Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Maryland
The Maryland Semmes and Kindred Families
Title: The Maryland Semmes and Kindred Families; a genealogical history of Marmaduke Semme(s), gent., and his descendants, including the allied families of Greene, Simpson, Boarman, Matthews, Thompson, Middleton, and Neale
Author: Harry Wright Newman
Publication date: 1956
Publisher: The Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland
Citation Example:
- <span id='MarylandSemmes'></span>Newman, Harry Wright ''[[Space:The Maryland Semmes and Kindred Families|The Maryland Semmes and Kindred Families]]'' (The Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, 1956)
Inline Citation Example
- <ref>[[#MarylandSemmes|Newman]]: pg. ##</ref>
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