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Surnames/tags: Seaton Seton
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Surnames/tags: Seaton Seton
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Contents |
The Seaton Family, with Genealogy and Biographies
- by Oren Andrew Seaton, Editor, 1847-1939
- published by Crane & Company, Topeka, Kansas, 1906
Available online at these locations:
Table of Contents
- Dedication
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Bibliography
- Introduction by Archbishop Robert Seton
- Introduction by Oren Andrew Seaton
- List of Illustrations
- Chapter I - The Seaton Coat of Arms
- Chapter II - The Scotch Tartan
- Chapter III - The Name Seaton Given to Many Places
- Chapter IV - The Family Name
- Chapter V - The Early Ancestry in Normandy
- Chapter VI - De Say in Scotland
- Dougall de Saytoun
- Seher de Setoune
- Philip de Saytoun
- Alexander de Setomi
- Bertrand de Setoun
- Adam de Seatomie
- Sir Christopher de Seton
- Sir Christopher de Seton II
- Sir Christopher de Seton III
- Chapter VII Sir Alexander Seton of Seton II
- Sir Alexander III
- Sir Alexander Seton Kt IV
- Margaret Heiress of Seton
- Chapter VIII Sir William Seton
- Patrick Gordon
- Chapter IX - John Second Lord and William Master of Seton
- George Third Lord Master of Seaton
- John Master of Seaton
- George Fourth Lord
- Seton Church
- Chapter X - George Fifth Lord
- George Sixth Lord Seton
- Chapter XI - George Seventh Lord Seton
- Chapter XII - The Flight from Lochleven
- Chapter XIII - Mary Seton and the Maids of Honor
- Chapter XIV - Robert Seton First Earl of Winton
- Robert Second Earl John Third Earl
- Hon John
- William and Mother Seton
- Archbishop Robert Seton
- Ernest Thompson Seton
- Chapter XV - The Family in Americli
- First Seaton in America
- Chapter XVI - Only Child of Henry and Children of George Seaton
- Chapter XVII - Children of Augustine
- Chapter XVIII - Asa Seaton and Children of William W Seaton
- Chapter XIX - Children of Asa Seaton
- Chapter XX - Children of Willard and Mary Seaton
- Chapter XXI - Children of Willard and Mary Seaton (continued)
- Children of Daniel Seaton
- Chapter XXII - Children of Leonard and Polly Seaton
- Chapter XXIII - Children of Leonard and Polly Seaton (continued)
- Chapter XXIV - Children of Leonard and Polly Seaton (continued)
- Chapter XXV - Children of Leonard and Sarah Seaton
- Chapter XXVI - Children of Leonard and Sarah Seaton
- Chapter XXVII - Children of Asa and Dorothy (Wilcox) Seaton
- Children of Benjamin F and Leonard Bama Seaton
- Chapter XXVIII - Child of Andrew P and Laura A Seaton
- Chapter XXIX - Children of Andrew P and Laura A Seaton
- Chapter XXX - Children of Boynton C and Cornelia Seaton
- Child of Leonard Jr and Hattie Seaton
- Children of Samuel G and Ellen Seaton
- Chapter XXXI - Only Child of Chauncey E and Sarah E Seaton
- Only Child of Ambrose B and Amelia F Seaton
- Children of George L and Sarah V Seaton
- Children of Herbert J and Helen I Seaton
- Children of Robert and Mary (Stewart) Seaton
- Children of Leonard T and Nancy A Seaton
- Chapter XXXII - Children of Oren A and Sadie E Seaton
- Chapter XXXIII - Children of Oren A and Sadie E Seaton
- Chapter XXXIV - Children of Oren A and Sadie E Seaton
- Chapter XXXV - Children of Oren A and Sadie E Seaton
- Chapter XXXVI - Children of James H and Francelia Seaton
- Children of George F and Clara F Seaton
- Children of Peter N C and Ella Seaton
- Chapter XXXVII - Scotch-Irish Seatons
- Children of John and Jane (Edwards) Seaton
- Chapter XXXVIII - Children of John and Jane (Edwards) Seaton
- Chapter XXXIX - Children of Andrew and Jane (Blake) Seaton
- Children of James and Elizabeth (Robinson) Seaton
- Children of James and Nancy (Wilhite) Seaton
- Chapter XL - Children of Deacon John and Ismenia Seaton
- Chapter XLI - Children of Kenner and Elizabeth (Shger) Seaton
- Only Child of Thomas Washington and Barby Seaton
- Children of James Kenner and Margaret (Scott) Seaton
- Chapter XLII - Children of James Kenner and Margaret (Scott) Seaton
- Chapter XLIII - Children of John and Rebecca Seaton
- Chapter XLIV - Children of John and Rebecca Seaton (continued)
- Children of Andrew and Polly (Bowers) Seaton
- Chapter XLV - Children of George son of Kenner Seaton
- Children of Richard and Eleanor Seaton
- Children of Kenner son of Richard Jr Seaton
- Chapter XLVI - Children of Samuel and Hannah (Eddy) Seaton
- Chapter XLVII - Children of Ambrose and Mary (Goss) Seaton
- Children of Charles D and Elizabeth Seaton
- Chapter XLVIII - Children of Allen R and Sarah (Pound) Seaton
- Chapter XLIX - Children of John and Mary E Seaton
- Children of John Ambrose and Margaret Seaton
- Children of Charles Stuart and Sarah Seaton
- Children of James Allen and Mary Seaton
- Children of George K Seaton
- Chapter L - A Virginian and His Descendants
- Some Virginia and Tennessee Immigrants to Kansas
- Some Virginia and Pennsylvania Seatons
- Chapter LI - An English Family of Seatons
- Other English Seatons
- Children of Benjamin W and Julia E Seaton
- British Seatons in Jamaica
- More British Seatons
- Alexander Seaton and His Posterity
- English Seatons in the United States
- Chapter LII - English Seatons in the United States
- Indiana and Illinois Seatons
- A Real Reformer
- Chapter LIII - Robert Seaton of Scotland and His Descendants
- Children of Robert and Jane (McCabe) Seaton
- Children of Robert Jr and Ann (Seachrist) Seaton
- Children of Joseph C and Mary B (Carson) Seaton
- Chapter LIV - Some Scotch-Irish Seatons
- A Real Scotch Family
- Chapter LV - Scotch Seatons in Different States
- Chapter LVI - Scotch-Irish Seatons
- A Pennsylvania Family of Seatons
- Chapter LVII - Greene Coimty (Pennsylvania) Seatons
- Tennessee Seatons
- More Tennessee Seatons
- Chapter LVIII - New- York- Wisconsin Seatons
- Other Seatons
- New York Seatons
- Some Pennsylvania Seatons
- Chapter LIX - A Seeton Family
- Chapter LX - Negroes Whose Names are Seaton
- Chapter LXI - Miscellaneous Mention
- Chapter LXII - Interesting Coincidences
- Chapter LXIII - Names of Some Seatons Not Heard From
- Index
- No errors in this publication have been identified. When found, please list the problem(s) here, and include a link to a source that describes the problem.
WikiTree Syntax
- <span id='Seaton'></span>Seaton, Oren Andrew''[[Space: The Seaton Family, with Genealogy and Biographies| The Seaton Family, with Genealogy and Biographies]]'' (Topeka, Kansas, 1906), [ Page ].
- <ref>[[#Seaton|Seaton]]</ref>
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