Location: Bray, Berkshire, England

Surname/tag: Langley
The Will of William Langley, Yeoman, of Bray, Berkshire, England, written on 22 January 1846 and proved in London on 23 January 1849.[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
People in the Will
- John Langley (Son)
- William Langley (Son)
- Thomas Langley (Son)
- James Langley (Son)
- Hannah Hughes (Huse) (Daughter)
- Thomas Hughes (Huse) (Son in law, Hannah's husband)
- Elizabeth Cannon (Daughter)
- John Cannon (Son in law, Elizabeth's husband)
- Ann Wallace (Wallis) (Daughter of Edward Blay)
- William Wallace (Ann's husband)
- Edward Blay (Son in law (by marriage?), Ann's father, deceased)
- Isaac Blay otherwise Lee (Son in law by marriage)
This is the last Will and Testament
of me William Langley of Bray in the County of Berks Yeoman. First
I direct all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses including
those of proving this my last Will and Testament to be duly payd satis
fied and discharged by my Executor and Trustee hereinafter named. I give and
bequeath unto my Son John Langley my eight day Clock to and for his
use and benefit I give devise and bequeath unto the said John Langley
his heirs executors administrators and assigns all those my two Cottages
or Tenements with the Barn Outhouses and Garden and about one acre and
a half of land adjoining situate at Bray aforesaid with the appurtenan
ces thereunto belonging and which said hereditaments and premises are
on mortgage to Thomas Smith of North Town near Maidenhead Berks for
securing to him the Sum of thirty pounds and interest at five pounds per
Cent upon the trusts nevertheless and to and for the intents and purposes
hereinafter declared of and concerning the same that is to say upon trust
that he the said John Langley his heirs executors administrators or assigns
do and shall with all convenient speed after my decease make sale and
absolutely dispose thereof either entirely and altogether of in parcels by pub
lic auction or private contract to any person or persons willing to become
the purchaser or purchasers thereof respectively for such price or prices or
Sum or sums of money as to my said Trustee or his heirs executors adminis
trators or assigns shall seem reasonable and for promoting and facilitating
such sale or sales do and shall enter into make and execute all such con
tracts covenants agreements conveyances and assurances acts deeds matters
and things which to my said Trustee shall seem reasonable and I declare
that the receipt and receipts of my said Trustee his heirs executors
[Page 2]
administrators and assigns for any money payable under this my Will
shall effectually discharge the person or persons paying the same from
being ^x obliged to see the application thereof ^or of any part thereof or to enquire into the necessity
- [In right margin] xanswerable or accountable for the inap
- plication or non application thereof or of
- any part thereof or from being
or propriety of any sale that may be made by virtue of this my Will and
I do further declare that my said trustee his heirs executors administra-
tors or assigns shall stand and be possessed of and interested in all the
money to arise from the sale or sales hereinbefore directed to be made
as aforesaid In trust in the first place to pay off and discharge the said
principal Sum of thirty pounds and such interest as may be then due
thereon together with all such costs charges and expenses that may be
incurred ^‡ upon or be attendant upon the said sale or sales and of making
- [In right margin]‡thereon and in the next place to pay
- and discharge all the Costs charges and
- expenses that may be incurred
out and perfecting a good and marketable title thereto and after the several
payments and satisfaction thereout as aforesaid In trust to pay divide and
apply the residue thereof in manner following (that is to say) unto and equal
ly between my Sons William Langley the said John Langley Thomas Langley
and James Langley and my daughters Hannah the Wife of Thomas Hughes
and Elizabeth the Wife of John Cannon and Ann Wallace the Wife of William
Wallace of Bray aforesaid daughter of my late Son in law Edward Blay
and Isaac Blay otherwise Lee my Son in law by Marriage. But my Will
and mind is and I do hereby declare that in case any or either of the
above named persons shall die during my life time or before the division
of the residue arising from the aforesaid sale the share of him her or them
shall survive and be payable to the husband or Widows of such parties so
dying and in case there shall be no husband or Widow then living then to
the Child or Children of the husband or Widow who shall have survived or
would have been entitled to such share respectively And I do hereby appoint
the said John Langley sole Executor of this my last Will and Testa-
ment and do hereby revoke and make void all former Wills and Codicils if
any by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will
and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty
second day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty six - William
Langley - Signed declared and acknowledged by the said Testator as and for
his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at the same time
in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have here-
unto subscribed our names as witnesses - Hen. Farnell, Sol[icito]r Isleworth -
Middx - Henry Hall his Clerk ./.
Proved at London 23rd January 1849 before the Worshipful Robert
Joseph Phillimore Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of John Lang-
ley the Son the sole Executor to whom Adm[inistrati]on was granted having been first
sworn duly to administer ./.
- ↑ https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D128531 Reference: PROB 11/2086/359 Description: Will of William Langley, Yeoman of Bray , Berkshire Date: 23 January 1849 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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