Location: Latvia

Surname/tag: Lociks, locis
The name ‘Lociks‘ originates from Latvia and translated from Latvian into English it translates as ‘Little Bear‘.
The word originates from the Latgale region of Latvia, and people from Latgale speak their own language which is similar to, but different from, Latvian itself. The word ‘Locis‘ in the Latgale language or ‘Lācis‘ in Latvian, is the normal word for ‘Bear‘. Every word in Latvia can have a softer form as well as the normal form, and the softer form of ‘Locis‘ in the Latgale language is ‘Lociks‘ which translates in English as ‘Little Bear‘.
Thank you to the Latvian musician named Gustavs Lociks for the above information.
The Latgale region of Latvia is the Eastern region of Latvia bordering on Russia. Latvia itself is a Baltic state which, as well as bordering Russia to the East, borders Estonia to the North and Lithuania and Belarus to the South.
From 1621 Latgale was under Polish-Lithuanian control and the Latgale language was influenced by Polish and developed separately from the language spoken in other parts of Latvia. It was annexed by Russia in 1772, but Latvia declared independence in 1918 after the death of the tsar, and after a two year war with the newly formed Soviet Russia the Russians recognised Latvian independence in 1920.
At the start of the second world war Latvia became part of the USSR, but was then invaded by Germany, and then in 1944 the USSR returned. Latvia was integrated into the USSR until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, when Latvia again declared independence.
Latvia is currently a member of NATO, a member of the European Union, and has the euro as its currency. However, almost a quarter of its population are ethnic Russians.
Further information about Latgale and Latvia can be found on the Latgale Research Center website.
I believe my Underwood Family Tree contains the only Lociks whose births were registered in the UK.
One of my female relatives married a Lociks, and they had three daughters whose names then changed on marriage, thus leaving no other Lociks once their father had died.
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