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The Mystery of William Woods

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Oklahomamap
Surnames/tags: Smith Woods
This page has been accessed 45 times.

The number one mystery in my family tree, is the identity of my great-grandfather. My grandmother, Lola L. Woods, was born to Della (Smith) Woods - who later married James Downing. There was mention of a William Woods (though I can't seem to find it at the moment) but no middle initial.

The only person I could seem to find that matched the information passed down to me was a William Cornelius Wood, a citizen of the Cherokee nation who also went by Woods in some of the Indian Territory censuses. I found reference to a Della in a letter he wrote to his siblings, but it may or may not be the right Della since he only used her first name.

However, other family members have listed him as William Casey/Kasey Woods and I've also seen William Harvey Woods.

I'll be trying to wade through DNA to try to figure out a connection for sure. Read my DNA Research summary for more information.

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Categories: Family Mysteries