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The Will of George Dives of Lingfield, Surrey

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Date: 28 Mar 1749 to 23 Jun 1749
Location: Lingfield, Surrey, Englandmap
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Arch Deacon of Surry

The Will of

George Dives Deceased

Proved 23 June 1749

In the name of God Amen the 28 Day of March in the Twenty Second of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George 2nd Anno Domini 1749, I George Dives of the parish of Lingfield in the County of Surry yeoman being sick in body but of perfect memory do order give and dispose of such goods chattels + debts as in pleased God as in ye Bestow upon me in the manner and form following;

I give and bequeath unto my Daughter mary Dives the sum of fivety or 50 pounds of true and lawfull mony of England to be payd her in six months time after my Decease

I give and bequeath unto my Son John Dives the sum of 50 pounds of true and lawfull mony of England to be payd him immediately upon the Expiration of his apprenticeship

I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Genny Dives the sum of 50 pounds of true and lawfull mony of England to be payd her when she ???? to the age of 21 years

I give + bequeath unto my Son Thomas Dives the sum of 50 pounds of true and lawfull mony of England to be payd him when he ???? to the age of 21 years

And to finish this my last will + testament I Constitute make + approving my loving wife Jane Dives together with my eldest son George Dives my sole Executrix + Executor of this my last will + testament. But in case my said wife Jane Dives should mar(r)y again her part shall onely be sixty pounds of lawfull mony to be payd her in six months after the day of marriage and in that case do Constitute and appoint my son George Dives my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament to whom I give all my goods chattels debts bonds lease or leases and all my personal estate be is of what kind or place forever to his sole use and benefit + to his executors administrators + assigns for ever paying the said legacies as appointed Hereby Revoking ???? + making void all former wills + requests by me made and declaring this only to be my last will + testament.

Signd sealed published + declared by the Said George Dives the Testator who at his request + in his presence hath hereunto Subscribed our Names as Witnesses of the Same:

X - the mark of John Hewes

Thomas Dawes

John Collins Junior

June 13 1749

Which Day appeared Jane Dives and George Dives the Executrix and Executor within named + were sworn to the faithful fulfilling the said will before me Timothy Stileman Surr

This Will of George Dives late of Lingfield in the County of Surry deceased was proved on the Twenty Third Day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and Forty Nine before the Reverend Timothy Stileman Clerk + Surrogate lawfully appointed by the Oaths of Jane Dives Widow the ???? and George Dives the son the Executors to whom Administration was granted being first sworn only to Administer.

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