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The Outer Rim archives

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Date: Nov 2020 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 95 times.

Copy of the former "History" section from The Outer Rim of the Global Tree

This page is a raw Archive, its messy state reflecting how the project unfolded. Maybe someone some day will take the time to clean it up.


Recent changes (2021-2022)

Changes are presented in backward chronology.

Feb 2022

  • Three US branches have been reconnected, thanks to Eric Weddington!
  • The Russian branch has been disconnected, a link in its only connection path through Sweden was proven wrong.
  • Hübner-118 has been pulled 3 steps inwards, thanks again to Eric!
  • The distance from Khanum-8 to Hübner-118 is currently 144. Many paths of this shortest length can be found using the Connection Finder, one of them passing through Edward III Plantagenet, King of England, at 73 from Khanum-8, 71 from Hübner-118 and 72 from Zuloaga-14, and no profile is now found further than 73 degrees from Edward III.

In the current state of affairs, Edward III seems more "central" than Mary Stuart, but this is due only to the way Khanum-8 is currently connected, a winding path through the Abbassid dynasty with many dubious, unsourced links. If we ignore the Khanum-8 branch, the furthest profiles from Mary Stuart are at distances 68 and below.

The following table is listing for the record the branches recently reconnected (or disconnected), with distances before and after reconnection.

distance country epoch profile createdupdatedPMworking on
72 (disconnected)Russia1900sАлексей Леонтьевич ПримаковOct 2021 Feb 2022Fedir Indutnyi Kelsey Jackson Williams
72 (now 25)USA (New York)1900sEmily (Unknown) Davis Feb 2022 Feb 2022
71 (24)USA (N. Carolina)1800sDock Coleman Robinson Jan 2011 Jan 2022N Gauthier
67 (38)USA (Virginia)1800sCharles Morris (1899 -?) Jan 2022 Jan 2022 Liz Marshall

This section provides a quick summary of Outer Rim members, central profiles, radius and diameter of The Tree at various recent dates. See following sections for definition of those terms.

Jan 12, 2022

Previous branches have been reconnected, thanks again to B. W. J. Molier and Isabelle (Rassinot) Martin for the Belgian branch, and Kelsey Jackson Williams for the English branch, plus a Spanish one which appeared for only one day.

New branches have appeared, at distance 145 of Faiz Ul Hasan (Khanum) Hamdani (still by far the furthest profile).

Karel Hübner (abt.1820-abt.1875) Kateřina Hromádková (abt.1703-1751)

Gasparina Verbesselt (1585-) Maria De Helt (1613-)

Abraham Heinrich (1830-1895) and his two daughters

Revital Zaken (private)

Most of those are old GEDCOM import legacy, and need further investigation and clean-up. Mary Stuart, our reference central profile, stands at distance between 69 and 71 from all of them except Zaken-2 for which no distance can be computed.

If we ignore the very tip of the Khanum-8 branch, the radius is less than 72. There are only 39 profiles further than 70 from Mary Stuart

Jan 07, 2022

A drastic reconnection of the Czech branch has been achieved by Kelsey Jackson Williams, pulling the furthest profiles about 50 steps towards the center! So we have no more Czech Lords of the Rim. The furthest from Faiz Ul Hasan (Khanum) Hamdani are found at distance 149 in two branches :

Distance between Marie and Francis is 136.

We found near the center of this triangle e.g., Philippa (Hainaut) of Hainault (abt.1314-1369) with an eccentricity of 76.

Diameter is down to 149, radius 76 or below (possibly 75)

Dec 22, 2021

Reconnection(s) in the Czech branch has slightly reduced the diameter to 160, and the radius to 80. Šebestián Tomeček is now the only furthest profile of this branch. Thanks again B. W. J. Molier who has kept working on this branch for months.

No change on the Faiz Ul Hasan (Khanum) Hamdani branch.

Oct 16, 2021

The Czech branch has kept expanding outward, following addition of new profiles and connection of previously unconnected branches. We have now three furthest profiles : Šebestián Tomeček, Augustin Dostál and his wife Vincencie (Zicháčková) Dostálová , at distance 161 from Faiz Ul Hasan (Khanum) Hamdani. Central profiles are still located in 16th century, England, e.g., John Rudhale Esq. (abt.1526-1558).

Current radius is 81, diameter 161.

Sep 25, 2021

A couple of reconnections, again thanks to B. W. J. Molier, in the František Vavřík branch, has reduced his distance to/from Faiz Ul Hasan (Khanum) Hamdani from 158 to 154. The middle of the path has slighly shifted to Jane (Sutton) Mainwaring (abt.1441-abt.1480). No profile was found outside the above said branches at distance 77 or more from Jane Sutton.

Current radius is 77, diameter 154.

Sep 18, 2021

The "Braunschweig-Lüneburg" branch has been reconnected, via Detlef Philipp von Pechlin Edler von Löwenbach found to be the father of Nicolaus Otto (Pechlin) Pechlin von Löwenbach, kudos to B. W. J. Molier for this finding. Father and son were previously 42 degrees from each other.

We're left with the already known branches Faiz Ul Hasan (Khanum) Hamdani and František Vavřík, at distance 158 from each other. In the middle of the path stands George Cotton (abt.1505-1545), the new center with eccentricity 79. Note that Richard Cotton (1539-1602), son of George, was sitting in the center some months ago. Despite changes in far-away branches, the center seems somehow stable in space (England) and time (1500s).

Current radius is 79, diameter 158.

Sep 11, 2021

The Würtemberg branch has been pulled towards the center by (unidentified) reconnections. We have now a new Outer Rim "Braunschweig-Lüneburg" branch, with e.g., Johanne Elisabeth Henriette (Seyfert) Töllner, currently at distance 163 from Faiz Ul Hasan (Khanum) Hamdani. In the middle of the path between those stands William Ross, also at distance 82 from František Vavřík.

The current radius is 82, diameter is 163 or 164.

Jul 02, 2021

The current radius is 79 or 80, and the current diameter is 158, 159 or 160.

How it all started ...

A post on G2G in Dec 2020, What shall we do with those Outer Rim branches? sparked a lot of activity, which has rapidly changed the territory along the edge of the Global Tree.

When the question was posted, 4 December, the furthest from Al Maghrawi was Phillipp Wirtz (deleted), at 165 degrees, and a handful of private cousins extending his branch two degrees further. So the diameter of the galaxy was 167. Seeking for a triangulation point as far far as possible from the path linking Al Maghrawi and Philipp Wirtz, we found Seth Lazenby at 156 degrees from Al Maghrawi and 142 from Wirtz.

One result of the question was that some of WikiTree's Connectors quickly found and constructed shorter connection paths for Wirtz and Lazenby. They are no longer the most distant from Ali Al Maghrawi.

The G2G question went on to present Henry VIII as a central profile by the measure of minimal eccentricity: Henry VIII was 85 degrees from Ali, 83 from Philipp Wirtz and 78 from Seth Lazenby. Good old Henry seems to sit quite close to the center of this triangle, at about equal distance from each of the three Outer Rim extensions. The sum of his distances was, at the time of asking, 246 degrees. Bernard's challenge to the readers was to find a profile more central than Henry VIII, i.e. with a smaller sum of distances to the three rim profiles.

To this Greg Lavoie quickly found Friedrich V, the Winter King of Bohemia (1596-1632) and Marie Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), both at a sum of 243.

Question edited by Bernard 2020-12-06 : After reconnection of Philipp and Seth branches, the new Outer Rim triangle has got smaller, but is now a (pentangle) pentagon (oops) with the following new summits :

  • Elisabetha (Steffens) Pool (abt.1645-1716) at distance 156 from Ali. Alternative choices are her two sisters-in law Cecilia (Schneider) Pool and Anna (Horst) Pool, at the same distance.
  • A Living Unknown, at the same distance from Ali as the above, of whom PM Tomáš Kratina has been contacted. Tomáš himself is 142 from Ali and 121 from Elisabeth, and makes for a good proxy for for the private Unknown. We'll certainly know more soon.

Maurice (Berkeley) de Berkeley (abt.1271-1326) is the exact center of the new triangle, at distance 78 from the five Outer Rim summits. All other connected profiles are less than 78 degrees from Maurice.

Question edited by Bernard 2020-12-07 : The Pool branch has been reconnected closer, the triangle has flattened to a single line. Maurice de Berkeley is still standing in the middle.

Discussion continued in comments 2020-12-08: The profiles furthest from Ali Al-Mahgrawi are currently a Czech cluster of Unlisted profiles (for living people). Connectors are trying out ideas for closer connection of the visible parts of the branch. Another eccentric branch was found by striking out Maurice de Berkeley in the path from Al-Mahgrawi and exploring the new profile appearing as #78, Marjorie Comyn of Dunbar (1265-1308), whose "counterweight" turned out to be a Mexican branch including José Casimiro Martín (1731-).


Since the discovery and highlighting of profiles with the longest connection paths to the Global Tree has inspired some very dedicated reconnection work, things have been changing pretty fast along the Outer Rim. More changes are still on the way.

Our method (see below) for seeking the center of the Global Tree starts by finding the most eccentric profile from a random starting point. This will usually be the same very distant profile for any chosen profile unless you start very far in the past. Light-heartedly we call such an eccentric a Lord of the Rim. A Lord of the Rim must then have other profiles turning up as most distant from him, att the opposite side of the galaxy - he cannot be distant from himself. Let's call these secondmost eccentrics Counterweights, for now.

We have now had a succession of Lords of the Rim. In the category of second most eccentric profiles some have been brought much closer, other clusters disappear and reappear as Counterweights. Depending on the configuration, the triangulation method turns up different galactic centers - in the same general area of the galaxy.

Lords of the Rim

Lords of the Rim tend to sit at the end of long agnatic lines.

  • From the start (Nov 2020) the most eccentric profile was الشريف/ علي المغراوي الحسني with a longest path of 156 from the second most eccentric at the time.
  • He was succeeded (11 Dec 2020) by Abul Mansur Mirza Muhammad Muqim Ali Khan Khan (1708-1754) with a longest path of 146 to his Counterweights.
  • Next (19 Dec 2020) appeared as a new Lord of the Rim Bezalel Loew with a longest path of 144 to his Counterweight.
  • At the same time, 19 Dec, a whole family, represented by Masooma Zaidi appeared at the Utmost Rim, also at a distance of 144 (from the recalcitrant Czech Counterweight).
    • Zaidi's first circles make up a small cluster of immediate family, but his circles 4 to 42 only contain one profile each - yet another agnatic Eastern line.

So far, from the end of November to 20 December the diameter of the Global Tree galaxy has been reduced from 165 to 144.

On 22 December something new happened on the Rim, and the diameter went up to 150: Muhammad Zainul Abideen Zaidi is 150 Degrees from Johann Rohle
What happened was the appearance of Johann Georg Rohle (abt.1740-) as the furthest profile from Jean-Joseph Vatant. The profile for Johann Rohle had been created 17 December as part of a strategy of expanding a kinship network in Württemberg from some emigrated members, whose profiles were created in 2017. This large cluster was listed on the Connectors' Space page: Largest unconnected branches, and was thence connected to the Global Tree on Dec. 20. Very smart connector work: a single profile had to be created in order to bridge from a connected profile on one side and an endpoint of the unconnected cluster.


The Counterweights are a more mixed bunch, from regions in space and time that could use more presence in WikiTree. The following have been the secondmost eccentric profiles so far:

Galactic Centrals

The result of our activity is to trim many of the loosest ends of our big ball of yarn by tying them in firmer. Depending on the current state of the Outer Rim a succession of most Central nodes has been discovered. Triangulations with the first Lord of the Rim and his counterweights gave us these Central profiles:

With counterweights a little less eccentric a new Central node appeared 6 Dec:

During the brief reign of Abul Mansur Mirza Muhammad Muqim Ali Khan as Lord of the Rim

22 December, with the diameter expanded to 150, William Curtis III (1592-1672) was found in the middle of the path from Muhammad Zainul Abideen Zaidi to Johann Rohle. Curtis had no other furthest profiles than the ends of this path. Radius = 75. Round numbers, for once. And this William Curtis III belongs to the Great Puritan Migration. Too typical to be true :-) Vatant-1 20:17, 22 December 2020 (UTC)

Repeating (20 December 2020) the original game from Bernard's G2G question with a current Lord of the Rim and two Counterweights between the successive Central nodes, we can see that, quite properly Richard Cotton (1539-1602) is the winner of the moment. He has the lowest sum of his distances from the three peripherals.

Original table as a souvenir

The succession of profiles most distant from الشريف/ علي المغراوي الحسني (Ali al Maghrawi) was:

Discovery Eccentric2 length Reconnected ConnectorsComments
Dec 4Phillipp Wirtz (deleted)165Dec 5Vatant-1, Mullins-2069 Reconnected through Verkissen-1
Dec 4Lazenby-507156Dec 5Lowe-866Merged with more closely connected duplicate
Dec 6Steffens-490156Dec 7Lowe-866-
Dec 7Unknown-412675156Dec 10Lowe-866, Kratina-1Still being sourced (may break - it did)
Dec 11Velásquez-692153---
Dec 11Hübner-118151--to be investigated
Dec 11Verbesselt-3151--to be investigated

East to West

Initially الشريف/ علي المغراوي الحسني was the most eccentric profile. He had a very long "starting distance" before getting in touch with the rest of the tree. There was first a stretch of single profiles ten generations down to a great granddaughter and then from her husband 30 generations in direct ascendance up a 28th great grandmother, princess Myriam (abt.0582-) (you need to click the 30 generations button). There were no alternative paths in this branch before الإمام محمد الباقر Muhammad al-Baqir (abt.0676-abt.0743) in circle 36, who is connected through his mother as well as through his father. At this point there was a quite extensive (albeit unsourced) tree of shia imams with family.

The next Lords of the Rim, Mirza Muhammad Muqeem Abdul Ghafoor Khan, and the Zaidi family had, at the time of their rule, similar long, mostly patrilineal connection paths. The rapidly dethroned Bezalel Loew was attached to a similar path back to the House of David, which may yet return to haunt us. There seems to be an Eastern tradition of these agnatic genealogies, consisting of a long list of undated names, which result in a very eccentric end node when added to the Global Tree.

The Central profiles found by our triangulations against the Lords of the Rim illustrate how the connection paths from the Old East to any of us Westerners have to pass through the aristocracy of medieval and early modern Europe to get "home". One response to the original G2G question was that participants started looking for the last common node in our various paths from the Rim Lord. Profiles mentioned were Agnes (Evreux) de Montfort (1041-abt.1087), Robert (Toeni) de Stafford (1036-abt.1088), Raymond Borrell (Sunifred) de Barcelona (0972-1018) and Bellon (Carcassonne) de Barcelona (abt.0755-abt.0812) - all a bit further in the past than the triangulated centers.

In the paths from the Zaidi family to the successive Centrals, the last node before paths diverge is Hussain 'Syed' A.S. (0626-0680), the grandson of Muḥammad (بن عبدالله) ibn ‘Abd Allāh PBUH (abt.0570-0632). He is in Circle 43; the first circle for many generations where there is more than one profile. From there some path go through Fatimah Zahra bint Muhammad (abt.0615-abt.0632) and her sister Ruqayyah bint Muhammed (0601-0624). This path goes through the Umayyads and Bellon (Carcassonne) de Barcelona (abt.0755-abt.0812) and Sunyer (Sunifred) de Barcelona (0870-0954).

Some go through Syed's brother Al-Hasan ibn Ali Abi Talib (0625-0670). This connection hinges upon the marriage of Zaida (I'Tamid) De Leon (abt.1040-) to Alfonso Castilla y Leon (abt.1038-1109). However, their marriage is not visible on her profile and looking at Alfonso's profile there seems to be a duplicate Zaida de Sevilla (1075-1107).

As long as الشريف/ علي المغراوي الحسني was Lord of the Rim while the Counterweights were successively less eccentric, each new Central profile was found a little further back in time, pulled back towards the Old East. When Rim Lords are replaced, the location of new Central profiles keeps bouncing about in the general area of early European nobility.

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