
The Last Will and Testament of Sarah Garrigues

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Date: 6 Jun 1885 to 14 Aug 1895
Location: Haverford Township, Delaware, Pennsylvania, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: garrigues
This page has been accessed 65 times.

Sarah Garrigues, #3811

Be it remembered that I Sarah Garrigues, of the township of Haverford, in the County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, Single Woman being of sound disposing mind, memory and understanding do make, ordain and publish my last Will and Testament as follows, viz.

First: I wish and direct that my proper funeral expenses and all just debts shall be paid as soon after my decease as may be practicable.

Second. I give and bequeath unto the Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia for the Western District the sum of Two hunderd Dollars, in trust to pay and apply the income derived therefrom for the improvement or keeping in proper order that part of the graveyard in said Haverford Township formerly the property of my father the late Samuel Garrigues which is now enclosed.

Third. -- I give and bequeath unto my sister-in-law Mary Ann, Widow of my brother William Garrigues, the sum of Fifty Dollars.

Fourth. -- I give and bequeath unto my niece Sarah P. Leedom, daughter of my brother Samuel P. Garrigues, the sum of three hundred Dollars, also my two silver preserving spoons marked Garrigues, silver plated cake basket and Castors and the Writing Desk formerly belonging to my sister Mary M. Garrigues.

Fifth. -- I give and bequeath unto my niece Susan P. Morgan, widow of the late Louis R Morgan, my silver cream cup marked D.M.G six silver tea spoons marked S.A.G, silver plated Oyster Ladle and sugar spoon marked S.G., my clothing or wardrobe, except as may be hereinafter specified. One of my mother's Mahogany Chairs, the circular front Bureau, one pair of large Blankets, red silk Bed Quilt, Gold frame spectacles, silver Napkin ring marked D.M.W. and the sum of four hundred dollars, for her own use and benefit, if however she shall not be living at the time of my decease I wish and direct that of said sum Two hundred dollars shall go and be paid to her daughter Mary J. Tustin, and the residue to revert to my estate as a lapsed legacy.

Sixth, I give and bequeath unto my niece Lydia P. McCall my Walnut dressing table, large China bowl with gilt edge, six silver forks marked D.M.C, and the sum of Three hundred Dollars; if however she shall not surivive me the said sum of money shall revert to my estate as a lapsed legacy.

Seventh, I give and bequeath until my nephews Samuel P., William H. and Charles F., sons of my brother William Garrigues, the sum of Three hundred Dollars each, for their own use and benefit.

Eighth: -- I give and bequeath unto my niece Frances D. English wife of James English my gilt and plain white China tea sets and all the pieces pertaining to them, large dark blue round dish, low stem glass bowl, six fruit plates, one dozen silver forks, eight silver Dessert spoons marked Garrigues, six silver teaspoons marked B.P., Table linen, napkins etc, and bed linen, hair seat Rocking chair, One Mitchell chair, best Walnut sofa, large red bordered blanket, fine summer blanket and two home made blankets two pair of home made and two pair of fine sheets, silk, comfortable, one pair of silver plated candle sticks, and the sum of four hundred dollars, all of which shall go to and be equally divided among her four daughters viz Mary Ann, Hannah, Fannie and Elizabeth or the survivors of them, in case she shall not survive me.

Eighth --- I give and bequesth until my nephews, Samuel H. Garrigues, my large plain sofa, and John M. Garrigues my brass andirons and shovel and tongs, and to each of them the sum of Three hundred Dollars, for their own use and benefit.

Ninth -- I give and bequeath unto my nephew Charles F. Garrigues the sum of Three hundred Dollars for his own use.

Tenth. -- I give and bequeath until my niece Sarah P. Garrigues my silver sugar bowl, tongs, cream cafe, six table and six teaspoons, all marked S.G. and were my mother's, the White Quilt, one Mahogany Chair, the large glass tumbler, with flowers which were my mother's; the round backed ladies chair, white marble top pier table, small Mahogany Stand, the best Mahogany Bureau, with Mahogany knobs, high frost single Bedstead, feather bed, hair mattress, bolster and pillows, for her own use.

Eleventh --- I give and bequeath unto my niece Elizabeth G Anderson my silver soup Ladle marked S.G. round Mahogany Table with Marble Top, high Mahogany Bureau with glass knobs, side board, walnut wash stand, marble top, and the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, for her own use.

Twelth --- I give and bequesth unto my niece Annie Garrigues my Blue India China Tea set, large white counterpane, set of Chamber Furniture consisting of a Mahogany Bedstead, bureau with glass, Washstand with marble top, four cane seat chairs, Paleaster for bedstead, and six large silver Table and six teaspoons, all marked B.P.-- one of the Mahogany chairs which was my mother's and the large Round backed sofa for her own use.

Thirteenth. -- I give and bequeath unto my niece Hannah Garrigues my best feather bed and bolster and pillows marked S. Garrigues, large hair mattress, best light silk bed quilt, One Mitchel Chair, six silver teaspoons marked D.M.G., house pitchers with flowers on it, and large light blue dish with handles for her own use.

Fourteenth. -- I give and bequeath unto my niece Mary Garrigues my single Mahogany Bureah with Mahogany knobs, Single Walnut Bedstead with balaster, feather bed, bolster and pillows, -- high stem glass bowl, six plated desert and two silver salt [?] marked M.M.G., and all Glass perserve dishes, timplers, etc. for her own use.

Fifteenth-- I give and devise until my four nieces, Sarah P., Annie, Hannah and Mary Garrigues, or the survivor or survivors of them, all my real estate, being the lots whereon I reside adjoining the property of friends and Sarah Ball, and of my said nieces,

containing together about one acre, with the buildings thereon and appurtances thereto, clear of all incumbrance.

Sixteenth. -- I give and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my Estate, property and effects until such of my nieces as may survive me to be equally divided between them, for their own use personally.

Seventeenth, --- and lastly I nominate and appoint my friends Passmeer Williamson and Edward H. Williamson, of the City of Philadelphia, the executors hereof.

In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal hereuntil this sixth day of the sixth month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty five. 1885

Sarah Garrigues. {seal}

Signed, sealed, & published by the above named Sarah Garrigues, as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at her reqeust in her presence, and in the presense of each other have set our hands hereunto as witnesses thereof.

Thos B. Taylor
P. Stackhouse Jr.


In conseqeunce of the death of my niece Susanna P. Morgan, I hereby revoke and annul all the gifts or bequests to or for her use made in and by my Last Will and Testament heretofor executed, and in lieu thereof give and bequeath unto her daughters Mary Jane Tustin the sum of Two hundred Dollars, for her own separate use and benefit, and unto my niece Frances D. English the articles thereenafter mentioned, viz, Silverware, cream cup, marked D.M.W., six tea spoons marked S.A.G., sugar spoons and plated Oyster ladle, marked S.G. knives and forks both large and small, cup, saucer and plate, the gift of cousin H.G. Wearing Apparel, Table and Bed linens, Blankets, Red Satin Quilt, and other bed covers of all kinds not therein otherwise disposed of. Parlor Carpet and circular from Bureau, with brass handles, for her own use if living at the time of my decease; but in case of her pervious decease, then the same shall go to and be divided between her four daughters, Mary Anna, Hannah, Frances, and Elizabeth, or the survivors or survivor of them absolutely.

In all other respects where I have set my hand and seal hereunto this Ninth day of the Fourth month A.D. 1890.

Sarah Garrigues, {seal}

Signed, sealed & published by the above named Sarah Garrigues, as and for a codicil to her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her request, in her presence and in the persense of each other have set our hands herewith as witnesses thereof.

Coleman S. Nicholson
Isaac Sutters

State of Pennsylvania

County of Delaware, ss.

Be it remembered that on this fourteenth day of August Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred and ninety five before me Wm. H. Hall, Register for the Probate of Wills, and granting Setters of Adminstration, in and for the County and State aforesaid, personally appeared Thos. B. Taylor and P. Stackhouse Jr the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instrument of writing, which purports to be the last Will and Testament of Sarah Garrigues, late of the Township of Haverford deceased and being duly affirmed according to law, did depose and say that they were present, and saw and heard the testatrix Sarah Garrigues sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the same as and for her last will and Testament; and at the doing then of she was of sound, disposing mind, memory and understanding. to the best of their knowledge and belief.

Affirmed to and subscribed before me the day and year above written.

Wm. H. Hall
Thos B. Taylor
P. Stackhouse Jr.

State of Pennsylvania

Counthy of Delaware, ss.

Be it remembered that on this fourteenth day of August Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred and ninety five before me Wm. H. Hall, Register for the Probate of Wills, and granting Setters of Adminstration, in and for the County and State aforesaid, personally appeared Coleman S. Nicholson one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instrument of writing, which purports to be the Codicil to the last Will and Testament of Sarah Garrigues, late of the Township of Haverford deceased and being duly affirmed according to law, did depose and say that he was present, and saw and heard the testatrix Sarah Garrigues sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the same as and for a Codicil to her last Will and Testament; and at the doing then of she was of sound, disposing mind, memory and understanding. to the best of his knowledge and belief, and further that the other subscribing witness Isaac Sutton is not within the Commonweath of Pennsylvania.

Affirmed to and subscribed before me the day and year above written.

Wm. H. Hall
Coleman S. Nicholson

Delaware County, ss.

On the fourteenth day of August A.D. 1895, personally appeared before me, the subscriber, John S. Garrigues, who being duly Affirmed according to law, did depose and say that he was well acquainted with the hand writing and signature of Isaac Sutton one of the subscribing witnesses tot he foregoin Codicil, and htat he reviewed the signature of the said Isaac Sutton appended tos aid Codicil, and that he believes the said signature to be genuine and the proper handwriting of teh said Isaac Sutton, and further that the said Isaac Sutton the subscribing witness is not now within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Affirmed to and subscribed before me, this 14th day of Aug. A.D. 1895.

Wm. H. Hall
John S. Garrigues

In the matter of the Estate of Sarah Garrigues, late of Haverford Township Delaware County, Pa., deceased.

Delaware Count, ss

Personally appeared before me, Wm. H. Hall, Register for the Probate of Wills, and granting setters of Adminstration in and for the County and State beforesaid, Edward H. Williamson, who being duly Affirmed according to law, deposes and says, that the said Sarah Garrigues died in the Township of Haverford, Del. Co. Penna on the 6th day of August,

A.D. 1895, above the hour of 2 o'clock, P.M.

Affirmed to and subscribed this 14th day of Aug. A.D. 1895

Wm. H. Hall

Edw. H. Williamson


And now to wit. August 14th, A.D. 1895, due and satisfactory proof having been made before me according to law, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the aforegiving instrument of writing be admitted and recorded as the last will and Testament & Codicil of Sarah Garrigues, late of the Township of Haverford deceased, and that Setters Testamentary be granted to the Executor named therein he being found duly qualified according to law.

Wm. H. Hall, Register

In the matter of the Estate of Sarah Garrigues, late of Haverford Township Delaware County, Pa., deceased.

Delaware Count, ss

Edward H. Williamson (the other named Executory Passmore Williamson being deceased) who has applied to Wm. H. hall, Register of Wills of said Count for Setters Testamentary upon the Estate of said deceased being duly Affirmed does declare and say that as surviving Executor under the Wills and codicil of said Sarah Garrigues deceased he will well and truly adminster the goods, chattels, rights and credits of teh said deceased according to law; and also wll deligently and faithfully regard and will and truly comply with the provisions of the alw relating to collateral inheritances.

Affirmed to and subscribed this 14th day of Aug. A.D. 1895

Wm. H. Hall
Edw. H Williamson

August 14, 1895, Setters Testamentary were in due form of law, granted unto Edward H. Williamson the Executor named in the foregoing will (the other named Executor Passmore Williamson being deceased.) he being duly qualified according to law, and also Affirmed well and truly to comply with the laws of htis commonweath relating to Collateral Inheritances.

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