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The History of Upshur County, West Virginia

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Location: Upshur County, West Virginiamap
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The History of Upshur County, West Virginia

from its earliest exploration and settlement to the present time

  • by William Bernard Cutright; Hu Maxwell (1860-); Earle Amos Brooks
  • published in Buckannon, West Virginia, 1907

Available online at these locations:

Table of Contents

Part First - State History
Chapter I. Explorations West of the Blue Ridge. Capt. Batte's Expedition. .Governor Spotswood Reaches the Base of the Alleghanies. .The South Branch Valley Explored. .Washington's Surveying Tour Alleganies — The South Branch Valley Explored — Washington's Surveying Tour ...Settlement Forbidden West of the Alleghanies. .Soldiers Attempt to Drive Colonists Out. .Settlements on the Ohio and Monongahela — Population of West Virginia. .Land Titles
Chapter II. Indians and Moundbuilders. West Virginia's Territory Uninhabited. .The Mohawk Invasion .. Moundbuilders and Indians Probably Identical. .Their Origin Unknown. .America Had Pre-Historic Inhabitants. .Estimated Number of Indians East of the Mississippi
Chapter III. The French and Indian War. The Scheme of France .. Contest for the Ohio Valley. .The French Build Forts — England Interferes. .Washington's Journey to the West. .The French Use Force. .English Troops Skirmish with Jumonville. Battle at Fort Necessity ..Washington Surrenders. .Braddock's Campaign. .His Defeat and Death- -Indians Attack the Settlements. .Expedition Under Forbes. .Fort Duquesne Falls. . France Loses the Ohio Valley
Chapter IV. The Dunmore War. Causes Leading to Hostilities .. Forerunner of the Revolution. .England's Scheme to Intimidate. .The Quebec Act. .Lord Dunmore. .His Greed for Land. . Indians Take Up the Hatchet. .Two Virginia Armies Invade the Indian Country.. Battle of Point Pleasant. .Treaty at Camp Charlotte. .Alleged Speech of Logan. .The Indians Make Peace
Chapter V. West Virginia in the Revolution. Meeting at Fort Gower. .Resolutions Passed. .Meetings at Pittsburg and Hannastown. .Soldiers from the Monongahela. ..Attempted Tory Uprisings Suppressed. . Patriotism on the Greenbrier. .Four Indian Armies Invade West Virginia...Numerous Incursions. .Cornstalk Assassinated. .First Siege of Fort Henry.. Capt. Foreman Ambushed. .Simon Girty Joins the Indians. .Fort Randolph Besieged. .General Clark Marches to the West. .Last Battle of the Revolution. .Expeditions Against the Indians. .General Wayne Conquers the Savages
Chapter VI. Subdivision and Boundaries. Virginia's Western Territory. .Jealousy of other States. .The Controversy. . Virginia Cedes to the General Government Her Territory West of the Ohio.. Mason and Dixon's Line. .Other Boundary Lines. .Contest with Maryland.. Virginia's Original Eight Counties. Table of Population
Chapter VII. The Newspapers of West Virginia. Humble Beginnings. .The First Newspaper. .Others Enter the Field.. Ephemeral Character of Country Journalism. .The Editor's Mistakes and Successes
Chapter VIII. Geography, Geology and Climate. The Rock-History of West Virginia. . Mountain-Building. . Valley-Sculpture .The Plateau of West Virginia. .Influences Acting on Climate. .How Coal was Formed.. The Rain Winds and the Rainless Winds. .Rainfall and Snowfall.. Formation of Soil. .Fertility and Sterility. .Fertilizing Agents. ..Altitudes in West Virginia
Chapter IX. Among Old Laws. Examination of and Extracts from Virginia's Early Statutes. .Death Penalty for Petty Crimes. .Cruel Punishments. .Condemned Prisoners Forbidden Spiritual Advice. .Law Against Gossiping. .Hog Stealing. .Special Laws for Slaves .. Horse Thieves "Utterly Excluded". .Pillories. .Whipping Posts. Stocks and Ducking Stools. .Fees of Sheriffs and Constables. .Tavern-Keepers. .Ferries
Chapter X. Constitutional History. The Bill of Rights. .Constitution of 1776. .Freedom of the Press. .Schools not Mentioned. .Restricted Suffrage — Constitution of 1830.. Members West of the Mountains .Advocate Greater Liberty. .Overruled. . Education Neglected . .Constitution of 1852. .Line Drawn Between the East and West .. Property Against Men.. West Virginia's First Constitution. .The Slavery Question. .Constitution of 1872. .Enlarged Suffrage
Chapter XI. John Brown's Raid. His Purpose.. The Attempt. .Capture, Condemnation and Execution
Chapter XII. The Ordinance of Secession. Causes of Beginning. .The Richmond Convention. .Delegates from Western Virginia. .Stormy Sessions. .The Vote. .Western Delegates Secretly Leave Richmond. .Virginia Seizes United States Property
Chapter XIII. The Reorganised Government of Virginia. Mass Meetings West of the Alleghanies. .First Wheeling Convention .. Its Members . . Vote on the Ordinance of Secession . . Second Wheeling Convention . . The Delegates. .New Officers Chosen for Virginia
Chapter XIV. Formation of West Virginia. The United States Constitution Provided a Way . . The Several Steps . . President Lincoln's Opinion. .The Bill Signed
Chapter XV. Organising for War. Call for Volunteers by Virginia. .Troops Sent Across the Alleghanies. .Muskets Sent to Beverly by the Confederates. .Guns from Massachusetts Reach Wheeling. .Federals Cross the Ohio. .Fight at Philippi. .Confederates Fortify in Randolph. .General Garnett in Command- General McClellan Arrives. .Defeat of the Confederates at Rich Mountain. Gamett's Retreat
Chapter XVI. Progress of the War. General Lee in West Virginia. .Expedition Against Cheat Mountain and Elkwater. .General Loring's Army. .Movements in the Kanawha Valley. .Quarrel Between Generals Wise and Floyd. .Federals Defeated at Cross Lanes- -Confederates Worsted at Gauley Bridge. . Further Fighting. .Contest for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. .Governor Letcher's Proclamation
Chapter XVII. Chronology of the War.
Part Second - County History
Chapter XVIII. Early Settlers and Indian Troubles. Royal Deserters. Regarding the Pringles. First Settlers. William White, Sr. William White, Jr. Indian Depredations. Flight of 1770 and Pursuit of Indians. Murder of Capt. Bull and Five Families of Delaware Indians. Capture of William White and Leonard Petro. Hughes and Lowther Shot. Isaac Washburn Killed. Mrs. Freeman Killed and Pursuite of the Indians. Bush's Fort. Leonard Schoolcraft Made Prisoner. John Schoolcraft's Family Killed or Made Prisoners. Siege of West's Fort and Relief Party Thereto. Murder of Bush and Two Children. Richard Carpenter Episode. Abandonment of Bush's Fort. Indian Foray of 1795. New Englanders and Their Settlements. Paths Traveled by Early Immigrants. The Beginnings of Roads. Friday, July 28, 1851. . September 18, 1851. . October 23, 1851. . December 18, 1851. . The Religious Life.. Old Carper Church. .Presbyterian Church. The United Brethren Church. The Episcopal Church. The German Baptist. Church. Baptist Church. Methodist Protestant. The Character and Life of The First Settlers. Geography of Upshur County.
Chapter XIX. Formation of Upshur County. Biography of Abel P. Upshur. Circuit Court Proceedings. Judges of the Circuit Court. Circuit Clerks of Upshur. Lawyers Admitted to Practice in Upshur. Commonwealth Attorneys. Constables of Upshur County. Supervisors of Upshur County. Commissioners of the County Court. Sheriffs of Upshur County. Surveyors of Upshur County. County Clerks. House of Delegates. Levi Leonard. Site of Court House.


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  • ''[[Space: The History of Upshur County, West Virginia|The History of Upshur County, West Virginia]]'' (West Virginia, 1907)
  • <ref>[[#Cutright|Cutright]]</ref>

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