
The WikiTree 1950 Census Indexers Group

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The WikiTree 1950 Census Indexers Group

This project was for anyone who was indexing the 1950 census and wanted to represent WikiTree. I want to thank my fellow teammates for a very rewarding and experience. I have gained several friends and hope to collaborate with them for years to come.

We loved working together to shine WikiTree’s light!

Name Location And/Or Surname
Barbara (Baker) Mead Sacramento County and Sutter County in Northern California.
Sarah (Barrila) Fergione Connecticut and Boston area
Brett Birge
Lynnette (Blevins) Hettrick Twin Cities area and/or in Meriden, Waterbury, Connecticut.
Eileen Bradley
Paula (Brewer) Franklin
Carol Burnett
Linda (Carruth) Peterson Connecticut or Massachusetts
Sandy (Craig) Patak West Virginia + Georgia + Chisago County, MN
Pam (Dale) Fraley Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio
Jacob Davis Mississippi
Ambar Díaz Dayton, Ohio and Ponce, Puerto Rico
Lisa (Dobihal) Roberts Location And/Or Surname
Julie (Fiscus) Ricketts Location And/Or Surname
Nicci (Flint) Hartland Delaware full state and Sapwell surname
Vicky (Freeth) Majewski Location And/Or Surname
Nanette (Gahn) Pezzutti US Virgin Islands, New York & New Jersey
Linda (Gassen) Robin Louisiana
Steven Greenwood M.S. Sauk County, Wisconsin
Lora Hand Mainly Ohio - Hand and Barnett.
A. Horn Tuscarawas and Stark Counties in Ohio
Janine Isleman Upper Cumberland Plateau, in Tennessee
Lynette Jester Arkansas and/or other southern states
Miyako Jones Lafayette County, Mississippi. Focusing on Abbeville.
Doyle Keith Owen County, Kentucky
R (Kelly) Malone Montana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington state and Cali Bay Area.
Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy Location And/Or Surname
Michelle Ketcham
Carole (Kirch) Bannes Knox and Coshocton Counties, Ohio.
K Kolk
Deb (Langsdorf) Gunther Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
Carrie (Linstrom) Pau Nebraska, Colorado, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, California.
Patty (Luker) LaPlante Washington, Arkansas, Virginia
Susan McNamee The New England states
Sherrie Mitchell Michell Line / Virginia (Plus)
Gregory Morris Location And/Or Surname
LaMyra Morton Location And/Or Surname
Lukas Murphy Kentucky
Jody Rodgers hometown/county in Ohio
James Rugh Location And/Or Surname
Bradford Sanders Starting in Florida.
Kay (Sands) Knight
BJ Secrest Virginia as well as other locations
Karen Stewart Upshur and Ritchie Counties in West Virginia and Orange County in California
Cathie Stumpenhaus Oregon, Washington, Idaho & California
Nancy Thomas Oregon and Washington
Kathy (Urbach) Nava New York, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, Oregon, and California
Jan (Wall) Wall-Buker Indiana
Elaine (Weatherall) Martzen North Carolina and Texas
Pam (White) Wade

Several of us are continuing to work the census and add the families we are reviewing to Wikitree. If you are still interested let us know and we will be glad to get you started.


Here is an example of how We are using the 1950 census to add people to the Wikitree. William Richard Rudd (1876-1953). With just his profile I will be able to add a minimum of 30 people to Wikitree and eventually connect them to the global tree.

1950 Census Social Media Profiles Download and then upload to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and make sure to include the link to WikiTree. :)
1950 Census Explore and Collaborative
Familysearch Get involved or you can get the app in your App Store.
Ancestry added a cool 1950 Census district finder Map
Karen found us a couple of helpful links this morning. The 1950 Census Community Project Facebook Group.
There is also a FAQ page: The Familysearch FAQ Page.
Kathy found us The 1950 Census Instructions on YouTube.
1950 Census Research Tracking Sheet
Team Tracking Sheet
The United States Census ~ A Deeper Look
The Evolution Of The United States Census
The Growth of America
Here are some articles that have appeared in genealogical magazines and newsletters that have featured the 1950 Census:
Webinar to Provide Overview Ahead of 1950 Census Records Release
The 1950 Census Of Population Preliminary Counts
Great Work by Rootstech and Familysearch
The 1950 U.S. Census and You | Main Stage
Getting Involved and Reviewing the 1950 Census
Did You Know?
  • The digital file is over 165 terabytes of data.... that is over 10 times the size of the 1940 Census!
  • Baby BOOM! This Census is the first appearance of the Baby Boomers.
  • This is the first time people are asked if they owned a TV. In the 1930 Census, it was when a radio set was asked.
  • All US Territories were included in this Census (Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, & US Virgin Islands).
  • Expats are in the 1950 Census for the first time.
  • 40,000,000 people were born during during the post–World War II baby boom. We call them The Baby Boomers. and they are included for the very first time in the 1950 Census.
  • The 1950 Census will not be a true indexing, like in the past, because it will be scanned with the text already converted to digitial. BUT, that doesn't mean there is not anything to do because it is up to the humans to ensure it's accuracy. 😃. To me, this is great because the data gets to us faster and with each of us focusing in on a particular location (down to the family level) of our area(s) of expertise, we can ensure the accuracy of the digitizing. Even during the Pandemic, the National Archives is getting the job done! Per: Sandy (Craig) Patak


Comments: 68

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I like the reviewing so much better. Much more user friendly! I've been hitting Dresden, Ohio this weekend...Family Search says I've reviewed 301 families and 487 names.

I also FINALLY found my Dad's family today while reviewing families. I did my mom's family the very first day the census released, but my dad's family would not come up no matter what or where I searched.

posted by Jody Rodgers
I'm glad you are enjoying it more. Gotcha down for 789 total. It will show up on the team page tonight around midnight!

Thanks! Pam

posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
In my spare time I have been doing some work on FamilySearch - Oregon 3 Families reviewed, 290 Names Reviewed; Washington, 100 Names reviewed.
posted by Nancy Thomas
Great! Glad you are here! I added you to the list and the spreadsheet. I gave you a total of 393. (It should be higher but I don’t know the sizes of the families you reviewed.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Not sure how to update numbers.

3 Families Reviewed 1,088 Names Reviewed 5 Headers Reviewed

posted by Nancy Thomas
I updated you on the spreadsheet. I will update this page soon. You are up to 1098! Goid job.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Where in the census does it ask about a TV?
posted by Joel Bridgham
It was supposed to be part of the bonus bonus questions but I haven't ran into one yet.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
My total for today:


And now I have to move on. :-)

23 new ones for me to add!

I appreciate it Pam

posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Thanks, I have updated your total. It will show on tonight’s count.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
I have done 160 more yesterday and today.
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
I've been working on reviewing names and now reviewing families since the census was released last week. Do I need to sign up here, or just keep doing what I've been doing?
posted by Kim Kolk
Welcome! I added you above and messaged you on your page.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Is there a way to see how many you have done? I have not been paying attention but would like to start keeping track.
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
FamilySearch has a counter and a tracker. For archives I have been making a list but rule of thumb is 30 people per page except the last page of each ED.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Cool, thank you. Brett is at 5 and I have done 151.
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Great! Do you want to add them to the sheets or do I need to?
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
If you could, that would be amazing!
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
I added both your numbers I’d=f you don’t want to use the Sheets just leave your daily total on the team page.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
This is just an FYI, in case anyone else comes across some “strange looking” sheets in the 1950 census, like I did. (See specifically ED 16-1, Adams Township, Coshocton County, Ohio.)

I have a “contact” at NARA, and when I asked, this is the answer I got from her:

“ As for the different format for some Census pages, the Census Bureau in 1950 tested self-enumeration with household forms in several counties in Michigan and Ohio, including Coshocton, Ohio, which you noted. You can read more about these alternative enumeration procedures in a blog post from our Census subject matter expert on History Hub.”

posted by Carole (Kirch) Bannes
Have been working directly in the archive and completed transcription of 265 entries, i.e., one entry of first and last name for a numbered line on the census page over the past three days. Now, I have tried using Family Search. Way faster. Just click if it looks correct and only have to type if it seems like the computer transcription was not correct. Now have done 140 entries in about an hour. And Family Search tells you when you have completed a batch (I was doing 20 entry batches). Much easier to keep track.
posted by Cathie Stumpenhaus
Great Job!! Happy Hunting/Indexing!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Just so I understand, the numbers that we are reporting in the spreadsheet are the number of people transcribed, not the number of pages worked on, correct?
posted by Steven Greenwood
Yes, You are correct! Have fun!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
I would like to help out! Scott and Le Sueur counties in Minnesota.
posted by Lisa (Dobihal) Roberts
Is any one else having trouble getting it to come up?
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
I'm interested in helping out! I will probably try to focus on Tuscarawas and Stark Counties in Ohio.
posted by A. Horn
I have you on the list. Please private message me your email if you want on the group spreadsheet and also if you want the discord link. Welcome to the team!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Great! My adopted grandfather's family was from Tuscarawas County.
posted by Steven Greenwood
And I'm working on Coshocton County, right next door to Tuscarawas! That's where I grew up. (And yes, I'm old enough to be actually IN this census!)
posted by Carole (Kirch) Bannes
Cool, Carole! I'm having a lot of fun finding relatives and friends of my parents and their families. Was it fun finding your own name?
posted by A. Horn
Carole, I am with you! Who was my first transcription, ....well, my father, mother, then ME!!! Funny thing is, I found myself with my parents again at my grandmother's house "supposedly" living with them.
posted by BJ Secrest
Please add me as a prospective contributor for Sauk County, Wisconsin. Thank you!
posted by Steven Greenwood
I have you on the list. Please private message me your email if you want on the group spreadsheet and also if you want the discord link. Welcome to the team!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
I will work on Knox and Coshocton Counties, Ohio. Please sign me up!
posted by Carole (Kirch) Bannes
I'm working down in Muskingum County (mostly Dresden right now). My dad's paternal line is from Coshocton County so I'll probably be adding some of your work to my people so ... Thank You!
posted by Jody Rodgers
I'm interested in helping with the 1950 Census! Somewhere in the Twin Cities area and/or in Connecticut (Meriden, Waterbury).
Awesome I have added you to our list. Welcome to the Team!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
edited by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Get Involved and Reviewing the 1950 Census

Talk at Roots Tech about 1950 Census. Shows what pages should look like

posted by Linda (Carruth) Peterson
edited by Linda (Carruth) Peterson
Thanks for sharing this. I’m gonna pass it around to our teammates.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Watched the whole video! Very insightful.
posted by Steven Greenwood
I plan on double checking my hometown/county in Ohio, if we can get to it. Otherwise, I definitely plan on helping at Family Search with whatever I can do. I love transcribing documents there. If you want to add me to your group, feel free!
posted by Jody Rodgers
Awesome Jody, Glad to have ya!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Fun Facts of the 1950 Census:

1. The digital file is over 165 terabytes of data.... that is over 10 times the size of the 1940 Census! Baby BOOM! This Census is the first appearance of the Baby Boomers.

2. This is the first time people are asked if they owned a TV. In the 1930 Census, it was when a radio set was asked.

3. All US Territories were included in this Census (Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, & US Virgin Islands).

4. Expats are in the 1950 Census for the first time.

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
I don't see the question about the tv's  :-(
posted by Barbara (Baker) Mead

The 1950 Census will not be a true indexing, like in the past, because it will be scanned with the text already converted to digitial. BUT, that doesn't mean there is not anything to do because it is up to the humans to ensure it's accuracy. :)

To me, this is great because the data gets to us faster and with each of us focusing in on a particular location (down to the family level) of our area(s) of expertise, we can ensure the accuracy of the digitizing.

Even during the Pandemic, the National Archives is getting the job done!

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Interestingly enough, if you look at a 1940 Census Record on, that first detail page with text, not the image, the handwriting of the census taker is showing up. Guessing it's a practice run for the 1950 census.
posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Hi, Roxanna here (Kelly-19316) - I would love to do Montana, my home state! Also interested in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington state, California Bay area.... beyond Montana, I'll take on anything that needs to be done!
posted by Roxanna (Kelly) Malone
I got ya updated but I believe you will actually choose the area(s) yourself.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
OK, I probably won't get to *all* of those but we'll see what I can get through!
posted by Roxanna (Kelly) Malone
I have one request for the Wikitreer working on Mass. Good luck! And if you come across my last name in Haverhill, Mass, please transcribe it as "Ferraiolo." Many thanks!! =D Have fun!!!!!!!
posted by Chris Ferraiolo
I’m sure there will be plenty if you would like to join.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Maybe I will. We'll see. =) Good luck to you!
posted by Chris Ferraiolo
Now, Chris, you know we have to transcribe spellings as they were written. If the census taker couldn't spell, that's it. However, if the handwriting is unclear, we can "guess" and transcribe your spelling!
I love that you all are doing this! :-D
YEAY JULIE!!!! Thank you!!!! Wanna join us in having the fun?
posted by Lynette Jester
Thanks Julie! We would love to have ya!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really wish I could!!! Indexing is fun. There just need to be more hours in the day. :-D
If you find an hour or 2 during the week We would love to have ya!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
I'll see what I can do, Pam. I've done a little indexing for FamilySearch before, and it was fun ... and a little challenging at times. I understand this census is a little different, though. Is it more proofreading than deciphering??
Yes, That is my understanding. I think the computer program that they have invested does most of the deciphering.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Hey, Pam -- can I make this my official "I'm signing up" for this? I've been doing a little now and then, and I'd like to do some more & would welcome being recognized as an official WikiTreer working on this effort. ;-)

ETA: I'll probably be focusing mostly on Illinois.

posted by Julie (Fiscus) Ricketts
edited by Julie (Fiscus) Ricketts
Sure Thing!! Glad to have ya. Let me know if you plan on keeping track of your numbers and/or Names.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
Thank you, Pam, for your leadership on this. I am not sure if the US Virgin Islands was enumerated in 1950 with everybody else. Sometimes we lag behind.
You’re welcome. 🤞That are on the list.
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley
It looks like the US Virgin Islands were counted in April 1950.

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak

Categories: Dale-2823