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The Last Will & Testament of Eden Haydock

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Date: 14 Feb 1775 to 23 Jan 1776
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Haydock Garrigues
This page has been accessed 101 times.


(No. 205)

Be it remembered that I Eden Haydock of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania, Plumber, being sick and weak in body but of sound disposing Mind and Memory and considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof, do make and put in writing this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. That is to say, first my will is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid and satisfied. And I do nominate and appoint my beloved Wife Elizabeth Haydock, my son Robert Haydock, my Daughters Rebecca and Hannah, and my Son in Law Samuel Garrigues to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament. Item. I give and bequeath unto my said beloved Wife Elizabeth Haydock and her assigns, the Rent or annual income of my House and lot of grounds situate on High Street in the City of Philadelphia now in the tenure of my said Son in Law Samuel Garrigues for and during the term of her natural life, and no longer. And from and immediately after the decease of my said Wife Elizabeth I do give and bequeath unto my son Robert Haydock one full morely or equal undivided half part (the whole into two equal parts to be divided) of and in all that my House and lot of Ground situate on High Street as aforesaid with the appurtenances, to hold to him my said son Robert Haydock his heirs and assigns forever. And from and immediately after the decease of my said Wife Elizabeth I do give and bequeath unto my two daughters Rebecca and Hannah the other one full morely or equal undivided half part (the whole into two equal parts to be divided) of and in all that my House and Lot of Ground situate on High as aforesaid with the appurtenances To hold to them said two Daughters Rebecca and Hannah their Heirs and Assigns forever to be equally divided between them part and share alike as Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants. And all the Residue and Remainder of my Estate both Real and Personal whatsoever and wheresoever, I do give devise and bequeath unto my said beloved Wife Elizabeth Haydock, my son Robert Haydock and my two daughters Rebecca and Hannah their Heirs and Assigns forever to be equally divided between them part and share alike as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants. And I do hereby revoke and make void all former or other Wills and Testaments heretofore by me made and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I the said Eden Haydock the Testator have hereunto set my hand and seal the Fourteenth day of the Second month called February in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Five.
Eden Haydock {seal}
Signed sealed pronounced published and declared by the said Eden Haydock the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names hereunto as witnesses in his presence and at his request.
Anthony Benezet John Todd Peter Thomson
Philada January 23d 1776 personally appeared Anthony Benezet, John Todd & Peter Thomson the Witnesses to the foregoing Will and on their solemn affirmation according to Law did declare that they saw and heard Eden Haydock the Testator herein named [one or two words illegible] seal publish and declare for and as his last Will and Testament and that at the


[time he was of sound] and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief [word]
Benjamin Chew Regn Genl ------------
Be it remembered that on the 23d day of January 1776 the last Will and Testament of Eden Haydock deceased in due Form of Law was proved and probate and Letters Testamentary were granted to Robert Haydock and Samuel Garrigues Executors in the said Will named they having first been solemnly affirmed well and truly to administer the said deceased Estate and bring an Inventory thereof into the Register General’s Office at Philadelphia on or before the 22d day of February next and render a true and just account of the said administration on or before the 22d day of January 1777 or when thereto legally required Given under the seal of the said office.
Benjamin Chew Regn Genl

The Genealogy of a Garrigues Family, Electronic Library, online (http://www.garrigus-family.com), Robert Garrigus, rgarrigus@hotmail.com (9579 Sea Shadow, Columbia, MD 21046), downloaded (add date). Mr. Garrigus further cites: Eden Haydock's will, Philadelphia County Will Book Q:241, County Clerk's Office, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, microfilm no. 021727, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

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