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WikiTree Challenge 17
Organization: Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Nashville Chapter
Score Sheet
- Scores update once an hour.
- Connections refresh twice an hour, though the score sheet won't reflect that.
Starting Profiles
- Josephine Groves Holloway
- William Edmonson
- Prince Albert Ewing
- Preston Taylor
- Ella Sheppard Moore
- Richard Henry Boyd
- Callie Guy House
Needs Work
While working, the maintenance categories can be added to profiles as needed: Challenge Maintenance Categories. If there are profiles that need extra work or are in countries you're not comfortable in, feel free to list them below.
- DONE, thanks Eowyn! Merge completed, Hazel Leona (Rockhold) Burton (1899-1920) looks good. [Burton-7302 into Rockhold-531. Birth surname identified as Rockhold, married surname profile Burton has GEDCOM junk.]
- Albert Louis Hypps Needs a WWI sticker. I don't even know which branch of the service this is. I have the complete sources with information on his profile. Thanks in advance for adding him a pretty sticker. Here is the information from the source Stev stands for Stevedore- (all I know). : Decorations Order of St. Sava (Serbian)
Military Year 1917-1919 Military Place Maryland, USA Comments NA 9/13/17 pvt; corp 10/6/17; sgt 11/1/17, Co B 301 Stev Regt; 802 Co 801 Stev Bn 10/1/18; 802 Co Transp C 1/1/19; 13 Co 4 Tng Bn 154 Dep Brig 4/20/19, Hon disch 5/2/19, Overseas 10/18/17 to 4/18/19. This is the ship he sailed on in Oct 1917: Name Albert L Hypps Departure Date 18 Oct 1917 Departure Place Hoboken, New Jersey Address 2238 Gates St Residence Place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mother Sofia Hypps Ship Tenadores Military Unit Co "B" Rank Private Notes 301st Stevedore Regiment, Na Company "B" (Tull-5)
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- Would like the image for the Harry Mallory/Hattie Magruder marriage in Cook Co, IL: For this profile: Harry George Mallory (abt.1872-1915) Thanks! Johnson-10907 22:49, 1 December 2023 (UTC) Done and given to Amy in discord
Tell Us What You Found!!
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Interesting Finds
Please be sure to include which of the seven starting individuals your interesting find connects to and don't forget to sign with 4 tildes (~) so we know who submitted the find.
- List interesting finds to share with the guest at the end of the week:
- Josephine Groves Holloway:
- Her sister, Alzalie Groves, was the author of a book about the human mind's power to prevent aging, titled Refuse To Age, which was published in 1960. Breen-120 19:38, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
- William Edmonson
- William Edmonson was an African-American and a sculptor from Nashville, Tennessee. His work was exhibited in NYC's Museum of Modern Art in 1937. Coincidentally, there was another African-American named William Edmonson, but he hailed from Spokane, Washington. He was also noted, but as a singer and actor, also active in NYC in the 1930s. He sang bass and managed the quartet The Southernaires. Selvaggio-84 22:39, 4 December 2023 (UTC)
- Prince Albert Ewing
- William Gilliam (1903-1922) was murdered after attending an ice cream supper with a woman that he had been told to stay away from. He died from a skull fracture. Four men were later arrested and charged with the crime. (Thiel-559)
- George William Hickman, Jr. (1924-2012) served as a Tuskegee Airman as a Sergeant in the United States Army Airforce during World War II. (Thiel-559)
- Stephen H. Ewing (1882-1938) committed suicide by jumping from a bridge into a creek in Indianapolis after murdering his girlfriend in 1938. He left two suicide notes at the scene.
- Julia Arvilla (Ewing) Haddox (1913-1963), granddaughter of Prince Albert Ewing, managed Haddox Pharmacy in Nashville, her husband's business, after his death. She managed the pharmacy for several years in the 1950's and 1960's until her son took it over. When the pharmacy closed in 2017 after her son's death, it was said to be one of Nashville's oldest black-owned businesses. (Melick-229)
- Prince Albert Ewing and his neighbor Rufus Wilson had a dispute over a land boundary. Prince's son Will ended up shooting Rufus, who died. About 10 years later, Prince's son George married Rufus's daughter Pearline. (Melick-229 for story about dispute/shooting, Jenkinson-562 for children marrying)
- Richard Albert Ewing (1911-1962), grandson of Prince Albert Ewing, was both a pastor and a math teacher, an unusual combination of careers. (Melick-229)
- Preston Taylor:
- Levy Mallory Sr (1841-1877) and Ida Fryer/Frazier were the parents of Ida D (Mallory) Taylor, wife of Preston Taylor. Levi and Ida had an interracial marriage and they were charged with violating Tennessee's laws prohibiting that. According to newspaper accounts, it was the first case of its kind to reach federal court. The suit was dismissed, however, because of the murder of Levi in 1877. (Two interesting finds!) Johnson-10907 20:47, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
- Ambrose McGruder (1879-1949) and his wife Jennie (Hartley) McGruder (1878-) gave their occupations as actor and actress when they married in 1905. It would be interesting to see if any shows they were in can be found.Gahn-22 19:23, 1 December 2023 (UTC) Nanette
- Aljournal Edward McGruder (1881-), son-in-law to Preston Taylor and brother to Ambrose was a policeman in Chicago, Illinois. He single-handedly foiled a break-in by 12 men to a warehouse in 1921. Two cars pulled up and the men told him to put his hands up, but he instead, pulled his service revolver. They shot at him as they jumped back into their vehicles and sped away. He received a minor flesh wound to his leg and thinks he shot one of the escapees. He was rewarded with $100 for his bravery. Selvaggio-84 04:00, 3 December 2023 (UTC)
- Hattie Whitney (Taylor) Tyree (1882-1929), daughter of Preston Taylor had an interesting marriage history. She seems to have taken great pains to hide her first marriage (the only one that produced a child) secret because her second marriage is called her first, her third is called her second and so on. But that is not the interesting thing. Her second husband, Henry Mallory died tragically a year after their marriage and she then married for a third time, to Albert Sylvester in Chicago. After that marriage failed, she was apparently under the impression that the marriage had been invalid anyway because she though there was a court order placed on his previous divorce which barred him from remarrying. Are you with me so far? She married for a fourth time to Samuel Franklin Tyree without legally separating from Sylvester. Tyree sued her in court and was granted an annullment. The newspaper article is transcribed on her profile. Selvaggio-84 14:17, 5 December 2023 (UTC)
- Washington Spradling (1802-1868), father-in-law of Preston Taylor was a barber with an interesting quirk regarding his pricing. To be fair, he was also a real estate speculator, which is how he really made his money. The following account was included in his obituary: "There is one pecularity about the deceased that is worth mentioning. He never would raise his price on his old customers, no matter what might be the exigencies of the times, or the fluctuations in trade and currency. Forty years ago he charged five cents for shaving, twenty years ago he charged five cents, and whoever was once shaved at his shop for that price could always be shaved there for the same. It is true that when the war and war prices, and war currency, came into vogue, he raised his price of shaving to ten cents to transient customers (when other shops charged fifteen), but to his old customers he only charged five cents, whether in silver or currency, and this scale of prices he continued during life." Selvaggio-84 00:58, 6 December 2023 (UTC)
- Washington Spradling (1802-1868), father-in-law of Preston Taylor (same guy, different interesting fact) - He was a real estate speculator and by the 1860s, became the first African American in Kentucky worth more than $100,000. Selvaggio-84 00:58, 6 December 2023 (UTC) NOTE: I did not discover this fact, I found it already on his profile.
- Washington Spradling (1802-1868), father-in-law of Preston Taylor (same guy, one more interesting fact) was 64 years old when he fathered a child out-of-wedlock. He acknowledged the child, Will Wallace Spradling, in his will when he left him some property and mentioned that he had a son William and another son Will! He was also named on the son's death certificate. The son, Will, was also involved in real estate speculation as an adult and was president of an insurance company. WikiTree was very unhappy with the 40-year age difference between siblings! Selvaggio-84 05:08, 6 December 2023 (UTC)
- Ella Sheppard Moore
- Eliza Carpenter Bruce, a 6-degree connection to S. Shepphard, lived to the age of 103. There was a newspaper article on her 100th birthday. Her 101st Birthday was commemorated with a newspaper article, where she stated, she recalled Lafayette visiting America in 1825. She stood on the street corner with her father and watched the parade as he passed; she recalled the Grand Review of 1865, where she watched the soldiers in parade all day. Then she saw Pershing return home. Her great desire was to fly in an airplane. (Tull-5)
- William Henry Bruce, 6th-degree connection to Shepphard, was the doorkeeper for the United States Supreme Court for fifty years. (Tull-5)
- Albert L. Hypps, 3rd degree from Shepphard was the president of the International Negro Press. (Tull-5)
- Dr. Irene Caldwell Hypps, granddaughter of S. Shepphard, was the assistant superintendent of schools in Washington, D. C. in the 1950s & 1960s. She was a professor at Howard University. There are at least 193 articles on where she is mentioned as a speaker, educator, Volunteer, etc. from 1937- 1965. She played a leading role in desegregation in the Nation's Capitol. She is a graduate of Straight College, New Orleans; A.B. Degree from Howard University, and PhD from New York University. (Tull-5)
- Theodore Martin Alexander, 4th-degree connection to Sheppard, was an insurance broker. He co-founded the Atlanta Negro Voters League in 1937. Two decades later, he kept the Montgomery Bus Boycott alive by contracting with Lloyd's of London to replace policies that were canceled by white-owned insurance companies. Hautala-20 19:19, 2 December 2023 (UTC)
- Richard Henry Boyd
- William Lee Miller (1862-1919), the editor of the Nashville Globe newspaper for many years, is five steps from Richard Henry Boyd (1844-1922) who was head of the National Baptist Publishing Board. Likely that is how Richard's granddaughter Katherine Boyd met and married William's son Irving! Notable Flournoy Eakin Miller (1885-1971) and his two famous brothers Irving and Guitard, are also now attached to parents, as William is his father, and father of other sons who were well-known actors.
- John Warren CC7 from Boyd. John was born in 1895. His birth certificate was registered in 1942! Gahn-22 on Dec 4.
- Callie Guy House
Excellent Profiles
Please be sure to include which of the seven starting individuals your excellent profile finds connects to and don't forget to sign with 4 tildes (~) so we know who submitted the find.
List excellent profiles to share with the guest at the end of the week:
Military Profiles
Please be sure to include which of the seven starting individuals your military person is connected to and don't forget to sign with 4 tildes (~) so we know who submitted it.
WAR OF 1812
- Preston Taylor (1849-1931), 116th US Colored Infantry. (Was already on his biography; added specifics about his service). Johnson-10907 17:27, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
- William Worix, CC5 to Boyd. Find a Grave for his wife Penina Cotton says he "did not survive the Civil War."" Needs confirmation. Fehd-10 06:08, 3 December 2023 (UTC)
- Service and death confirmed. Info added to his profile. Johnson-10907 00:18, 4 December 2023 (UTC)
- Pvt George Ampey. CC8 to Boyd. Born a free person, in Indiana. Private in the 28th United States Colored Troops (USCT), Company B.Fehd-10 06:17, 3 December 2023 (UTC)
- Isom Puckett Ampey, Born a free person, in Indiana. He served with the famous 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Brother to [[Ampey-18|George Ampey. CC9 to Boyd. Fehd-10 06:17, 3 December 2023 (UTC)
- George Edward Caldwell (abt.1884-1910) Served in Company D, 25th Casual Detachment, US Infantry. He spent much of his service in the hospital (no reason given) and was discharged honorably. He died a year later due to pneumonia just shy of his 23rd birthday. (George Caldwell is 4 Degrees from Preston Taylor-91387). Selvaggio-84 01:33, 4 December 2023 (UTC)
- Furman Lawrence Templeton (1892-1945) Served in the medical veterinary unit of Tr C 9 Regt of Cav.Gahn-22 13:56, 2 December 2023 (UTC) Related to Josephine Amanda (Groves) Holloway (1898-1988), four steps.
- Cecil Templeton (1899-). Pvt, Co. G, 24th Inf. He was also living at a United States National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers with tuberculosis for a period. Related to Josephine Amanda (Groves) Holloway (1898-1988), four steps.
- Albert Louis Hypps Private Company B, Stevedore Regiment of NA. He earned the Decoration of the Order of St. Salva. He was overseas from 10/18/17 to 4/18/19. His marriage announcement confirmed he was in WWI. (3rd Degree of Shepphard). (Tull-5)
- Frank T. Hypps Served in the US Marines aboard the USS Delaware during WWI. He was also stationed at Boston, MA, and Quantico, VA. He served from 2 Jul 1917- 12 Feb 1919. 9 (Tull-5)
- Jim Hickman served in Company A of the 418th Service Battalion, enlisting on 16 July 1918 and serving until 27 June 1919.
- Alfred Lawson (1892-) served at least nine years in the D.C. National Guard, and reported that on his WWI Draft Registration. He served as a Corporal in the DC Infantry in Company A. (Five steps from Preston Taylor-91387.)
- George William Hickman, Sr. (1897-1959) served as a Private in Company B 368th Infantry, 92nd Division, during World War I.
- Claude Ashley Smith (1897-) served as a Pvt 1c in Co A, 6 Pioneer Inf. He is so far from Boyd-21065 it doesn't register on relationships.
- Laurence Cravath Caldwell (1888-1967) served as a Sgt in Co C, 418 Res Lab Bn. He is the nephew of Ella Sheppard Moore.
- George Stephenson CC4 to Callie Guy through Callie Guy's possible brother Charles. Entry for George Stevenson, 9 Jan 1919. St Louis Missouri, WWI. Fehd-10 05:13, 5 December 2023 (UTC)
- CC7 to Edmondson-476. William Arthur Pullen (1921 - 1988) Served in WW2, and is buried in Nashville National Cemetery with a picture of his grave marker, showing his service. Fehd-10 01:49, 2 December 2023 (UTC)Fehd-10
- Albert Louis Hypps, 3rd degree of Shepphard; answered the call of his County again during WWII. He was a 1/Sgt US Army World War II, serving from 29 Sep 1942- 19 Jul 1944.(Tull-5)
- Miller Bernard Booker (1909-) served during WWII and to at least 1950. The 1950 census has him in the Armed Forces in Newport News, Virginia. He is five steps from Richard Boyd-21065.Gahn-22 12:30, 3 December 2023 (UTC)
- George Lawson Davidson (1918-1982) served as a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army during World War II.
- George William Hickman, Jr. (1924-2012) served as a Tuskegee Airman as a Sergeant in the United States Army Airforce during World War II.
- Correlus Hartsol Parker, Jr. (1916-1986) was a 1st Lieutenant during World War II.
- George Albert Smith (1914– ), 7° from Groves served in the US Army from 1944-1946
- Posey Eugene George, linked to Boyd, served in the US Army Air Forces from 1942-1945.
- William Henry Beasley, linked to Boyd, served as a Corporal in the United States Army.
Vietnam War
Free Space Pages
- List of Free Space Pages created for or linked to members of this family.
- Spotify playlist. "Nashville - Wikitree Challenge 17" playlist featuring CC7 musicians like Notable Flournoy Eakin Miller (1885-1971) and his two famous brothers Irving and Guitard. (
Media Outreach
Share WikiTree on your social mediaWikiTree Posts:
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11/28 | About to start! | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
11/30 | Zoom Kick-off | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
12/2 | Zoom Weekend Chat | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
12/3 | Halfway | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
12/5 | Winding down | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | ||||||||||
12/7 | Zoom Wrap-up | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
Participant Posts:
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Azure | 11/27 | ![]() | Link | /Link | Link | Link | Link |
Brick Walls
- These links will be added mid-week by Eowyn and the captain. Remember to claim any brick wall bounties in the G2G!
Brick Wall Ancestors
(not all are ancestors - but they are brick walls to break.... for bonus points!)
- Josephine Groves Holloway - confirm if her mother Emma is the same Emma Gray as listed in this 1880 census. (it's currently attached to her profile)
- William Edmonson - is there any relationship between his mother Jane Brown and the Brown family listed above her in 1870? 1870 census link. Starting profile for that 1870 James Brown
- Prince Albert Ewing - find his wife Isabella (Watson) Ewing's mother, or any source for Isabella's father Richard other than her death certificate.
- Rev. Preston Taylor - any info on his parents beyond the Freedman bank record, or any info on any siblings.
- Ella Sheppard Moore - for William Aymer Caldwell's parents, find a source for them beyond his death record. (William is Ella's half-sister's husband)
- Richard Henry Boyd - Claimed! (by Nanette Gahn): Find the parents of Addie (Munn) Boyd, or proof of her death. Addie is the wife of Eugene, Richard Boyd's son.
- Callie Guy House - prove parent or additional siblings of her husband William House. It appears she and her sister married brothers, but there may be more siblings.
Zoom Links
Nov 30th Noon EST/5pm UTC Kickoff -
Nov 30th 8pm EST/1am UTC Kickoff -
Dec 2nd Noon EST/5pm UTC Weekend Chat -
Dec 7th Noon EST/5pm UTC Wrapup -
Dec 7th 8pm EST/1am UTC Wrapup -
- Please list any resources that you have. We all gain knowledge from eachother!
General WT Resources
- Editing Tips This page shows basic markup that can be used on WikiTree profiles and Space pages. Please remember not to use tables on Challenge profiles.
- Example Challenge Profiles This is a guideline on how the profiles can look.
- WikiTree Browser Extension This addon is great for a lot of things, but the main help for the Challenge is the "auto-bio" button that it puts on the profiles. This will give you basic narrative you can add to. It is also great for adding stickers and cleaning up GEDCOM clutter. Let your team captain know if you need help learning one of these features!
- The Background Images Category contains pages that you can find a large variety of background images on. Most of them are tiled (repeatable) images.
- WikiTree+ is valuable for so many things! Here are a few of the search features you can use for challenge profiles: (Go to WikiTree+. In the "Search" section, look at the "Text search" box and then "Text:" underneath that. Leave the ProfileList parameter and change the text at the end to search for different things. You can copy the text below and paste it in the text box. Click "Get profiles.") Thank you Aleš!!
- Look for Pending merges: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" pendingmerge
- Profiles missing the country in a location field: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" UnknownCountry
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- Has GEDCOM clutter: ProfileList="WikiTreeChallenge\ActiveChallenge" GEDCOMJunk
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African-American Resources
- Please add the {{African-American Sticker}} right below the biography heading on all African-American profiles except for notables - notables should have the project box and sticker described here.
- US Black Heritage: Preferred Terminology
- Black Genealogy Basics
- Documenting Enslaved People in WikiTree
- How to Find Enslaved Ancestors
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