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The Will of Thomas Knyvet 1569

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: New Buckenham, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Knyvet
Profile manager: Rob Pavey private message [send private message]
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This is will of Thomas Knyvet of Buckenham Castle MP (bef.1528-1569)

The will was written on 8 September 1569, Thomas died on 22 September 1569. The will was proved on 11 February 1569/70. It was recorded at the PCC.[1]

Spelling is mostly as in the probate copy. Abbreviated words are expanded in [square brackets]. Names of people and places are in bold introduced for ease of reading.

Line breaks are added in the text so that the lines match the probate copy. Extra paragraph breaks are added between sections for readability. Page breaks are indicated by dividing lines and in edit mode by HTML comments with page numbers.

Abstract / Summary

Wills body to be buried in the same tomb as Lady Catherine his last wife in the Church of New Buckenham.

Gives 40 shillings each to his Yeoman Warders.

Gives 20 shillings each to his other servants and asks that they be given food and drink in Buckenham Castle for six months so that they have time to find other service.

Gives 40s to the church of New Buckenham for repairs and also for his burial.

Assigns two manors to descend his heir apparent, these being Mendlesham, Suffolk and Hillborough, Norfolk. The intent being that these represent a one third part of all his properties.

The remaining 2 thirds can apparently be used for the advancement of his children and payment of debts (according to a statue made in the reign of Henry VIII). They include:

  • the Castle of Buckenham
  • the manor of Old Buckenham
  • the burgage of New Buckenham
  • The manor of Buckenham Lanthes
  • the manor of Tatteshalles in Weleton
  • the manor of Tibbenham in Tibbenham
  • 2 pieces of pasture in Buckenham Park
  • the little park in Wymondham called Cromwell Park with Colman Grounds
  • the woods called Rowe Carre and Peasant Hange
  • 3 closes called Haywood close, Persons Lawns and Lodge Lawn
  • a close called Hawsell
  • Buckenham Close manor
  • the Rectory and Parsonage od Old Buckenham
  • the old Monastery or Priory (Buckenham Abbey?)

The remaining properties are to be under the control of the executors during the minority of his son and heir (Thomas). The profits of them during that time should be used to purchase a manor or manors to be given to his second son Henry.

The executors should hold a wood sale yearly to sell wood from his woods to the poor people of New Buckenham, Old Buckenham and Carleton.

Gives £20 to be paid yearly to son Henry until he reaches the age of 18 and commits him to the care of the President, Masters and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. They are to bring him up, from the age of 8, and educate him until he is 18. Prior to the age of 8 the executors will provide for him. Once son Henry reaches the age of 18 the executors shall pay him £40 yearly until they have purchased the manor, lands etc that they are instructed to purchase for him.

His servants William Chase and Margaret Eldred who are now married purchased some land from Sir Thomas. If this sale is overturned the executors are to repay that money to them.

Gives servant Johanne Yeomans £40 to be paid £20 on his day of marriage and the other £20 within 6 years after that

Gives servant Oliver Malling £10.

Sir Thomas' house in Foster Lane, London (and the contents) is to be sold and the proceeds to provide for Elizabeth Williams until she marries and on that day the remainder given to her.

Gives to brother Henry the repayment of a debt which Edward Bray owes to Sir Thomas

Gives to Robert Edwards, Henry Underwood and Richard Long 26s 8d each to be paid every year for the remainder of their lives.

Arthur the son of Elizabeth Williams is given 20 marks yearly until he is 16. He is to be brought up and educated as the discretion of the executors. When he reaches 16 he is to be given £18 towards his education in law until he is 21. When he is 21 he is to be paid £300. If this £300 is not paid for some reason then Arthur will be able to enter any and all of the manors being managed by the executors. This implies he will reach 21 at least one year before son Thomas will reach the age of 16 (the end of his minority).

The executors must present their accounts to the supervisors every 2 years during the minority of the heir. If the executors neglect their duties then son Henry and brother Henry will become the executors.

The executor are to make payments on the properties that Sir Thomas has mortgaged.

Gives the lease of Hilborowe Parsonage to his brothers Henry and Anthony

Gives £50 each to his brothers Henry and Anthony. Also gives to brother Henry the lease of Hingham Warren.

Repays some fines levied on Stamard and Folker of Mendlesham.

Wills that his tenant Edward Dorante of Hilborowe can continue paying the same rent.

Gives £20 to Damshed of Horsted

States that Thomas Wilson owes him money for failing fulfill agreements regarding Earl's Mill.

Gives John Rame his servant 50 store lambs from the ewe course at Hillborowe plus £20 plus the gray ambling nagg which was bought at Wolpitt Fair.

Gives household stuff to Lawrance Romsey his servant

Gives to Oliver Malling his servant the next advowson of the vicarage of Mendlesham, Suffolk (if this occurs during the minority of son Thomas).

Directs that John Sanderson his servant and park keeper should keep that position and keep all the profits along with other benefits.

Gives Thomas Nelling and William Lamshed the rye and barley that they would have owed to him.

Gives £18 annually to his brother Edmund during the minority of the heir.

Gives Robert Corie a 25 year lease on his farm in Tibbenham called Tibenham Hall.

Declares his executors to be:

  • Roger Woodhouse of Kimberly Esq
  • Frances Thursbie of Rougham Esq
  • Francis Cawdie of Wallington Esq
  • Robert Rogers of Conlton Gent

Ordains that his supervisors will be:


In the name of God Amen the viij th daye of September Anno domini 1569 and in the eleventhe yeare of
the reihne of our soveraigne Lady quene Elizabeth by the grace of God of england France and Ireland defender of the faith I Sir Thomas
Knyvet knighte of buckenham castell in the countie of norfolk knight and within the dioces of norwiche beinge of good and perfect rememberance
thankes be god considering that the state of man is subjecte to many perills and never continewethe in one estate, soe that as we be sure eche one borne
into this worlde shall dye As forthe due reward of the manyfolde wickednes and sinnes of man and not with stondinge noe thinge is more-
uncertaine then the howre , and the tyme wee shall departe oute of this worlde And I knowinge my owne infirmitie and sicknes, therefore to
th[e ]intente I maye bee the more readie to dep[ar]te this worlde in peace and blessinge of god with a quiet and cleare consceyence whensoever it shall
please almightie god to call me I by theis p[rese]nte[2] renouncinge all former wills Doe nowe ordaine make and declare this my last will and
testament in manner and forme following,

First I commend my soule to the almightie god the father the sonne and the hollie ghoaste
moste faithefullie beleaveing that throughe the merrites passion and death of our Saviour Jesus christe to have remyssione of my synnes and
to enjoye the lyfe everlasting

Item I will my bodie to be buried within the churche of newe buckenham in the said countie of norff[olk]
in the same tombe wherein the bodie of the ladie Catherine my laste wyfe[3] dothe lye, there to remain until the daye of the gen[er]all resurrection
if god will at which I believe it shall ryse againe unto lyfe everlastinge

and for all other things such anye my buriall I doe referre the
same to be ordered by the good advice and discretion of my executors

Item I will that my executors doe give and dispose the somme of Tenne Pounds of
lawfull money of englande to the releavenige of the poore people and prisonners within the said countie of Norff[olk] as unto their wysedommes
shall seame most charitable to be done

Item I will and bequeathe to every one of my yomen waiters[4] the somme of xls[5] of lawfull money of
englande over and besides theire waige which I require my executors to paye unto them within one halfe yeare next after my decease

Item I will
and bequeath to all other my Servanntes xxs[6] a peece of lawful monney of englande the same to be paid within one halfe yeare as is aforesaid

And I will my said executors ymmediatlie after my decease provide sufficiente meate and drink for my servanntes within my house of
Buckenham castell aforesaide by the space of sixe monnths nexte ensewinge my decease, to the intente that they in that meane tyme maye further
provide for the bestoweinge of themselves in sarvice or otherwise as they shall thynke good

Item I will and bequeathe to the churche wardens
of newe buckenham aforesaide towardes the repaira[tion] of the churche or to suche other good uses as it shall please the inhabitants of the
towne of newe buckenham aforesaid to ymploye or bestowe the same xls of lawfull monney of englande which shall be inconsideration of the
breakeage up of the earthe in the churche aforesaid for my buriall

And as to[ ]mheinge(?) all my mannors lordeshippes landes tenements and
hereditaments whatsoever wheresoever the same be within this realme of englande my verey will is as enseweth, that is to saye, first I doe
assigne ordaine appointe and leave all that my mannor of mendlesham with th[e] app[ur]tenn[an]ces in the countie of Suff[olk], and all that my mannor
of hillboroughe with th[e] appurtenn[an]ces in the countie of Norff[olk] to discende to my next heire apparente which is for the hoale and full thirde
part of all those my other mannors landes tenements and hereditaments to the intente that the Rentes Ma[...]tnt maye thereof be satisfied of
suche wardeshipp primer seazon lyverie[7] and other proffits as to her Majestie apperteyneth by the lawes and statue of this realme and if
it shall happen that this ij mannors shall not be the whoale and thirde parte of all those my mannors tenements and hereditaments
Then I will that the residue of that thirde parte, that is to saye, somuche as shall suffice supplie and make upp the said full thirde parte
shall be yssuinge and goinge oute of a parte of the Demeanes[8] of my mannor of buckenham in the countie of Norf[olk], that is to say
oute of a yearelie farme of xxxv£ refyned by a lease of the Demeanes of that mannor called the heyewoodd close p[ar]cell of the
Demeanes of the castell and mannor of Buckenham castell . I doe moste humblie beseche that it maye please the right honorable
Sr William Cecill knighte one of o[ur] said soveraigne ladye the quene her Maiesties most honourable privey cowncell, and M[aster]e of her
highenes courte of wardes and lyveries[9] and all other her Maiesties officiers of the same courte for the tyme beinge to accepte and take
the residue of the same third parte oute and of the said Demeanes of the mannor of Buckenham and other the premisses aforesaid

And if it shall happen that those my mannors shall amounte to more than whoale and full thyrde parte of all those my mannors landes tene[men]ts
and hereditaments, then likewise I most humblie beseche that it may please the right honorable Sr William Cecill that the
surplusage of the yearlie value of the said ij mannors over and besides the said full and whoale thirde parte may be taken by my
executors and ymployed by them to the performance of this my last will and Testament and that the said ij mannors and parte

Of the said Demeanes maye be dispeaened(?) (or disp[urs]eavered) and devided from from the other twoe partes residue by suche order as by thiere wysedomes shall seame best to
stande w[ith] equtie and w[ith] order of the lawes and statutes of this realme

And whereas I the said Sr Thomas Knivet doe stande seazed[10] amonge other
landes and tenementes of and in the castle of buckenham, the mannor of olde buckenham the burgaige of newe buckenham, the manno[rs] of
buckenham Lanthes, and of and in the manno[rs] of tattershalles in weleton and the mannor of Tibbinham in tibbinham ij peeces of
pasture in buckenham parke, the littell parke in wymondham called Cromwelle parke[11] w[ith] those groundes called Colmane groundes
w[ith] the wooddes called rowe carre and peaseant hanghe , three closes called haywood closes personns lawndes and lodge lawnde
late in the farme and occupation of John Futter and Richard Futter, and one other close called hawsell nowe in the farme and
occupation of William Cocket esquire / the manno[r] called buckenham close mannor and the rectorie and parsonage of olde buckenham als[o]
of all that monasterie or priori with the landes tenementes meadows pastures and feadinges nowe in the tennure of
Stephen Tailor, and where by the statute made in the xxxij th yeare of the raigne of o[ur] late soveraigne lorde of famous memorye
king henrye the eighte[12] I maye give and assigne ij partes of all my mannors landes tenementes and heredittamentes for the ad//
vancement of my chyldrenn[13] and payment of my debtes or otherwyse as in the same statute at lardge is exp[re]ssed I the said Sir
Thomas meaninge and entendinge that the said manors landes tenementes and heredittamentes next above specified shall be by that
my laste will and testament set forthe and expressed to be those ij parte of all and singuler my manno[rs] landes tenementes and
heredittamentes within this realme of englande in three partes to be devided with ij partes shall be appointed and ymployed to th[e] use and
performance of this my last will and testament

I doe will give and assigne to my said executors and to the xecuto[rs] and executoe of them
or the survivoe of my executors duringe the minoritie of my Sonne and heire[14] all that my castell and mannor of buckenham and
buckenham laathes, the mannor of buckenham close mannor atte buckenham and Cromwelle, the mannor of buckenham priorie with
the appurtenances with all the landes meadowes pastures and feadinges now in the tenure and occupation of Stevyn Tailor all those landes
late Siomse Tropes gentleman late in the teannure and occupation of Edward Luke[?], alsoe ij closes p[ar]cell of the said possessione
of the said Denise Toppes called greate wakes and littell Denchemer nowe in the teanure and occupation of william kendall &
Rob?te Risinge and all those closes called wattes grove and closes called wattes closes sometyme in the tennure and occupation of John>br/> W?den and nowe in the teannure of William Chase, Frances Fitten, and all those landes latelie puchased of John Rowse gente
la[te?] in the teannure and occupation of Stephen Robertes clerke , and all that greate lake of water called the sea marre in olde buckenham
with the fishe howse belongeinge to the same, all that the rectorie or p[ar]sonnige of buckenham all S[ain]tes and buckenham St Andrews
sometyme belongeinge to the late priorie of buckenham, the mannor of tettenshales in Carleton, the mannor of tibbinham in
tibbinham with the appurtenances, the mannor of wymondham grishouoghe[15] with all and singuler their appurtanences , the lesser parke in
wymondham called Cromwelles park, the greate parke in wymondham with the stocke of 6.6. milcke weale appon eche of them with
all their cattell utensilles householde stuffe with other necessarries belongeinge to those ij deyries with all and singuler the said mannors
Messuages landes temementes fouldecorses[16] rentes reversions sutes lyveries courtes leeses veiwes of francke pledge[17] p[rere]quisites of courtes faires
mar[ke?]t priveledge customes realties and other hereditamentes with all and singler their app[urt]anaces Doinge noe waiste of tymber nor
wai[ste] or distructione of howses or breakeinge upp anye groundes belongeinge to anye parte of p[ar]cell of the premisses appointed or here//
tofore [u]sed for pasture or meadowse sufficiente tymber alwaies to be takenn uppon the premisses for the supportacion, and mayneteyance
of a[...]nd singuler the howses edificeis and mylles in and uppon the premises or anye of the same situated or builded, and sufficient
fire ??te ploughe bote carte bote stile bote gate bote bridge bote and pale bote[18] uppon the premisses to be takenn by my said
executors of the survivors of them as often as necessarie shall require allwaies forprized and excepted and I will that ymmediatlie after
that my executors shall have levyed receyved and takenn of the farmes rentes proffittes and revenues of the said mannors lordeshippes
sign[...]es landes tenementes and heredittamentes with their appurtaneces suche sommes of lawfull monney of england as may suffice for
the paymentes of my debtes, that then they my said executors shall levey receave and take of the Farmes rentes issues and revenues
of the said mannors lordeshippes signiories landes tenementes and heredittamentes with the appurtanences the somme of mm£ of lawfull
monney of england which said somme of mm£ I will that my said executors shall by the good advice and consente of my sup[er]visors or some of
them ymplye and bestowe in p[ur]chaizinge of some mannor or mannors landes or tenementes to be conveyed and assigned unto my
second sonne Henry Knevet and to the[ h]eires of his bodie lawfullie begotten absolutelie with oute any condition or Defeasannte in deede to
be e[...]ssed or made uppon anye of the said conveyannce or assurannce with the remainder to the righte heires of me the said Sir Thomas
knevet with oute anye suche condition or defeasemite as is aforesaid.

Item I will that my executors shall yearelie amonge my woodes in
olde buckenham and tibbenham make a wood sale of xv: acres of underwood which hathe bene accustomed to be felled once within xx years nexte
befo??y[...] ?? wood sale , and the same to sell at reasonable prices to my poore ten[an]tes and inhabitantes of newe buckenham olde buckenham
Carleton and tibbenham, and the monney thereof conveyinge to be ymplyed to the performance of this my last will and testament
and the said wood sale to be yearlie made, during the mynorotie of my heire

Item I give and bequeath to the said Henrye Knevet my
??[sonne?] twentie pounds of lawfull monney of englande, to be yearelie paide untill he accomplisshes the age of xviii yeares paide to
??or his use by my executors or executors or executors or my executors or the survivors or my executors for his education and bringeinge
up whome I do commyt to the [goneritties &] bringeinge up of the M[asters] and P[res]edente of the house or colledge called corpus [ch]pi (christi?)[19] colledge otherwise
called bennett colledge in the universitie of Cambridge with the consente of the whoale Fellowshippe of the said howse at suche
?n as my said sonne Henrye shall comme to the age of viii years and that the said masters, president and fellowes shall have and receive?
[annua?]lie of my said executors the said somme of xx pounds which before I have gyven to and for th[e] education of the said Henrye yearelie to
paide unto them in the hall of the colledge aforesaide on the featste daye of all S[ain]ts yearlie until he the said Henrye shall
accomplishe the age of xviii yeares

Item I will and bequeathe to the said masters president and fellows of the said howse twentie
poundes of lawfull monney of englande, to be paid unto them by my said executors at such tyme as my said sonne

Henrye shalbe arrived in the said house or colledge there to contynewe and to be broughte upp in learneinge, and I doe moste hartilie
require the said m[asters] president and fellows to shewe theire love and favour towarde my said sonne Henrye that he maye there amonge them frome
the tyme of this entry into the said house untill suche tyme as he come to the age of xviij years by their diligente and mercifull[?] aforsighte[?]
be provided of all thinges necessarie for hym aswell meate drinke and apparrell as alsoe that he maye beapployed in the studies
of all mannor of good learninge and vertuous execenes[20] aswell in the greeke as in the lattine , and if the said twentie poundes yearlie
to be paide as is aforesaide for my said sonne Henrye for to be well and decentlie kepte clothed fedd lodged and used in ev[er]ye respect as shall
be requisite and shall seeme convenient to the said M[asters] President and fellowes, then I will that my said executors shall yearlie yealde
unto the said M[saters] President and p[re]sident at the said feaste daye of all Saintes so muche more of lawfull monney of englande over &
besides the said yearlie somme of twentie poundes as shall supplie the wante and lacke of my said sonne Henrye for his education
as is aforesaid

Item I will that after my said sonne Henry shall accomplish th[e] age of xviij yeares, that my said executors or
the survivors of them or the executor or executors of the survivors of them shall yearlie paie unto my said sonne Henrye Fouretie pounds of
lawfull monney of englande, until suche tyme as my said executors shall have p[ur]chazed conveyed and assigned suche mannor or mannors
landes & tenementes as they shall p[ur]chaize with the foresaid somme of twoe thousande poundes unto my said sonne Henrye and to t[he ]heires of>br/> his bodie lawfully begotten with the remainder over to the righte heires of me the said Sir Thomas as is before p[ro]mized

And I will
and require my said executors sufficientlie to provide for the education of my said sonne Henrye untill he come to the age of viii yeares
accordinge as unto his tender yeares apperteigne

Item I will devise and require, that whereas for and in consideration of the somme of
lxxxxiij£ vis viijd[21] of lawfull money of england to me paide by my s[er]vannte william Chasse I solde unto the said william
and unto Margaret Elrred widdowe noew the wyfe of the said William Chasse xxx acres and a halfe of lande and pasture lienge and
beinge in olde buckenham aforesaide as by conveyannce thereof frome me to them made maye appeare I will that if the said lande pasture
shallbe at any tyme hereafter lawfullie recovered frome the said william and margaret or frome either of them or frome the heires of them
or either of theire or them, that they I will my said executors shall repaie unto the said william and Margaret or to thone of them
the executors or administrators of them or the one of them, the said somme of lxxxxiij£ vis viijd of lawfull monney of englande

Item I give and bequeathe to Johanne yeomans my sarvannte the somme of Fouretie poundes of lawfull monney of england, to be paid in
mannor and forme followinge, that is to saye, at the daye of the marriage of the said Johanne Yeomans twentie Pounds, and within
vj yeares nexte after the other twentie pounds of lawfull money of englande

Item I give and bequeathe to Ollyver Malling my
sarvannte tenne pounds of good and lawfull monney of englande

Item I will that my executors or ij of them shall sell all that m[y?]
lease and tearme of yeares of and in my house in foster lane in london with all the household stuffe and the monney thereof conveye[?] [or recived?]
to be by my executors ymployed uppon Elizabeth Williams in mannor and forme following, that is to saye, that they shall [...?]
provide for her good and virtuous education and all necessaries for her untill the daye of her marriage, and at the daye of her marriage
that my said executors shall give unto her suche somme and sommes of lawfull monney of england as the same leaze and tearme o[..]
yeares and householde stuffe were solde for

Item I give and bequeathe to my brother Henrye Knevet tharrtrage of a Debt which Edwarde[?]
Braye bought doe owe and stande bounde to paye unto me, and upon the payment of the same I doe require my said executors not to
moleste hym for not payinge of the said debte at suche tyme as ye summe was due and paiable unto me, and if he shall refuse to paie th??me
within one yeare nexte after my decease, then I will my said executors doe putt in sute those bondes which he standeth bounde unto me , and ??
Awnswere unto my brother Henrye as muche as the arrerayeis doe nowe amounte unto

Item I give unto Robert Edwardes, Henrye
Underwood and Richard Longe and to either of them xxvis viijd of good and lawfull monney of englande, to be paide either of
them or to the rest[?] of either of them yearlie and ev[er]ye yeare by the said executors duringe the lyves of them and ev[er]ye of them

Item I ???
bequeathe to Arthure the sonne of Elizabeth Williams[22] xx marrkes[23] yearlie to hym to be paide by my executors or th[e] executo[rs] of my
executors untill he come and be of th[e] age of xvj yeares to be broughte upp in learninge at the discretion of my executors, and after th??he
home accomplisshed and is of th[e] age of xvj yeares, then I will give and bequeathe to the said Aethure xviij£ of lawfull monney
of englandm towards the mayneteynannce, and bringeinge of hym in the studie of the lawes of this realme, with kinde of pr[??]sione
and studie I doe require my said executors to cause hym to follow yearlie to be paide unto hym by my said executors or the executors or my
Executors until he come and be th[e] age of xxj yeares, and when he is and hathe accomplisshed the age of xxj , then I will and
bequeathe unto the said Aethure three hundred pounds of lawfull monney of Englande to be paide by my said executors of the
executors of my executors when he come to the said age of xxj th yeares, and I will assigne and bequeathe that if it shall happen
the said somme of three hundred Pounds or any parte or parcell thereof to the said Arthure before gyvenn and bequeathed
be not satisfied or unpaide in forme aforesaid , That then it shall be lawfull unto the said Aethure at his said aige of xxj
yeares to enter into all and singuler said mannors landes tenementes and heredittamentes by this my p[rese]nte[2] testament and last
will assigned willed and bequeathed unto my said executors for p[er]formance of this my said laste will and testament the??ie
to holde possess and enjoye to hym and his assignes for one yeare then next followinge his entrie for full payment and
satisfaction of the said iij hundred poundes and after that one yeare determined my said executors to reenter reposses the said
mannors and other the premisses before them devised and assigned , And they to have the same to these[?] and p[er]formance of this
my last will and testament as is aforesaide provided alwaies that if the said Aethure shall fortune to Dye or Depart??
this p[re]sente worlde before he shall accomplisshe the age of xxi yeares or before the ende of the tearme and space of the said year??
after his entrie in formme aforesaide to be had and made for none payment of the said three hundred pounds to him geyven
and bequeathed , That then and ymmediatlie after suche his decease I will that the said mannors landes Tenementes and other
heredittamentes before assigned gyven and bequeathed to my said executors shall stande & be to my executors for and fowar??
the performance of this my p[rese]nte[2] testament and laste will as is before remembred and the legaceis before gyven to the said
Arthure to be voide and of none effect

Item I will and ordaine assigne and require, that within ij yeares nexte after my

Decease for and duringe the minoritie of my said heire my executors for the survyvors of them or the executor or executors of the S[ur]vivo[rs] of my executors
doe make in writinge to the sup[ur]visors of my p[rese]nte[2] last will and testament or to twoe of them or to the S[ur]vivo[rs] of them, A trewe and perfecte
accompte, aswell of all suche sommes of monney as shall be leveyed and takenn by them or anye of them either of my goodes debtes chattelles
aswell reall as p[er]sonall as of the revenues issued and proffittes of my said mannors landes tenementes and heredittamentes afore
assigned to these of this my p[rese]nte[2] last will and testament accordinge to a trewe value of the same mannors landes tenementes and
hereditamentes and the same to be delivered to my supervisors, and soe ev[ery] twoe yeares during the said minoritie of my said heire doe accompte
in formme aforesaid, uppon[...] ev[er]y which accompte the said executors to be allowed theire reasonable chardge frome tyme to tyme to be
Disbursed in and aboute th[e] extention & performance of this my last will and testament and I will that the somme and sommes of
monney beinge in th[e h]andes of my said executors and the s[ur]vivo[rs] of them, and in the handes of the executor[rs] or executor or executors of the s[ur]vivo[rs] of
them to be ymployed on mannor and formme followinge viz that first my debtes that be and shall growe dwe[owe? due?] with theise nexte twoe
yeares to be paide, and alsoe somanye of my legaceies as shall be hable to be annfnocred on that tyme and after the same be done as
is aforesaid I will that all other sommes of money aswell which be the legacies of my sonnes as of the said Aethure and others before
mentioned, and all other sommes of monnet which shall be levied uppon the premisses appointed for the performance of this my laste
will and testament, and remaiyninge in the handes of my said executors as shall appeare uppon theire said accompte I will
shallbe ymployed put forthe used and bestowed to the best proffitt and benefite either of p[ur]chaizinge of landes or otherwise that to
the said executors and survivors wisdomes and disections or the most profit of them shallbe thoughte meete for and to the use of my
said cheldren , the proffite of which I will have equallie accompted for with the rest, to eche of my said children Thomas and
Henrye , accordinge to the trewe intente and meaninge of this my last will and testament as maye be reasonablie collected &
gathered uppon the same, which if any said executors or the survivors of them or the executors or executor of the same survivors of my executo[rs]
shall refuse or neclecte to doe for and by the space of vi monnethes nexte vt supra of ev[er]ye of the said twoe yeares Then I will that theire
said executorshipp shall cease and be utterlie voide / And that then and from there forthe I constitute ordaine and make the said
Henrye Knevet my sonne and Henrye Knevet my brother to be my executors, soe that theye theire executors or the executors of them with
in ev[er]ye twoe yeares then next followinge, doe make a like trewe accompt in writing before my said Supervisors or twoe of them
or to the survivors of them, and doinge all other thinges as is aforesaid lymited and appointed to the said other executors

whereas I have morgaged to Edward Warde gentleman certeine landes tenementes and heredittamentes in wymondham for twoe
hundred poundes to be paide to hym at the feaste of the purification of our ladie 1572 and have morgarged to George Baron[et?]
of hedgeset gentleman the said rectorie and parsonaige of olde buckenham for which there is owinge to hym at this daye sixe hundred
markes[24] to be paide yearlie the xijth daie of october, twoe hundred markes till the said sixe hundrethe markes be paide and also I
have morgarged to George Mone [or Ylvne?] gent certeine woodes and growndes called tibbenham parke and shippmtr[?] hawte [Sheepcote house?] in tibbenham
for the some of twoe hundred poundes of lawfull monney of england to be paide in and uppon the laste daye of Februarie Anno Domi[...]
1570 at the dwellinge howse of the said George Nane [Nave?] in tastocke I doe require beseche and moste stracghthe chardge my executors
to provide and will to forsee that the said sommes of monney for the said morgaiges be paide at the severall daies afore
remembered Soe as the said landes tenementes and certorie maye be saved and preserned towards the execution of this my last
will and testament, and after to disrende to my said sonne Thomas his heires

Item I give and bequeathe the lease of hillborowe p[ar]sonage
which I had of the grannte of Sir Richard Coggell parsonn there XX to my twoe brethren viz unto Henrye Knevet and Anthonye Knevet
Esquires with twoe nexte advowsions or gifte of the same benefrie with all proffittes and commodities to the same belongeinge or in
anye wyse apperteyninge

Item I give and bequeathe to my foursaide brethren Henrye and Anthonye and to either of them theire
heires executors and assignes L£ of lawfull englisshe monney to be paide to eche of them by my executors as the same shall ryse[?]
uppon suche landes assigned to the use and performance of this my laste will and testament / And if it shall fortune anye of my said
brethren to dye before they have receyved my bequeaste , then I will that the survivors of them to have the whoale ???

Item I give alsoe to my brother Henrye Knevet his executors and assignes the lease of hingham warren which I late had of the lorde Morleye for the
tearme of xxi yeares To have and to holde to hym and to his assignes duringe the tearme then to come at the daye of my decease

Item wheareas there was paide unto me by one Stamarde and Folker of mendlesham my tenantes there twoe fynes of foure
poundes a pece and for soe muche as I was abused by the courte rolles as firce that tyme it hathe more evidenthe appeared unto
my conscyence therefore I will and my mynde is that my said executors doe make repayment and restitution to them and ev[er]ye of
them of the said severall sommes before specified within one yeare nexte after my decease or as the same will be levied uppon the
landes and goodes assigned to the use of my will

Item I will and bequeathe that one Edwarde Dorante of Hilborowe my
Tennannte his heires executors and assignes and ev[er]ye of them shall hold all suche landes and Tenementes late in controversie
betwene hym and me by coppie of court roll quietlie as his p[re]decessors did before hym paymige the olde rente as it hathe
beene accustomed to be paide to the lorde of the said maoor and noe more , doinge the sute and service of the right dewe
and accustomed, And that all suche articles as were made betwene us of a newe agreament and ende of the same controversie
shallbe cacelled by my executors and the same to be frustrate voide and of none effecte

Item I give and bequeate to one
Damshed of horstede in the countie of norff[olk] his heires and assignes the some of xx £ of lawfull monney of englande
to be paide unto hym or them by my executors as the same shall aryse uppon[...] the proffitt of my landes assigned to
the p[er]formance of my will

Item I will that whereas one Thomas wilson late fermor of my myll called Earles
myll stode bonnden unto me with iij suerties in divers sommes of monney for the p[er]formance of certenie covenntes
comprised in a paire of Indentures made betwene us, And for sommhe as the said bonde is by them forfeited for none
obfnaration & p[er]formannce of the said Covenanntes on his p[ar]te to be p[er]formed fulfilled and kepte, therefore if
the said Thomas willson with his suerties or anye of them shall at anye tyme after my Decease within ij yeares enter
into accompte gefore my executors and there take suche order for the payment of the Dewe debt which shallbe insthe

Chardged uppon hym by myne executors for the tyme that the said Thomas wilson hathe occupied the same myll, that then I will
that suche obligtion as they and ev[er]ye of them have forfeited to me to be cancelled made voide and frustrate and noe advaintaige to
be takenn by the same

Item I give and bequeathe to John Rame my Sarvannte his executors and assignes one halfe hundred of
store lambes to be takenn oute of my ewe corse at hillborowe, and also xx pounds of lawfull monney of englande dewe to hym for his
waige and other Debtes, and my graie amblinge nagge which was boughte at wolpitt faire

Item I give and bequeath to>br/> Lawrannce Romsey my sarvannte all suche househilde stuffe as I have lent unto Peter Asmote of nor, and his wyfe and that
the same to be delivered p[ro]ntelie after my decease to hym of his assignes

Item I give and bequeathe to Olyver Mallinge my
servannte the nexte advowson of the vicaridge of mendlesham in the countie of Suff[olk] when it shall happen to fall to
bestowe at his will and pleasure, if the same doe fall in the tyme of the minoritie of my sonne Thomas or if he Dye of my
sonne Henrye

Item I doe give and bequeathe unto John Sanndersonn my sarvannte & keper of my parke the said office with
all proffittes thereunto belongeinge with one yarde called the wollhouse yarde nowe in the teannure of Mystris wattes
Duringe his naturall lyfe and good behavio[r], To have and to holde to the said John Sannderson Duringe his naturall
lyfe, soe as he execute well and faithefillie his said office with suche ordinairie allowance of Cattell in the said parke as he
hathe heretofore bene accustomed with oute anye thinge payinge for the same

Item I doe give to Thomas Snellinge
William Lamshede of hilborowe all suche rye and barley as they dow owe unto me the said Sir Thomas at the daye of
the makeinge of this my laste will and testamente

Item I give and bequeathe unto my brother Edmund Knevite esquire
one yearelie annuitie of xiij pounds xis xiijd to be takenn oute of those landes assigned to the p[er]formance of my will Duringe
the minoritie of my foresaide sonne Thomas

Item I will that Roberte Corie shall have holde and quietlie enioye to hym his
executors and assignes one lease and tearme of xxj yeares of and in all that my farme in tibbenham called tibbenham
hall with all the howses buildinges meadowes feadinges and Pastures to the same belongeinge and apperteyninge and nowe
beinge in the farme and occupation of the said Roberte accordinge to the tearme of A paire of Indentures thereof made
Betwene me the said Sir Thomas of the one partie, and the said Roberte of the other partie beareinge Date the
Daye of in the yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne ladye quene Elizabeth

Item whereas I stande
Indebted to Divers and sonndrey p[er]sonnes in sunndrey debte whereof they have noe specialties I require and beseche
my said executors to satisfie and paye suche and soemanye of the same as they shall fynde sufficientlie to be proved good
and p[er]fecte debte in dischardge of my conscience whereof I will they shall have allowannce uppon the said accomptes All
the residewe of my goodes and chattelles not mencioned gynen or bequeathed in this my p[rese]nte[2] last will and and Testament I will
assign and bequeathe them to the disposition of my executors whome I ordaine constiture and make Roger woodhowse of
kymberlie esquire, Frannces Thursbie of rougham esquire, Franncis Cawdie of wallington esquire, and Robert Rogers
of conlton gent my executors of this my laste will and testament,

And I further ordaine constiture and make the highe and
myghtie Prince Thomas Duke of Norff[olk], The right honourable Edwarde earle of Darbie, the righte honourable Thomas
Erle of Sussex, and the righte honourable henrie lorde Morley sup[er]visors of this my laste will and testament, besecheing
theire honors aswell for the dischardge of my conscience as for the sake of my Childrenn theire kinsmen to take the paine to have
Due consideration of th[e] execution of this my p[rese]nte[2] laste will and testament, as theye be those parsonns in whome above all
other I doe repose my truste and confidennce

Theis beinge witnessed henrye knevet esquire Robert Buxton gent, Gregorie
Buxton John Rame William Chase and William Johnsone with others ////

Probatum ....
.... London underimo die Februrarii Anno domini Millnno quingen sexagesimmo nono / Juramento ...
.. notary ... Rogeri Woodhowse, executor ...


  1. "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    Ancestry Browsable Image
    Free Ancestry Sharing Images: Page1, Page2, Page3, Page4, Pages5
    Ancestry Record 5111 #913488 (accessed 4 December 2020)
    Name: Thome Knevet [Thomas Knevet]
    Residence: Buckenham Austell, Norfolk, England
    Probate Date: 11 Feb 1569 [1570 Feb 11]
    Death Year: Abt 1569
    Source Citation The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England;
    Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 52
    Original data: Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Wills of Selected Famous Persons. Digitized images.
    Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 1. The National Archives, Kew, England.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 pnte is a secretary hand abbreviation for presente.
  3. Does "laste wyfe" suggest that he may have had a former wife?
  4. This probably is meant to say "yeoman warders". That is how the MP biography interprets it. This could mean a personal guard as in the Royal Yeoman Warders or it could mean his servants who were Yeomen (being "a servant in a royal or noble household, ranking between a sergeant and a groom or a squire and a page.").
  5. xl shillings = 40 shillings
  6. 20 shillings
  7. "wardship, primer seisin, and livery". This terminology is part of the Statue of Wills. It is mentioned in this legal analysis document: https://ecollections.law.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1121&context=faculty_publications
    "The Statute of Wills adds further language when the land is held in knight-service in chief and similar tenures. Here, each person may give, dispose, will or assign two parts of the same manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments in three parts divided ... to and for the advancement of his wife, preferment of his children, and payment of his debts, or otherwise at his will and pleasure; any law, statute, custom, or other thing to the contrary notwithstanding." The third part not transferred under this provision was subject to wardship, primer seisin, and livery. "
  8. Demeanes definition:
    1. land, esp surrounding a house or manor, retained by the owner for his or her own use
    2. property law the possession and use of one's own property or land
    3. the territory ruled by a state or a sovereign; realm; domain
    4. a region or district; domain
  9. The "Court of Wards and Liveries" was formally created in the 32nd year of Henry 8th. See this academic paper for more analysis.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seisin
  11. There is a farm called "Cromwell or Little Park Farm" in this 1838 OS map.
  12. There were many statues passed in the 32nd year of Henry 8. The Statute of Wills definitely affected this will.
    There were also at least 2 taxation acts and act establishing the Court of Wards.
  13. Related to the Statute of Wills. 'Of the three specific purposes expressed in the statute, the meaning of "advancement of children" was apparently put before the courts most often.'. See analysis here.
  14. "during the minority" would mean until he was 16
  15. There is a manor of Crysshaugh in Wymondham mentioned in this 1515 document
  16. appears to relate to the privilege of hunting birds in an area
  17. "... And the assise of the king, anno. 18. Ed. 3. stat. 1. called the sta∣tute for view of Francke pledge. And these be called assises, be∣cause they set downe and ap∣point a certaine measure, rate, or order in the things which they concerne. ..." The interpreter
  18. Wiktionary: "A privilege or allowance of necessaries, especially in feudal times. A right to take wood from property not one's own."
  19. The MP biography says Corpus Christi
  20. this could mean "virtuous exertions"
  21. £93 6s 8d
  22. This Arthur Williams could be related to the Arthur Williams mentioned in this document. There is also a possible marriage for him.
  23. A mark was "160 pence (13 shillings and 4 pence), two-thirds of a pound" So 20 marks was £13 6s 8d.
  24. A mark was "160 pence (13 shillings and 4 pence), two-thirds of a pound" So 600 marks = 400 pounds.

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