Location: Bridport, Dorset, England, United Kingdom

Surnames/tags: Perham Bridport
Spelling, punctuation, language, names, and breaks are all done as per the original.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Elizabeth Perham of Bridport in the County of Dorset Widow made and published this second day of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine my original and first I give unto my great grandchild George John Perham Knight the following my articles of plate that is to say my half pint silver cup my silver cream cup marked EP my paor of silver sugar tongs and my silver punch ladle also I give and bequeath all my bed and table linen unto my daughter in law Mrs. George Perham, Mrs John Wall, Mrs. John Pitfeld, Mrs Gillard, Mrs Ronalds, Mrs. Joseph Pitfields [Margin Note: and Mrs. Ann Major Also to my brother Matthew Warr)] ten pounds and to my brother George Warr thirty pounds and to my niece Mary Ann Ronalds the sum of thirty pounds also I give unto Charles Templeman, George Templeman, and James Templeman great nephews of my late husband the sum of five pounds each alto so John Walland Thomas Wall other great nephews of my late husband the like sum of five pounds each also I give to each of the sons of my said niece Mary ann Ronalds the like sum of five pounds also to my nephew Harry Warr the like sum of five pounds also I give to each of my servants Mary Merina Gains and Sarah Wintout the sum of five pounds and a new black silk gown each also my purple Satin Gown to Elizabeth Warr Perham and six muslin aprons also I give unto my great niece Mary Sarah Wether the sum of ten pounds also one of my silk gowns two of my cotton gowns three sifts two satin petticoats four muslin aprons two cambric pocked handkerchiefs and such other part of my wearing apparel as I shall tie up and put aside for her also I give unto my said neice Mary Ann Ronalds all my mourning or black apparel also I give unto my nephew John Perham my maogany book case and mahogany cellaret all the rest Residue and remainder of my goods chattels monies securities for money personal Estate and Effects whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my three granddaughters Harriet Pitfield Mary Sarah Gillard and Elizabeth Warr Perham equally to be divided between them share and share alike and I hearby direct my executors hereinafter names t
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