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The Early Germans of New Jersey

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Surnames/tags: Abel Adams Kern
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The Early Germans of New Jersey

Full title: The Early Germans of New Jersey: their history, churches, and genealogies.

  • by Theodore Frelinghuysen Chambers, 1849-1916.
  • published by Dover Printing Company, Dover, New Jersey, 1895

Available online at these locations:

Table of Contents

Part I.
Chapter I. The Celebration
Chapter II. Our German Forefathers
Chapter III. The Moravians
Chapter IV. The German Emigration
Chapter V. The German Immigrants
Chapter VI. Early Church History
Chapter VII. Rev. Carl Rudolph
Chapter VIII. Rev.John Albert Weygand
Chapter IX. Rev.Ludolph Heinrich Schrenck
Chapter X. The Muhlenbergs
Chapter XI. New Germantown and German Valley
Chapter XII. The German Reformed
Chapter XIII. Fairmount Presbyterian Church
Chapter XIV. Reformed Church of Lebanon
Chapter XV. Settlers of Upper German Valley
Chapter XVI. Settlers of German Valley
Chapter XVII. Settlers of Lower Valley
Chapter XVIII. Settlers of Unionville
Chapter XIX. Settlers of Schooley's Mountain
Chapter XX. Schooley's Mountain Presbyterian Church
Chapter XXI. Presbyterian Church of Pleasant Grove
Chapter XXII. Settlers of Tewksbury Township
Chapter XXIII. Settlers from Southold and Southampton
Chapter XXIV. Chester Congregational Church
Chapter XXV. Chester Presbyterian Church
Chapter XXVI. Spruce Run— " Swake "— Clarksville Lutheran Churches

Part II.
Abel - Adams - Aller - Alpock - Ammerman - Anthony - Apgar - Appelman - Aree - Ayres - Axford

Baldwin - Bale - Banghart - Barkman - Bartles - Bartley - Batson - Beam - Beatty - Beavers - Bell - Bellis or Bellowsfelt - Bernhard - Berger - Bird - Bloom - Bodine - Bowman - Brown - Buchanan - Budd - Bulmer - Bunn - Busenberry .

Carhart - Carlisle - Case - Castner - Chambers - Coleman - Colver - Condict - Cool - Cooper - Corwin - Cosad - Couse - Craig - Cramer - Crater- Cregar- Cummings

Dallicker - Davis - Deats or Teats - DeCue - DeCamp - DeRose - Dickerson - Dierdorff - Dilts - Dorland - Drake - Dufford .

Eckel - Ege - Eich - Emmons - Engell - Eoff

Faircloe - Farley - Farrow - Feit - Felmley - Fields - Fisher - Fleming - Flock - Flumervelt - Folk - Force - Fox - Frace - Frelinghuysen - Frey - Fritts - Frone .

Gray - Griffiths - Gulick .

Hager - Haines - Hance - Hann - Hartram - Heath - Heaton - Hedges - Hendershot - Henderson - Henry - Hildebrant - Hiler - Hilts - Hockenbury - Hoffman - Honness - Hoppock - Horton - Howell - Hummer - Hunt .


Kelsey - Kemple - Kern - Kester - Kice - King - Kinnan - Kline

LaGrange - Lake - Lance - Larason - Lawrence - Leek - Lerch - Lindabury - Lomerson - Lucas - Luse

Martinus - Messlar - Mettler - Miller - Ming - Moore

Neighbor - Neitser - Nicholas - Nurm

Ogden - Ort - Overton

Pace - Parker - Pew - Philhower - Pickle - Pool - Potter

Race - Rarick - Raub - Rawling - Read - Reed - Reeves - Reger - Rhinehart - Rittenhouse - Roberts - Robertson - Rockafellow - Roelofson - Runyon - Rusling

Salmon - Salter - Schenkel - Schleicher - Schooler - Schuyler - Swartzwelder - Seals - Seifers - Seward - Shafer - Sharp or Sharpenstine - Sherwood - Shipman - Shirts - Shultz - Silverthorn , Skellenger - Skinner - Slaght - Smith - Snook - Snyder - Sovereen - Stark - Stein - Stephens - Stiger - Streit - Struble - Stryker - Sutphin - Sutton - Swackhamer - Swarts - Swazey

Teel - Teeple - Terry - Terryberry - Thomas - Tiger - Titman - Todd - Topping - Trimmer

Van Atta - Van Buskirk - Van Fleet - Van Home - Van Nest - Van Pelt - Van Sickle - Van Vechten - Vernoy - Vescelius - Vogt - Vosler

Wack - Waldorf - Walters - Ward - Waer - Weise - Welsch - Weller - Werts - Wildrick - Wiley - Willett - Wills - Wintermute - Wire - Wolf - Woodhull - Wortman

Yawger - Youngs

Part III.
Appendix I.
Corrections and Additions to Genealogies
Apgar - Bodine - Crater - Cregar - Dallicker - Eich, Fisher, Hager, Hann, Martinus, McLean - Mellick - Muehlenber - Naughright - Runkle

Appendix II.
Blauvelt - Bolton - Campbell - Chambers - Clark - Collins (B. B.) - Collins (G. S.) - Davis - Davison - Delp - Denton - Depue - Deyo - Diener - Duy - Fox - Gibson - Glen - Harker - Hendricks - Hiller - Hunt - Husted - Hutton - Mulford - Keiser - Klink - Knox - Krechting - Lane - Linnell - Long -McClenaghan -McConnell -Megie -Mewhinney - Mills -Nicholson -Pohlman -Roe -Ruston -Sawyer -Scofield -Schultz -Scott -Smith (B.) - Smith (G.) W.) -Smythe - Steele - Stephens - Travers -Van Benschoten -Vandervoort - Vermilye -Voorhees -Wack - Wood

Appendix III.
Mount Olive Churches

Appendix IV.
Churches of Flanders

Appendix V.
The "Old Straw" Lutheran Church at Phillipsburg

Appendix VI.
The German Reformed. Ringoes, Mt. Pleasant, Knowlton, Stillwater

Appendix VII.
Lists of Names.
Persons Naturalized, Settlers on "Society Lands," Signers to Weygand's Call, Customers of German Valley storekeeper

Appendix VIII
Public Institutions and Improvements


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WikiTree Syntax

  • <span id='Chambers'></span>Chambers,Theodore Frelinghuysen ''[[Space:The Early Germans of New Jersey| The Early Germans of New Jersey]]'' (Dover Printing Co., Dover, New Jersey, 1895), [ Page ].
  • <ref>[[#The Early Germans of New Jersey|The Early Germans of New Jersey]]</ref>

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