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The Will of George Greet

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Date: 1829 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 107 times.

The Will of George Greet, farmer, written on 16 June 1829 in Mountsorrel, Leicestershire, and proved on 5 April 1830. Date of death 12 October 1829.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People in the will:

  • Ann Greet (wife)
  • John Wale (son [in law])
  • Sarah Wale (daughter)
  • Henry Wale (grandson)
  • Mary Wale (granddaughter)
  • Ann Brown (daughter)
  • Thomas Brown (son [in law])
  • Mary Brown (granddaughter)
  • John Crooks (nephew)
  • John Chapman (tenant)

This is the last Will and Testament
of me George Greet of Mountsorrel in the Parish of Rothley
and County of Leicester ^Farmer I give and Devise to my son John
Wale of Mountsorrel aforesaid Baker all my Messuages
and Hereditaments in Mountsorrel aforesaid also a Close in
the Parish of Rothley aforesaid Containing abpout Five Roods and
Sixteen Perches also a Meadow in the Liberty of Barrow
upon Soar in the aforesaid County now in my own Occupation
to him and his Heirs upon Trust I give and Devise to
my Dear Wife Ann Greet all my real and Personal Estates
of every kind whatsoever for and During the Term of her
Natural Life and from and after the Death of ^my aforesaid Wife
I give devise and bequeath to my Grand Son Henry Wale
the Close above Mentioned in the Liberty of Rothley containing
about Two Roods and Sixteen Perches to him his Heirs Executors
Administrators and Assigns for ever, also I give unto my
aforesaid Grand Son Henry Wale my Silver Watch my
Best Feather Bed Bedstead Hangings and Coverl[ets?]
I give to my Grand Daughter Mary Wale all that Lease-
-Hold Messuage and Tenement with the Hereditaments thereunto
belonging ^now in the occupation of John Chapman Situate and being in the North End of Mountsorrel
in the aforesaid County to her and her Heirs to Enjoy During
the Term of the Lease. I give Devise and Bequeath to my
Daughter Sarah Wale that Parcel of Meadow Land being
in the Liberty of Barrow upon Soar in the aforesaid County
to her for and During the Term of her Natural Life
and from and after her Decease I give and Devise to my
Son John Wale should he be the longer liver the
aforesaid Meadow or Parcel of Ground being in the Liberty
of Barrow upon Soar in the County aforesaid to him for
and During the Term of his Natural Life

[Page 2]
And from and after the Deaths of my Son John Wale and my
Daughter Sarah Wale the aforesaid Meadow to be Sold and to be
Equally Divided amongst all of my Grand Children of my Daughter
Sarah Wale lawfully begotton of her Body Also I give Devise and
Bequeath to my Daughter Ann Brown from and after my aforesaid
Wifes Decease all those Messuages Tenements Gardins with all the Hereditaments
thereunto belonging being in Mountsorrel aforesaid to her for and During
the Term of her Natural Life. and from and after my aforesaid Daughter
Ann Browns Decease I give and Devise to my son Thomas Brown
the aforesaid Messuages Tenements Gardins and Hereditaments thereunto
belonging to him should he be the longer liver so long as he keeps
him Widower but after the Decease or Second Marriage of my son Thomas
Brown and my Daughter Ann Brown Decease the aforesaid Messuages
to be Sold and Equally Divided amongst all of my Grand Children of
Ann Brown lawfully begotton Share and Share alike / also I give
Devise and Bequeath to my Grand Daughter Mary Brown my Right of
Common upon Mountsorrel Hills to her and her Heirs Executors Administrators
and Assigns for ever I give my Wearing Apparel to my Nephew
John Crooks of the North End of Mountsorrel for his own Absolute Use
and the Residue of my Personal Estate I give to my Daughter Sarah Wale
and Ann Brown in Equal Shares and I hereby Charge my Real
and Personal Estate with the Charge of Proving this my Will and of carrying
the same into Execution and I hereby Appoint my Son John Wale and
my aforesaid Wife Ann Greet Joint Executor and Executrix of this
my last Will in Witness thereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal
this Sixteenth ^Day of June in the Year of out Lord One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Twenty Nine
Signed Sealed Published and Declar'd by the
Above Named George Greet the Testator as
and for his last Will and Testament in the
Presence of us who have hereunto Subscribed
our Names as Witnesses in his Presence at
his Request and in the Presence of each other
George X Greet

James Little
George Mountney
Joseph Mountney

5th April 1830
Let a probat be made to John Wale of Mountsorrel in the County
pf Leicester Baker and Ann Greet of the same place Widow the
joint Executors named in the Willof the Testator who died
12 October last
They having been first duly sworn as well to the faithful
Execution of the Will as that the Testators Goods Chattels
and credits without deducting any debts due and
owing by the deceased therefore do not amount in
Value to the Sum of one hundred pounds.
Same Date Probate [passed?]
Seal signed by Mt Stockdale
Hardy, Registrar
before me
[signature Erskine?]

Followed on the next page a note about the small value of the leasehold property mentioned in the will.


  1. Probate: "Leicestershire Wills And Probate Records, 1500-1939"
    Archive: Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland; Reference: 1818-57
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 15 July 2022)
    George Greet probate in 1830 in Mountsorrel, Rothley. Occupation: Farmer.

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