Location: Iredell, North Carolina, United States

Surnames/tags: Iredell_County North_Carolina_History
Contents |
There is a two volume set of books called the Heritage of Iredell County that was sponsored by the Genealogical Society of Iredell County and published in 1980 and 2000. These books contain historical material from members of the society and contributions from individual family members that lived in Iredell County. The society articles contain a considerable amount of source material, such as land records, maps, photographs of historical events, and lists of military veterans from Iredell County. The family contributions include stories about schools, churches, and family histories and are not generally sourced. The #Revolutionary War Soldiers section below contains a list of Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Veterans from Volumes I and II with links to their profiles in Wikitree. The #Templates section contains source templates that can be used in individual profiles in Wikitree.[1]
Revolutionary War Soldiers
Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Veterans Names appearing in Volume II in 2000:
- Allen, George, p. 196, Family 14, George Allen Family
- Alley, Shadrack, p 2, Volume II, 2000
- Andrew, Hugh, p 2, Volume II, 2000
- Beaty, David, p 2, Volume II, 2000
- Bostian, Jacob, p 2, Volume II, 2000
- Brotherton, Thomas, p 2, Volume II, 2000
- Brotherton, Willaim, p 2, Volume II, 2000
- Brown, William, Jr., p 2, Volume II, 2000
- Campbell, Thomas, p 2, Volume II, 2000, Note: War of 1812 not Revolutionary War
- Carson, Andrew, p 2, Volume II, 2000
- Cavin, John, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Cook, Thomas, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Dickey, David, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Ervin, Ephraim, p 3, Volume II, 2000 Note: War of 1812 not Revolutionary War
- Falls, William Gilbraith, Jr., p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Feimster, William, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Goforth, William, p 3, Volume II, 2000 Note: War of 1812 not Revolutionary War
- Gray, Thomas, p 272, Volume II, 2000
- Gracey, Robert, p 3, Volume II, 2000; Family 205 in Vol I
- Gunston, James, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Guy, James, p. Vol I , Family 215,
- Hall, Alexander, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Hall, Thomas, pp. 303-305, Family 217, 218, 219, 220, 222; Hall Family, James Hall, James Hall Family, Thomas Hall
- Hair, David, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Hair, Robert, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Harris, Thomas, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Hill, Abraham, p 3, Volume II, 2000; Volume I Family 255
- Holmes, James, p 3, Volume II, 2000
- Houpt, John, p 4, Volume II, 2000 Note: War of 1812 not Revolutionary War
- Howard, Claiborne, p 4, Volume II, 2000
- Jones, Nicholas, p 4, Volume II, 2000
- Kennerly, William, p 4, Volume II, 2000 Note: war of 1812 not Revolutionary War
- Lawson, Thomas, p. 354, Family 325, Thomas Lawson
- Levan (Lafon), Isaac, p 4, Volume II, 2000 Note: Resident of Lincoln and Catawba Counties
- Lewis, Daniel, p4, Volume II, 2000
- Luck, John, p4, Volume II, 2000
- Maiden, Laurence, Sr., p4, Volume II, 2000
- Marshall, Isaac, p4, Volume II, 2000
- Mason, William, p4, Volume II, 2000
- Mayhew, John, p4, Volume II, 2000
- Mays, Benjamin, p4, Volume II, 2000
- Morrison, John, p4, Volume II, 2000
- Murphy, James, p5, Volume II, 2000
- McKee, Alexander, p5, Volume II, 2000
- McLeod, Robert, p5, Volume II, 2000
- McPherson, Matthew, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Neill, Gilbraith, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Norwood, John, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Patterson, John, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Plummer, Richard, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Potts, James, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Privett, John, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Ramsey, Andrew, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Ramsey, David, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Ramsey, John, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Rouseval, John, p5, Volume II, 2000
- Scroggs, Jeremiah, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Sharpe, James, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Sharpe, John, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Sharpe, Joseph, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Sharpe, Walter, p 474, Family 548 Lt. Walter Sharpe
- Sharpe, William, pp. 475-478, Family 550, 551, 552, Honorable William Sharpe, William Sharpe, William Sharpe Member Continental Congress
- Shoemaker, John and Shoemaker, Randall, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Sloan, John, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Smith, Charles, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Stevenson, James, pp. 499-500, Family 596, 597, 598, Stevenson Family, William Stevenson, The William Stevenson Genealogy
- Stevenson, John, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Stewart, John, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Studthem, John, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Thomas, John, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Torrence, Adam, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Turner, Samuel, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Vandiver, Matthew, p6, Volume II, 2000
- Watt, William, p. 537, Family 664-665, WATT-ALLISON
- White, David, p7, Volume II, 2000
- Young, Thomas Cadet, p 562, Family 720, 721; Thomas Young by Jean Millsaps Harpe, Thomas Young by Fae Gill
Other Families
- Garbriel Alexander, Vol II, Family 137
- Milton G. Ellis, Vol I, Family 163
- Dr. John W. Ellis, Vol I, Family 162
- Col John Henry McKee, Vol I, Family No 383
- William H. McKee, Vol I, Family NO 385
- Hosea Redman (abt.1783-abt.1865), Vol I, Family No 513
- John Redman (1780-1837), Vol I, Family No 514
- Martha A (Redman) Hendricks (1839-1916), Vol I, Family No 515
- Melver Columbus Redman (1801-abt.1848), Vol I, Family No 516
- Thomas Erastus Redmond (1745-1836), Vol I, Family No 517
Source References
- The Heritage of Iredell County, 1980, published by the Genealogical Society of Iredell County, PO Box 946, Statesville, North Carolina 28677, ISBN 0-89459-087-1, 642 pages with index, See also Space:The Heritage of Iredell County
- FamilySearch Book: 137778, Volume 1, 1980
- The Heritage of Iredell County, NC Vol II - 2000, published by the Genealogical Society of Iredell County, PO Box 946, Statesville, North Carolina 29866, LC # 00-110956, 574 pages with index, See also Space:The Heritage of Iredell County
- Volume 2, 2000. WorldCat OCLC number 45682114
* <span id='HeritageVolI'>''The Heritage of Iredell County, 1980'', published by the Genealogical Society of Iredell County, PO Box 946, Statesville, North Carolina 28677, ISBN 0-89459-087-1, 642 pages with index, See also [[Space:The Heritage of Iredell County]]</span>
* <span id='HeritageVolII'>''The Heritage of Iredell County, NC Vol II - 2000'', published by the Genealogical Society of Iredell County, PO Box 946, Statesville, North Carolina 29866, LC # 00-110956, 574 pages with index, See also [[Space:The Heritage of Iredell County]]</span>
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