Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Latta Kennedy Nellis
Lynn Howard Latta wrote his memoirs when he was in his 80s, typing away on an old mechanical typewriter while overlooking the sea from his house at 431 Indio Drive, Shell Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California. He described growing up in Des Moines, Iowa, as the second-oldest of ten children born to Martha Matilda (Kennedy) Latta (abt.1873-1951) and Lynn Latta (1867-abt.1930), his early life as a patent lawyer in Sioux City, Iowa, Chicago, Illinois, Washington, D.C., and Santa Monica, California, where he settled and practiced law. The original manuscript is in possession of Kimberly Latta.
Wiki syntax:
- <ref>Latta, Lynn Howard. ''[[Space:The_Latta_Family| The Latta Family Chronicles]]'', [ Page ].</ref>
- <span id='The Latta Family'></span>Latta, Lynn Howard. ''[[Space:The_Latta_Family| The Latta Family Chronicles]]'', [ Page ].
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