Location: [unknown]
The Will of Christopher Thornton, Gentleman of Laughton, Lincolnshire, written on 16 October 1590, probate date 31 March 1591 Reference: PROB 11/77/244 Description: Will of Christopher Thorneton, Gentleman of Laughton, Lincolnshire Date: 31 March 1591 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
People mentioned in the will (not in order of appearance):
- Margaret Thorneton (daughter)
- Isabell Thorneton (wife)
- Thomas Vrrey, (son in law) his wife Marie & children
- Elizabethe Spighte or Speight (daughter)
- Thomas Brockelsbie (deceased)
- Robart Brockelsbie (son of Thomas)
- Richard Brockelsby (brother of Thomas)
- Christopher Thornton of Burdforthe (cousin)
- Elizabeth Thorneton (cousin, sister of above Christopher)
- John Thor[n]ton of Burdforth (cousin, deceased)
- Peter (brother), and his son Henrie
- Richard Thorneton (brother)
- Cicelie Blithe (sister's daughter, niece)
- Thomas Bullingham (godson)
- John Smithe of yorke, his wife (brother - in law?), son Edmonde
- Sutton of Willerton (uncle)
- my brother and my Sister Graye
- Sir Christopher Wray kt (Lord chief justice) & Ladie Wray
- Thomas Randes & his wife & children, Christopher, Thomas, Phillipe, Henrie, Judeth, Elizabeth, Dorothie & Marie Randes
- Thomas Atkinsonne and his wyfe (relationship unknown)
- Daughter of Roger Metcalfe, wife of Ripley or Ripon
- Isabell daughter of John M[...?] of yorke
- mistres Moray of Asbie, mistres Folcambe, mistres Sainte Poll and master Martin Brighouse
- Robart Hall
- master Peter Girlington
- mistres Girlington wyfe of Nicholas Girlington esquier
- Robart Somerscale of Gainsborough (friend)
- master Newlande of Haxey, wife and daughter Cassandra
- Robart Bull (vicar of Laughton)
- William Wigan (clerk, deceased) his children Elizabeth Margarett and Marie Wigan
- Thomas Tailor of Lincolne (public notary)
- Christopher Thorneton of Thormanbie
- Thomas Tipladie and children
- John Metcafe and children
- William Pante, John Towler, Ambrose (servants)
- Robert Hunt, Roger Ogden, John Crosse (tenants?)
- John Woodhead (debtor)
- Leonard Cowper
- Christopher Worsley (servant to Robart Somerscale)
In the name of god Amen the sixteenthe daie of October in
the yeare of our lorde god one thowsande five hundred ninetie Anno Regni Elizabethe Regine
Tricesmio secundo: I Christopher Thorneton of Laughton in the Countie of Lincolne gent
beinge of good and perfect healthe and remembrannce thanke be to Allmightie god Doe
make and ordaine this my present testament declaring therein my will in manner and
fourme followinge First I humblie com[m]ende my Sowle to the mercie of Allmightie god faith=
fullie belevinge that by the precious death of our lord and Saviour Christ Jhesus I shallbe made
a fellowe heire of his everlastinge kingdome, my bodie I com[m]itt to the earth to be buried in the
churche of such parrishe where yt shall please god to call me or elsewhere yt shall seme
good to my executors. Item I bequeath to my Daughter Margaret Thorneton as a leagacie
towardes her preferment in marriage the somme of twoe hundred poundes. To my Sonne in
lawe Thomas Vrrey fowrescore and tenn poundes, And to my Daughter Elizabethe
Spighte thirtie poundes yf the same Elizabeth shall happen to be livinge at the time
of my decease, Item I bequeath to Robart Brockelsbie Sonne of Thomas Brockelsbie clarke
deceased five poundes yf he be alive at the time of my deathe, Item to Richard Brockelsby
brother to the same Thomas Fortie shillinges yf he be livinge at my decease, Item I remitt
to my Cossen Christopher Thornton of Burdforthe in Yorkeshere tenn poundes which he
owethe me uppon obligac[i]on, Item I bequeathe to my Cosen Elizabeth Thorneton his
Syster twentie shillinges, Item I bequearge to my brother Peter yf he be alive at the time
of my decease twoe aungell[es] And to Henrie his Sonne Fortie shillinges, Item I bequeathe to
my brother Richard Thorneton dwellinge nere Redinge in Barkesheire yf he be livinge at my
death twentie poundes, Item to Christopher Worsley Servaunte to master Robart Som[er]scale
Twentie shillinges, Item to Thomas Atkinsonne and his wyfe either of them Tenn shilling[es]
Item I bequeathe to Cicelie Blithe my Sisters Daughter yf she shalbe a live at the time of my
decease tenn poundes, And to everie of my godchildren five shilling[es], Item I bequeath to
Christopher Sonne of Thomas Randes gent five poundes. And to Thomas Phillipe Henrie
Judeth Elizabeth Dorothie and Marie Randes children of the Saide Thomas Randes tenn
shillinges apeece. Item to my godSonne Thomas Bullingham Tenn shillinges, Item I give to
the children of Thomas Tipladie, and to the children of John Metcafe which Tipladie and
Metcafe sometimes dwelte at Crosbie grannge nere northe Allerton fower poundes equallie
to be devided amonge them and to the Daughter of Roger Metcalfe latelie married to one
Ripley a Tanner in Rippon and to her children five poundes equallie to be devided amonge
them Item I bequeath to Isabell M[...] one of the children of John M[...] of yorke
Budgetmaker tenn shilling[es], And to William Pante my late Servainte twentie shilling[es].
Item I bequeathe to the same William Pante his executors and assignes all my intereste
and tearne of yeares yet to come in the Farme with the appurtenannces wherein Rob[er]t
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Hunt nowe dwelleth with all landes Meadowes pastures and commodities whatsoever in as large
and ample manner as old John Towler helde occupied and enioyed the same the said Pante
payinge yearelie from time to time the olde rente of eight shillinges provided allwaies and
my will is that the Saide Robart Hunte and his nowe wyfe shall have the Howse wherein
they now dwell with all the grounde which they now occupie for the tearme of Fortie
yeares yf the saide Hunt and his nowe wyfe or either of them doe so longe live they and
the Survivour of them paienge yearely to the Saide William Pante or his Assignes Tenn
shillinges at Sainte Andrew tyde and petermas by even porcions and Kepinge the Same
howse and groundes in good order and Sufficient reparac[i]ons from time to time and in thende
Soe to leave them, Item I give to the Saide Robart Hunt five shillinges, Item to Roger
Ogden tenn shilling[es]. And I will that the Same Roger and his now wyfe shall have the
howse wherein they now dwell with all Such lande and grounde as he occupiethe with
the Same for the Space of fortie yeares yf they or either of the doe so longe lyve paienge
therefore yearelie at the usuall Rent daies tenn shilling[es] by even porcions and kepinge the
saide howse in good order and Sufficient reparacions from time to time and in the ende so to
leave the same Item I bequeathe to John Crosse five shilling[es] And I will that he and
his nowe wyfe duringe theire lives shall have the howse with the lande and groundes
which he now occupieth therewithall payinge therefore yearelie twelve shilling[es] by
equall porcions at the usuall Rent daies and kepinge the Same howse and groundes in
good order and reparacions and so to leave the same, Item I bequeathe to Ambrose my
man yf he be in ^my service at my decease fower poundes To the poore of Laughton Fortie
shillinges, To the poore of Willesworthe Six shilling[es] eight pence. To the poore of east
Finnall Ferrie Six shilling[es] eight pence To the poore of Bliton twentie shilling[es], And
to the repaire of Laughton churche twentie shilling[es], Item I bequeath to my brother
John Smithe of yorke and to his wife and to his Sonne Edmonde everie of them Sixe
shilling[es], Item I forgive John Woodhead of Laughton all Such dette which he oweth me
and I doe hereby discharge hil of the Same Item I give to my cosen John Thor[n]ton of Burdforth
his widdowe twentie shilling[es] And my will is that poore John Towler my now Servaunte
have and be founde meate drinke clothe and lodginge duringe his lyfe by Such as shall
Succede me in the occupacion of the parrsonage of Laughton, Item I bequeathe to Sir [Christopher]
Wray Knight lorde cheife Justice of Englande twoe anngell[es] To my Ladie Wray one anngell
To mistres Moray of Asbie, mistres Folcambe, mistres Sainte Poll and master Martin Brighouse
eche of them on anngell To Robart Hall five shilling[es] To master Peter Girlington one
Anngell To mistres Girlington wyfe of Nicholas Girlington esquier one Anngell. Item
I give to my olde man Leonard Cowper twentie shilling[es] To master Newlande of Haxey and his
wyfe and to theire Sonne Thomas and to theire Daughter Cassandra eche of them five shillinges
And to Jennitt Robart Hall his daughter fyve shillinges. Item I bequeathe to mistres Randes
wyfe of the Saide master Thomas Randes yf he be livinge at the time of my deathe fortie
shillinges Item I bequeathe to my frende master Robart Somerscale of Gainesburghor for
the often drawinge alteringe and furnishinge of this my last will and testament fyve markes
Item I bequeathe to my unkell Sutton of Willerton one Anngell yf he be alive at my decese
To my brother and my Sister Graye either of them five shilling[es] and to theire children
twentie shilling[es] equallie to be devided amonge them, Item whereas I have a lease for d[...]
yeares yet to come of all the tithe milke and the halfe tithe of the geese renewinge yerelie
within the parsonage of Laughton from Robart Bull now vicar there my will is that
im[m]ediatlie after my deathe halfe of the tithe milke and geese renweinge within the Towne
of Laughton shall from time to time duringe the tearme specified in the same lease
renewe and come and shalbe receaved and taken to and for the use of Such as shall Succede me
in the right of the parsonage of Laughton and the other halfe of all the same tythe mylke
i give and bequeath to him the Saide Robart Bull uppon condic[i]on that he shall well and
honestlie behave him selfe towerdes Such as shall Succede me in the parsonage of Laughton
Item whereas I stande possessed of the parsonage of Laughton with the appurtenannces and
[Page 3]
of diverse landes and tennamentes in Laughton aforesaide in the parrishe of Laughton called or
knowne by the name of Brockelsbies landes and Cornewalles landes by seaverall leas[es] and demis[es] thereof
made by the saide Sir Chrystopher Wray for severall tearmes of yeares therein yet to come I
will and bequeathe out of the same demised premiss[es] unto Elizabeth Speight my Daughter
for and duringe the yeares in the saide leas[es] and everie of them to come yf the saide Elizabeth
shall so longe live one Annuall or yearelie Rente of charge of twentie shillinges by yeare
to be yearlie paiable out of the same unto my saide Daughter at the Feastes of Sainte
Michaell the Archanngell and the Annunciac[i]on of the virgin Marie by equall porcions and
in defaulte of paiment thereof or of anie parte of the same I will that yt shall and maie be
lawfull to and for my saide Daughter and her Assignes from time to time to distraine in
anie of the saide premiss[es] for the same and the distresse or distress[es] there formde or taken
to imparte and detaine untill the saide Annuall Rente with the arrerages thereof be fullie
satisfied contented and paide and further I will that Isabell Thorneton my wife shall have the
use occupac[i]on and proffitt[es] of all my saide Farmes and leas[es] untill my Daughter Margarett
shallbe married yf my saide wyfe shall so longe kepe her selfe sole and unmarried she the saide
Isabell payinge duringe all the saide time aswell the saide Annuall Rente chardge of twenty
shilling[es] unto the saide Elizabeth Speight in forme aforesaide bequeathed as allso the
severall yearelie Rentes reserved uppon the saide originall demis[es] and likewise performinge
all other covenantes therein contained as on my owne parte or on the parte of mine executors
or assignes are to be kepte and performed. And whenas my saide Daughter Margarett shall
happen to be married and marrienge with the consente and good likinge of my supervisors
hereunder named or anie three of them then I will and bequeathe that my saide wyfe yf she
be then sole and unmarried together with Margarett my saide Daughter shall have the use
occupacion and proffittes of all my saide Farmes and leas[es] ioyntelie together dusinge soe many
of the yeares in the saide severall leas[es] contained then to come as the saide Isabell my wyfe
and Margarett my Daughter or either of them shall live provided allwaies that yf my saide
wyfe shall either before or after the marriage of the saide Margarett my Daughter marry
& take anie parsonne to husbande then I will and my full intente and meaninge ys that the
estate interest and legacie of my saide wyfe in the saide leases and demised premiss[es] or of &
in anie use occupacion or proffitt of or out of the same shall forthewith ende cease and
determine and that then my saide Daughter Margarett yf she be then livinge and yf she
be then deade that then the yssue of her bodie ^lawfully begotten and in defaulte of yssue of her bodie so begotten
then the children of Thomas Vrrey and Marie his wife and the children of William Wigan
Clarke deceased shall wholie and solie have the saide premiss[es] for and duringe soe manie of
the yeares in the saide severall leas[es] contained then to come as the saide Margarett or anie
yssue of her bodie lawfullie begotten or the saide children of the saide Thomas Vrrey and
Marie his wyfe and the saide children of the saide William Wigan or anie of them shall
live yealdinge doinge and performinge all such thinges as are firstlie limited for my saide
wyfe to doe And in case my wyfe shall live sole and unmarried duringe all her lyfe and die
possessed either of the whole premiss[es] or of anie parte thereof by force of any bequeste or
limitacion before expressed Then I will that after her decease the saide Margarett my daught[er]
shall have all the saide premiss[es] for soe manie of the yeares in the saide severall demisses
contained then to come as the saide Margarett shall live, and after her decease I will that
the yssue and children of the bodie of the saide Margarett lawfullie begotten and the yssue
of the same yssue shall under the charges and paiementes afore expressed and limited have
all the saide premiss[es] for soe manie of the saide yeares as any of the said yssues or
children of the yssue of anie of the saide children or for defaulte of yssue of the bodie of the
saide Margarett lawfullie begotten then I will and bequeathe that the saide children
of the saide Thomas Vrrey my Sonne in lawe and of the saide Marie his wyfe and the
children of the saide William Wigan theire executors and assignes shall have and enioye
all the saide severall leases and premiss[es] for and duringe all the Severall tearmes of yeres
[Page 4]
therein contained which then shalbe to come in the premiss[es] or anie of them yealdinge and payinge
the Severall Rentes and paiments before limited and likewise performinge all the Severall cove=
nantes in the said severall originall indentures of lease expressed on the behalfe of me the
saide Christopher Thornetone my executors or assignes to be performed provided neverthelesse
and my will and meaninge is that the said William Pante Roger Ogden and others and
theire now wives to whome I have by this my will bequeathed theire Several Farmes
and groundes for certaine yeares as is before saide appointed shall have and enioye the same accordinge
to my true intente therein before declared. And whereas theire remainethe in my handes
fowrescore and tenn poundes of the goodes of William Wigan Clarke deceased for and in lewe of
his childrens porcions referred by his will to be distributed or appointed at my discretion my mind
and will is the same fowrescore and tenn poundes shalbe well and trulie paide unto the said
children viz Elizabeth Margarett and Marie Wigan or to the Survivors of them at theire
severall ages of one and twentie yeares or at the time of theire severall marriages which
shall first happen rate and porcion like with this that for theire better preferment I give
unto everie of them tenn poundes as a leagacie to be paide at the same yime to make upp
everie of theire porcions Fortie poundes apeece And I will the same children shalbe kepte
and brought upp by my wife and my Daughter Margarett to whome I will theire porcions
shalbe delivered uppon Sufficient Suerties to be put in to my Supervisors within one quarter of
a yeare next after my decease for the true awnsweringe of the same at theire severall
marriages or at theire several ages of one and twentie yeares. Item I give towardes the
gettinge of a free schole in Gainesburghe twentie shillinges to be paide to my frende
maister Robart Somerscale there. And in case anie amiguitie question or contraversie
shall hereafter happen to arise or growe betwene my saide wife and my children and other
the leagatories before named or anie of them or anie twoe of them whereof Robart Somerscale
to be one whoe knowethe my full minde and meaninge in all the premiss[es] And of this
my pr[esen]te last will and testament I make and constitute the said Isabell my wyfe and
Margarett my Daughter my full and sole executors, And I make supervisors of the same
Nicholas Girlington esquior Christopher Thorneton of Thormanbie in the Countie of
Yorke gent the saide Thomas Randes Thomas Tailor of Lincolne publike notarie and
the saide Robart Somerscale and I give to eche of them for theire paines and advise
to be taken and given from time to time in or about the execution of this my will five
poundes over and besides theire charges in travaile aboute anie busines concerninge this
my Testament and as I have intreated with the saide Robart Somerscale so I doe
herebie will and declare that theire shall not be anie penaltie or forfeiture taken
uppon anie bande or other specialtie for non paiment of anie somme or sommes of
monie to me in my lyfe time and therefore my will is that my executors shall deale in
all the premiss[es] by the advice of the saide Robart Somerscale And be yt allwaies
provided and my will and truste is that my saide wife and children and everie of them
shall and will houlde themselves fullie satisfied and contented with the leagacies which
I have before by this my last will and testament consideratlie and advisedlie bequeathed
and appointed sevarallie unto them in full recompence of all such parte or porcions of good[es]
as they or anie of them can or may claime or challenge by or after my deathe lastelie my
will and minde is that all the residue of my goodes and chattelles before not bequeathed
my dettes beinge paide and my Funeralle dischardged shalbe equallie distributed and
devided betwene my saide executors and I doe hereby utterlie revolke and disanull all
former willes legacies bequestes executors and supervisors thereof heretofore by me made
sett downe or devised And in true testimonie that this is my verie true laste will and
Testament I have hereunto sett my hande and Seale the daie and yeare first above
written in the presence of those whose names are hereunto Sett and Published that is to
[No witnesses listed]
[Page 5. Probate in Latin]
Proved at London the last day of March 1591, administration to Isabell Thorneton the relict and Margarete Thorneton daughter
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