Location: [unknown]
The Will of Edward Mayhew of Fonthill Bishop, Wiltshire, England, written on 26 March 1574 and proved on 13 May 1574. [1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
People in the will in the order that they appear:
- John Dominicke (Parson of Fontwell Bishop)
- Walter Mayhew (brother, overseer)
- Harry Adams
- Rycharde Cooke
- William Smythe
- Edwarde Feltham
- Thomas Mompesson (son in law)
- William Grove (son in law)
- Nicholas Maten
- Jhoane Mompesson (daughter)
- Thomazin Grove (daughter)
- William Mompesson
- John Grove
- Thomas Mayhew (brother)
- Harry Mayhewe (brother)
- Agnes (wife, executrix)
- Edward Baseley (overseer)
- Rycharde Kynge (witness)
- Thomas Awbrey (witness)
- John Hulbert (witness)
In the name of God Amen the six and twentithe daye of Marche in the
Syxtenthe yeare of the reigne of oure sovereigne Lady Elizabeth By the grace of god of England
France and Irelande Quene defendo[r] of the faithe I Edward Mayhewe of Bysshopps
Fowntell w[i]thon the countie of Wiltes gentilman, beinge sicke of Body but of good and p[er]fecte
memory, lawde and prayse be to almightie god, Do make this my laste will and Testamente
in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) Firste I bequeathe my soull to almightie god
and my Body I will to be buryed in the churche of Fowntell aforesaide. Item I geve to oure
Lady churche of Sarum ijs and to the p[ar]isshe churche of Fowntell iijs. Item I geve to the
poore people of Fowntell epi[scopi] vs and to the poore people of Nether Fowntell iijs iiijd And to
the poore people of Barwick St Leonarde xxd, and to the poore people of Hyndon vs and to
the poore people of Knoyle vs, and to the poore people of Seggehull xxd Item I do will and
devyse unto John Dominicke p[ar]son of Fowntell, my brother Walter Mayhew Harry Adams
Rycharde Cooke Will[ia]m Smythe and Edwarde Feltham the som[m]e of Tenne poundes of lauful[l]
englishe mony, to the entente, that they shall so dyspose the same to thuse of the poore people of
Bysshopps Fowntell a foresaide, as the beste yerely relief thereby may growe unto them as
they can devyse, wherein I charge them before god. Item I geve to my sonnes in Lawe Thom[a]s Mompesson
and William Grove the som[m]e of one hundred poundes betwene them nowe beinge in the hands of
Nicholas Maten and to eache of them one hundred of Sheepe, Item I geve to Jhoane Mompesson
my Daughter two kyne, and to Thomazin Grove my Daughter two kyne, Item I geve to
Will[ia]m Mompesson my beste stone Cuppe, covered, mowthed, footed and ribbed w[i]th silver and to
John Grove my other stone cuppe, covered mowthed and footed w[i]th sylver, Also where as before
this tyme I have geven and forgeben unto my saide sonne in Lawe Thomas Mompesson &
Will[ia]m Grove suche som[m]es of money as they and either of them have receved of me, I do nowe
lykewise by this my laste will and Testamente geve and forgeve unto them severally, all
suche Debtes, som[m]es of mony and Reckonenge as be or were betwene me and them and either
of them all suche stocke of Fower hundred sheepe, and eighte oxen and a wayne w[i]th the forniture
as I have receved of my saide sonne in Lawe Will[ia]m Grove, I do by thies p[rese]ntes will & devyse
to him to be deliv[er]ed, and repaide unto him againe, Item I geve unto my brothers Walter Mayhewe
my beste Gowne, and to Thomas Mayhew my beste cloke and to Harry Mayhewe my beste cote,
Item I geve to every one of my householde servantes, Man servantes and Maide servantes ijs
a pece, The residue of all my Goods and chattells aswell moveable as unmoveable, debtes
householde stuffe and all other my Goods and Chattells not before geven nor bequathed my
Debtes and Legaces paide and my funerall expenses dyscharged I geve and bequeathe unto
Agnes my wyf whome I make my whole and sole Executrix of this my laste wyll and
Testamente, Item I do make and appointe to be Overseers of this my laste will & Testame[n]t
my brother Walter Mayhewe and Edward Baseley. And I do geve to eache of them for
there paines to be taken herein three shillinges and fower pens a pece. Witnesses hereunto
Rycharde Kynge Thomas Awbrey John Hulbert.
Probate in Latin 13 May 1574 granted to Johanne Mayhew als Mompesson, daughter of the deceased, the named executrix having died.
- ↑ Reference: PROB 11/56/230 Description: Will of Edward Mayhewe, Gentleman of Fonthill Bishop, Wiltshire Date: 13 May 1574 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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