Location: Menifee, Kentucky, United States
Surnames/tags: Waters Amburgey
Location: Menifee, Kentucky, United States
Surnames/tags: Waters Amburgey
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Bill’s Story
- Bill was called “The Meanest Man In Man In Menifee County” It was said that Bill notched his gun for every man he killed and before killing them he would say “ I believe I’ll just kill you.” over the years I have heard several stories about him and his life. I want to try and sort through the ones I know.
- I have read that he killed up to thirteen people. He was only tried and convicted of Two. However he admitted to Killing Charlie Neal when he was being questioned in court so that would account for three. (Or does it?!)
- One Story reflects that his first murder was a salesman, Supposedly the salesman said harsh words to Bills [[[Neal-4546 |Mom]] because she wouldn't buy anything. When Bill came back from the fields his mom was crying and she told him what happened. Hd grabbed the rifle and went after the man. He Shot him and left him to die in the middle of the road. I haven’t found record of this happening however I found a story that describes it differently. It states that the salesman assaulted and raped Bill’s Mother. I do not know if the man died.
- Another story tells of his first stay in prison. I have heard it was for bank robbery. The story claims he escaped from prison with his cell mate and they swam the ohio river and when they got across the river he bashed the man’s head in with a rock. Newspaper article dated May 26, 1927, States of the escape of William Water, Eber Lewellyn Thompson and Allie Duff on April 10, 1927, and the recaptured at Mt Sterling, Kentucky of Eber Thompson after a gun battle with local police, and the re-arrest of Allie Duff. Another paper dated a few days later tells of William Waters arrest... After William Waters arrest in 1927, between the years of 1928 & 1930, William "Bad Bill" Waters had been sent to Roseville Prison, where he is listed in April 1930, working in the brick plant. In 1932 Bill was released from prison and went to live with Charley & Cormie Neal making moonshine. [1]
- Charley Neal, was killed on 11 July 1932. Two or three days after Charley Neal's death, Earl Nolan, s/o Nesbit & Cormie Nolan, went to his uncle's Raleigh Goodpaster house. He told him about Charley’s death and that he had been buried under the sour mash run off, Raleigh Goodpaster went into town and told the sheriff Bad Bill Waters had killed Charley Neal. I have heard two separate stories about Cormie being involved. In one story Earl told about his mothers involvement but his uncle left out that information. Another is that Earl told that Bill and Cormie were “involved” and wanted to get rid of Charley so they killed him. However Raleigh didn’t tell that story to the police. I have also heard that Cormie killed Charley and Bill helped her hide the body. It was said he was in love with her and took the blame for her crime.
- Six men came to the Neal house, when they begin shooting, Bad Bill ran out the back door, and went to hide out at Taylor’s house. It has been said that Marion Stapleton and Stanley Helton were caught in crossfire at Charley Neal's cabin and may have been shot by their own men and that Bill did not know it was the Law that was shooting at him. A few days later Taylor White and another man who's farm joined Taylor Whites, talked Bad Bill Waters into surrendering. It was agreed the reward money paid to Taylor White and the other man was to be used for Bad Bill's defense attorney.
- "Bad Bill" Waters was sent to the Fayette County jail to be housed awaiting trial for allegedly Killing Deputies Marion Stapleton and Stanley Helton. 1932 [2]
- William Waters, was convicted under an indictment charging him with murder and his punishment was fixed at death. [3]
- On on Nov 3, 1933 at 12:09 AM, He was put to death due to Legal Electrocution in the Kentucky State Prison at Eddyville, Lyon Co, Kentucky. [4][5]
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