- Profile
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Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: slavery black_heritage
US Black Heritage: Heritage Exchange Program
"The Great Slave Auction (also called The Weeping Time) was a March 2 and 3, 1859 auction of enslaved African-Americans held at Ten Broeck Race Course, near Savannah, Georgia. Slave Owner and absentee plantation owner Pierce Mease Butler authorized the sale of approximately 436 men, women, children, and infants to be sold over the course of two days. The sale's proceeds went to satisfy Butler's significant debts, much of it from gambling. The auction is regarded as the largest single sale of enslaved people in U.S. history.[1]
This is a only a portion of the enslaved people who were owned by Butler and his family. For additional lists of those enslaved, please see Pierce Mease Butler, List of Slaves.
This list and the identifying information were compiled by Annette Holmes [2] Please see the link for additional notes that include possible relationships between those listed and identification in additional documents.
- George Broughton
- Sue Broughton
- George Jr Broughton
- Harry Broughton
- Elisha later known as Elisha Myers
- Molly
- Israel
- Sevanda
- Joe
- Hagar
- McPherson later known as Mack Turner
- Patterson
- Killoby
- Angus
- Robert Chippin
- Luna Chippin
- Israel
- Edi
- Elisha
- George
- Rutledge
- Brutus
- Bella
- Venus
- Nija
- Juno
- John
- Patty
- Santee
- James
- Beck
- Manigault
- Netty
- Tena
- Zebulon
- Binah
- Quacco
- Jean
- Delia
- Philadelphia
- Chaney
- Lazarus
- Bram
- Joan
- Morris
- Lucy
- Zephora
- Mary
- Pierce
- St. Faux
- Bram
- Rufus
- Sue
- Infant
- Moses
- Melinda
- Pompey
- Dosey
- Sarah
- Aaron
- Clary
- Binah
- Sunbury
- Bram
- Mose
- Stepney
- Eve
- Jonas
- Lester
- Cudjo
- Lucy
- Primus later known as Primus Wilson
- Daphney
- Dido
- Infant
- Phillip
- Pender
- Hannah
- John
- Levi
- Rachel
- Kate
- Rentee
- Sukey
- Amorita
- Happy
- Rentee
- Elizabeth
- Hector's Bess
- Ben
- Betty
- Phoebe
- Hector
- George's Frank
- Ruth
- Charleston
- Joe
- Frank
- Kate's John later known as John Butler
- Betsey
- Kate
- Violet
- Wooster later known as Wooster (Worcester?) Gordon
- Mary
- Com'dore Bob (surname later is Bob)
- Kate
- Linda
- Joe
- Bob
- Mary
- Anson
- Violet
- Allen Jeffrey
- Sikey
- Watty
- Rina
- Lena
- Pompey
- Kitty
- Pompey Jr
- John
- Noble
- Andrew later known as Andrew Stewart
- Hetty
- Sena
- Corington later known as Corington Stewart
- Ned later known as Ned Beach
- Sena later known as Scena Beach
- Mary
- Robert
- Daniel
- Bess
- Sam
- Elizabeth
- Sena
- Affa
- Hannah
- Doctor George not sold
- Margaret not sold
- Maria not sold
- Lena not sold
- Mary Ann not sold
- Infant not sold
- Somerset
- Phoebe
- Fenton
- Cain
- Jane
- Samuel
- Auber
- Yo'g Somerset
- Melinda
- Somerset
- Nancy
- Hagar
- Molly
- Mary
- Caledonia
- Toney's Rose
- Will
- Sarah
- Dorcas
- Sue
- Ben
- Sally
- 3 Fing'd Tony
- Betty
- Solomon
- Bina
- Luna
- Quash
- Peter
- Judy
- John
- Peter
- Driver Jim
- Nelly
- Silva
- Floyd
- Aaron
- Amy
- Elijah
- Hagar
- Daphne
- Constant
- Sukey
- Priscilla
- Bram
- Tina
- Thursday
- Minda
- Bram
- Toney
- Lucky
- Justice
- June
- Die
- Cornelia
- Barney
- Sukey
- Sally
- Elsey
- Robert
- Mary
- Leah
- Mansfield
- Flora
- Munn
- Matty
- Die
- Brister
- Diana
- Infant
- Hopkin's Frank
- Nanny
- Frank
- Diana
- Moses
- Venus
- Brister
- Venus
- Eliza
- Milah
- Katy
- Kit
- Matilda
- Wiseman later known as Wiseman Ferguson
- Hannah
- William
- Matilda
- Kit
- Lincoln's Toney
- Judy
- Phillis
- Dennis
- Notion
- Cuffy
- Abigail
- Sukey
- Cuffy
- Sandy
- Sandy
- Ursula
- Atwood's Jack
- Cretia
- Cornelia
- Jack
- Reuben
- Esther
- Reuben
- Troup Isaac
- Sue
- Chloe
- Eleanor
- Sally Walker
- Noble later known as Noble Walker
- Sophy
- Malsey
- Chaney
- James later known as James Walker
- Lawyer Charles
- Flora
- Lucy
- Salem
- Sukey
- Eddy
- Gracy
- Sandy
- Rina
- Grace
- York
- Fanny
- Peter
- Jennie
- Sancho later known as Sancho Bennett
- Peter later known as Peter Bennett
- Eli
- Dorcas
- Celia
- Rose
- Eliza
- Phillip
- Amarita
- John
- William
- Nero
- Abraham
- Chloe
- Joshua's Milly
- Cain
- Abby
- Peter
- Robin
- Chloe
- Trial
- Harriet
- Sue
- Congo Frank
- Maria
- Emanuel
- Mary
- Ann
- Hampton
- Robbin
- Cezar
- Betty
- Laban
- Paul
- Lucy
- Sarah
- Quamina
- Molly
- Caleb
- Helena
- Prince
- Amity
- Reuben
- Quamino
- Jeffrey
- Mingo
- Eve
- Dembo
- Patty
- John
- Bill
- Patty
- Flanders later known as Flanders (Philander?) Bleach
- Lucy
- Katy later known as Katy Hix/Hicks
- Patty
- Haney
- William
- Martin later known as Martin Butler
- Charity later known as Charity Butler
- Beck
- Martin
- Lucy
- Peter
- Ruth
- Charity later known as Charity Butler
- Goin
- Cassander
- Emiline
- Judy
- Dorcas
- Joe
- Tom
- Judge Will
- Lowden later known as Lowden Bennett
- Hagar later known as Hagar Bennett
- Lowden Jr
- Silas
- Lettia (should be Letitia)
- Fielding
- Abel
- Smith's Bill later known as Bill Williams
- Leah
- Sally
- Adam
- Charlotte
- Leah
- Maria
- Luna
- Clementina
- Tom
- Harriet
- Wanney
- Deborah
- Infant
- Missing from list
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- Missing from list
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- Missing from list
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- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
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- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- London's Kit
- Jane
- Jacob
- Frances
- Lucy
- Silas
- Phoebe
- Infant
- Lamotte
- Martha
- Peter
- Lydia
- Dicey
- Anson
- Mark
- Jonas
- Kate
- Infant
- Guy
- Jeffrey
- Andrew
- Hannah
- Thomas
- Ezekiel
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- Missing from list
- William
- Jane
- Shoemaker Bill's Sally
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Slave_Auction
- ↑ http://www.glynngen.com/enslavement/butler.htm
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