Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Holman
Other: Family Genealogies
The Holmans in America
Full Title: The Holmans in America. Concerning the Descendants of Solaman Holman who Settled in West Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1692-3 One of Whom is William Howard Taft, the President of the United States : Including a Page of the Other Lines of Holmans in America, with Notes and Anecdotes of Those of the Name in Other Countries
- Source Example:
- <span id='Holman'></span>Holman, David Emory ''[[Space:The Holmans in America|The Holmans in America]]'' (Higginson Book Company, 1909)
- Inline Citation Example:
- <ref>[[#Holman|Holman]]: Page 134</ref>
Available online at these locations:
- https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Holmans_in_America/r-JUAAAAMAAJ
- https://archive.org/details/holmansinamerica01inholm/page/n5/mode/2up?view=theater
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