Location: Indiana, United States

Surnames/tags: challenges wikitree_challenge Indiana
Contents |
WikiTree Challenge 14
Organization: Indiana Genealogical Society
Score Sheet
- Scores update once an hour.
- Connections refresh twice an hour, though the score sheet won't reflect that.
Starting Profiles
Here is a video explaining how to find missing connections: videoNeeds Work
- Needs Untangling: John Rhodes Quarles (abt.1807-1866) the attached Unknown wife probably doesn't belong to him, and her other husband (CC8) and his family are all messed up. Not many points, but great virtue!
- Needs Kids and Spouse: Mary Jane (Thompson) Girten (1823-1900) Thompson CC6 on FS tree
- Needs Kids Hezekiah Shoemaker (1776-1845) has some children still missing. He's Thompson CC6, so they can also have kids and spouses as well. A Family Search tree but check the kids against his will to make sure they belong in the family.
- There is an Emaline Street on the same page as Robert Street in the 1880, 1900, 1910 Censuses. I suspect that is his mother, but don't have any solid evidence to prove this.
- Needs Untangling: I have created an unmerged match between Frances (Powell) Quarles (abt.1648-) and Frances (West) Quarles (1648-1680); they clearly represent the same woman but need sourcing in order to determine the correct LNAB.
- Note: Please check with your captains, Thomas Koehnline and Karen Lowe, if there are any questions about the images being protected by copyright.
- add image link here
FamilySearch Image Look-ups
FamilySearch is only licensed to share some images from their FamilySearch Centers and cannot make them available across the Internet. Post those requests here for someone to visit one of their 5,000 centers or 1,500 affiliate libraries to download the image.
If there's a book that is only available on the shelves in Salt Lake City, co-captain Karen Lowe can probably drive over to access it. You can find her on Discord or by WikiTree message.
- Would like the image associated with this marriage record for Lawrence Miller and Eliza Patton: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:DV4P-MF2M. I've checked and it isn't in Ancestry's Indiana marriage collection.
Tell Us What You Found!!
List any countries you find here
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- Washington state
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
- Indian Territory prior to formation of Oklahoma
- Austria
- Canada
- Alberta, Canada
- British Columbia
- England
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- Netherlands
Interesting Finds
Please be sure to include which of the seven starting individuals your interesting find connects to and don't forget to sign with 4 tildes (~) so we know who submitted the find.
- List interesting finds to share with the guest at the end of the week:
- Five degrees from James Hughes is Jewel S Anderson (1915-1929) who died of an accidental gunshot 10 days before she was due to graduate from 8th grade. She was an accomplished musician. https://www.newspapers.com/article/131225432/ - Díaz-2569 21:05, 4 September 2023 (UTC)
- Maude (Willis) Abraham (1893-1950) wife of Clyde Abraham has extensive family buried in a small family cemetery,Grant Cemetery in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Cox-27529 16:04, 4 September 2023 (UTC)
- Leila (Langston) Caldwell (1885-1964), 4 degrees from James Henry Hughes (abt.1821-1887), almost married two men on the same day. "Miss Longston was all in a flutter, as she stated to the judge that there would be another fellow along today to get a license to marry her. ... Sure enough, in a few hours ... Miss Longston gave no explanation of the entanglement." https://www.newspapers.com/article/winfield-courier-marriage-of-caldwell/131105484/ Revised: turns out to be a remarkably smooth elopement: https://www.newspapers.com/article/weekly-republican-traveler-a-wedding-off/131120599/ Díaz-2569 22:00, 2 September 2023 (UTC).
- Maggie Mae (Calloway) Brooks (1894-1994), a centenarian, 4 degrees from Katie Beatrice (Green) Hall (1938-2012), through her paternal uncle. Robinson-27225 00:06, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- William Lewis Thompson (1898-1969), brother of Stith Thompson (1885-1976) was, according to his father's 1933 obituary, formerly affiliated with the Real Silk Hosiery Mills. According to the Encyclopedia of Indianapolis a workers' strike occurred in 1934 at the mill and is considered "one of the best-known strikes to take place in Indianapolis". Williams-5383 00:50, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- Clyde Rush Abraham (1883-1955) who is 4 degrees from Jacob Pickens went to West Point in 1902, served in the United States Army in WWI and throughout his career, obtaining rank of Brigadier General by the time he retired in 1943. He served in Cuba, Hawaii, Panama and Puerto Rico as well as all over the continental United States. Cox-27529 02:04, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- David Sherman Moten (1865-1925), six degrees from Katie Beatrice (Green) Hall (1938-2012), through her paternal uncle. Rev Dr DS Moten, described as a "wide-awake, cultured son of the African Methodist Episcopal Church", David was highly successful, earning recognition and responsibilities throughout his career. Schooling included; Howard Institute, Paul Quinn College, Wilberforce University, "completing his Theological Course at Payne Theological Seminary, in which Institution he was later a tutor in Hebrew, being especially proficient in the languages." Robinson-27225 02:21, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- Julian Arendshorst was a 5th level connection to Stith Thompson, through his son-in-law's family. Talk about a freak accident... Julian died of a skull fracture, received when he was hit in the head by a discus, thrown during track and field practice. He was a freshman at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. Kimbel-162 14:00, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- Rosa Lavina Tuttle is a 3rd degree connection to David Armstrong through his daughter's husband. She married for the 1st time at the age of 48-50 (her birthdate is listed differently in almost every source). According to the newspaper article announcing the marriage, she was quite well off and never before married. The man she married was quite a bit younger and is someone that she met while leading prayer meetings in the prison for inmates. He had quite a criminal past in the area. The odd fact is that she died less than 4 months after the marriage.Pickering-3253 19:26, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- Thomas Hezekiah Mix (1880-1940) actor is 9 degrees from Jesse Jasper Nicoson (1834-1898) (S Stevenson-3628)
- Jacob Picken's grandson Raymond Hadd Kinna marries two women who are sisters, Martha Rebecca Johnson, who died in 1901 after having two children, and her sister Mary Minnie Johnson who was living with the couple in one of the census, and who dies in 1914. Fehd-10 06:22, 2 September 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10
- Jacob Picken's granddaughters: 3 sisters marry into the Price family Rena Victoria Kinna and her sister Louella Kinna marry brothers Willie Wade Price and Joseph Howard Price. Their sister Alice Hilda Kinna marries the brother's nephew Raymond Perry Price, from a much older brother. Fehd-10 06:50, 2 September 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10
- Lucy Jane (Langston) Quarles (abt.1780-1834) was a slave emancipated in 1806. Her former owner is probably the father of three of her children; at least he left them property in his will. There is an image of his will on FamilySearch, with a link on her profile. Rosenberger-813 20:04, 7 September 2023 (UTC)
- The cousin of Stith Thompson (1885-1976), Emma (McClaskey) Oldham (1870-1934), her husband McDowell Oldham (abt.1869-1957), and their daughter Maxie (Oldham) Batcheldor (abt.1893-), were all at one time Postmaster or Acting Postmaster at the Bloomfield Post Office in Nelson County, KY. McDowell Oldham Appointed: 12/17/1900, Emma M. Oldham Appointed: 02/05/1923, Maxie O. Batcheldor, Acting Postmaster Appointed: 07/13/1934. Information from Postmaster Finder Database from USPS. Williams-5383 19:47, 2 September 2023 (UTC)
- Both Hughes and Katie Green Hall have relations in Sunflower, Mississippi. Hughes's gr grandons Gilbert Miller marries Eliza Scott born in Sunflower, Mississippi. Katie Hall's CC4 from Clem Elam of Sunflower, Mississippi.
- Relatives of James Hughes were part of the African-American migration from Oklahoma to Alberta, Canada, including Elvida Sneed CC4 from Oklahoma/Indian Territory, and Richard Proctor from Ohio, who was father of Notable Eleanor Collins.. (http://wayback.archive-it.org/2217/20101208162252/http://www.albertasource.ca/blackpioneers/history/1907-1912/index.html).
- In 1911 Alberta Census, CC4 from James Hughes, Myrtle Hughes Saunders did not travel with her husband William Saunders, and almost all of their 8 children, ages 3 to 21, including her 3 year old son Theodore. She remarries in the US to Warren Minnard in 1915. Fehd-10 16:08, 6 September 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10.
- On Tuesday afternoon, 3 November 1936 (Election Day), Rep. Hall's great-uncle by marriage Emmett Sharkey (age 37) entered the Colored Democratic Club of St. Louis, Missouri, wearing the sunflower emblem of Republican presidential candidate Alf Landon in his lapel. He started a political argument and was ordered to leave by the club's manager William Blocton (age 26). Emmett picked up one or more bricks outside, and may have been preparing to throw them at William, who drew a .38-caliber revolver and fired, then fled home to stash the gun. After being shot Emmett walked off and collapsed a block away. He was picked up by a white man John Hollingsworth and taken to the city hospital. He died of his injuries on Monday, 9 November 1936.
Democratic incumbent Franklin D. Roosevelt won a landslide victory in 1936, with Landon earning just eight Electoral College votes, the fewest ever recorded for the second-place presidential candidate. Future U.S. Rep. Katie Hall was born just 17 months after the election. Lowe-866 02:33, 7 September 2023 (UTC)
Military Profiles
Please be sure to include which of the seven starting individuals your military person is connected to and don't forget to sign with 4 tildes (~) so we know who submitted it.
- McClaskey-377 Col Joseph McClaskey was a Col with the Pennsylvania 7th Battalion in the US Revolutionary War. (starting individual Stith Thompson Fachner-1
- Start with Jesse Jasper Nicoson (1834-1898) His Father-in-law Louis Shick (1816-1886) Served in the US Civil War, in Company D, 59th Infantry, Ohio. (UTC 6:34 Sept 4, 2023, Schauer-42)
- John Pack PVt in USCT 8th Heavy Artillery. He lived to 96. 7 degrees from Katie Hall. McBeth-165 03:45, 2 September 2023 (UTC)
- James Henry Hughes (abt.1822-1887), Private in the 123rd United States Colored Infantry. (He is the starting individual.) Johnson-10907 02:15, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- Gilbert Miller (1894-1952), Sergeant in the 803rd Pioneer Infantry, WW I.Díaz-2569 02:13, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- Harry Philip Allen (1899-1955) the first cousin once removed - in law of Stith Thompson (1885-1976) served in the U. S. Navy during World War I, from May 14, 1918 to May 16, 1919. His occupation appears to have been cook and he was discharged due to disability. Williams-5383 15:49, 2 September 2023 (UTC)
- CC6 from Jacob Picken's, Ralph Brandenburg served in WWI. Fehd-10 18:26, 3 September 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10.
- CC3 from starting person James Hughes. Warren Minnard served in WWI.Fehd-10 21:00, 3 September 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10
- Jacob Picken's gr granddaughter Ethel Cecil's husband Robert Darbey served in WW1.Fehd-10 03:21, 3 September 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10
- CC5 from Hughes is Arthur Sneed who served in WWI. Fehd-10 06:46, 4 September 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10.
- CC6 from Hughes is Rollie Jefferson, who served in WWI.Fehd-10 06:58, 4 September 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10
- Wesley Harvey Anderson (1907-1984) is five degrees from James Henry Hughes (abt.1822-1887). He served during WW II and Korea. His wife died in Germany in 1954 while he was serving. Díaz-2569 19:56, 4 September 2023 (UTC)
- Jesse Edward Bottoms Jr. (1926-1991) was a Seaman Second Class in the US Navy in World War II, serving on the USS Electra (AKA-4). He is six degrees from starting individual Katie Beatrice (Green) Hall Melick-229 17:06, 1 September 2023 (UTC)
- Frank Linthicum was in CPL US ARMY WWII, and possibly awarded a Bronze Star Medal. Husband of gr-granddaughter Violet, from starting profile Pickens-1433. Fehd-10 02:51, 2 September 2023 (UTC)R
- Nelson Eugene Ringle. Served in the US Navy from 28 Jul 1943 to 15 Sep 1944. He is 7 degrees from William H. Stoffer.
- Clyde Rush Abraham (1883-1955)was Brigadier General in the United States Army in the early 20th century.
- James E Cromwell (1938-1973), Seaman Recruit in the US Navy from 1959-1960. He is five degrees from James Henry Hughes (abt.1822-1887). Díaz-2569 06:06, 2 September 2023 (UTC)
Free Space Pages
- List of Free Space Pages created for or linked to members of this family.
Ancestor | Sticker | Markup |
Green-55749 | This profile is part of the Mound Bayou, Mississippi One Place Study. | {{One Place Study |place=Mound Bayou, Mississippi |
- One Name study: Greer.
Media Outreach
Share WikiTree on your social mediaWikiTree Posts:
Day | Subject |
@indianagensoc |
@indianagensoc |
indianagensoc |
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8/29 | About to start! | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
8/31 | Zoom Kick-off AM | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
Zoom Kick-off PM | Link | Link | Link | |||||||||||||
9/2 | Zoom Weekend Chat | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
9/3 | Halfway | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
9/5 | Winding down | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
9/14 | #ConnectionFinder short | Link | Link | Link | Link | video ![]() | ||||||||||
12/15 | Challenge Highlights | Link | Link | Link | Link | video ![]() |
Participant Posts:
Member | Date | Subject | Mastodon | YouTube | |||
Azure | 8/29 | ![]() | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
8/31 | ![]() | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
Brick Walls
- These links will be added mid-week by Eowyn and the [|captain]. Remember to claim any brick wall bounties in the G2G!
Brick Wall Ancestors
- James Hughes - can we find his father?
- Jacob Pickens
- Jacob Stoffer
- David Armstrong
- Anna Noah - can we find her mother?
- Virgil Hooper
- Eli Bodine
- Please list any resources that you have. We all gain knowledge from eachother!
General WT Resources
- Editing Tips This page shows basic markup that can be used on WikiTree profiles and Space pages. Please remember not to use tables on Challenge profiles.
- Example Challenge Profiles This is a guideline on how the profiles can look.
- WikiTree Browser Extension This addon is great for a lot of things, but the main help for the Challenge is the "auto-bio" button that it puts on the profiles. This will give you basic narrative you can add to. It is also great for adding stickers and cleaning up GEDCOM clutter. Let your team captain know if you need help learning one of these features!
- The Background Images Category contains pages that you can find a large variety of background images on. Most of them are tiled (repeatable) images.
- WikiTree+ is valuable for so many things! Here are a few of the search features you can use for challenge profiles: (Go to WikiTree+. In the "Search" section, look at the "Text search" box and then "Text:" underneath that. Leave the ProfileList parameter and change the text at the end to search for different things. You can copy the text below and paste it in the text box. Click "Get profiles.") Thank you Aleš!!
- Look for Pending merges: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" pendingmerge
- Profiles missing the country in a location field: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" UnknownCountry
- Not connected to the global tree: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" unconnected
- No parents: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" noparents
- No spouse: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" nospouses
- Notable profiles: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" TemplateFull=Notables_Sticker
- Has GEDCOM clutter: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" GEDCOMJunk
- Connection Finder If you're not sure where you are working on the tree, this will show you anyone (connected)'s connection to the starting profiles. Just enter the profile you're working on in the box at the top of the page.
African-American Resources
- Please add the {{African-American Sticker}} right below the biography heading on all African-American profiles except for notables - notables should have the project box and sticker described here.
- US Black Heritage: Preferred Terminology
- Black Genealogy Basics
- Documenting Enslaved People in WikiTree
- How to Find Enslaved Ancestors
- African-American Genealogy Resources
- US Black Heritage Resources by State
Specific Country Resources
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- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)