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22 Sep 2021
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Location: WikiTree

Surnames/tags: challenges wikitree_challenge
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WikiTree Challenge Week 37
Guest Star: Dana Leeds
Primary Tree: Ancestry
Notes from Dana
- Note: Please check with your captain, Karen Lowe, if there are any questions about the images being protected by copyright.
- add image link here
- German Church Records Archion, your browser should translate this page to English if needed.
- German Resources List of German source links.
- German Church Records Archion, your browser should translate this page to English if needed.
- Die Maus on
- German Genealogy Records This is a list of sources, both paid and free
- German Church Record Vocabulary
- Germany Online Records This is a list of sources, both paid and free
- German Resources List of German source links.
- WikiTree Germany Project Resources
- WikiTree Germany Project Templates
- Germany, Prussia, BMD
- Germany records on FamilySearch
- Immigrant Ship Transcription Guild: Transcribed Ships Manifests Departing from Germany
- Matricula Online
- Old German Writing: here you can learn about Suetterlin - the "German handwriting". There are also tips and tricks for deciphering old scripts as well as a comparison of the Suetterlin alphabet to older writings of 17th-19th century.
- Thuringen Archives
- German Roots Sticker {{German Roots Sticker}}
Important German Church Record Vocabulary
- Name Name, Namen, Nahme, Nahmen
- Parish Pfarre, Gemeinde
- local hiesig
- Baptism Taufe
- Birth Geburt
- Child Kind
- Son Sohn
- Daughter Tochter
- Mother Mutter
- Father Vater
- Parents Eltern, Aeltern
- Boy Knabe, Junge
- Girl Mädchen
- Stillborn totgeboren, todtgeboren
- Year, Month and Day Jahr, Monat und Tag
- Godparents/Sponsors Paten, Pathen, Taufpaten, Taufpathen, Gevatter
- Marriage Trauung, Ehe
- Groom Bräutigam
- Bride Braut
- Married verheiratet, verehelicht
- Wife Frau, Ehefrau, Gattin, Weib, Eheweib
- Husband Mann, Ehemann, Gatte
- Location/Place of Residence Ort, Wohnort
United States
- American Quaker Genealogy North Carolina Yearly Meeting Notes
- American Quaker genealogy, v.2. North Carolina Yearly Meeting Notes
- DAR Ancestor Search
- [1] United States Reliable Sources
- [2] Newspapers via Fulton History Search
- Callahan, James Morton. "History of West Virginia, Old and New," Volume 2 (VA: American Historical Society, 1923).
- North Carolina Genealogy on
- Chester County, NC Tavern Petitions C-D (you can search for other surname letters )
- Randolph County, North Carolina on FamilySearch
- Rotating Formation North Carolina County Boundary Maps on
- North Carolina Genealogy Trails on
- Pennsylvania: Encyclopedia of American Quaker genealogy, by ... v.2
- See the United States Project Stickers page for the various stickers available.
- Sutton, John Davison. "History of Braxton County and Central West Virginia" (Chicago, IL: McClain Printing Company, 2014).
Tell Us What You Found!!
Interesting Finds
- List interesting finds to share with the guest at the end of the week
- It appears very likely that Dana's GGGgrandmother Nancy Waldron was a greatgranddaughter of Leffert Waldron, although there is some doubt as to which grandson was her father. Leffert's grandfathers were both born in the Netherlands and both arrived with their parents in what was then New Amsterdam in the mid-17th century.
- Leffert's Waldron grandfather was one of the subjects of Douglas Richardson's 1995 article, "The European Origin and Ancestry of Joseph and Resolved Waldron" (New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Jan. 1995, pp. 12-24, and Apr. 1995, pp. 113-116).
- Leffert Waldron's other grandfather is one of the subjects of The Lefferts Family Papers, held at Brooklyn Historical Society and spanning almost four centuries, which have been digitized and are available online as An American Family Grows in Brooklyn.
- William Beswick (bef.1735-bef.1785) was a coal miner who became a publican and died when he fell from his horse.
- Dana's second great uncle, Ephraim Bennett (1841-) went to prison for killing his brother-in-law in 1893.
- Dana's 5th Great-grandfather Jacob Merrill ran a tavern until his death in 1804. Then his wife, Elizabeth (Fulkerson) Merrill continued to run it until about 1822.
Free Space Pages
- List of Free Space Pages created for or linked to members of this family.
Military Profiles
- Did any of the guests family serve in the military or military conflicts?
- 5th Great Grandfather John Thomas Copenhaver served as a Captain in the American Revolution.
- 5th Great Grandfather Michael Quigley served as a private in the American Revolution.
- Second Great Grand Uncle William H Bennett (1839-1897) served in Kansas during the US Civil War.
- Second Great Grand Uncle Joseph M Bennett (1843-1864) served with the Kansas Infantry during the US Civil War. He died of disease during the war.
- 4th Great Grandfather George Watson served in the army in the war of 1812.
- 6th Great Grandfather Cornelius Vincent served in the Pennsylvania militia in the American Revolution.
- 6th Great Grandfather John Watson served in the Chester County, Pennsylvania militia in the American Revolution.
Brick Walls
- These are not all of the brick walls, but it will give you a place to start from
Paternal Brick Walls
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ John Quiggle Stewart ➔ Robert Stewart: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ John Quiggle Stewart ➔ Frances Quigley ➔ Michael Quigley: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ John Quiggle Stewart ➔ Frances Quigley ➔ Frenia Kline ➔ Michael Kline: Needs parents (Germany)
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ John Quiggle Stewart ➔ Frances Quigley ➔ Frenia Kline: Needs a mother
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ Sarah Watson ➔ George Watson ➔ John Watson, Sr.: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ Sarah Watson ➔ George Watson ➔ Mary Correy ➔ David Correy: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ Sarah Watson ➔ George Watson ➔ Mary Correy: Needs a mother
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ Sarah Watson ➔ Elizabeth Vincent ➔ Daniel Vincent ➔ Phebe Ward ➔ Isaac Ward: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ Sarah Watson ➔ Elizabeth Vincent ➔ Daniel Vincent ➔ Phebe Ward: Needs a mother
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Alexander Stewart ➔ Sarah Watson ➔ Elizabeth Vincent ➔ Angelchy Hough: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ John McClintock ➔ Andrew McClintock: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ John McClintock ➔ Mary Decker: Needs a father
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ John McClintock ➔ Mary Decker ➔ Sarah Stiver ➔ Michael Stiver: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ John McClintock ➔ Mary Decker ➔ Sarah Stiver ➔ Mary Shimp: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ Julia Close ➔ Adam Close ➔Peter Close, Sr.: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ Julia Close ➔ Adam Close ➔ Catharine Livingston: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ Julia Close ➔ Catharine Longwell ➔ Matthew Longwell ➔ William Longwell ➔ Hugh Longwell: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ Julia Close ➔ Catharine Longwell ➔ Matthew Longwell ➔ William Longwell ➔ Ann Alexander: Needs parents
- Andrew McClintock Stewart ➔ Catherine McClintock ➔ Julia Close ➔ Catharine Longwell ➔ Matthew Longwell ➔ Rachel Walker: Needs parents
- Bessie Waldron (Merrill) Stewart ➔ Augustus Merrill ➔ James Merrill ➔ Nicholas Merrill ➔ Nicholas Merrill ➔ Jacob Merrill: Needs parents
- Bessie Waldron (Merrill) Stewart ➔ Augustus Merrill ➔ James Merrill ➔ Nicholas Merrill ➔ Elizabeth Fulkerson: Needs parents
- Bessie Waldron (Merrill) Stewart ➔ Augustus Merrill ➔ James Merrill ➔ Eleanor Smith: Needs parents
- Bessie Waldron (Merrill) Stewart ➔ Augustus Merrill ➔ Nancy Waldron: Needs
parentsmore proof about parents, marked uncertain - Bessie Waldron (Merrill) Stewart ➔ Sarah Eastwood ➔ James Eastwood ➔ Joseph Eastwood: Needs parents
- Bessie Waldron (Merrill) Stewart ➔ Sarah Eastwood ➔ James Eastwood ➔ Sarah Bradbury: Needs parents
- Bessie Waldron (Merrill) Stewart ➔ Sarah Eastwood ➔ Sarah Hall ➔ John Hall: Needs parents
- Bessie Waldron (Merrill) Stewart ➔ Sarah Eastwood ➔ Sarah Hall: Needs a mother
- Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Carl Peters ➔ Joachim Peters ➔ Jacob Peters:
Needs parents proven(Germany) Father found - Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Carl Peters ➔ Joachim Peters ➔ Hedwig Borgward ➔ Eckhard Borgwardt:
Needs parents(Germany) Needs a mother - Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Carl Peters ➔ Joachim Peters ➔ Hedwig Borgward ➔ Anna Ahrends: Needs parents (Germany)
- Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Carl Peters ➔ Henriette Bunger ➔ Johann Bunger: Needs parents (Germany)
- Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Carl Peters ➔ Henriette Bunger ➔ Sopie Moltzahn: Needs parents (Germany)
- Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Guntherine Werther ➔ Johann Werther ➔ Johann Werther: Needs parents (Germany)
- Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Guntherine Werther ➔ Johann Werther: Needs a mother (Germany)
- Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Guntherine Werther ➔ Amalie Reinhardt ➔ Johann Reinhardt: Needs parents (Germany)
- Emil Wilhelm Peters ➔ Guntherine Werther ➔ Amalie Reinhardt: Needs a mother
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Josiah Coppenbarger ➔ Peter Coppenbarger ➔ Jacob Coppenbarger: Needs parents
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Josiah Coppenbarger ➔ Peter Coppenbarger ➔ Catherine Snavely ➔ John Snavely ➔ John Snavely: Needs parents
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Josiah Coppenbarger ➔ Peter Coppenbarger ➔ Catherine Snavely: Needs a mother
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Josiah Coppenbarger ➔ Mary Randolph ➔ William Randolph ➔ Willoughby Randolph: Needs parents
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Josiah Coppenbarger ➔ Mary Randolph ➔ William Randolph ➔ Frances Thornton: Needs parents
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Josiah Coppenbarger ➔ Mary Randolph ➔ : Needs parents
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Elizabeth Bennett ➔ Henry Bennett: Needs parents
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Elizabeth Bennett ➔ Ellender Bookout ➔ John Bookout ➔ Charles Bookout ➔ Joseph Bookout: Needs parents
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Elizabeth Bennett ➔ Ellender Bookout ➔ John Bookout ➔ Charles Bookout: Needs a mother
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Elizabeth Bennett ➔ Ellender Bookout ➔ John Bookout: Needs a mother
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Elizabeth Bennett ➔ Ellender Bookout ➔ Sarah Vaughan ➔ John Vaughan: Needs parents. Note: Some trees have used this John Vaughan, so watch for that since the profile has no dates and won't appear as a potential duplicate
- Myrtle Mae (Coppenbarger) Peters ➔ Elizabeth Bennett ➔ Ellender Bookout ➔ Sarah Vaughan: Needs a mother
Maternal Brick Walls
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Rheinhardt Kaechle ➔ Judas Kaechle ➔ Antonius Koechle ➔ Michael Koechle ➔ Anna Grozinger: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Rheinhardt Kaechle ➔ Judas Kaechle ➔ Antonius Koechle ➔ Maria Anna Diringer ➔ Joseph Diringer ➔ Maria Meyer: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Rheinhardt Kaechle ➔ Judas Kaechle ➔ Antonius Koechle ➔ Maria Anna Diringer ➔ Anna Simon ➔ Fridollnus Simon: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Rheinhardt Kaechle ➔ Katharina Kern ➔ Laurentius Kern:
Needs parents(Germany) Parents found - Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Rheinhardt Kaechle ➔ Katharina Kern ➔ Maria Hauser Parents found
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Mary Koerback ➔ Anton Koerbach ➔ Michael Koerbach: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Mary Koerback ➔ Anton Koerbach ➔ Elizabeth Bartz: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Mary Koerback ➔ Marya Reuter ➔ Johannes Reuter: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Mary Koerback ➔ Anna Andre ➔ Jois Petrus Andrea ➔ Jois Michaelis Andreae: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Mary Koerback ➔ Anna Andre ➔ Jois Petrus Andrea ➔ Anna Mentges: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Mary Koerback ➔ Anna Andre ➔ Anna Hartman ➔ Wilhelm Hartman: Needs parents (Germany)
- Francis Reinhart Kaechle ➔ Mary Koerback ➔ Anna Andre ➔ Anna Hartman ➔ Anna Friderichs: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francis Adam ➔ Joseph Adam: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francis Adam ➔ Maria Catherina Cramer: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Johann Holthoefer ➔ Joseph Holthoefer ➔ Georg Holthoefer ➔ Hermann Holthoefer: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Johann Holthoefer ➔ Joseph Holthoefer ➔ Georg Holthoefer ➔ Elisabeth Holthofer: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Johann Holthoefer ➔ Joseph Holthoefer ➔ Anna Arens ➔ Johann Heinrich Arens: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Johann Holthoefer ➔ Joseph Holthoefer ➔ Anna Arens ➔ Anna Hermann: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Johann Holthoefer ➔ Maria Muller ➔ Johannis Muller: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Johann Holthoefer ➔ Maria Muller ➔ Elisabeth Weseman: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Maria Schulte ➔ Johann Schulte ➔ Ferdinand Schulte: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Maria Schulte ➔ Johann Schulte ➔ Maria Gertrude ➔ Johann Slevers: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Maria Schulte ➔ Johann Schulte ➔ Maria Gertrude ➔ Anna Temmen: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Maria Schulte ➔ Anna Maria Hoberg ➔ Johann Hoberg ➔ Johannes Hoberg: Needs parents (Germany)
- Anna Regina (Adam) Kaechle ➔ Francisca Holthoefer ➔ Maria Schulte ➔ Anna Maria Hoberg ➔ Johann Hoberg ➔ Anna Backhaus: Needs parents (Germany)
- James Bedford Dickson ➔ James Dickson ➔ William Dickson ➔ James Dickson: Needs parents
- James Bedford Dickson ➔ James Dickson ➔ William Dickson: Needs a mother?
- James Bedford Dickson ➔ James Dickson ➔ Sarah McCage: Needs parents
- James Bedford Dickson ➔ Elizabeth Boyers ➔ John Boyers: Needs parents
- James Bedford Dickson ➔ Elizabeth Boyers ➔ Matilda Dickson: (Pedigree Collapse)
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Carroll Ward ➔ Nathan Ward, Jr. ➔ Nathan Ward, Sr.: Needs parents
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Carroll Ward ➔ Nathan Ward, Jr.: Needs a mother
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Carroll Ward ➔ Mary Whitwell ➔ Thomas Whitwell ➔ Thomas Whitwell: Needs parents
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Carroll Ward ➔ Mary Whitwell ➔ Thomas Whitwell: Needs a mother
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Carroll Ward ➔ Mary Whitwell ➔ Mary Anderson ➔ John Anderson: Needs parents
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Carroll Ward ➔ Mary Whitwell ➔ Mary Anderson: Needs a mother
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Martha Whitwell ➔ Margaret Anderson ➔ Elkanah Anderson ➔ John Anderson: Needs parents
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Martha Whitwell ➔ Margaret Anderson ➔ Elkanah Anderson: Needs a mother
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Martha Whitwell ➔ Margaret Anderson ➔ Sarah Murray ➔ Thomas Murray: Needs parents
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Reuben Ward ➔ Martha Whitwell ➔ Margaret Anderson ➔ Sarah Murray: Needs a mother
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Sallie Harriet Dickson ➔ Matthew Dickson ➔ Rachel Boyers: Needs parents
- Martha Lenora (Ward) Dickson ➔ Sallie Harriet Dickson ➔ Lenora Mays: Needs parents
Needs Work
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- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
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