Location: [unknown]
The Genealogist, Volume 33, No. 1 (Spring 2019)
The Grand Princely Family Fresco in Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, and the Identity of Agatha the Wife of Edward Atheling: the Search Continues
- Author: David Jay Webber
- Citation: David Jay Webber, "The Grand Princely Family Fresco in Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, and the Identity of Agatha the Wife of Edward Atheling: the Search Continues," The Genealogist, Vol. 33, No. 1, 3-19
- WikiTree Profiles:
Genealogia Siciliana: Showcasing the Depth and Diversity of Sicilian Ancestry
- Author: Adrian Benjamin Burke (Research in Sicily by Kathy Kirkpatrick)
- Citation: Adrian Benjamin Burke, "Genealogia Siciliana: Showcasing the Depth and Diversity of Sicilian Ancestry," The Genealogist, Vol. 33, No. 1, 118-135; No. 2, 210-235; Vol. 34, No. 1, 92-114.
On the Ethnic Origin of the Actor John Malkovich
- Author: Žarko B. Veljković
- Citation: Žarko B. Veljković, "On the Ethnic Origin of the Actor John Malkovich," The Genealogist, Vol 33, No. 1, 52-57.
- WikiTree Profiles:
Godfrey Spruill, Planter and Physician of Virginia and North Carolina (continued)
- Author: Gale Ion Harris, Ph.D., FASG
- Citation: Gale Ion Harris, Ph.D., FASG, "Godfrey Spruill, Planter and Physician of Virginia and North Carolina," The Genealogist, Vol. 33, No. 1, 58-80; No. 2, 272-300.
- WikiTree Profiles:
The Descendants of Sampson Rodda and his Wife Ann (Tonkin) Leggo of Madron in Cornwall
- Author: Ronald A. Hill, Ph.D., FASG
- Citation: Ronald A. Hill, Ph.D., FASG, "The Descendants of Sampson Rodda and his Wife Ann (Tonkin) Leggo of Madron in Cornwall," The Genealogist, Vol. 33, No. 1, 81-117.
- WikiTree Profiles:
The Sinful and Sorry James1 Nute of Dover, New Hampshire
- Author: Priscilla Eaton
- Citation: Priscilla Easton, "The Sinful and Sorry James1 Nute of Dover, New Hampshire", The Genealogist, Vol. 33, No. 1, 118-135.
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