Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Gorrie
The Gorries
Jean Ayler kindly sent me information on the Gorries’ family history that had been gathered by herself and other relatives.
The following are extracts from the information she sent me – much was gathered before online access made research comparatively easy.
William Gorrie of 1 Dalrymple Crescent
ELIZABETH LANDLES HALL (1820-1907) U/M - Died Canada. Buried with William and his wife Margaret Neill Hall - their sister..
CHRISTIAN ELLIOTT HALL (1821-1894) U/M - died London Buried Norwood Cemetery with Aunt Mary Nisbet (m.s. Hall a sister of Adam Burn's wife Elisabeth Mary Hall) and with Adam Burn and his U/M dau. Margaret Neill Burn in the same Cemetery._
1834: Father Rev. Robert Hall died - Berwick: on Tweed. (So far as found Robert Hall not from the same Hall family as the wife of Adam Burn.)
Davis Ross has a notebook of Elizabeth's with address Laureston thought to have been about mid-1840s but not known whether or not the Laureston the one in Scotland west of Edinburgh.
But at some time during 1840s Elisabeth with Uncle Adam Burn in London - details of his Will - although he did not die until 1883 - the first part of the Will made 15 SEPT. 1849 - bequeaths Elizabeth £200 ••• for her affection and attention to my dear late wife during her long illness•••
1851: Neither sister found in census.
1854: Their sister Margaret Neill Hall of 1 Henderson Row Edinburgh and William Gorrie of 18 Clarence St. married - their first child Margaret Neill Hall Gorrie born.
1855 | Daniel Gorrie | b 20 Rankeillor St. |
1857 | Jane/Jean Elisabeth Gorrie | b 20 Rankeillor St. |
1858 | Mary Ann Gorrie | b 3 South Gray st. |
1860 | Robert Hall Gorrie | b 3 South Gray st. |
1861 | Elizabeth Hall Gorrie | b 3 South Gray st. |
1861 Census - Neill Hall (mother of Elizabeth - Christian and Margaret) with William Gorrie and family at 3 South Gray St. She is shown age 68 and U/M - but had been a widow for very many years.
Neill Hall ( who was a sister of Adam Burn) died at this address
in December - her death Reg. by her daughter Christian.
1863 Elizabeth with William and family at l Dalrymple Crescent - she Reg. the birth and death of little Isabella Agnes Gorrie.
1864/5 William ( 1) born and died at 1 Dalrymple Crescent.
1865 William (2) born at same address - died aged 20 in Canada. (All William Gerrie's children Reg. by him except Isabella Agnes.)
1865 William's mother - Jane Gorrie (m.s. Moffat) died 6 Montague St.
1867/8 William and family move to 59 Grange Road – time of bankruptcy of his business
1871 William in Toronto at time of census – family not found
1871 Elizabeth U/M age 50 in London (2 Angel Terrace) with Uncle Adam Burn - Solicitor - Widower age 72 and his U/M Dau. age 32 Margaret Neill Burn.
1881 Elizabeth U/M age 61 and sister Christian U/M age 58 with Uncle Adam Burn at 343 Brixton Rd. London - also his U/M Dau. Margaret Neill Burn and widowed sister-in-law Mary Nisbet Age 80 ( sister of his late wife Elisabeth Mary Hall.)
1883 Adam Burn died - 28 Dec. - Will dated 15 Sep 1849 with two codicils 11 Jan 1883 and 27 Mar 1883 - Elizabeth was appointed one of two Trustees. His Personal Estate was £9,710.
1886 Mary Nisbet died - Will Index shows formerly of 343 Brixton Rd. late of 58 Stockwell Park Rd. her Estate £2,968. Will refers to friend Elizabeth Landles Hall and her niece Margaret Neill Burn leaving them all her wearing apparel •••• jewels. and £19.19s. to Elizabeth.
1890 William Gorrie died in Canada.
1891 Elizabeth and sister Christian with Adam Burn’s U/M Dau Margaret Neill Burn at 70 Stockwell Park Rd. Lambeth area of London.
1895 Christian Elliott Hall died - address as in 1891 - Probate to sister Elizabeth - 1896 - effects £355.
1897 13 MAY - William Crawford’s letter to Elizabeth Hall stating he was surprised to know she had gone to Canada as was expecting to deliver some letters to her at Stockwell Park Rd. (had the names of people a bit mixed - does not send condolences about Margaret Neill Ha11/Gorrie's death - but does send kind regards to her children.)
1907 Elizabeth Landles Hall died Canada - buried with sister Margaret and William Gorrie, Guelph Cemetery.
1924 Adam Burns' U/M Dau Margaret Neill Burn died Jan. 1924- age 84 - Will Index item records of 8 Growhurst Rd. Brixton - Spinster - Admin of Will to William Gunnell Burn, Stock & Share Dealer - Effects £1,029. (I never did 'fit him' into a Burn group.)
((In 1871 when William went to Canada and his family not yet found in the Census, there would not really have been any Gorries to help. His eldest
sister Agnes mar. to a Solicitor William Barclay was left a widow that year with six children aged 17 down to 5 living in 3 Grange Road Edinburgh. They had married in 1850 – were in Edinburgh – by 1854 Wick –1861 Hawick in the Borders area- London mid 1860s returning to Edinburgh.
The second sister Isabel U/M with their mother Jane till she died 1865 Edinburgh – later living with a ‘mix’ of Barclays. Brother John and family in Mauritius and Daniel in Orkney and about to move down to London))
Jean Ayler York UK May 2011
Other Gorries
The notes Jean sent for other members of the family are given in their respective profiles. They are:
- William Gorrie (abt 1770s)
- Rev Daniel Gorrie 1797-1852
- William Gorrie 1802-1874
- William Barclay-1888
Finally, a note about Ranald Graham Gorrie, a grandson of Sir James Gorrie:
"As a young man worked in many parts of the world including China - UK 1930s and to Australia just before WW2. Where ever he went he contacted Gorries to learn of their ancestry and traced families back to their Sc areas. Early 1980s he received York UK address of Jean Ayler whose paternal Grandmother turned out to have been a Daughter of Daniel (brother of William) . Although nearly 80, Graham visited the UK twice, bringing much of his research and in retirement Jean tried to continue his researches.
Unknown then there were two other descendants from Sir John in London Judy Allen and her mother. They were able to liaise, provide information for the Biography of Sir John, and maintain overseas contacts. Much of this was before the growth of research available on the internet and easy access to records. "
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