Location: Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire, England

The Will of Thomas Gascoigne, Grocer late of London, now of Chalfont St Peter, was written on 3 April 1710 and proved on 15 July 1710, administration granted to John Latham and Robert Chitch, named trustees, as no Executor was nominated.[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Difficult to read in places.
People mentioned in the Will.
- Thomas Gascoigne (testator)
- George Castles (mortgagee)
- Edward Gascoigne (eldest son)
- Judith Middleton (daughter)
- Elizabeth Gascoigne (daughter)
- Sarah Ward (daughter)
- Mary Gascoigne (daughter)
- Hannah Gascoigne (daughter)
- Lydia Gascoigne (daughter)
- Thomas Gascoigne (second son)
- Edmund Reeve Esq (debtor)
- Brother Ambrose Gascoigne (brother, trustee)
- John Latham and Robert Chitch (friends, trustees)
- Witenesses: William Reding, John Russell, Zachary White
In the Name of God Amen
This third day of April in the Year of our Lord God
1710 I Thomas Gascoigne late of the City of London Grocer but
now of the Parish of Chalfont St Peters in the County of Bucks
being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect mind
and memory (praised be God for the same) Doe make and
ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following that is to say First and chiefly I give my Soul into the
hands of Almighty God who have it me my Body I com[m]end
to the Earth to be decently interr[e]d with Christian Burial as
near as may be to my Relations in the parish Church of Fulmer
in the said County of Bucks And as touching my worldly Estate
wherewith it hath pleas[e]d God to bless me I give devise bequeath
and dispose of the same in manner and form following that
is to say Imprimis I give devise and bequeath my Estate called
Deedsworth Farme with the wood call[e]d Cyters Wood a
Tenement call[e]d Perkins's House and four Acres or thereabouts
of Land in Austin Wood now in the possession or occupation of
Gyles Smith with all the appurtenances whatsoever com[m]only
reputed or or taken as part or parcell or in any wise belonging
[deleted words] to the said Farme and
premises to be sold to the best Advantage by the Trustees of
this my Will hereafter named for the uses intents and
puposes herein also after particularly mention[e]d and express[e]d
[Page 2]
Vi[delice]t After that the sum[m]e of 500£ principal money and the
Interest thereof now due or to be due unto George Castles of
Langley Park in the said County of Bucks by vertue of a
Mortgage of the premisses shall first be fully paid off and
clear[e]d out of the money ariseing by Sale of the same Then
my Will is that the sum[me] of 400£: shall be laid out by my said
Trustees in a Purchase of two Fifth parts of Sixty pounds per
Ann[um] in Land (one other fifth part whereof I am already
possest off) lying in Tallington Lane in Newington Burrough
in the Parish of Islington in the County of Middlesex if it
may be had or otherwise to be disposed off to the best
advantage according to the discretion of my said Trustees
for the use and benefitt of my Eldest Son Edward Gascoigne
now in Pensilvania or in some other place beyond the Seas
to whom I give and devise the said 400£ or the purchase
made therewith and to his heires for ever Also my Will is
that after the said Mortgage is paid off and the said 400£
so laid out or disposed off that then the remaining part of the
money so arising by the said Sale of the premisses shall be
equally divided between my six daughters Judith Middleton
Elizabeth Gascoigne Sarah Ward Mary Gascoigne Hannah
Gascoigne and Lydia Gascoigne in even and equall portions
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Second Son Thomas
Gascoigne who is now also at or neyond the Seas the sum[m]e
of 10£: And to my said Daughter Sarah Ward the summ of 30£.
to be paid them out of the sum[m]e of 119£: and odd money due
to me upon Bond from Edmund Reeve Esqr and the interest
thereof now due or to be due for the same And the
remaineing part of the said debt and Interest (after
the said Legacies of 10£: and 30£ are paid and after the rest
of my debts and Funeral Charges are paid and discharged)
As also all my Goods Chattells and personall Estate I give
devise and bequeath to my said six Daughters to be
equally divided sahre and share alike Item I give devise
and bequeath my Fifth part of Sixty pounds per Annum
before mention[e]d lying in Islington parish in the County
of Mid[d]l[se]x aforesaid unto my said Second Son Thomas
Gascoigne and his heires for ever But my Will is that if
it shall happen that my said Son Thomas shall dye
before he attain the Age of 21 years and without issue of
his body that my said Son Edward shall possess and
injoy the said Legacy of one Fifth part of the said Sixty
pounds per Annum in Islington aforesaid And also my
Will is that if my said Son Edward shall happen to dye
before his return to England or before he shall be possest
off or legally invested with his said Legacy of 400£ or the
purchase made therewith and without heires of his
Body that then 200£ one halfe of the said 400£ if in money
or one moiety of the Land or Purchase made therewith
shall be and innure to the use and behoofe of my said Son
Thomas Gascoigne and his Heires And my Will is that
the remaineing 200£ or other Moiety of the said Purchase
[Page 3]
shall be equall divided between my said Six Daughters
or the Survivors of them share and share alike Item I
give and devise unto my loving Brother Ambrose
Gascoigne and to my good Friends John Latham and Robert
Chitch to each of them two Guineas to buy them a Ring
And doe hereby make and appoint the said Ambrose
Gascoigne John Latham and Robert Chitch Trustees and
Overseers of this my last Will and Testament with full
power to act and doe whatsoever according to their
Judgement and discretion they shall think necessary for
fulfilling of this my Will according to the true intent and
meaning hereof And I doe hereby disallow revoke and
annull all former Wills Testaments and Legacies by me
at any time before made or mention[e]d to be made ratifying
and confirming this only to be my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal
the day and year above written.//. Thomas Gascoigne.//.
Signed Sealed declared and pronounced by the said Thomas
Gascoigne as his last Will and Testament in the presence
of us./ William Reding John Russell Zachary White.//.
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 516
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #841096 (accessed 18 October 2023)
Will of Thoma Gascoigne, granted probate on 15 Jul 1710. Died about 1710 in London.
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