $0-$2250

1870 Lincoln Co. MO Census

Clark Twp.
Pg.39, #125-117, DUNCAN, Jas. L. 38 MO farmer & carpenter $2000-$700

Mary E. 31 MO keeping house Sarah M. 12 MO at home Mary J. 7, Jane 4 MO at home Adalia V/E? (f) 1 MO

Pg.39, #126-118, DUNCAN, Henry C. 32 MO farmer $2500-$1000

Mary E. 31 MO keeping house Julia W. 8, William L. 6 MO DYER, James? (Jamon?) (m) 60 VA (white) "noth" $0-$0 REYNOLDS, Saml. 31 VA (white) farm laborer (MAD: both Jas. L. and Henry C. Duncan had wives listed as Mary E. age 31 born MO; Jas. L. had wife Elizabeth on 1860 and 1880 census)

Millwood Twp.
Pg.105, #19-18, DUNCAN, Jos. L. 30 MO farmer $3000-$4000

Sarah C. 29 MO (blank) Palia? (f) 7? (1?) MO Jesse (m) 2/12 MO b.Apr. (MAD: indexed as J.L. Duncan 40 MO VA VA with wife Kate 39 MO, dau. Battie 11 MO, and other children in 1880 Lincoln Co. MO census)

Pg.121, #253-237, DUNCAN, David J. 32 MO farmer $1000-$675

Margaret E. 25 MO keeping house Kate L. 5, Judith E. 3, David L. 1 MO

Waverly Twp.
Pg.196, #71-71, DUNCAN, James 30 MO farmer $0-$450

Catharine 26 VA keeping house (no children, not mar. in year)

Pg.206, #201-201, DUNCAN, Francis H. (m) 42 VA farmer $2500-$1200

Frances A. (f) 45 MO keeping house Alice I. 15, Ida M. 13 MO at home Evey? L. (f) 11 MO at home Anna M. 9, Joseph L. 6 MO Laura (f) 3, Mary E?. 1 MO

Pg.207, #226-226, DUNCAN, George 23 MO farmer $1240-$760

Nancy 25 MO keeping house

Pg.207, #227-227, DUNCAN, William 34 MO farmer $1600-$800

Susan M. 28 MO keeping house James L. 3, Edward S. 2 MO STONE, Virginia C. 10 MO at home DUNCAN, Lewis (m) 64 VA at home minister retd. $0-$0


Lincoln Co. MO Will Books
  • A-117/118: Know all men by these present that I James Duncan of Lincoln County & State of Missouri am in a low state do make this my last Will & Testament as follows, First, I bequeath my sole to God my body to her mother earth. Second I give to my son John S. Duncan a Negro boy caled James and the one half of bed & furniture and one half my stock and license case and it contents. Third I give to Frances Wright my oldest daughter my Negro boy caled William Riley and the other half of my stock and binding out the one half of the proud? (present?) of Esquire Boone who is in Saint Louis the other half to John S. Duncan their and granet? with my paper maid several years a whole? (while?) Jacob Willis of Clark Court for two hundred dollars and believe fifty was to have been paid tho I now gd? the? to be equally devised John S. Duncan & his sister Franky Wright. I apoint John Duncan my sole executor is not to give to the court no security all he to do with County Court of Lincoln file an inventory of all my afect and make a finall settlement thereof as soon as possible. Attest /s/ James Duncan, 9th October 1842. Attest James W. Miller. Attest Elizabeth Miller. Attest Susan C. Highsmith. State of Missouri, County of Lincoln: Be it remembered that on this 25th day of October A.D. 1842 the foregoing last Will and Testament of James Duncan late of said County deceased was produced before me Francis Parker, Clerk of the County Court of said County for probate and by the oaths of James W. Miller and Susan C. Highsmith, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto was proven according to law to be the last will and testament of the said James Duncan deceased and was thereupon approved. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County Court at office the day and year herein first above written. /s/ F. Parkes, Clerk. Record October 25th AD 1842, F. Parkes, Clerk. (FHL film 973,699; SLC 6/1/2011)
  • 2-151: 3 Oct. 1855, will of Hiram Duncan, Travis? (Prairie) Twp, Lincoln Co. MO; to my brother Marshall Duncan $1; to my brother Wm. B. Duncan $1; to my brother James Duncan $1; to my wife Jane Duncan all personal property, negro girl Susan; to my wife Jane Duncan all my land in Lincoln Co. MO during life; OK to sell land if deemed necessary; to Thomas D. Hancock 1/2 proceeds of land remaining at death of wife Jane Duncan; to brother Lewis Duncan 1/4 part and heirs of John Jenkins by my sister Lucy An Jenkins the other 1/4 part, at death of wife Jane. Appoint Thomas D. Hancock sole executor. Wit. Robert B. Allen, John Q.A?. Birckhead. Proved 29 Nov. 1855. (from Dorothy Kincaid 8/1987)
  • 3-180: 14 Sept. 1870, Will of Lewis Duncan, of Lincoln Co. MO; personal property to be sold, proceeds divided equally among all my children or their heirs, namely, Francis C. Duncan, the heirs (collectively) of Mildred A. Kimley/Kimler deceased, Robert S. Duncan, the heirs (collectively) of Sarah C. Strong deceased, William E. Duncan, David J. Duncan, Joseph L. Duncan, Benjamin M. Duncan, Mary E. Motley, George W. Duncan, and Richard M. Duncan, eleven shares in all. Appoint son Robert S. Duncan executor. Wit. Charles Robinson, Joseph J. Motley. Proved 28 March 1873 on oath of Joseph J. Motley; proved 8 Feb. 1873 on oath of Charles Robinson. (FHL film 973,699; and from Dorothy Kincaid 8/1987)

Lincoln Co. MO Probate Records

(FHL film 973,701; SLC 6/1/2011)
Vol.A, 1820-1829
Index: Duncan, John L., guardian of Lambert Colliers heirs, pg.14, 20, 45, 71, 121, 162
  • Pg.14: Nov. 1822 County Court. 25 Nov. 1822, John L. Duncan appears in court and presents a petition to the Court from Susan Duncan, mother of Isaac N. Collier and George H. Collier minor heirs to the estate of Lambert Collier deceased and under the age of 14 years, to appoint J.L. Duncan guardian, ... James Duncan security, $2000 bond.

Later pages not copied

  • Vol.B, 1829-1842: No John Duncan estate; other Duncans not copied
  • Vol.C, 1842-1848: No John Duncan estate; other Duncans not copied



Go to the Lincoln Co. MO Land Records


Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
  • Duncan, Henry C.; G 37 En. MO Mil.; 1922 March 21, Invalid Appl. #1464838, no cert., MO; remarks C2345568. (MAD: ?? 1880+ Lincoln Co. MO)

HISTORIES before 1923

1907 "Colonial families of the United States of America : in which is given the history, genealogy and armorial bearings of colonial families who settled in the American colonies from the time of the settlement of Jamestown, 13th May, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, 19th April, 1775" by George N. MacKenzie (Memphis Public Library book 929.2 M18; from Evelyn Sigler 1983 and 1984 and from Iris Grimmett 11/1986)
  • Pg.427: James Quisenberry born Spotsylvania Co. VA 5 July 1759, died 5 Aug. 1830, in Rev. War 1783, to Clark Co. KY, Baptist Minister. Married (1) 24 Dec. 1776 Jane Burris of Orange Co. VA; mar. (2) Chloe Shipp of Clark Co. KY on 24 Dec. 1811. Daughter by first marriage, Joyce, born 25 Oct. 1777 Orange Co. VA, married James Duncan ca 1800 in Clark Co. KY; ca 1815 they moved to Lincoln Co. MO. Children of James and Joyce (Quisenberry) Duncan: William, Mary Joyce mar. James Carter, John mar. Mrs. Susan (Davis) Collier.

1899 "The Ministerial Directory of the Baptist Churches" by George W. Lasher, D.D.; pub. by Ministerial Directory Co., Oxford, OH (pgs.225-226 from Margo Thiel 1/1986)
Name, city & State; Place of birth; Place and date licensed and ordained; Preached; other abbreviations: Preached; Studied; Church; Institute; College
  • DUNCAN, Robert Samuel, Montgomery City, MO - Born Lincoln Co. MO; Lic. 1853, Ord. 1855 Bethlehem Ch. MO; P. Bethlehem, Sulphurlick, Union, Loutre, Middletown, Wellsville, Montgomery, Zion, Mt. Pleasant, New Florence, MO; Au. "History of Sunday Schools," Pub. 1876; "History of Missouri Baptists," Pub. 1881; 20 yrs State Sec. F. Mn. Bd. S.B.C. for MO.

ca.1914 "MO Baptist Biography" by J.C. Maple & R.P. Rider, Vol.IV (from Donald Duncan 5/1991)
Pg.91-94, Rev. LEWIS DUNCAN, 1806-1872; religious activity in MO 1838-1872.
  • Rev. R.S. Duncan, author of the History of MO Baptists, was a son of Rev. Lewis Duncan. We find in the autobiography of the son a good outline of his father's life. From this source is gleaned the brief sketch here written.

Elder Lewis Duncan was born March 1, 1806, in Culpepper Co. VA, afterwards a part of Rappahannock county. Lewis Duncan was the son of James and Dorcas Duncan. His mother was a daughter of Spencer Butler of Culpepper Co. VA. Lewis Duncan was married on 11 Sept. 1827 to Miss Harriet Kennaird, daughter of David Kennaird of Culpepper Co. VA. He united with the Mount Salem Baptist Church and was baptized by Rev. William F. Broaddus, D.D. ... On 16 Oct. 1828 he started for MO with his wife and baby. He ended the journey about the middle of the following December. Established his home in Lincoln Co. MO, about 13 miles southwest of Troy, the county seat. He soon thereafter united with a Baptist Church called Antioch, near present Warrenton, now the capital of Warren Co. MO. A few years later he removed his membership to Troy Baptist Church, now called Sand Run Church, and meets some four miles south of Troy. ... His son, Rev. R.S. Duncan, said of his final and fatal illness ... He fell asleep on the Lord's day, December 15, 1872, and on the 17th was buried in the family cemetery, between his mother and the mother of his children."

1882 "A History of the Baptists in MO" by R.S. Duncan (FHL book 977.8 K2d; also from Donald Duncan 4/1991)
Pgs.576-579, Bear Creek Association.
  • LEWIS DUNCAN - In an early day, two brothers, named respectively John and George Duncan, emigrated from Scotland to the United States. John settled in the state of Virginia (then a Province), and George settled in Pennsylvania. From these two men it is believed that all by that name in the United States have descended.

Lewis Duncan, the subject of this sketch, was a native of Virginia, and was born in Culpepper (sic) County, the first day of March, 1806. The old homestead was about eighteen miles northwest of Culpepper court house, and six miles from Gaines' Cross Roads. His father was James Duncan, a native of Fauquier Co. VA, and his mother's maiden name was Dorcas Butler, a daughter of Spencer Butler, of Culpepper Co. VA. They were in moderate circumstances; educational advantages were not such then as now, and he received only a partial common-school education while growing up. But when near his maturity he managed to acquire a sufficient knowledge of the English branches to teach school. In the school-house he was at home. By his mild but positive manner of government, he used to control with ease quite a number of young men, some of whom were quite rude, as was not unfrequently the case in those early days. After his ordination to the ministry he quit teaching school. He was the middle son of seven children - six sons and one daughter - none of whom are now living except it be Dr. William Duncan, of Texas, who is now quite elderly, if living. Lewis Duncan was married September 11, 1827, to Harriet Kinnaird, youngest daughter of David Kinnaird, of Culpepper Co. VA. She was to him a help-meet indeed, for twenty-five years; and of her was born to him eleven children - eight sons and three daughters - all of whom lived to manhood and womanhood. He professed conversion and was baptized in the spring of 1828. On the 16th of the following October, he, with his family - my mother and oldest brother, who was but an infant - started for Missouri, where he landed about the middle of the following December. The trip was made in an old-fashioned Virginia carry-all. He settled, lived and died in Lincoln County. For twelve years he lived in the vicinity of Troy, the county seat, and was a member successively of the following churches, viz.: Antioch (now defunct), Troy (now called San Run), and Sulphur Lick. .... In 1840 he moved to the northwestern part of Lincoln County and subsequently became one of the constituent members of Indian Creek Church, Pike County. He was pastor successively of the following churches, viz.: Sulphur Lick and New Salem in Lincoln County; Zion, Montgomery County; Indian Creek, Pike County; and Pleasant Grove, in Lincoln County. His active ministerial career lasted about twenty-five years, during which time he faithfully performed his mission in "feeding the flock of God," for which he was eminently fitted. .... In March, 1852, he was called upon to follow to her grave the companion of his life. .... My mother died in the same faith in which she had lived. .... He died like a babe going to sleep ... on the Lord's day, December 15, 1872, and on the 17th he was buried in the family cemetery, between his mother and my mother.

"Portrait and biographical record of St. Charles, Lincoln, and Warren Counties, Missouri : containing portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the counties, together with biographies and portraits of all the presidents of the United States." (anonymous); pub. Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1895, 574 pgs. (LH10578, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL film 1,000,301 item 2)
  • Pg.465-466: JOSEPH CARTER GOODRICH, D.D.S., in Wentzville, dental practice, ... born in Amherst County, Virginia, April 14, 1825, son of Gideon C. and Elizabeth (Carter) Goodrich, ... father left Virginia in 1830 and moved to Callaway County, MO, for three years, later settled in Monroe Co. MO, resided there until his death in 1835. ... Dr. Goodrich to St. Charles Co. MO in 1859. In 1858 Dr. Goodrich married Miss Ann S. Frans, of St. Charles County, MO., whose father, William Frans was a native of Virginia. This lady died in 1875, after becoming the mother of five children, now living ... In 1879 occurred the marriage of Dr. Goodrich and Mrs. Julia M. Womack, of Wentzville, a daughter of Carey Duncan, of Moscow Mills, Mo. ... (MAD: Moscow, Lincoln Co. MO; Wentzville, St.Charles Co. MO)
  • Pg.491: JOHN F. McCORMICK, deceased, formerly a resident of township 50 range 2, came to Lincoln County in 1840, whither his brother William had preceded him. ... In 1887 he retired from business and his death occurred a few years later, May 22, 1882. The birth of J.F. McCormick occurred in Warrenton, Fauquier County, VA, March 17, 1822. His father, William, who was a farmer and mechanic, probably a native of Ireland but was reared in the Old Dominion, where he died about the year 1847, aged eighty years. ... William McCormick and his brother Stephen ... William McCormick first married Lucy Stallard, and to them were born five children: Isabella, who married John Mays; Elizabeth, who became the wife of William Kinzie; Mary, Mrs. John Duncan; Sallie, Mrs. John Rice; and William, Jr., who came to Missouri in the latter part of the '30s. All the members of this family have been called to their final rest. After the death of his first wife Mr. McCormick married Miss Mary Roe, also a Virginian. Of their three children, Julia Ann married a Mr. McCarthy in Virginia; John F. is the second; and Caroline V. married a Mr. Smoot, and died in Colorado Springs, where she had gone for her health. John F. McCormick lived until his eighteenth year in his native state ... two years after his arrival in this state he married Eveline Jamison, who was born in this county September 27, 1825, ...

"The Duncan Family Register of Lewis Duncan and Harriet Kinnard, his wife, with Numerous Biographical Sketches" by R.S. Duncan, 1905, published for the Author by P.W. Stephens, Columbia, MO. (FHL film 2,055,309 item 3)
Go to the Duncan Family Register


Audrain Co. MO Deeds (SLC 7/18/2014)
  • G-92/93: Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. Duncan his wife have appointed N.P. Minor our attorney to prosecute any suits for us for recovery of any real estate which we may have an interest in, in the counties of Pike, Ralls, Lincoln and Audrain in the state of Missouri or to settle by compromise or otherwise any dispute in reference to said real estate and also to sell and dispose of in fee simple any real estate in which we are interested in the above counties and to make to Edwin Philander? and Daniel Draper Jr. a good warentee deed to the following real estate in Pike Co. MO, Sec.20 Twp.54N R1W containing 360 acres more or less as soon as the said Draper shall comply with the terms and agreements entered into at the time of sale or in his discretion may make to said Draper a deed with a clause of mortgage at any time as our said attorney may see fit ... our said attorney is advised and empowered to sell the said (too dark) for such price as he shall think fit ... and make a deed or conveyance ... 28 Nov. 1855. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Cathn. A. Duncan. Wit. Charlotte B. Davis, S.M. Davis. Ack. 17 Dec. 1855 before Robert W. Wood, a Commissioner for Missouri resident in the City of Natches, Adams Co. MS. Filed for record August 29, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)
  • G-97/98: Jared D. Fyler of Adams Co. MS for his right in equity and $1 paid by Stephen Duncan of afsd, sell and quit claim to said Stephen Duncan my interest as well as in possession or in expectancy for one undivided third part of following tracts of land with buildings and other improvements, to wit, a tract of land in Ralls Co. MO, being the NE 1/4 and ? E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.28 Twp. (too dark) N of Range 5W, the same conveyed by (too dark) Herrick and wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed 11 (too dark) 1837 and recorded in Ralls Co. Book C pg.194?; also a tract of land in Pike Co. state last afsd, being a part of fractional Sec.20 Twp.54N Range 1W containing 360 acres and is the same conveyed to Ja(too dark) D. Fyler by Isaac Herrick & wife by deed May 25, 18(too dark) recorded in Pike Co. Book E pg. 123 and 124 and is known as the Jones Farms; also a tract of land in said Pike Co. being the 1/2 of NW 1/4 fractional Sec.20 Twp.54N Range 1 containing 40 acres more or less conveyed to Jared D. Fyler by Herrick & wife by deed Jan. 1, 1836, recorded Pike Co. Book pg 48; also the remaining half of fractional NW 1/4 Sec.20 Twp. (too dark) as will appear by deed by the same to the same recorded Pike Co. Book E pg (blank); also following tracts entered by said Isaac Herrick at land office in Palmyra, MO, by following certificates dated July 19, 1836, to wit, Certificate No.14730 for (too dark) hundred 20 acres, Certificate No.14728 for 2,400 acres, Cert. No. 14731 for 1451-29/100 acres; Certificate No.14729 for 320 acres; certificate No. 14913 for 100 acres; also by certificate dated Aug. 1836 No. (too dark) 240 acres; Certificate No.15167 for ?hundred 69-13/100 acres; all of said lands in said certificates is the same conveyed by afsd Isaac Herrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed August 1836 recorded in said Pike Co. F pg.378, also a tract of land in Lincoln (too dark) state last afsd containing 800 arpens and is the same tract of land conveyed to said Isaac Herrick by James Sims and wife by deed Aug. 8, 1836, recorded in Lincoln Co. Book D pg 189 & 190, also following lots of land in town of Louisianna in said Pike Co., to wit, a lot having a front of 16 feet and depth 120 feet in Block No. 17 said lot being No.94, also 2 lots in said block being No.153 and 154, ...60 feet front and 120 feet deep and is the same conveyed by Isaac Herrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed March 23, 1837, recorded Pike Co. Book E pg 181 and 182; also tract of land in Pike Co. State of Illinois, to wit, Sec. No.7 Twp.5S Range 4W containing 734.29 acres, the E 1/2 Sec.12 Twp.5S Range 2W of 4th principle meridian being the same land conveyed by Robert W. Taylor and wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed 30 Oct. 1839 recorded in Pike Book No.16 pg 172 & 173. /s/ 22 Feb. 1849, J.D. Fyler. Ack. 21 July 1852 before Samuel Wood, Clerk of Circuit Court of Adams Co. MS. Filed for record Aug. 29, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)
  • G-99/101: Jared D. Fyler and Sarah wife of said Jared D., residence of Adams Co. MS, have sold to Stephen Duncan of Adams Co. MS and Alvares Fisk of City of New Orleans, State of Louisianna, all our interest to following tracts of land in state of Missouri; tract in Ralls Co., being NE 1/4 and E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.51N Range 5W, being the same tract conveyed by Isaac Harrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed March 11, 1837, recorded in Ralls Co. Book C pg.194 & 195; another tract in Pike Co., being part of fractional Sec.20 Twp.54N Range 1W containing 360 acres known as the Jones Farm being the same conveyed by Isaac Herrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed ... 25, 1836, recorded in Pike Co. Book E? pg.123 & 124; another tract in Pike Co., being 1/2 NW 1/4 fractional Sec. (too dark) Twp.54N Range 1W containing 40 acres more or less, being the same conveyed by Isaac Herrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed Jan. 1, 1836, recorded in Pike Co. Book E? pg.48;

also the remaining half of said fractional NW? 1/4 Sec.20 above described conveyed by Isaac Herrick & wife to said Jared D. Fyler by deed March 7, 1837, recorded in Pike Co. Book (too dark ...) at the land office in Palmyra, MO, as they appear by the following mentioned cert. dated July 19, 1836, to wit, No.14928 for 2,x00 acres; No.14,729, for 320 acres; No.14,730 for 15,020 acres; No.14,731 for 14,051-29/100 acres; No.14913 for 160 acres; certificates dated Aug. 12, 1836 for 240 acres; No.15167 for 169-13/100 acres; all of said lands having been conveyed by said Herrick & wife to said Tyler by deed Aug. 1836, recorded in Pike Co. Book (too dark) pg.378; excepting from this conveyance the interest of Fyler in the following described tracts embraced in those certificates & situated in Audrain Co., the E 1/2 Sec.24, N 1/2 Sec.27, S 1/2 Sec.9, E 1/2? of SW 1/4 Sec.24, all in Sec.? 26, Twp.52, Range 5; also NE 1/4 Sec.30, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.29, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.31, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.33, N 1/2 Sec.30, S 1/2 Sec.19, and W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.30; and this exception made convey to said Duncan & Fisk; also the interest of said Fyler as afsd to following tracts of land in state of MO, tract of land in Lincoln Co. containing 800 arpens, being conveyed to said Herrick by James Sims & wife by deed Aug. 8, 1836, recorded in Lincoln Co. Book D pg.189 & 190 & by Herrick to Fyler; also lots in town of Louisianna, Pike Co., to wit, lot having front of 16 feet running back 120 feet, being lot No.94 in Block 17; also lots No.153 & 154 in said block, ..., each a front of 60 feet by a depth of 120 feet, conveyed by said Herrick & wife to said Fyler by deed March 23, 1837, recorded in Pike Co. Book E pg. 181 & 182; it is declared that the interest herein conveyed is the undivided third part of said tracts of land excepting only those above excepted, the other undivided 2/3 of all of said lands having been previously conveyed to said Duncan & said Fisk by deed from said Fyler to them dated Feb. 22, 1849. Now for $1 paid by said Duncan & Fisk, by quit-claim by said Duncan & Fisk unto Jared D. Fyler Junior and Agness?? H. Fyler, residents of St. Louis Co., MO, all their interest in a tract of land in Pike Co. State of Illinois, Sec.7 Twp.5S Range ? West containing 734-29/100 acres, and E 1/2 & SW 1/4 Sec.12 Twp.5S Range 5W, being the same tract conveyed by Rolin W. ?? & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed Oct. 30, 1839, recorded in Pike Co. Book 16 pg. 473, the said undivided 2/3 of said tract have been conveyed to said Duncan & Fisk by said Fyler by deed Feb. 22, 1849. 23 June 1852, /s/ J.D. Fyler. Ack. 21 June 1852 before Samuel Wood, Clerk of Adams Co. MS Circuit Court. Filed for record Aug. 29, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)

Franklin Co. MO Deed (FHL film 941,164)
  • B-405: 11 Nov. 1835, Cary K. Duncan and wife Margaret of Lincoln Co. MO to William Roundlett of Franklin Co. MO, $1600, NE frac. 1/4 Sec. 21 T41N R1E in Dist. of St. Louis, 154+ acres.

Monroe Co. MO Deed (FHL film 975,064)
  • H-605/6: 4 Oct. 1843, Cary K. Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO appoint Milton J. Embree of Monroe Co. MO attorney; Duncan holds bond on Benjamin Lampton decd late of Monroe Co. MO, to convey to Duncan land for use of Diana Lampton and her children; SW 1/4 Sec. 22 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 9, both Twp. 54N, Range 8W, 240 acres; when deed obtained from heirs of Benjamin Lampton decd for first two tracts, Embree to convey title to purchasers and invest proceeds in negro girl and such other property as Diana Lampton may designate.

Putnam Co. MO Deed (SLC 7/17/2014; have JPG images)
  • D-28: 26 Aug. 1857, George C. Duncan and Lucrecia Duncan his wife of Putnam Co. MO to Alfred Williams and George W. Bates of afsd, for $600 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Putnam Co., the E 1/2 of NW 1/4 and SW 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.15 in Twp.66 Range 22 estimated to contain 120 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ George C. (X) Duncan, Lucretia Duncan. Ack. 31 Aug. 1857 in Putnam Co. MO by George C. Duncan and Lucrecia Duncan his wife before Isaac J?. Busby, J.P.. Filed for record Feb. 25, 1858, recorded April 6, 1858. (FHL film 1,010,771) (MAD: See Lincoln Co. MO Deed N-596 for George C. Duncan and wife Lucretia)

Ralls Co. MO Deed (FHL film 972,887; SLC 7/17/2014; have JPG images)
  • A-197/198: Green DeWitt, Sheriff of Ralls Co. MO, that certain Writs of Execution issued from Clerk's Office of Circuit Court for Ralls Co., returnable at December term of said court 1822, against Samuel K. Caldwell, admr. & Mary Shaw, admx, of goods & chattels, rights & credits of Joel Shaw decd, the one in favour of Hugh White & the other of Samuel Shaw, directed to Sheriff of Ralls Co., by virtue of which Writs of Execution, I the said Sheriff on 2 May 1822 seized all the interest of said Joel Shaw decd. to lots of ground in town of Palmyra, lot No.5 in block No.17, lot No.6 in block No.17, lot No.8 in block No.19, lot No.3 in block No.31, and lot No.4 in block No.31, being advertised agreable to law ..., on 20 Aug. 1822, I sold at public sale the interest of Joel Shaw decd., and Cary K. Duncan of Lincoln Co. afsd was highest bidder at $6.75, now I, Green DeWitt, Sheriff, for $6.75 paid by said Cary K. Duncan, transfer and assign to said Cary K. Duncan all the interest of Joel Shaw decd. to afsd lots of ground, forever. /s/ 20 Aug. 1822. /s/ G. DeWitt, Shff. (FHL film 972,887)

St.Charles Co. MO Deed (FHL film 967,563)

* I/J-52: 27 Oct. 1831, James Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO to Christopher S. Carter of same, $150, 60 acres in St. Charles Co. MO. No wit.

Clark Co. KY Deeds
  • 22-74/75: 16 Oct. 1826, Nancy Duncan of Clarke Co. KY for love and affection for my daughter Diana Lampton and her children, have given to said Diana Lampton during her natural life and at her death to go to her lawful children a negro girl named Amy between 20 and 30 years of age for which I now hold a bill of sale from Nathaniel Haggard, and at the death of said Diana the negro girl and her increase are to be held by the children of said Diana for their support and education until the several children have become of age or marry and then be equally divided amongst them as Cary K. Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO and Thomas Thrankill Livingston Co. KY who I nominate and appoint their sole guardian or either of them may think fit and proper. I hereby appoint and empower the said Cary K. Duncan and Thomas Thralkill or either of them guardian of the said Diana and her children to carry my aforesaid intention completely and the said girl Amy V. her increase are to be free from any incumbrance that may be hanging over Wharton Lampton the husband of the said Diana, the said Wharton Lampton is to have no claim or interest in the said girl or her increase. /s/ Nancy (X) Duncan. Wit. Benjm. Allen Jr., James Lampton Junr. Proved by oaths of Benjm. Allen Jr. and James Lampton Junr, 16 Oct. 1826. (FHL film 183,175; Thrankill/Thralkill as spelled)
  • 23-24: 1 Oct. 1827, James Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO having confidence in Saml. Hanson of Clarke Co. KY, constitute said Hanson my attorney to sell and convey my title to any land in Clarke Co. either in law or equity or interest which I may hereafter acquire and to sign any deed ... and collect any debt due me from any person in the State of KY ... /s/ James Duncan. He ack. the Power of Attorney 1 Oct. 1827 before Joseph P. Bullock, Clerk, Clarke Co. KY. (FHL Film 183,176)
  • 23-172/173: 23 March 1828, Nancy Duncan and Tho. Burras Sr. & Elizabeth his wife of Clarke Co. KY of the one part and Jas. Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO of the other part, for $1 paid, sell to said Jas. in fee simple two parcels of land in Clarke Co. and parts of a tract of land patented to Jno. Stevens the father of said Nancy & Elizabeth, one of said parcels bounded beginning Jno. Stevens NW & original corner, then to Benjm. Harrison's original line, then to Stevens original line, then to the beginning containing 38 acres & 3 roods & the other of said parcel being bounded beginning at the intersection of Harrisons & Stevensons original line, then with Stevens line ... corner to Nancy Duncans lot No.1, then to the beginning, containing 38 acres & 2? (3?) roods which 2 parcels were conveyed to the sd. Nancy & Elizabeth by 2 several deeds 29 Feby. 1828, the first parcel to said Nancy & other parcel to said Elizabeth, which deeds were executed by Sam Hanson as Comr. per decree of Clarke Circuit Court at Sept. term 1828 in a suit between Wm. Stevens, the sd. Nancy & other complainants, and the sd. Tho. & Elizabeth defendants & the sd. Nancy, Thos. & Elizabeth warrant the two parcels of land. /s/ Nancy Duncan, Thomas Burrus, Elizabeth Burrus. Wit. Nancy Duncan, Lewis Duncan, Shas. C. Watkins. Ack. by grantors 25 June 1828 before James P. Bullock, Clerk Clarke Co. Court. (FHL film 183,176)
  • 23-230/231: 9 Sept. 1828, Jas. Duncan and wife Joicey of Lincoln Co. MO to Absalom Hanks Jr., Mathew Maseldin & Margaret his wife late Margaret Hanks and daughter of Absalom Hanks Sr. decd, John Z?. Weaver & Elizabeth C. his wife late Elizabeth C. Hanks & daughter of Absalom Hanks Sr. decd, and Julian Ragland, Jemima Ragland, Elizabeth Ragland, Absalom Ragland & Alfred Ragland children of Polly Ragland decd. who was one of the daughters of sd. Absalom Hanks Sr. decd, the afsd children and grandchildren of said Absalom Hanks Sr. constituting the whole of his heirs at law and all of Clarke Co. KY, that said Jas. Duncan & Joicey his wife for sum of $___ paid, have sold to afsd Absolum Hanks Jr., Mayard Masland, Elizabeth C. Weaver & Julian Ragland, Jemima Ragland, Elizabeth Ragland, Absalum Raglund, & Alfred Ragland & their heirs in fee simple a tract of land in Clarke Co. on the waters of Stoners fork of Licking which was possessed by the decedent Absolum Hanks Sr. at the time of his decd? and is a part of a tract patented to John Slevins? the Elder, said tract hereby conveyed in the following proportions and as tenants in common, to wit, to Absolum Hanks Jr. the one undivided fourth part thereof, to said Margaret Mahlan? the one undivided fourth part thereof, to said Elizabeth C. Weaver, the one undivided fourth part thereof, to the sd Julemma Ragland, Juemia? Ragland, Elizabeth Ragland, Absolum Ragland & Alfred Ragland the one undivided fourth part thereof, which land hereby conveyed is bounded beg. at a stone corner to Jacob Wilson in Benj. Harrison's east boundary original line, then ... stake in sd. Harrison's line, then ... corner to sd. Jacob Wilson, then ... another of Wilson's line ... to the beginning, it being the same tract which said Jas. Duncan by bond 18 Oct. 1817 bound himself to convey to decedent Absolum Hanks Sr. by 1 Sept. 1819 and Jas. Duncan warrants title to said Absolum Hanks Jr., Margaret Markland, Elizabeth C. Weaver, & Julian Ragland, Jemima Ragland, Elizabeth Ragland, Absolum Ragland & Alfred Ragland according to their respective interest ... by Lewis Duncan their attorney in fact duly constituted by letter of attorney 5 May 1828. /s/ James Duncan, Joicy Duncan by Lewis Duncan agent. Lewis Duncan appeared Sept. 9, 1828, before James P. Bullock. (FHL Film 183,176) (MAD: Hanks could be Hawks)

Kentucky Court of Appeals Deed Book X, pg.441: 5 May 1828, James Duncan and Joicey Duncan his wife of Lincoln Co. MO appoint Lewis Duncan of Winchester, Clark Co. KY, their attorney in fact to convey to Absalom Hanks Jr., Margaret Markland wife of Matthew Markland, Elizabeth C. Weaver wife of John D. Weaver, and Julia Ann Ragland, Jemima Ragland, Elizabeth Ragland, Absalom Ragland and Alfred Ragland, children of Polly Ragland decd, all their right and title in a tract of land in Clark Co. on the waters of Stevens Fork of Licking River, whereof the said decedent died possessed, and which was granted by patent to John Stevens decd, and for which lands said decedent held a bond on James Duncan dated Oct. 18, 1817. Said tract beginning corner to Jacob Wilson in Benjamin Harrison's east boundary, thence southwest, which bond as executed by James Duncan to said decedent, Absalom Hanks decd, was for $1,620, conditioned that Duncan would convey to Hanks a deed for the said land, containing about 50 acres, on or before Sept. 1, 1819. Bond witnessed by Edward McGuire and Charles C. Duncan. Ack. Lincoln Co. MO, May 5, 1828; rec. KY Court of Appeals Aug. 27, 1828. (pg.274-5, "KY Court of Appeals Deed Books V-Z, 1821-1835, and Supreme Court for Dist. of KY, State of VA, 1783-1792" Vol.IV, by Michael L. Cook, FHL book 976.9 R2c and from Evelyn Sigler 9/1986)

  • 23-318/319: 13 April 1828, James Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO to Jacob Wilson of Clarke Co. KY, for $250 paid, sell tract of land in Clarke Co. afsd bounded, so much of said discribed land as lies within the claim of Jno. Slevens and out the decreed lines of Benjamin Harrison, beg. at a stake in Wilson's line near his gate, then ... to Stephins line, then ... in Harrison's line, then ... line of the conveyance from the Commissioners on behalf of Dupey's heirs to Tadford McCay's and others, then to ... corner to Absolum Hanks (Hawks?) in Harrisons old original line, then ... to the beginning and conveyed by the parties of John Stevens for 1,250 acres, said Duncan warranting said tract hereby conveyed to said Wilson. /s/ James Duncan by Samuel Hanson his attorney in fact by power of attorney recorded in Clarke Co. &c. Wit. J.F.W. Keith, Lewis Grigsby. N.B. The within $250 was paid, $200 on 1 Oct. 1827 to James Duncan in person as by articles of agreement of that date between him and said Wilson and the other $50 paid to Sam Hanson today. /s/ Sam Hanson, Attorney in fact of said Duncan. Wit. Lewis Grigsby, Jas. W. Keeth. Saml. Hanson appeared 27 Oct. 1828 before James P. Bullock, Clarke Co. Clerk's Office. (FHL Film 183,176)
  • 23-358/359: 14 Sept. 1827, James Stevens and Sucky his wife of Warren Co. KY to James Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO, sell tract of land in Clarke Co. KY for $157 paid, being his moiety of the land suit of John Stevens decd, in the State of VA which was commd. in the Federal Circuit Court for District of KY and the said Jno. Stevens by his will devised the afsd to be equally divided amongst the heirs that shall pay their proportionable part of the money expended in the prosecution of said suit and the Circuit Court of Clarke Co. having appointed Commissioner to divide and assign to each one his proportion have allotted to said James Stevens the tract of land bounded beg. ... the S. corner of Benjamin Harrison's original survey then to corner to lot 7, then ... to middle of the iron works road and in the decreed line, then ... with decreed line ... to a stake in Harrison corrected line, then with corrected line ... to the beginning containing 50 acres, with appurtenances, convey our right to afsd to sd James Duncan and convey and release our claim in said land suit to said James Duncan, warrant title. /s/ James Stevens, Sucky Stevens. James Stevans and Susanna his wife appeared 14 Sept. 1827 before (too dark) Clerk of Warren Co. KY, and Susanna relinquished her right of dower. Clark Co. Clerk's Office, Dec. 3, 1827, deed received by James P. Bullock, County Clerk, which together with the certificate thereon endorsed was recorded. (FHL Film 183,176)
  • 23-369/371: 16 Dec. 1828, James Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO to Smallwood Acton of Clarke Co. KY, for $1 paid, and in a partial satisfaction of a bond 19 Oct. 1817 executed by sd. Duncan to William Herndon which reads ... James Duncan of Clark Co. KY bond to William Herndon in the full sum of $230, to which payment I bind myself. 17 Oct. 1817, James Duncan is to make a deed in fee simple to a tract of land in Clark Co. adj. to the said Herndon on the east and A. Hawks on the northwest containing about 11 acres, to be made on or before 1 Sept. 1819, if the land be lost by any prior claim, Duncan is to pay back the purchase money with interest from the time it is ... lost? (dark). /s/ James Duncan, Wit. Ed McGuire, Chas. C. Duncan. And on which bond there is an assignment by said Herndon to said Acton in the words and figures following, to wit, For value received I do (dark) this bond to Smallwood Acton, 18 Aug. (dark). /s/ William Hernton, Wit. George Herndon. A part of the land in said bond mentioned having been taken from said Acton by the adverse of claim of Radford, McCays and William H. Angel &c deriving title thereto under Bartholomew Dupey's pattent. Now the said Duncan for the dollars afsd and in consideration of the obligation imposed on him by said bond, sells to said Acton the residue of said 11 acres not recovered by said McCays &c afsd, part of John Stevens survey containing 5 acres a rood and 16 square poles, bounded beg. in the intersection of a line of Lot No.4 conveyed by Comans? ... of Dupey's heirs to McCays &c with Harrison's preemption line, then ... to a stake in Stevens line, then ... to a division line among said Dupeys heirs, then to the beginning, and said James Duncan on behalf of himself warrants title and in case Acton shall be evicted from said land by any title, Duncan shall pay Acton $15 per acre for the land ... Duncan by Saml. Hanson his attorney in fact by virtue of a power duly recorded in Clarke Co. Court. N.B. the price given by Herndon to Duncan for said land was $15 per acre. /s/ James Duncan by Sam. Hanson, his attorney in fact. Wit. Lewis Duncan, Thos. R. Moore, Petr Flanigan. Sam Hanson appeared Dec. 23, 1828, before James P. Bullock, Clerk of Clarke Co. KY. (FHL Film 183,176)
  • 29-330/331: 15 Oct. 1839, John S. Duncan and wife Susan, Morgan Wright and wife Frances, and James S. Carter and wife Mary Jane, all of Lincoln Co. MO, for $75 paid, sell to William Quisenberry of Clark Co. KY all our interest as legal representatives of James Quisenberry Senr. decd late of Clarke Co. KY, in parcel of land in Clark Co. KY on waters of 2 mile creek, where the said James Quisenberry Senr. decd possessed, warrant title. /s/ John S. Duncan, James S. Carter, Mary J. Carter, Morgan Wright, Francis Wright. On 15 Oct. 1839, before Cary K. Duncan J.P. for Lincoln Co. MO, John S. Duncan and Morgan Wright and wife Francis and James S. Carter and wife Mary Jane, all personally known to me, ack. the deed. The said Susan and Francis and Mary Jane relinquished their dower. /s/ C.K. Duncan, J.P. Certification 11 Nov. 1839 by Francis Parker, Clerk of Lincoln Co. MO County Court, for Cary K. Duncan. Certification 11 Nov. 1839 by Louis Castleman, presiding Justice of Lincoln Co. MO County Court, for Francis Parker. Recorded 23 Dec. 1839 in Clarke Co. KY by James P. Bullock. (FHL Film 183,179)
Clark Co. KY Will extract (FHL film 183,191, and from Louis Boone 9/1984)
  • 6-126: DUNCAN, JOSEPH SR.; February 12, 1818 - April Court, 1826. Directs that a purchase be made of four Sections and 3/4 of a Section, or 3,040 acres, in Missouri Territory as soon as land office is opened in that County and distributed by lot as follows: To daughter Polly S. Daniel and sons Charles C., Cary K., Lewis and Joseph, each 3/4 of a Section or 480 acres; to daughter Diana Lampton, 1/4 of a Section or 160 acres and an equal interest in 1/4 of a Section with his daughter Lucinda; to daughter Lucinda, 1/4 of a Section or 160 acres and an equal interest in 1/4 Section with his daughter Diana Lampton, leaving surplus of 160 acres. Sons Cary K. and Lewis to sell 5 negroes by name and such other property as necessary to make first payment on the land, being 1/4 of its value, another 1/4 to be paid in 2 years and 1/4 annually until purchase price is paid. Sons Cary K. and Lewis are authorized to sell tract of land "whereon I now live," 300 acres, to effect purchase of this land. Estimated Congress price of land is $2 per acre, but should it be higher than $2.25 the quantity purchased must be less. ... (MAD: see Lincoln Co. MO)

Nicholas Co. KY Deed (SLC 5/2/2013)
  • P-237/238: 31 March 1851, Wm. A. Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO to Daniel Honican of Nicholas Co. KY, sold 1/4 of 2 lots of land in Nicholas Co. on Bee Lick and Lick Run agreeable to a division made for the heirs of Anthony Thornton decd, being 1/4 of said 2 lots of 500 acres each and said interest amounting to 250 acres, and William A. Duncan has also sold all his interest to the two lots, being 250 acres, for $250 paid, warrant title; Lot No.3 beginning at F at 2 white oaks ..., Lot No.4 beginning at F. at two white oaks then ... /s/ Wm. A. Duncan. Wit. Cyrus Nichols, Malcolm Wood. Proved on oaths of Cyrus Nicholes and Malcolm Wood before H.M. Carter, deputy clerk of Nicholas Co. KY. (FHL film 252,374)

Pittsylvania Co. VA Deeds (FHL film 33,283)
  • 48-311: 20 April 1843, We, James Snead and wife Francis of St. Charles Co. MO appoint our friend John S. Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO, our attorney as heir of our deceased father Jacob Anderson, late of Pittsylvania; also as attorney for James Snead as heir of my deceased father Evin or Evan Snead late of Halifax Co. VA. No Wit. (MAD: Power of attorney also recorded in Halifax Co. VA Deed Book 49, pg.514, from pg.56, Vol.3, "They Went Thataway" by Charles Hughes Hamlin, 1966, FHL film 1,425,716 item 5)
  • 48-349: 29 May 1844, John S. Duncan as attorney for James Snead and Frances Snead his wife (formerly Frances Anderson), all of Lincoln Co. MO, to E.Y. Wimbish of Pitts. Co. VA, $400, sell the right to estate both real and personal of Jacob Anderson who was the father of the said Frances and also estate of Frances Anderson widow of said Jacob Anderson. John S. Duncan appeared in Pittsylvania Co. to acknowledge deed.

Rappahannock Co. VA Deed (FHL film 33,660)
  • B-381: 5 May 1835, Lewis Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO, son and heir of James Duncan late of Rappahannock Co. at the time of his decease a part of Culpeper Co. VA, decd, and the dower allotted in the lands of said deceased to my mother Darcus Duncan of the same county and state and widow of the said James Duncan, about 107 acres, part of the farm or plantation on which my father James Duncan was living at the time of his death; now Lewis Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO and wife Harriet Duncan appoint James Duncan of Rappahannock Co. VA attorney to sell our interest both in law and equity to the above 107 acres, the dower allotted to our mother Darcus Duncan. Reg. Lincoln Co. MO.


Troy, Lincoln Co. MO, Cemetery Records (from MO files of Kay D. Hampton bef. 1970, loaned through Lu Durham 5/1988, now at Platte Co. MO Historical Society)
  • Henry C. Duncan, b. Aug. 20, 1837, d. April 29, 1929
  • wife Mary E. Dyer, b. March 28, 1839, d. May 30, 1929
  • J.I. Duncan, b. Sept. 6, 1838, d. May 13, 1910
  • wife Mary E. (blank dates)

Some early Duncans in Lincoln Co. MO

  • Cary K. Duncan, 1819-1821, on assessment list in Bedford Twp. ("MO Taxpayers 1819-1826" by Stanley etc., 1979, Los Angeles Public Library book R977.8 S788-1; and from 1878 Atlas of Lincoln Co. MO, on pg.50, Vol.3, 1968, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
  • James Duncan, 1819-1821, on assessment list in Bedford Twp. ("MO Taxpayers 1819-1826" by Stanley etc., 1979, Los Angeles Public Library book R977.8 S788-1; and from 1878 Atlas of Lincoln Co. MO, on pg.50, Vol.3, 1968, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
  • John S. Duncan, 1819-1821, on assessment list in Bedford Twp. ("MO Taxpayers 1819-1826" by Stanley etc., 1979, Los Angeles Public Library book R977.8 S788-1; and from 1878 Atlas of Lincoln Co. MO, on pg.50, Vol.3, 1968, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
  • William S. Duncan, 1819-1821, on assessment list in Bedford Twp. ("MO Taxpayers 1819-1826" by Stanley etc., 1979, Los Angeles Public Library book R977.8 S788-1; and from 1878 Atlas of Lincoln Co. MO, on pg.50, Vol.3, 1968, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
  • C.K. Duncan, 17 Sept. 1834, witness with Thomas Madding and James Branson to will of Malcolm Henry, wife Elizabeth and children named, recorded 13 May 1840 in Will Book A pg.89. (pg.10, Vol.23, 6/1974, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
  • C.K. Duncan, 28 March 1835, witnessed will of Lewis Castleman of Lincoln Co. MO, filed 17 Dec. 1847 in Washington Co. MO, Casey K. Duncan formerly of Lincoln Co. is now decd, recorded 5 Jan. 1848 in Washington Co. MO Abstracts of Wills and Administration Bonds, 1816-1853 (pg.4, Vol.27, 6/1975, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
  • F.K. Duncan, 3 Oct. 1835, witness with Wm. Highsmith to will of John Shearly (Shirley) naming John Foster and brothers Henry and Charles, recorded 25 Dec. 1835 in Will Book A, pg.40. (pg.19, Vol.23, 6/1974, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
  • Mary Jane Duncan, 4 April 1838, mar. James Carter.
  • Carey K. Duncan, 8 June 1842, witness with A.C. Glore to will of Elizabeth Henry, naming exec. Nicholas Dudley, husband, recorded 1 Nov. 1844 in Will Book A, pg.151. (pg.10, Vol.23, 6/1974, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
  • Mary Louisa Duncan, 11 Nov. 1845, mar. Horace W. Dike of St.Charles Co.
  • Harriet Duncan, 17 March 1846, mar. Marion Vaughan.
  • Mildred Ann Dunkin, 27 Jan. 1848, mar. Andrew W. Kimbler.
  • Sarah Jane Duncan, 1 Feb. 1849, mar. George C. Bowen or Bower of St.Louis Co., mar. at bride's father John Duncan's.
  • Ann Margarett Duncan, 18 March 1849, mar. Wm. Keithley.
  • Wm. A. Duncan, 1 Jan. 1851, mar. Eleaner T. Blanton. (MAD: see 1860 Henry Co. MO census; ?? 1850 Platte Co. MO census with Mary Ann Duncan)
  • Sarah C. Duncan, 2 March 1852, mar. Richard A. Stone of Marion Co.
  • Susan Ann Dunkin, 15 Oct. 1857, mar. Valentine Harvey Jr.
  • Zatto Duncan, 2 April 1882, died at his mother's residence in Lincoln Co. MO leaving mother, brother and sisters, buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, born in Carondelet [St.Louis Co.] MO on 10 Oct. 1850, son of John B. & Eliza J. Duncan; from obit 19 April 1882 in "St.Louis Christian Advocate" (Vol.5, pg.30, "Missouri obituaries : abstracts of obituaries published weekly in the 'St. Louis Christian Advocate,' a publication of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South" Vol.1-4 by Mrs. Howard W. Woodruff; Vol.5 by Nadine Hodges (FHL book 977.8 V48w and fiche 6,010,713 to 6,010,717)


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