Location: New Zealand, Australia, Barvaria

The purpose of this page, is to support my research, into those families, who have made use of the current, following names, Nightingale, Lee, Bremner, Bulleid, Frew, Kidd and Parry. It is probable, that they have descended from a common ancestor, at present, that ancestor is Cartwright and Parry, with both direct and indirect lines back to British Royalty. With the help of my cousin, David Parry and his father Ron, I have been able, to trace back to around 1600, with at least a starting point, of "where did I originate from". Along the way, I have picked up many relatives and family names, via marriage, that I did not even imagine being possible. On the other side of the coin, is, "the dreaded skeletons in the closet". That's another story.
For the purpose, of sensibility and common sense, this page, maybe the best place, to list my links to where and how I found, many of my ancestors. I wont put them all up. For example, we have set-up a family website, which I have had to restrict, to family members and relatives only. It's peeved off a few people, but "tough" I have too protect, what truthful information, I currently have. I think, you as the reader, would agree, it would be harmful, to future generations, to find out, there past had been tampered with, by someone with no respect to what actually happened. That's called covering up the past and leads to those skeletons in the closet.
My grandfather, for example, as clean as he made himself out to be too me, was a bloody petty criminal. His father wasn't much better, he was put into the army and shot anything that moved, regardless of who's side they were on..
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