Location: Montgomery, Virginia, United States
Surname/tag: Duncan
- Duncan research files of Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
- the Genealogy Bug
- Last revised May 16, 2004
- https://homepages.rootsweb.com/~dobson/va/vamontgo.htm
- Formed 1776-7 from Fincastle, Botetourt, Pulaski
- Washington formed 1776-7 from Fincastle, Montgomery
- Greenbrier WV formed 1777 from Montgomery
- Kanawha WV formed 1788 from Greenbrier Co. WV, Montgomery Co. VA
- Wythe formed 1789 from Montgomery (Pt. Grayson)
- Giles formed 1806 from Montgomery and Tazewell Co. VA, Monroe Co. WV
- Floyd formed 1831 from Montgomery, Franklin
- Roanoke formed 1838 from Botetourt, Montgomery
- Pulaski formed 1839 from Montgomery, Wythe
- Craig formed 1851 from Botetourt, Giles, Roanoke, Alleghany, Montgomery Co. VA, :Monroe Co. WV
- See Floyd & Carroll Cos. VA
1776 to 1809
- Montgomery Co. formed 1776-7 from Fincastle, Botetourt, Pulaski
- Washington formed 1776-7 from Fincastle, Montgomery
- Greenbrier WV formed 1777 from Montgomery
- Kanawha WV formed 1788 from Greenbrier Co. WV, Montgomery Co. VA
- Wythe formed 1789 from Montgomery (Pt. Grayson)
- Giles formed 1806 from Montgomery and Tazewell Co. VA, Monroe Co. WV
- Montgomery Co. VA Wills (Index on FHL film 32,598)
- 1808, April 26: Will of William Lyons, wife Betsey Lyons & 3 children: Polly, Jinney and Betsey.
- 1-346: 26 April 1808, will of William (X) Lyons of Blacksburgh, Montgomery Co. VA; perishable part of estate be sold; as much of the money as really necessary to apply to the necessary charges of raising and schooling my children Polly Lyons Jinney Lyons Betsay Lyons; the house and lot in Blacksburgh which I now occupy remain in full possession of wife Betsey Lyons until my youngest child come of age & then be sold; then whole of the money remaining of my whole estate be equally divided between my wife Betsey Lyons and my children Polly Lyons, Jinney Lyons & Betsey Lyons; appoint wife and Edward Rutledge executors. Wit. John Hoge, John D. Holmes, Benjamin Hess; proved July Court 1808. (FHL film 32,599 & from Al Drew 1987 with permission to share with others)
- 1808 Aug 12: William Lyons, appraisal of Estate
- 1-373: 12 Aug. 1808, appraisal of estate of Wm. Lyons by Chrisman? Sifford, John Black, John Ross and James Rutledge; includes one lot of blacksmith tools complete, $100; other tools, $55; many other items including horses, colts, cows, calves, furniture, "sundry notes due said estate" $366; total $1299.78. (FHL film 32,599 & from Al Drew 1987 with permission to share with others) (AD: Note Robert Duncan who died Botetourt Co. VA wanted his son Robert to learn the trade of blacksmith.)
- VA State Land Office Surveys
- Book 3, 1780-1783 (FHL film 29,546)
- 3-291: 29 Nov. 1782, surveyed for Bentford Dinkins, 400 acres by virtue of certificate from commissioners of Washington and Montgomery Cos., 16 Sept. 1782, assigned him by Samuel Rentfro, in Montgomery Co. on waters of Benk's Fork a branch, adj. Reed Island, the waters of New River. Recd. 4 Sept. 1783.
- Book 4, 1780-1785 (FHL film 29,547)
- 4-468: Bentford Dinkins, 400 acres, Montgomery Co., surveyed 16 Sept. 1782 (not copied further)
- Book 8, 1784-1785 (FHL film 29,551)
- 8-66: Surveyed for John Dunkin, 185 acres by virtue of an entry on a certificate from Commissioners of Washington and Montgomery Counties for 300 acres dated 28 Sept. 1782, in Montgomery Co. on Laurel Creek branch of Little River and New River. (no neighbors names given). Grant issued 26 Sept. 1784.
- 8-318: Surveyed for Anthony Duncan, 197a by virtue of an entry made and a certificate from Commissioners of Washington and Montgomery Counties for 200 acres dated 12 Sept. 1781 in Montgomery Co. on mouth of Reed Creek branch of New River, crossing the creek; Dec. 18, 1782. Assigned to Thomas Spencer by surveyor Wm. Preston by virtue of an order to him directed. Rec. 26 June 1784. Grant issued 29 March 1785.
- Book 31, 1796-1797 (FHL film 29,574)
- 31-161: Surveyed for John Duncan, assignee of Tobias Phillips who was assignee of David Shakley, 200 acres by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant for 2,318 acres #20344 dated 8 Nov. 1783, on waters of Little River in Montgomery Co. on a ridge. 21 June 1786. Rec. 8 Dec. 1795. Grant issued 17 Oct. 1796.
- 31-277: Surveyed for Marshal Duncan, 100 acres by virtue of an entry on a certificate from Commissioners of Washington and Montgomery Counties for 100 acres dated 12 Sept. 1782, lying in Wythe Co. on S.side Elk Creek. Oct. 6, 1792. Endorsed: Assigned survey to Jacob Kittering and desire the patent may issue in his name. 1 June 1795. Marshall Duncan. Teste James Newell. Auditor's Office 24 Nov. '95, retd. the Treasurers receipt for 8.89 compd. on this survey. /s/ J. Pendleton. Rec. 25 Nov. '95, Grant issued 26 Sept. '96. (indexed 400 acres) (MAD: see Montgomery Co. VA)
- Book 44, 1801-1802 (FHL film 29,586)
- 44-135: Surveyed for John Duncan, assignee of John Lucas, 150 acres by virtue of part of an entry of 200 acres made 8 March 1786 on Land Office Treasury Warrant #144 granted to John Minster 2 Aug. 1784, in Montgomery Co. on SW drains of Indian Creek adj. his tract of 200 acres, line of his 185a tract. July 29, 1799. Rec. 24 Dec. 1800, Grant issd. 14 Nov. 1801.
- 44-387: Surveyed for William Duncan, 150 acres by virtue of two entrys, one for 50 acres made 30 Dec. 1798 on land off Treasury Warrant #2407 issued 31 Jan. 1798, the other entry for 100 acres made 29 Dec. 1800 on Warrant #39 issued 15 Oct. 1779, in Montgomery Co. on waters of Sinking Creek on S.side, waters of New River, adj. corner of land he bought from Rector, line of Adam Manns. Dec. 30, 1800. Rec. 22 Dec. 1801, Grant issd. 17 Sept. 1802.
- Book 50, 1808-1809 (FHL film 29,592)
- 50-335: Surveyed for William Duncan, 50 acres by virtue of entry 22 Feb. 1804 and Land Office Treasury Warrant #1237 issued in exchange on 27 Jan. 1802 in Montgomery Co. on some drains of Sinking Creek, a branch of New River, adj. Obediah Roses land. Feb. 23, 1805. Margin: Now Giles Co., rec. 10 Dec. 1807, Grant issd. Aug. 1, 1809.
- Book P2, 1862-1878 (FHL film 29,633)
- VA State Land Grants
- (FHL films and list from Charles Gordon 1983 with permission to share with others)
- L-268: May 1, 1784, Beauford Dinkins, Montgomery Co., 400 acres on Benks fork branch of Big Reed Island, waters of New River. (FHL film 29,314)
- N-313: Sept. 16, 1784, John Dunkin, Montgomery Co., 185 acres on Laurel Creek branch of Little River and New River. (FHL film 29,314)
- Q-577: July 30, 1785, Andrew Duncan, Montgomery Co., 115 acres on Reed Creek branch of New River. (FHL film 29,314) (not March 23)
- 34-648: Oct. 17, 1796, John Duncan, Montgomery Co., 200 acres on waters of Little River (indexed New River). (FHL film 29,314)
- Montgomery Co. VA Deeds
- A-411: 6 March 1787, Samuel Shaw & wife Margaret (X) of Montgomery Co. VA to Charles Baker of same, for £150, 190 acres on Reed Creek branch of New River on a ridge corner to Anthony Duncan; no wit. (from William Ralph Phillips 1993 & FHL film 32,608)
- A-452: 4 May 1787, Andrew Duncan and wife Jane (X) to George Carter, for £250, 295 acres on Rackoon Branch, a branch of nine river. No. wit. (FHL film 32,608)
- VA State Land Grants
(FHL films and list from Charles Gordon 1983 with permission to share with others)
- 44-279: Jan. 21, 1800, William Duncan, Botetourt Co., 42 acres on Sinking Creek of New River. (FHL film 29,310) (MAD: see Montgomery Co.)
- 49-532: Nov. 14, 1801, John Duncan, Montgomery Co., 150 acres on SW drains of Indian Creek adj. his own lands. (FHL film 29,314)
- 51-47: Sept. 17, 1802, William Duncan, Montgomery Co., 150 acres on S.side Sinking Creek waters of New River adj. Adam Mann (Mason?). (FHL film 29,314)
- 54-4: Jan. 4, 1805, John Duncan, Montgomery Co., 83 acres on both sides Greasy Creek waters of New River adj. Abner Lester. (FHL film 29,314)
1810 to 1809
- 1810 Montgomery Co. VA Census
- Pg. 12 Seth Duncan 00101 - 00010
- 22 Jno. Duncan Jr. 00100 - 10100
- (one name)
- pg 22 John Duncan Sen. 00101 - 00101
- pg 22 Henry Duncan 10010 - 21110
- pg 22 Blanch Duncan 32010 - 10010
- pg 22 Thos. Duncan 00100 - 10100
- (next to each other)
- Montgomery Co. VA Wills (Index on FHL film 32,598)
- 2-30: Dec. 1810 court; list of sales of estate of Wm. Lyons; Persons names, articles bought. Betsy Lyons (many articles and furniture); other purchasers include John Ross, John Mowry, and many others; no Duncan. Signed by Elizabeth Duncan, Edwd. Rutledge. (totals illegible at bottom of page) (FHL film 32,599 & from Al Drew 1987 with permission to share with others) (AD: This indicates that Robert Duncan m. the widow of Wm. Lyons, not his daughter.)
- 2-33: 4 Sept. 1810, will of William Kirby of Montgomery Co. VA, weak in body; tract of land lately purchased from William Woolwine, 149 acres, be sold, money divided into 3 equal parts; 1/3 to dau. Mary Duncan, 1/3 to dau. Martha Morgan, 1/3 to dau. Ann Cassada; all other lands be divided between my three daus. above named; lower end of tract from Cedar Spring called "Middle Field" to dau. Mary Duncan during her life and life of her husband Seth Duncan, then my grandson Joseph Morgan or if he predecease them without issue, the land be vested in said Duncan and wife at their disposal; land (description not copied) to my dau. Martha Morgan and her husband John Morgan, then to grandson Henry Morgan in case he should outlive them; land lying above this land to my dau. Ann Cassada and her heirs; my dau. Mary Duncan to have old bay mare, my dau. Sarah Wilson to have $12 in a cow and young cattle; balance in hands of Seth Duncan to be applied to schooling my grandson Joseph Morgan. Appoint friends Seth Duncan and David Willis exec. Wit. David Willis, Samuel K. Willsen, George (+) Collen. Proved March 1810. (FHL film 32,599)
- 2-213: 4 March 1814, Blanch Duncan who owns the land on both sides of Indian Creek desires to build a water grist mill and erect a dam for working said mill, impanel a jury to check for damages to other property, leave granted to erect the mill on Indian Creek. (FHL film 32,599)
- 2-416: Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Knoxville, Knox Co. TN, 1st Monday of July 1816 (July 1, 1816), Robert Duncan is by the Court appointed Guardian to Polly Lyons, Jane Lyons and Betsy Lyons minor children of William Lyons deceased in the room of William Carter deceased, their former guardian; bond of $2500 posted; recorded Knox Co. TN 11 Oct. 1816; Montgomery Co. VA Dec. 1816. (FHL film 32,599 & from Al Drew 1987 with permission to share with others)
1820 to 1829
1820 Montgomery Co. VA Census (alphabetic) Pg.172 Duncan, Thomas 100010 - 50010 Duncan, Blanch 521210 - 01010 Duncan, John Sr. 000001 - 00000 Duncan, Seth 000001 - 01001 173 Duncan, John Jr. 300010 - 01010
1830 to 1839
1830 Montgomery Co. VA Census (alphabetic) Pg. 61 John G. Duncan 2100,1 - 1000,1 Henry Duncan 2100,01 - 1100,1 Blanche Duncan Sr. 0022,1001 - 0110,0001 Peter Duncan 0000,1 - 0000,1 Blanche Duncan Jr. 0001,1 - 0001 Thomas Duncan 1220,001 - 0004,001 ? George Duncan 1000,01 - 2000,1 Seth Duncan 0000,0000,1 - 0000,0101 John Duncan 0112,001 - 0110,001
1840 to 1849
1840 Montgomery Co. VA Census No Duncan indexed; see Floyd Co. VA
- Montgomery Co. VA Wills (Index on FHL film 32,598)
- 7-187: 19 June 1844, Robert Duncan and Elizabeth (X) Duncan formerly Elizabeth Lyons, Elizabeth (X) Lamma/Lammi, Levi McCloud and James D. Sherrod of Knox Co. TN, appoint Henry Jinkins Sen. of Montgomery Co. VA, attorney to ascertain boundaries of land in Town of Blackburger, formerly William Lyons, sell to Jacob Taber for $50?. Wit. in Knox Co. William Major, Jonas W. Bright, Albert T. Hull. (FHL film 32,601)
Next is 1921.
1850 to 1859
1850 Montgomery Co. VA Census Pg.38, #528, Andrew J. CARSON 27 VA laborer Rosannah 24 VA Alexander J. 4, Martha D. 2 VA John L. DUNCAN 14 VA laborer (MAD: Rosannah & John L. Duncan ch. of William Duncan & Elizabeth Bane, of Giles Co. VA) Pg.42, #571, John HUFFMAN 50 VA miller Charon (f) 50 VA Robert 25, Elizabeth 18 VA Hannah 16 VA Robert DUNCAN 15 VA Pg.49, #659, Lewis DUNCAN 31 VA farmer $300 Susan 37 VA Joshua 9, Reuben 7 VA Giles H. 5, Andrew J. 3 VA Malissa 1 VA Nancy J. EDWARDS 21 VA Pg.50, #673, Spencer DUNCAN 32 VA Ann 40 VA James (f) 13, Ellendor (f) 11 VA Sampson 9, Major 7 VA Nancy 3 VA (MAD: 1840 Floyd Co. VA census) Pg.50, #675, Riley DUNCAN 29 VA farmer $150 Mahala 29 VA James 6, Clarissa 4 VA Rebecca 60 VA (MAD: Riley ? the son of Thomas & Sarah Reed)
1860 to 1869
- 1860 Montgomery Co. VA Census
- Christianburg P.O.
- Pg.616, #413-392, Spencer DUNCAN 45 VA farmer $0-$125
- Annie 45 VA
- Jane (f) 20, Ellender (f) 18 VA
- Sampson 15, Major (m) 13 VA
- Nancy 11, Frances (f) 7 VA
- Pg.617, #419-397, Riley DUNCAN 39 VA farmer $600-$300
- Mahala 38 VA
- Preston 15, Clarissa 14 VA
- (MAD: indexed Balem? Duncan)
- Childress Store P.O.
- Pg.632, #524-494, Thomas PATTON 65 VA farmer 0-$350
- Sarah 48 VA
- Rufus MILLER 15 VA
- Jackson LASLEY 16 VA
- Elizabeth PATTON 67 VA
- (MAD: see Giles Co., mar. Sarah Duncan widow 1859)
- Pg.641, #599-560, Lewis DUNCAN 41 VA farmer $600-$480
- Susan 38 VA
- Joshua 19, Reuben 17 VA
- Giles H. 16, Andrew 13 VA
- Melvina 10, Barney (m) 8 VA
- Harriet 7, Dudley (m) 5 VA
- John H. 4, Virginia 3 VA
VA State Land Office Surveys
- Book P2, 1862-1878 (FHL film 29,633)
- P2-88: Surveyed for Louis Duncan, 25 acres (not 250 acres) by virtue of two entries, one for 20 acres made 8 April 1861 and another for 5 acres made 6 June 1861, both on Land Office Treasury Warrant #25,820 issued 3 April 1861 to John L. Lawrence in Montgomery Co. on waters of Little River adj. corner of his own land and survey of Elswick Akers' 16 acre entry; June 7, 1861; grant issued July 1, 1862.
1870 to 1879
1870 Montgomery Co. VA Census Alleghaney Twp. Pg.22, #289-298, DUNCAN, Lewis 52 VA (white) farmer $2000-$350 Susan 46 VA keeping house James D. 16, John H. 14 VA works on farm Mary 7 VA at home Pg.22, #290-299, [DUNCAN,] Giles H. 26 VA (white) works on farm $210-$0 Sarah 27 VA teaching school $0-$175 Olevia (f) 2 VA at home Auburn Twp. Pg.41, #90-94, DUNCAN, Lewis 55 VA (white) farmer $1800-$500 Susan 45 VA keeping house Andrew 24 VA works on farm Barney (m) 19 VA works on farm Harriet 17 VA at home James 15, John H. 13 VA works on farm Virginia 10, Mary 7 VA Pg.42, #92-96, DUNCAN, James P. 25 VA (white) miller $300-$0 Amanda 25 VA keeping house Mary A. 2, Elisabeth G. 1 VA Allen T. 21 VA miller Pg.42, #93-97, DUNCAN, Riley 50 VA (white) farmer $500-$300? Mahala 48 VA keeping house Clarissa 23 VA at home AKERS, Joseph 77 VA (white) farmer $400-$300 Rebecca 35 VA keeping house David 25 VA cripple Eliza 22 VA at home Pg.43, #114-118, ALTIZER, Jeptha (m) 41 VA (white) farmer $680-$330 Emory (m) 90? VA (blank) Margaret 83 VA keeping house ALLEY, Nancy 57? VA (white) house keeper DUNCAN, Mary 35 VA (white) house keeper ALLEY, Burdine M. (m) 9 VA DUNCAN, Jacob 5 VA DOBYNS, Millard (m) 16? VA (white) farm laborer Blacksburg Twp. Pg.118, #569-595, DUNCAN, Joseph 25 VA (white) farm laborer $200-$0, mar. in June Ann 25 VA keeping house, mar. June William 9 VA at home Ann 2 VA at home
VA State Land Office Index to Surveys, Index #4, 1850-1875, D names (FHL film 29,543) Book P2, 1862-1878: &nbs;
- P2-88: Lewis Duncan, 250a (MAD: see Montgomery Co. VA)
VA State Land Grants
(FHL films and list from Charles Gordon 1983 with permission to share with others)
- 62-463: June 15, 1812, John Kirk, Thomas Kirk, Wm. Kirk, Joseph Kirk, Benjn. Kirk, Nimrod Kirk, Frances Farless formerly Kirk, Mary Dunkan formerly Kirk, heirs and heiresses of Thomas Kirk decd, Botetourt Co., 72 acres under John's Creek Mountain on waters of Sinking Creek. (FHL film 29,310) (MAD: mar. William Duncan 1786 in Montgomery Co. VA)
- 99-174: July 30, 1847, Riley Dunkin, Montgomery Co., 25 acres on waters of Little River. (FHL film 29,314)
- 118-215: July 1, 1862, Louis Duncan, Montgomery Co., 25 acres on waters of Little River. (FHL film 29,314)
- 118-333: April 1, 1863, Louis Duncan, Montgomery Co., 16 acres on waters of Little River. (FHL film 29,314)
Montgomery Co. VA Grantee Deed Index A-D, 1773-1933 (FHL film 32,606)
C-574: Mar. 1803, to Duncan, Seth, from Wm. Kirby D-41: Dec. 1803, to Duncan, Blanch, from John Duncan, et al. D-453: 1807, to Duncan, Blanch, from Ambrose Cox K-118?: Blanch Dunkin from Spencer Reed, Mar., 1828 K-197: Henry Duncan from David Ross Exr., Sept. 1828 M-660: Lewis Duncan from William Akers et al, Nov., 1840 O-18: Riley Duncan from Samuel Akers, Apr. 1845 (and 1851 and later)
Montgomery Co. VA Grantor Deed Index (FHL film 32,604) K-195: Henry and Elizabeth Duncan to Gordan Hylton, Sept. 1828 K-475: John Duncan et al to George Reed, Sep. 1830 M-308: Seth and Rhoda Duncan to William Bullard, Sept. 1837 N-466: Lewis Duncan to William Akers Tr (D.T.), Apr. 1844 P-74: Spencer Duncan to Lewis Duncan Tr. (D.T.), July, 1851 (and 1877 and later)
Montgomery Co. VA Deeds
- C-594: 1 Oct. 1802, William Kirby to Seth Duncan, for love and affection, 136 acres on Elliotts Creek, branch of the south fork of roan oak. (no wife). Wit. Thomas Smith, John Charlton, Francis Gardner, Robt. Gardner. (FHL film 32,609)
- D-41: 6 Dec. 1803, John (X) Duncan and wife Betty Ann (X) to Blanch Duncan, for $100, 172 acres, part of 2 patents, one of 200 acres 21 June 1786 on waters of Little River, the other 150 acres 29 July 1799 on the south west drains of Indian Creek waters of Little River. Wit. Northrup Fuller, Clabon Akens, Thomas Ally. (FHL film 32,610) (MAD: John Duncan's wife Betty Ann said to be Elizabeth Holtzclaw; see 1774 deed 6-34 in Fauquier Co. VA)
- D-453: 4 July 1807, Ambrose Cox to Blanch Duncan, for £50, 100 acres on Little River. Wit. Thos. Quisenberry, Moses Quisenberry, William Quisenberry. (FHL film 32,610)
- D-532: 30 Sept. 1807, Blanch (X) Duncan to William Coffin, for $200, 172 acres, part of 2 patents, on southwest drains of Indian Creek waters of Little River. Wit. Greenbary (X) Duncan, Thomas (X) Duncan, Fielding ODonald, Robert Simpkins. (FHL film 32,610)
- D-681: 18 Nov. 1809, William Coffin and wife Mary to John Duncan Jnr, for $100, 172 acres, part of two patents, waters of Little River. Wit. James Moze, Jacob Nuter?, Ambrose Cox, Henry Duncan. (FHL film 32,610)
- E-469: 30 Sept. 1813, Seth Duncan trust deed to John B. Goodrich, both Mont. Co., secure payment to Thomas Smith of $85.80, 136 acres. Wit. Robert Craig, Michl. McCristal, Geo. Seabrooks, John Anderson. (FHL film 32,610)
- E-472: 4 Oct. 1813, John Bishop and wife Dicey to Blanch Duncan, for 5 shillings, 3 acres, part of tract from Ambrose Cox to John Bishop on Little River, pine swamp fork of Indian Creek. Wit. Spencer Reed, Humphry Reed, Thos. McGeorge. (FHL film 32,610)
- H-2: 2 July 1821, David Waddle to Henry Dunkin, for $50, 150 acres on W. forks of Little River adj. Archelaus Hylton formerly Luke Morricale, and adj. land of Jacob Weddle, John Forkison & Andrew Weddle, formerly David Weddle. No wit. (FHL film 32,612)
- H-3: 1 June 1821, Peter Reed to Blanch Dunkin, for $100, 30 acres, part of his own survey he lives on, Indian Creek branch of Little River. Wit. Humphrey Reed, George Reed, Spencer Reed. (FHL film 32,612)
- IJ-64: 3 May 1825, Henry Edmundson one of trustees of John Preston, trust deed of 8 and 9 Feb. 1820, to Blanch Duncan, for $60, 100 acres on Allum Ridge, called Bear Tree Spring, waters of Little River. /s/ Hy. Edmundson. (Have note: and wife Elizabeth Ann) (FHL film 32,612)
- IJ-198: 25 June 1825, John Duncan Sr. (signed John (X) Dunkan, no wife) to Henry Thompson and Peggy his wife, for love and affection to his dau. and son-in-law, 200 acres on Little River, and another tract "containing an unknown quantity of acres" on Sorrell Creek branch of Little River, except portion deeded to John Duncan Jr. from John Duncan Sr. Wit. John Bishop, William (X) Thompson, Henry Bishop. (FHL film 32,612)
- IJ-222: 1 Oct. 1825, Mankin Teal? of Henry Co. VA to Henry Duncan of Mont. Co., for $74, 33 acres on Rush fork of West fork of Little River, adj. lands of Waddle. Wit. David, Benjamin, Valentine, John, and Martin Waddle. (FHL film 32,612)
- K-117: 8 Oct. 1827, Spencer Reed & wife Margaret of Montgomery Co. VA to Blanch Dunkin of same, for $100, 20 acres on Indian Creek, a branch of Little River, joining Peter Reed, said Dunkin. Wit. Peter Reed, Blanch Duncan, Peter Dunkin. (FHL film 32,613)
- K-195: 30 Aug. 1828, Henry (+) Dunkin and wife Elizabeth (+) to Gorden Hylton, both Montgomery Co. VA, for $250, 2 parcels put together in one tract, 179 acres, formerly belonging to David Ruddle? (film dim) and Mankin Teel, on Rush fork waters of west fork of Little River adj. Andrew Weddle and Jacob Weddle and Helm's land, line of Archelaus Heylton, Jacob Helm. No wit. (FHL film 32,613)
- K-197: 30 Aug. 1828, Jacob Helm as attorney for Thomas F. Bouldin, exec. of David Ross decd and trustee for his creditors, to Henry Duncan, for $120, 460 acres on Indian Creek. No wit. (FHL film 32,613)
- K-475: 17 July 1830, legatees of William Reed, deceased, all of Montgomery Co., to George Reed, legatee of said "Wm. R.", 145 acres on gap fork of Beaver Creek, branch of Little River. /s/ Spencer (c) Reed, John Duncan, John (+) Chafin, Benwalls? Wilson, Joseph Hurt, Clemon? Slusher, James Palmer. (FHL film 32,613)
- M-308: 25 Sept. 1837, Seth Duncan and wife Rhoda (/) to William Bullard, for $408, 136 acres on Elk ---? Creek branch of South fork of Roanoke; No wit. (FHL film 32,614)
- M-660: 19 Sept. 1840, William Akers and wife Lydia of Montgomery Co. VA to Lewis Duncan of Floyd Co. VA, for $50, 20 acres on Little River. Wit. Joshua Thompson, Thomas (x) Duncan. (FHL film 32,614)
- N-466: 30 March 1844, Lewis Duncan to William Akers, Lewis Duncan owes Joshua Bishop; trust deed for 50 acres and 20 acres, corner Samuel Thompson (Humpson?), where Lewis now lives. (FHL film 32,614)
- O-12: 27 Dec. 1844, Samuel Akers to Riley Duncan, for $100, 50 acres on the bank of the (unnamed) river. No wit. (FHL film 32,615)
- P-74: 26 June 1851, Spencer Duncan trust deed to Lewis Duncan, 24 acres on Little River, below the Ben... Sholes, adj. land of John L. Thompson, Riley Duncan, Joseph Akers & others. (FHL film 32,615)
Nelson Co. VA Will Book (from Al Drew 1987 with permission to share with others; Reel 11) A-110: Will of William (x) Lyon, 10 March 1811; weak of body; wife Sally Lyon; two sons James Lyon and Gertridge Lyons; nine children Elizabeth Goursy? (Gentry? Goutsy? Gesetey?), John Lyons, Frances Boyd, Sally Lyons, William Lyons, James Lyons, Mary Thurman? Anderson, Gutridge Lyons, and Nancy Boyd. Wit. Thomas Ewers, Jesse Goutsy?, Harmon Gesetey?, Hudson Martin. Proved 27 April 1811.
Knox Co. TN Estate and Guardian Book 0, typed by WPA (FHL film 24,719) Guardians 1792-1821: Pg.156: Jan. 1818, Robert Duncan, guardian of heirs of William Lyons decd, have not received any part of their legacies from executor; executor lives in Montgomery Co. VA where said legatees yet remain. 5 Jan. 1818. (typed pg.78)
Knox Co. TN Estate and Guardian Book 0, typed by WPA (FHL film 24,719) Guardians 1792-1821: Pg.156: Jan. 1818, Robert Duncan, guardian of heirs of William Lyons decd, have not received any part of their legacies from executor; executor lives in Montgomery Co. VA where said legatees yet remain. 5 Jan. 1818. (typed pg.78)
Carroll Co. VA Register of Deaths 1853-1870 (FHL film 31,087) Pg.10, Line #16, Greenberry Duncan, male, d. May 12, 1860, cancer in the ear, age 70, parents (blank), b. Montgomery Co., (blank married/single), farmer, informant Joshua Duncan.
Carroll Co. VA Register of Marriages 1854-1913 (FHL film 31,087) Page, Line #, Date, names of groom and bride, groom's age, place of birth, widowed or single, parents, residence, occupation; bride's age, place of birth, widowed or single, parents, residence; County where marriage took place, married by whom. MAD: I have rearranged the columns; the original sequence had the ages of each, parents of each, places of birth of each, etc. Pg.11, #7, Feb. 5, 1863, Henry Duncan to Rachel Webb; Henry age 60, widowed, b. Montgomery Co. VA, parents (blank), res. Carroll Co. VA, farmer; Rachel age 40, widowed, b. Grayson Co. VA, parents Robert and Susan (no last name), res. Carroll Co. VA; mar. Carroll Co. VA by Jas. Thompson, MG.
JOHN DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application S-8373 (FHL film 970,864) Applied 15 Oct. 1832, age 91, in Floyd Co. VA; drafted in 1778? in Fauquier Co. VA under Capt. Chinn, Maj. Edmundson, Col. Chas. Edmunds or Edmundson, for one year; moved to Montgomery Co. now Floyd Co. VA next year; enlisted under Col. Wm. Preston and Capt. Brigg/Trigg and Capt./Maj. Cloyd of Montgomery Co. VA; witnesses Henry Bishop and Andrew Reed of Floyd Co. VA. Click here for a more extensive extract from the pension file.
ANTHONY DUNKIN, S-1808, Invalid, TN (FHL film 970,867) Greene Co. TN, 25 Oct. 1832, appeared Anthony Dunkin age 88, b. Lancaster Co. PA 1743; moved to Augusta Co. VA, then to Montgomery Co. VA, then after Rev. to Washington Co. TN, then to Greene Co. TN where he has lived for past 30 years. Click here for a more extensive extract from the pension file.
Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (FHL film 840,458) Duncan, Greenbury, Greenberry or (Dunkin) Berry, widow Nancy; WO 4682, WC 33338; BL 21918-160-55; Private Capt. Timothy Dalton's Co. VA Mil., 2/8/1815 to 3/3/1815; residence of soldier 1855, Carroll Co. VA; residence of widow 1871, 1878 Carroll Co. (P.O. Dug Spur) VA; maiden name of widow Nancy Philips, m. 1809 Grayson Co. VA; soldier d. May 12, 1860, Carroll Co. VA, widow d. Feb. 19, 1882; Remarks: widows pension certificate in brief.
The 1777 Petition of the North of Holston Men, which includes several Duncans in Montgomery Co. VA, is available on the following website:
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