Location: Cookham, Berkshire, England
The Will of Bernard Anderson of Cookham, Berkshire, England, written on 4 May 1793 and proved on 19 July 1793 at London, Prerogative Court of Canterbury.[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. An indistinct copy but readable.
People mentioned in the Will
- Richard Westbrook of Bisham, Gentleman, Abraham Darby of Cookham, Brewer (friends, executors)
- Margaret Anderson otherwise Davis
- Mary Wife of John Higgs of Maidenhead, Blacksmith (sister of Margaret)
- Rebecca Wife of Thomas Truss (or Trust) of Reading, Hairdresser (sister of Margaret)
- Sarah Anderson otherwise Davis, Spinster
- Witnesses: T Milbourne, W Poulton, Jas Payn
This is the last Will and Testament
of me Barnard Anderson of the Parish of Cookham
in the Town of Maidenhead in the County of Berks
Innholder which I make and publish and declare in manner
following Whereas I am possessed of or intitled to the
Messuage or Tenement called the Sun Inn with
the Land and Appurtenances thereunto belonging
now in my own occupation, being Leasehold for along
term of Years (Subject to a Mortgage thereon for One
thousand pounds and interest) and also to a Copyhold
Garden Buildings and premises situate opposite to the
said Inn held of the manor of Ives (which I have
Surrendered to the use of my Will, and also to a considerable
personal Estate, consisting of Stock in trade, Horses,
Carriages, Household Goods Money Book Debts
and other Effects all which and all other my Estates and
Effects whatsoever which I shall die possessed of or
intitled unto I give devise and Bequeath unto my
two Friends Richard Westbrook of the Parish of
Bisham in the said County of Berks Gentleman
and Abraham Darby of Cookham in the same
County Brewer and to the Survivor of them and the
Executors and Administrators of such Survivor. In
Trust and to and for the only proper use and behoof
of Margaret Anderson otherwise Davis, now living
with me her Heirs Executors Administrators and
Assigns, Subject to and chargeable with the payment of
the fourth part or share of the value thereof to be
made in manner hereinafter mentioned (after deducting
thereout all my just Debts Funeral and testamentary
[Page 2]
expences to her Sister Mary Wife of John Higgs of
Maidenhead aforesaid Blacksmith, one other fourth
part or share thereof to her Sister Rebecca Wife of
Thomas Truss of Reading Hair dresser, and the other fourth
part or share there of to her other Sister Sarah Anderson
otherwise Davis Spinster now living with me, all which
said parts and shares I give and bequeath to them
I direct that they the said Richard Westbrook and
Abraham Darby or the Survivor of them do as soon as
conveniently can be after my decease, cause an exact
Inventory and valuation to be made and taken of the
whole of my said Estates and Effects which shall be
enetered in a Book and Signed by them and which
valuation when so made out and signed shall be binding
and conclusive to every person concerned therein and
also to enter an Account of all Debts which I shall
justly owe at the time of my decease funeral and
testamentary expence to be deducted and taken out of
such valuation, the balance of which is to be divided
and paid as hereinbefore mentioned, and it is my Will
and desire that the said Mary Higgs Rebecca Trust
and Sarah Anderson otherwise Davis shall accept and
take such reasonable Security from the said Margaret
Anderson otherwise Davis for their said Several and
respective shares of my said Estates as aforesaid and
payable at such times and with such Interest as the
said Richard Westbrook and Abraham Darby, and the
Survivor of them or the Executors and Administrators of
such Survivor shall think just and reasonable, and it
is my Will and desire that the said Margaret
Anderson otherwise Davis in may have carry on
and succeed to my business for her own use and benefit
and I direct that my said Trustees shall reimburse
themselves all such Costs Charges, and Expences as
they shall be put unto in the execution of the
trusts hereby reposed in them and that they shall
not be answerable for any money or Effects which may
happen to be lost unless through their wilful neglect
or default and that neither of them shall be answerable
for the other but each of them for his own acts only
And I do hereby nominate and appoint the said
Richard Westbrook and Abraham Darby joint
Executors of this my last Will and Testament and
do hereby give to each of them a Ring as a mark of
my Esteem for them and I do hereby revoke and
make void all former Wills by me at any time
[Page 3]
heretofore made declaring this only to be my last
Will and Testament In Witness where of I the said
Barnard Anderson the Testator have to this my
last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of
Paper, to the first sheet set my hand and to this last
Sheet my hand and Seal the fourth day of May in
the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred
and Ninety three - Bd Anderson (LS) Signed
Sealed Publish and declared by the said Barnard
Anderson the Testator, as and for his last Will and
testament in the presence of us who at his request, in
his presence, and in the presence of each other have
Subscribed our Names as Witnesses - T Milbourne
- W Poulton - Jas Payn ./.
This Will was proved at London the Nineteenth
day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand seven
hundred and Ninety three before the Worshipful George
Harris Doctor of Laws Surrogate^
[Insert in right hand margin]
of the Right Honourable Sir William
[...] [...] Doctor of Laws
Master Keeper or Commissary
of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
lawfully constituted [end of insert]
by the Oaths of Richard
Westbrook and Abraham Darby the Executors named
in the said Will ^of the deceased to whom Adm[inistrati]on was granted having
been first duly sworn ^duly to Administer
- ↑ Reference: PROB 11/1234/226 Description: Will of Barnard Anderson, Innholder of Cookham , Berkshire Date: 19 July 1793 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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