
The Lambing Flat Riots 1860

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Date: 26 Dec 2019 [unknown]
Location: New South Wales, Australiamap
Surnames/tags: Mayoh Gold New_South_Wales
This page has been accessed 427 times.

Lambing Flats

James White arrived in the Burrangong area in about 1826, and established a pastoral run. Wiradjuri leader Coburn Jackey assisted James in making his selection. The Lambing Flat diggings were proclaimed as a goldfield on the 27th of November 1860 and given the name Burrangong after the local creek. Lambing Flat was renamed Young in 1863.

The Lambing Flat Riots

Lambing Flat, which later became the modern Young, was the scene of, what was probably the worst civil disorder/violent protests against government policy, ever seen. There were many others across New South Wales and Victorian goldfields in the 1850's, the first in Bendigo in 1854. They arose from anti-chinese resentment. The actual gazetted goldfield was named Burrangong and the principal settlement later became Young.
The trouble first began with the formation of a Miners Protective League in 1860, followed by Roll-ups of miners banding together to evict Chinese miners from the field.
The main part of the infamous riot actually occurred on the 30th of June 1861, when a mob of well over 2000 miners attacked about 2000 miners, driving them off the Lambing Flat field destroying tents and looting their possessions. Many Chinese miners were beaten, but none were killed.

Lambing Flat Roll Up Banner.
  • Two chinese died in the riot Dec 1860.
  • One person died during the riot in 1861...William Lupton.
  • 1861 Chinese Immigration Act passed.
  • 1901 Immigration Restriction Act passed.

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