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The Weeping Time, List of Slaves

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Surnames/tags: slavery black_heritage
This page has been accessed 998 times.

US Black Heritage: Heritage Exchange Program

"The Great Slave Auction (also called The Weeping Time) was a March 2 and 3, 1859 auction of enslaved African-Americans held at Ten Broeck Race Course, near Savannah, Georgia. Slave Owner and absentee plantation owner Pierce Mease Butler authorized the sale of approximately 436 men, women, children, and infants to be sold over the course of two days. The sale's proceeds went to satisfy Butler's significant debts, much of it from gambling. The auction is regarded as the largest single sale of enslaved people in U.S. history.[1]

This is a only a portion of the enslaved people who were owned by Butler and his family. For additional lists of those enslaved, please see Pierce Mease Butler, List of Slaves.

This list and the identifying information were compiled by Annette Holmes [2] Please see the link for additional notes that include possible relationships between those listed and identification in additional documents.

  1. George Broughton
  2. Sue Broughton
  3. George Jr Broughton
  4. Harry Broughton
  5. Elisha later known as Elisha Myers
  6. Molly
  7. Israel
  8. Sevanda
  9. Joe
  10. Hagar
  11. McPherson later known as Mack Turner
  12. Patterson
  13. Killoby
  14. Angus
  15. Robert Chippin
  16. Luna Chippin
  17. Israel
  18. Edi
  19. Elisha
  20. George
  21. Rutledge
  22. Brutus
  23. Bella
  24. Venus
  25. Nija
  26. Juno
  27. John
  28. Patty
  29. Santee
  30. James
  31. Beck
  32. Manigault
  33. Netty
  34. Tena
  35. Zebulon
  36. Binah
  37. Quacco
  38. Jean
  39. Delia
  40. Philadelphia
  41. Chaney
  42. Lazarus
  43. Bram
  44. Joan
  45. Morris
  46. Lucy
  47. Zephora
  48. Mary
  49. Pierce
  50. St. Faux
  51. Bram
  52. Rufus
  53. Sue
  54. Infant
  55. Moses
  56. Melinda
  57. Pompey
  58. Dosey
  59. Sarah
  60. Aaron
  61. Clary
  62. Binah
  63. Sunbury
  64. Bram
  65. Mose
  66. Stepney
  67. Eve
  68. Jonas
  69. Lester
  70. Cudjo
  71. Lucy
  72. Primus later known as Primus Wilson
  73. Daphney
  74. Dido
  75. Infant
  76. Phillip
  77. Pender
  78. Hannah
  79. John
  80. Levi
  81. Rachel
  82. Kate
  83. Rentee
  84. Sukey
  85. Amorita
  86. Happy
  87. Rentee
  88. Elizabeth
  89. Hector's Bess
  90. Ben
  91. Betty
  92. Phoebe
  93. Hector
  94. George's Frank
  95. Ruth
  96. Charleston
  97. Joe
  98. Frank
  99. Kate's John later known as John Butler
  100. Betsey
  101. Kate
  102. Violet
  103. Wooster later known as Wooster (Worcester?) Gordon
  104. Mary
  105. Com'dore Bob (surname later is Bob)
  106. Kate
  107. Linda
  108. Joe
  109. Bob
  110. Mary
  111. Anson
  112. Violet
  113. Allen Jeffrey
  114. Sikey
  115. Watty
  116. Rina
  117. Lena
  118. Pompey
  119. Kitty
  120. Pompey Jr
  121. John
  122. Noble
  123. Andrew later known as Andrew Stewart
  124. Hetty
  125. Sena
  126. Corington later known as Corington Stewart
  127. Ned later known as Ned Beach
  128. Sena later known as Scena Beach
  129. Mary
  130. Robert
  131. Daniel
  132. Bess
  133. Sam
  134. Elizabeth
  135. Sena
  136. Affa
  137. Hannah
  138. Doctor George not sold
  139. Margaret not sold
  140. Maria not sold
  141. Lena not sold
  142. Mary Ann not sold
  143. Infant not sold
  144. Somerset
  145. Phoebe
  146. Fenton
  147. Cain
  148. Jane
  149. Samuel
  150. Auber
  151. Yo'g Somerset
  152. Melinda
  153. Somerset
  154. Nancy
  155. Hagar
  156. Molly
  157. Mary
  158. Caledonia
  159. Toney's Rose
  160. Will
  161. Sarah
  162. Dorcas
  163. Sue
  164. Ben
  165. Sally
  166. 3 Fing'd Tony
  167. Betty
  168. Solomon
  169. Bina
  170. Luna
  171. Quash
  172. Peter
  173. Judy
  174. John
  175. Peter
  176. Driver Jim
  177. Nelly
  178. Silva
  179. Floyd
  180. Aaron
  181. Amy
  182. Elijah
  183. Hagar
  184. Daphne
  185. Constant
  186. Sukey
  187. Priscilla
  188. Bram
  189. Tina
  190. Thursday
  191. Minda
  192. Bram
  193. Toney
  194. Lucky
  195. Justice
  196. June
  197. Die
  198. Cornelia
  199. Barney
  200. Sukey
  201. Sally
  202. Elsey
  203. Robert
  204. Mary
  205. Leah
  206. Mansfield
  207. Flora
  208. Munn
  209. Matty
  210. Die
  211. Brister
  212. Diana
  213. Infant
  214. Hopkin's Frank
  215. Nanny
  216. Frank
  217. Diana
  218. Moses
  219. Venus
  220. Brister
  221. Venus
  222. Eliza
  223. Milah
  224. Katy
  225. Kit
  226. Matilda
  227. Wiseman later known as Wiseman Ferguson
  228. Hannah
  229. William
  230. Matilda
  231. Kit
  232. Lincoln's Toney
  233. Judy
  234. Phillis
  235. Dennis
  236. Notion
  237. Cuffy
  238. Abigail
  239. Sukey
  240. Cuffy
  241. Sandy
  242. Sandy
  243. Ursula
  244. Atwood's Jack
  245. Cretia
  246. Cornelia
  247. Jack
  248. Reuben
  249. Esther
  250. Reuben
  251. Troup Isaac
  252. Sue
  253. Chloe
  254. Eleanor
  255. Sally Walker
  256. Noble later known as Noble Walker
  257. Sophy
  258. Malsey
  259. Chaney
  260. James later known as James Walker
  261. Lawyer Charles
  262. Flora
  263. Lucy
  264. Salem
  265. Sukey
  266. Eddy
  267. Gracy
  268. Sandy
  269. Rina
  270. Grace
  271. York
  272. Fanny
  273. Peter
  274. Jennie
  275. Sancho later known as Sancho Bennett
  276. Peter later known as Peter Bennett
  277. Eli
  278. Dorcas
  279. Celia
  280. Rose
  281. Eliza
  282. Phillip
  283. Amarita
  284. John
  285. William
  286. Nero
  287. Abraham
  288. Chloe
  289. Joshua's Milly
  290. Cain
  291. Abby
  292. Peter
  293. Robin
  294. Chloe
  295. Trial
  296. Harriet
  297. Sue
  298. Congo Frank
  299. Maria
  300. Emanuel
  301. Mary
  302. Ann
  303. Hampton
  304. Robbin
  305. Cezar
  306. Betty
  307. Laban
  308. Paul
  309. Lucy
  310. Sarah
  311. Quamina
  312. Molly
  313. Caleb
  314. Helena
  315. Prince
  316. Amity
  317. Reuben
  318. Quamino
  319. Jeffrey
  320. Mingo
  321. Eve
  322. Dembo
  323. Patty
  324. John
  325. Bill
  326. Patty
  327. Flanders later known as Flanders (Philander?) Bleach
  328. Lucy
  329. Katy later known as Katy Hix/Hicks
  330. Patty
  331. Haney
  332. William
  333. Martin later known as Martin Butler
  334. Charity later known as Charity Butler
  335. Beck
  336. Martin
  337. Lucy
  338. Peter
  339. Ruth
  340. Charity later known as Charity Butler
  341. Goin
  342. Cassander
  343. Emiline
  344. Judy
  345. Dorcas
  346. Joe
  347. Tom
  348. Judge Will
  349. Lowden later known as Lowden Bennett
  350. Hagar later known as Hagar Bennett
  351. Lowden Jr
  352. Silas
  353. Lettia (should be Letitia)
  354. Fielding
  355. Abel
  356. Smith's Bill later known as Bill Williams
  357. Leah
  358. Sally
  359. Adam
  360. Charlotte
  361. Leah
  362. Maria
  363. Luna
  364. Clementina
  365. Tom
  366. Harriet
  367. Wanney
  368. Deborah
  369. Infant
  370. Missing from list
  371. Missing from list
  372. Missing from list
  373. Missing from list
  374. Missing from list
  375. Missing from list
  376. Missing from list
  377. Missing from list
  378. Missing from list
  379. Missing from list
  380. Missing from list
  381. Missing from list
  382. Missing from list
  383. Missing from list
  384. Missing from list
  385. Missing from list
  386. Missing from list
  387. Missing from list
  388. Missing from list
  389. Missing from list
  390. Missing from list
  391. Missing from list
  392. Missing from list
  393. Missing from list
  394. Missing from list
  395. Missing from list
  396. Missing from list
  397. Missing from list
  398. Missing from list
  399. Missing from list
  400. Missing from list
  401. London's Kit
  402. Jane
  403. Jacob
  404. Frances
  405. Lucy
  406. Silas
  407. Phoebe
  408. Infant
  409. Lamotte
  410. Martha
  411. Peter
  412. Lydia
  413. Dicey
  414. Anson
  415. Mark
  416. Jonas
  417. Kate
  418. Infant
  419. Guy
  420. Jeffrey
  421. Andrew
  422. Hannah
  423. Thomas
  424. Ezekiel
  425. Missing from list
  426. Missing from list
  427. Missing from list
  428. Missing from list
  429. Missing from list
  430. Missing from list
  431. Missing from list
  432. Missing from list
  433. Missing from list
  434. Missing from list
  435. Missing from list
  436. Missing from list
  437. William
  438. Jane
  439. Shoemaker Bill's Sally


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Slave_Auction
  2. http://www.glynngen.com/enslavement/butler.htm

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