Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Fullarton Fullerton Fullington
Other: Family Genealogies
Contents |
The Fullertons, Fullingtons, Fullartons (and other spelling variations) of North America
This work has evolved over the years and has migrated from a single volume to now 6 separate volumes containing all the information the authors have accumulated on the Fullerton (and other spellings) family lines.
- The early volumes included references to both Gordon Woodbury Fullerton, Jr (linked profile), and Lillian Claribel Benjamin Chauvin as co-authors of the work, but later editions show only Gordon as the author, presumably because by 1990, Lilian would have been 95 years old and might have died by then.
- Early editions are listed with no publisher named and later editions list "Polynesian Dynamics, Inc., Honolulu, HI." Gordon writes in the forward of the later editions that he is printing the works on his personal computer's printer, but some hard-bound copies are also seen, which appear to have been made available to libraries and other research locations.
- Gordon mentions in the 4th and later editions that each printed copy may be different since he typically prints a new copy of the work for each order, thereby including any corrections or alterations in that copy.
- Gordon also mentions that most genealogists are mainly interested in their particular line of descent, so he enables buyers of his publication to purchase just their specific line or "clan" as he calls them. That greatly reduces the cost and it also creates custom-printed versions that may be found over time.
- Gordon descends through "Clan 05" found in volume 1 of all editions.
- The 8th Edition printed in 1999 may be the last version published as a full set of volumes. Gordon would have been 74 years old but did live until 2019 (94 years old), so he may have either stopped publishing new editions or only printed the custom single clan versions for customers.
- This Space page replaces the original page for the first volume and linked work by the same authors: The Fullertons of North America
Available online at these locations:
8th edition
- An 8th edition was printed in 1999 in six volumes, however, it only appears to be available at various libraries in hard copy form.
- Volumes 1-4: 8th edition: Cover the same clans as below. Pages in: V1:1000; V2:1072; V3:1165; V4:1224. Title page only (FamilySearch.org).
- Volume 5: 8th edition: Covers master index; Section 1: given names of males; Section 2: Given names of females; Section 3: Surnames other than Fullerton, Fullarton, Fullington, Fulleton and Fulliton. Pages: 1205. Title page only (FamilySearch.org).
- Volume 6: 8th edition: Covers Appendix A & B. Pages: 932. Title page only (FamilySearch.org).
7th edition
- A 7th edition was printed in 1995 (probably in five volumes), however, it only appears to be available at various libraries in hard copy form and on microfilm.
- Volumes 1-4: 7th edition: Cover the same clans as below.
- Volume 5: 7th edition: Covers master index; Section 1: given names of males; Section 2: Given names of females; Section 3: Surnames other than Fullerton, Fullarton, Fullington, Fulleton and Fulliton.
6th edition
- Printing in 1991 in four volumes. This is currently the latest edition and printing found online anywhere. The hard cover set stood 10 inches wide on the shelf.
- Volume 1: 6th edition: Covers Fullerton/Fullarton/Fullington background, information on the numbering system used in all volumes, and clans in: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, New England states, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk and Suffolk counties, Massachusetts. Pages: 1025.
- Volume 2: 6th edition: Covers Clans in: Broome through Westchester, New York, New Jersey, Washington D.C., Delaware, Southeastern Pennsylvania. Pages: 1020.
- Volume 3: 6th edition: Covers Clans in: Pennsylvania (cont.), Maryland, Kentucky, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina. Pages: 1111.
- Volume 4: 6th edition: Covers Clans in: Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California, Canada (west of the Maritimes), black Fullingtons and Fullertons. Pages: 905.
6th edition for sale
- As of 29 December 2023, a used hard copy of the 6th edition, 4-volume hard cover set was available for sale at Biblio for $400.
4th edition
- Printing in 1985.
- Volume 1: 4th edition: Covers Clans #001-041, Fullerton/Fullarton/Fullington background, information on the numbering system used in all volumes, and more. Pages: 1097.
- Volume 2: 4th edition: Covers Clans #042-100. Pages: 1197.
- Volume 3: 4th edition: Covers Clans #101-199. Pages 1125.
Linked clans
The following profiles are the top of the clan entry for each number.
- 003 - Alexander Fullerton Sr (1724-1807)
- 004 - James Strachan Fullerton Sr (1757-1852) - Some possible ancestral data is presented above James.
- 005 - Unknown Fullerton (abt.1768-bef.1831)
- 017 - John Fullenton (abt.1700-1761)
- 064 - William Fullerton (abt.1700-abt.1786)
- No errors in this publication have been identified. When found, please list the problem(s) here, and include a link to a source that describes the problem.
Citation Formats
- Note that these citations are set up to use the most recent 6th edition 1991 online versions. Make the necessary changes to your use if citing a different edition.
- <span id='Fullerton'></span>Fullerton, Gordon Woodbury, Jr, and Lillian Claribel Benjamin Chauvin. ''[[Space:The Fullertons,_Fullingtons,_Fullartons_(and_other_spelling_variations)_of_North_America|The Fullertons, Fullingtons, Fullartons (and other spelling variations) of North America]]'' (6th Edition, 1991), [ Vol , Clan , Page ].
- ([[#Fullerton|Fullerton]])
Please add your preferred citation format below, so that it may be easily copied by you and others:
- <ref name=Fullerton>Fullerton, Gordon Woodbury, Jr, and Lillian Claribel Benjamin Chauvin. ''[[Space:The Fullertons,_Fullingtons,_Fullartons_(and_other_spelling_variations)_of_North_America|The Fullertons, Fullingtons, Fullartons (and other spelling variations) of North America]]'' (6th Edition, 1991), [ Vol , Clan , Page ].</ref>
Personal note
As I (Kent Smith) was reading the details of Gordon's Forward information from his 6th edition, Volume 1, I was tickled to see the reference to his use of the 80MB Hardcard II in his computer system, as that was a product of Plus Development, one of the early companies I worked for in my career, where I was a sr. technical support representative and quite possibly might have spoken to Gordon over the phone if he ever had any questions about using that product in his system.
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